
Ovulsion's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

Also what needs to be considered when evaluating medication is general QUALITY of life. If a medicating provides a relief from anxiety and allows one to go to the store without crisis, that is a better standard of living for the individual. The model of disability should enter the equation as well. Can this person work with or without some sort of treatment (whether behavioral modification, work coach, meditation, etc. )? Or is this a medical model and there is abberent behaviors or sensations well out on the fringe of the bell curve? Whether one likes it or not we in America operate on an economic model of disability with the full intention of having as many as possible working and not relying on benefits. Hopefully in the process of achieving this goal the individuals general wellbeing is improved also. Labels and diagnoses can help individuals get these resources and, if necessary, not live without care.

I have seen many kids placed on medications that zombified them in order to prevent aggression with peers. At the time they were necessary to keep others safe. It took time and work for the children to gain skills needed to prevent violent escalating, and also dulled reactions to allow actual processing of situations to take place (where beforehand the child would go straight to aggression when asked to react differently and use coping skills). After time the child's medication levels could be lowered and the personality came out sans aggression. Nobody wanted to see them zombified, but the only other option would have been an institution or hospitalization, which both would have been traumatic and cruel with other options. These were with kids with autism and due to proper diagnosis and treatment they have had much better interactions with peers and family

Liberty's Edge

Sissyl wrote:
Typically, autistic patients are helped by anxiolytics and sedatives to handle anxiety and sleep disorders, and since they do have a higher risk of other psychiatric disorders, many other specific treatments can be useful at various points. However, nobody has yet found any sort of drug that specifically and significantly helps them with their ASD problems.

Yeah, that's what I meant, not that they get meds for autism. I meant medications only happen if needed for ANOTHER diagnosis.

Liberty's Edge

Forgive me if this has been stated this way, but diagnosis is also important for qualifying for resources. This is how I've worked with many people with autism and mostly gives a frame of for behavioral treatment, day programs, parenting techniques, talking with teachers and other caretakers, etc. Also there is no "autism drug", and those who need medications get them for diagnoses often comorbid with autism, such as seizure disorders, dyspepsia, rarely some psychotic disorders (those individuals with disabilities are at MUCH greater risk for abuse). Many people are able to manage behavior through behavioral programs.

Liberty's Edge

I just need to point out that link was last updated in 2002, and is by no means an accurate description of diagnosis.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There is no vanity when it comes to Primus and punctuation.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, Vic. It's tough when stuff like this happens and the $!#! hits the fan. I think we all needed a reminder of the human ness of paizo and that they rely on others. It sucks this happened with these big releases, and you have my sympathies for being in this tough position. Hopefully this will just be a bump in the road and it's smooth sailing going forward.

Liberty's Edge

Want... Now...

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I for one find it interesting and a testament to paizo's attitude of "Have fun playing other stuff, we know you love us, and will come back at the end of the day."

Liberty's Edge

So Matt2VK, what is your pick for initial feats if not Combat Casting and Arcana in PFS? And I sort of relish knowing the most and selling the complex characters at the events. I'm fully expecting to be talking about it since I have yet to see a magus played.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the input. I didn't realize the bastard sword would be such a sticking point. I'm going with the Ancestral arms racial trait to allow proficiency in it. I was seeing if the pool strike had something I wasn't seeing. The choice of damage type is tempting, but I would rather get a hit in and rely on my spells since the Arcane Pool is so flexible in that it will enhance to hit and damage and recall spells.

I also typically avoid any builds that rely on crits. I'd rather be doing steady damage rather than mega damage every so often.

Liberty's Edge

It was the forum I'm in and I'm going to be playing it as PFS.

Liberty's Edge

I am planning on making a half-elf magus when my druid levels out of the lower tier. He is of course going to be heavily melee using a bastard sword and touch/defensive spells.

My initial thoughts are for the combat casting followed by the extra arcane points feats. It has been a personal debate for getting those 2 extra points versus two Arcanas when possible as early as possible.

The first Arcana I was planning on getting was the Arcane Accuracy arcana. Is this a wise choice? I want to be able to get a hit in regularly and combining it with the +1 magic weapon use of the Arcane pool to end up with +5 to hit.

Although I really like the idea of the pool strike as an Arcana as well, but it does not seem as useful as a big boost to hit, and it would covering the territory of touch spells I could just prepare.

OR... what about the ray as touch attack arcana? How useful is that and what spells should be combined with this.

As you may already tell I have not played a magus, but am becoming mired in the theory of it all. Thanks for any input.

Liberty's Edge

I'm sorry to be of a differing opinion than you, but I have enjoyed the non-partisan aspect of PFS events, and I think the mere presence of a firearm would change the timbre of the room. Although you may have never been explicitly asked to not bring it or leave, others may not feel comfortable stating that; I know I would not feel comfortable with that.

That said I believe the policy lies in the group and if all agree without pressure that firearms are acceptable, that is fair. It may be a difference of locale/culture. If it's in your home, make that explicit that that is accepted and there should be no problem. Since the policy is not in any real rules right now, assuming there will be a blanket policy is- sorry I had to inject the pun- going off at half-cock.

Liberty's Edge

I must commend Paizo for this inspiring move. I wondered about the color and texture difference, and am happy that the company makes these changes when possible even though it could remain the same. It's nice to know there are companies out there for the love of the product and customer satisfaction rather than the love of the money, and reap rewards (see unexpected success of nearly every Paizo awesome product) due to these policies.

Liberty's Edge

Does anybody have any links or info about what new cards will be added in the next expansion to the card game? My Google-fu has turned up nothing in the way of actual articles.

Liberty's Edge

Will gm if needed. I want to find a group near Ottumwa or Oskaloosa. Thanks for any response

Liberty's Edge

Cao Phen wrote:
My VC said that gluing a bear trap to my tower shield is illegal.

What does HE know?

Liberty's Edge

My Elf Druid, Oron. I haven't done his eagle, yet. Oron

Liberty's Edge

I live in 52531 ( Monroe county) near Ottumwa and Oskaloosa and would love to find a group of mature players. I'm relatively new, but have been actively playing in the pathfinder society weekly. Please contact me if your group needs a player or want to stay one locally! willing to drive and flexible on playtimes.