
Astral Frog's page

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Full Name

Wade Macton




Soldier 1








Basic, Huttese, High Galactic, Bocce


Trouble Shooter

Strength 11
Dexterity 17
Constitution 13
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 16
Charisma 13

About Wade Macton

Height: 183 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Build: Slim but athletic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown, short
Markings: No tatoos, but there are a few visible scars- one subtle scar on the bridge of his nose, one on his left temple, and a very large scar on his back running from his right shoulder-blade to the small of his back.

Psychological Profile: A curious fusion of deliberate caution and nigh-unnecessary risk-taking. The individual is capable of rapidly measuring a situation and providing a fitting snap-decision for most occasions. Every action this man takes seems to go toward furthering some personal need or search.

"Fortune favors the man who doesn't rely on it."

Star Wars Saga Edition PbP character PbP thread link


Hitpoints: 31/31
Force Points: 5/5
Destiny Points: 1/1
Destiny: Shhh! Its a secret!
Damage Threshold: See FORT
BAB: 1
Speed: 6 squares(9 meters)

[x] Normal
[o] -1 Defense/Attack/Skills
[o] -2 Defense/Attack/Skills
[o] -5 Defense/Attack/Skills
[o]-10 Defense/Attack/Skills + 1/2 move
[o] Helpless



6 Trained:
Endurance +6(+5 Trained, +1 CON), Initiative +8(+5 Trained, +3 DEX), Know: Tactics +8(+5 Trained, +3 INT), Perception +8(+5 Trained, +3 WIS), Pilot +8(+5 Trained, +3 DEX), Use Computer +8(+5 Trained, +3 INT)

Acrobatics +3(DEX), Climb +0, Deception +1(CHA), Gather Information +1(CHA), Jump +0, Knowledge +3(INT), Mechanics NO, Persuasion +1(CHA), Ride +3(DEX), Stealth +3(DEX), Survival +3(WIS), Swim +0, Treat Injury +3(Wis), Use the Force NO



  • Melee: Knife +1 (1d4, Slashing or Piercing)
  • Melee: Unarmed +1 (1d6, Bludgeoning)
  • Ranged: Knife +4 (1d4, Piercing)
  • Ranged: Slugthrower Pistol +4 (2d6, Piercing)

    FORT(Flight Suit)- 15 = 10 + LV(1)+ CON(1) + Class(2) + Equipment(2)
    FORT(no armor)- 13 = 10 + LV(1)+ CON(1) + Class(2) + Equipment(0)
    REF(Flight Suit)- 20 = 10 + Armor(5) + DEX(3) + Class(1) + Dodge*(1)
    REF(no armor)- 16 = 10 + LV(1)+ DEX(3) + Class(1) + Dodge*(1)
    WILL- 14 = 10 + LV(1) + WIS(3) + Class(0)

    *Dodge Bonus gained from Martial Arts 1 feat

    Feats: Martial Arts 1, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency(Pistols, Rifles, Simple Weapons), Armor Proficiency(Light, Medium)
    Talents: Battle Analysis

  • -Level Development-

    First Level: Martial Arts 1, Vehicular Combat, Battle Analysis, Soldier Starting Feats & Hitpoints, Attributes(S11 D17 C13 I16 W16 C13)


  • Armored Flightsuit(light armor), with Helmet Package upgrade(zero slots used)
  • Slugthrower Pistol
  • Modified Comlink: long range, miniturized into a wrist-sized unit, with video capability, and encryped
  • Utility Belt with Hip Holster
  • Datapad
  • Ration Packs(four days worth)
  • Three Spare Slugthrower Clips
  • Knife
  • 1370 Credits
  • -Ship-
    R-41 Starchaser The Longshot

    Gargantuan starfighter
    Init +6; Senses Perception +6

    Defenses Ref 16(flat 11), Fort 24; +6 armor
    hp 100/100; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 44

    Speed fly 16 squares(max. velocity 1,050 km/h), fly 4 squares(starship scale)
    Ranged Laser cannons +6(see below) or
    Ranged ion cannon +6(see below) or
    Ranged medium concussion missiles +6
    Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square(starship scale); Cover total
    Base Atk +2; Grp +29

    Abilities Str 38, Dex 20, Con -, Int 18
    Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, Use Computer +6

    Crew 1(skilled); Passengers 1
    Cargo 110kg; Consumables 2 weeks; Carried Craft none
    Payload 2 medium concussion missiles
    Hyperdrive x2, navicomputer
    Availability Restricted; Cost 115 000(55 000 used)

    Laser cannons, Medium (pilot)
    -Atk +6, Dmg 5d10x2
    Ion cannon, Light (pilot)
    -Atk +6, Dmg 3d10x2 Ion
    Concussion missiles, Medium (pilot)
    -Atk +6, Dmg 9d10x2, 2-square splash

    Modifications:Personalized controls in pilot's position(+1 to Pilot, Use Computer for Wade; -2 to Pilot, Use Computer for anyone else), Grappler Mag

    [x] Normal
    [o] -1 Defense/Attack/Skills
    [o] -2 Defense/Attack/Skills
    [o] -5 Defense/Attack/Skills
    [o]-10 Defense/Attack/Skills + 1/2 move
    [o] Helpless