With the caveat of power curves and lessons learned (both by us as well as the designers), I hope that there will APs in the future that shake things up as well (ie not just being harder than the last set). I like the idea of the power curve representing what's going on thematically; I thought it fit well with both RotR and S&S, but I can't speak for WotR since I haven't started playing yet.
I don't think whether the game is categorized as thematic or customizable affects us as consumers whatsoever. It doesn't affect the functionality of the game, and it doesn't affect the fan base at all either.
The token card included are perfectly fine for displaying where your character is. Any further customization is up to you. It is not as if the game is functionally hindered in any way with how things are, so I see no real need to change. I know you are concerned and would like to make your playmats or whatever, and Paizo has said they are working on it. Just give them some time.
I don't think it being in a different category has any effect whatsoever at BGG. You can find it either way quite easily, and there is a search bar for games that I (and everyone else I know) uses. Fans of the series will be able to find the game regardless of what category it is listed in. By your argument (that people can't find the new set because it's not in thematic), you're actually opening up the game to a larger group theoretically (since you have people searching customizable as well and finding the game). Plus the two games are cross-listed on BGG, so it is easy to find them both. This is a non-issue, and one certainly beyond the control of BGG at that. If it bothers you, you should petition for a change over at BGG.
Remember, this is a small company. They have plenty of work to do designing, testing, producing, editing, and shipping the game (let alone deal with real problems when they arise, like the gencon shipping issues). PACG is just a small portion of Paizo as a whole, and they're doing a great job. I'd much rather they work on the game itself and future sets than on making a *few* minor changes to make things more aesthetically pleasing. As they are now, nothing's functionality is imposed upon, so there are no issues in my eyes. They are working on it as Vic and Hawkmoon said; just give them time. If they say they're on it, they're on it. They have shown themselves to be a reliable company, so just give them some good faith.
Please note this is not Organized Play. A local game store (It's Game Time in West Los Angeles) is having a game night this weekend from 6-11 pm. I will be stopping by and can bring either S&S or RotRL if anyone wants to group up or if anyone is interested in coming and learning the game. Hopefully we can get a decent turnout and get OP running locally, since the closest OP to here is currently in Long Beach. Let me know if you plan on stopping by!
I've been waiting on the names of the VLs to be published, but haven't seen any yet. Does anyone know if there is OP happening for the card game in Los Angeles (or just want to group up with a PACG fanatic)?
I do find it a bit strange that you can only upgrade (or have the chance at upgrading, since if I understand correctly, the draws are random) one card per scenario (outside of scenario rewards). In RotR, I would often upgrade 3 or 4 cards in a scenario (and sometimes none). I'll take the designers rules as written since I trust that there is a reason (and I want to conform to the rules); I just want to make sure that I'm interpreting it correctly.
Idk how they will handle mythic; i suspect it will be done through "uber cards" like the rune forged weapons from RotR that give extra powers. I suspect this because if there were a second role card, this would create problems in backwards compatibility with old characters (unless it's a generic mythic roll card).
Sajan could use a wand of force missile instead of the spell force missile, thereby granting him the potential for 4 d4s from the wand instead of 3 d4s from the spell.
True, but that would undo the ability of Blessing of Pharasma to add 2 dice.
This could all be solved by the top card of the blessing deck being a blessing of Lamashtu, and all the blessings played are BotG
Want to know more about the playmats
If you are pleased with Ranzak, please recoommend AMIRI, my lighthouse playmat :)
http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/99250/premium-amiri-character-playmat-hig h-quality-6
It might be a good idea to not push your playmats on paizo's own website when they sell their own. You can find Ranzak through his (now correctly updated) character sheet.
I just noticed. I'm sure we'll see an official announcement soon, but I just put in my order for all 7 and hope you do the same! Let's support this awesome game since they're supporting all of our demands for more awesome content! August won't come soon enough
Well, it wouldn't necessarily make much sense for these characters to have these cards, but...
Sajan can use his blessing power for his combat check no matter what skill his combat check is based on. So...
Sajan is playing with Lem, Valeros, Harsk, and 2 others (lets say Lini and Kyra). All of them have taken weapon proficiency as a power feat. Sajan encounters the Tickwood Board
1. Sajan plays Force Missile. He doesn't have Arcane, so he uses a d4 instead and rolls 3d4.
2. Sajan plays 5 Blessings of Pharasma and 1 Blessings of Lamashtu.
3. The other 5 each play a total of 4 Lamashtu, 1 Zarongel (the check is against a monster with the animal trait).
4. The others also all put 2 Incendiary Clouds in play (2d4 each).
5. Lem and Valeros are at Sajan's location, Harsk is at another location and each use their power to add a d4.
6. Harsk, Lini, and Kyra all play Shortbows
7. Valeros plays Allying Dart.
8. Valeros and Lem play a Blast Stone.
9. Everyone that played a weapon also plays a bunch of Daggers, Daggers +1, Venomous Daggers, Giant Bane Dagger, or War Razors (9 in total).
10. Someone plays Jakardros Sovark.
I think that would be 51d4. There might be a few other allies or something else I'm not thinking of that can also give a d4, but regardless, that is a lot of little pyramids.
Sajan could use a wand of force missile instead of the spell force missile, thereby granting him the potential for 4 d4s from the wand instead of 3 d4s from the spell.
And then there's Vale Temros, and let's say this check is against a giant, so that's 2 more...
And for the record, I had never considered that Sajan could use his power with dice other than his dex, so I stand corrected that the d10 requires the most in the game.
Well, it wouldn't necessarily make much sense for these characters to have these cards, but...
Sajan can use his blessing power for his combat check no matter what skill his combat check is based on. So...
Sajan is playing with Lem, Valeros, Harsk, and 2 others (lets say Lini and Kyra). All of them have taken weapon proficiency as a power feat. Sajan encounters the Tickwood Board
1. Sajan plays Force Missile. He doesn't have Arcane, so he uses a d4 instead and rolls 3d4.
2. Sajan plays 5 Blessings of Pharasma and 1 Blessings of Lamashtu.
3. The other 5 each play a total of 4 Lamashtu, 1 Zarongel (the check is against a monster with the animal trait).
4. The others also all put 2 Incendiary Clouds in play (2d4 each).
5. Lem and Valeros are at Sajan's location, Harsk is at another location and each use their power to add a d4.
6. Harsk, Lini, and Kyra all play Shortbows
7. Valeros plays Allying Dart.
8. Valeros and Lem play a Blast Stone.
9. Everyone that played a weapon also plays a bunch of Daggers, Daggers +1, Venomous Daggers, Giant Bane Dagger, or War Razors (9 in total).
10. Someone plays Jakardros Sovark.
I think that would be 51d4. There might be a few other allies or something else I'm not thinking of that can also give a d4, but regardless, that is a lot of little pyramids.
Sajan could use a wand of force missile instead of the spell force missile, thereby granting him the potential for 4 d4s from the wand instead of 3 d4s from the spell.
Oh, come on. A mere 25 dice? If you don't care about results, you can do way better than that.
Fine. Come morning when I go downstairs I'll get a real number. Maybe I'll even try to figure out the max for each type of die if I'm feeling facetious. I can pretty much guarantee that the d10 is the max number though. I have also forgotten to take into account the fact that some monsters give you an extra die for checks with the fire trait, which Sajan can certainly pull off with his power feat.
Yeah, you should have 8 Wardens of Runes. The only one you get 6 of are the Leng Spiders, you only have max 6 locations in that scenario so no biggie. If you're missing 2 of them completely, contact Paizo. I'm betting you put them into the wrong section of the box, probably Monster. Lord knows I've done that with a couple of them.
It'd be funny to randomly encounter a henchman by mistake in a game... What the hell is a Leng Spider doing in Brigandoom! ?
The Rise of the Runelords dice are pretty much indistinguishable from Koplow's Opaque Dice.
What is the max number of a given die needed at any time during an adventure path?
Theoretically, Sajan could use his power to use his dex die, have a hand size of 7 with 5 blessings of erastil and 2 of Lamashtu and recharge the 5 erastil and bury the Lamashtu, and 5 other characters could throw down a botg (with Lamashtu as the top of the blessings deck) for a total of 25 d10s. I can't recall at the moment if there are any allies/weapons/spells that add dies to checks, but I'm pretty sure there are. Practically, the most of a single die I've ever had to roll at a time is 12. Way fewer in a game with less than 6 players.
I was curious about those card feats because anyone who has the base set can see the last card feat is gained at the end of the game - where we have no current, official continuation point. Is there a reason for this? Will we ever be able to officially use the last card feat?
There is still nothing official planned, but you can re-run adventures, and there are bound to be a lot of homebrew ideas moving forward. I wouldn't mind revisiting my old characters, but I am thinking that their character sheets will be placed on the victor's shelf for a well deserved rest, and if something comes along, then I will just build the decks and go.
I've put together a fancy binder for all my sheets. I have 5 parties currently, and OP/character decks/S&S/ many adventures are still to come
I use a d20 to keep track of difficulties of checks as modifiers start adding up.
That is not a bad idea at all. I think that we may have to start doing that in my groups. The only issue you might run into is when the monster's modifiers are greater than your own.
I also like the idea of having different colors of each type of die. This would take a bit of the searching away. That is sorta the mini game for my groups, though. If you pick up the d10 when looking for a d8, people get to laugh at you...
I've been using 2 d20s in adv 6. You won't need more than that.
Scenario 3 was killer tonight for my party of Seoni, Valeros, and Sajan.
When I was fighting a Leng spider with Seoni, of course I rolled a 1 and couldn't use attack spells. I luckily had my necklace of fireballs in hand, and played it for 3d6 + 12. Valeros was at my location, giving me an additional d4+5. I recharged Poog to give me 3 more off. I had 3 d6 and a d4 to roll 4, and I had plenty of blessings lying around in sajan's hand so I threw down a blessing of Lamashtu as well. I rolled all 1s and 2s, which count as 0 in this scenario. The spider escaped, and I had to dig through the deck. With 2 cards left in the final location and everyone dangerously low on health (I absolutely had the worst luck of my life rolling tonight), Sajan came across a battered chest and managed to defeat it. I got really lucky and pulled a potion of ruggedness from the box, which it used to succeed at the wisddom/survival 14 check I the next turn when Valeros blasted the final spider to hell. I would've likely been unable to achieve the check to close without the potion. This party was not well suited for the scenario, had terrible luck, and barely pulled off a win before giving up/dying. This was awesome, but I'm happy to have passed it. Now I just have to worry about it for all my other parties... I'll try to finish tomorrow evening.
Also, it seems that Kyra is a huge asset in this scenario. Since you have no time limit, she can pretty much infinitely heal characters. This is allowed RAW I believe, so I wonder what Mike and team have to say about it.
When you close a location, you check the location deck to make sure there isn't a villain there. If there is a villain, you banish all cards except the villain, and the location isn't closed after all. But if there is no villain and you close the location, the location deck remains in place (albeit reshuffled), and you can still explore it.
So if (when checking for a villain) you see there is a really amazing boon, and a tough monster, you might be willing to spend the time to explore, and risk having to face that monster, for a chance to get the amazing boon. This location keeps its penalty in place to make that a harder choice.
That is incorrect; if you permanently close a location, you banish all cards in that location except for a villain (if it has escaped there).
so where blessing of the gods says that you treat it as though it has all the powers of the top blessing card, does that include the recharge portion, meaning you can recharge it since the top card would obviously match?
So here's a question: can we use a character from the new character decks in a campaign like S&S or RotR and allow them to keep cards they acquire (thus massively adding to the pool of available characters)?