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Caedwyr wrote:Those were a focus of my turnover. I didn't do as much on this project as Jason Nelson and Russ Taylor, but I contributed some musical items. Subject to the Editor's knife of course.Sample cateogories to help explain what I meant in the post above
- Musical Instruments & Noise-Makers
Turns out I did only 20,000 on this book, not 30,000. Just going back over my turnover files for fun. I think there's going to be some neat stuff in there that people will enjoy. Some of it is in the vein of things asked for on this thread. Some is not. We'll see which things people most enjoy.

DoomedPaladin01 |
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Food. A lot more food. Trade values, how to cook it, what benefits there could maybe be from preparing a meal instead of just chomping away.
Also in this request is alcohols. Everyone loves to have their character drink dwarven ale, elven wine, or gnomish mead, but I can never find the price. And what if such beverages gave some sort of benefit?
Expand the appraise skill when dealing with items?
Annnd... Drugs. Not just narcotics to addict PCs, medical too, aspirin, penicillin,simple drugs to end or reduce the time of effects like being dazed, fatigued, nauseated, etc.
I also second everything E.Lincoln said above.
Equipment for classes that don't get the love like others do. Like monk gear (those wooden shoes found in anime, prayer beads, Gi, special headbands and/or belts). Don't worry about 'Vow of Poverty' stuff, KQ did that on their blog. Witch gear (athames, cauldrons, pentacles/pentagrams (the first you wear, the second is a plate on your altar), altars, witches use staves and swords too, binding materials (hair, yarn, leather straps), cavalier gear (horse stuff, bits and pieces of their armor).
Expanded Equipment Traits would be nice too.

MendedWall12 |
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Additional gambling games (which could later be made into a game that Paizo could market ;))
Hunting gear (additional animal scents, traps, etc.)
This! Man, oh man, so much this! I've been scouring the web lately looking for dice or card sets that we can play at the table as the characters interact with me (roleplaying an NPC) looking to gather information. Being able to play a fantasy themed gambling game at the table that was actually sanctioned by Paizo would rock. The only thing I can even find out there is the old Three Dragon Ante. While this could work, it's not really what I had in mind. I also don't want to use numbered dice, no matter how awesome they look. I'm looking for something more along the lines of the "chance cube" in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Something where there's a set of dice that look (almost) homemade, and a set of rules for a quick-paced easy to learn game of chance that involves rolling certain sets of symbols on the dice. If anybody knows of something like that, PLEASE point me in the direction of it. If not, Paizo, you have yet one more way to get my money. If you develop something like this and make it Pathfinder official, I'd buy it right away.

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You've done some work on spellbook magical effects (from Ultimate Magic), can we have more of that.
Also magical items tailored to class features.
- wizards bonded items that provide increased spell dc, bonus to attack, extra damage, or some other effect if used as part of the casting
- sorcerer bloodline item that enhances an aspect of that bloodline
- druid companion magical gear
Magical Items tailored to improving racial features.
More magical items tailored to the gods and their religions.
Items that require skill checks to use.
There is basic rules for building items in the core rules that are class/race/alignment specific to use and for building them to require a skill check, but not a lot of examples of how you'd actually use it.
Most of my players are of the opinion that all items should be limited to save on the cost of making them leading to why are NPC's creating items that cost more to make if they can get away with limitations.
So more info on limitation and cost reduction would be good :)
i.e. in a human dominated community, why are items produced that are usable by non-humans?
- why wouldn't a cleric of a good god make only items usable by good aligned characters?

Vil-hatarn |
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Expanded special materials would be great, both at the low and high end of the spectrum--alternate metals for heavy armors, and substitute materials for light armors. A special material that can be used for leather armor would probably be much appreciated by some characters (though the options for what bonuses it grants would be rather limited).

Swiftbrook |

Some ideas ...
- Masterwork tools for all skills, with appropriate fluff to describe why (especially needed for skills like survival and balance).
- Great Bow - exotic weapon w/1d10 base damage
- Magical Item Sets as per 3.5 Magic Item Compendium. These were just cool.
- More weapon and armor enhancements. (like +1d6 force effect)
- Arrows that do slashing damage
- More Wayfinders and Wayfinder enhancements
- Tangle Arrow (Tangle Bolt but an arrow)
- Dwarven dorn-dergar with trip (or a trait or feat that allows this)

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- Low level/budget magic items; things that you can buy when you are levels 1-5. Many could be once-per day items, very situational (only in direct sunlight, for example) or super weak in terms of power. These minor things give the low level characters something fun to buy, and would be great to see in PFS chronicle loot sheets. There are a great series of books called Loot for Less that gives some great ideas in this regard.
- Low level/budget mystery potions; failed experiments or concoctions that didn't quite work right, so the owners pawn them off cheap. (The blue fizzy one, the red sparkly one, the yellow thick one, etc.) Make several varieties that you can buy for cheap, each with their own d6 table of possible effects, rolled when drunk. Drink at your own risk. These would be especially fun during PFS missions.
- Magic and mundane items for pets/eidolons/summons/mounts/etc.
- Once per day/week infinite reusable scrolls. I think Eberron had these and they were awesome.
- More items that modify skills. +5 to more skills if you have this item or are using/wearing it.
- Something like a Pearl of Power for spontaneous casters. Perhaps allowing an unknown spell once per day.
- Items that work with class special abilities. Wizards have focus items giving them extra spells, so it makes sense that oracles and other classes would have figured out how to get a few extra class powers/day into items.
- Trade-off items. Gain something new and a bonus to this in trade for losing this or taking a penalty to this. (-1 will saves to gain +1 CL for saves against your spells, etc.)

Laurefindel |

Please rework treasure generation and placement..
I'm behind Evil Lincoln here; having lot of equipment in the game is great, but the question of "when and where it ends up in the hands of the PCs" is equally capital.
I agree that the treasure generation rules are presently unsatisfactory, and this would be a perfect opportunity to revisit them. If the rules for treasure generation can readily serve as a "what items are available for sale in this town, I'd buy the book for that chapter alone.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

Being able to play a fantasy themed gambling game at the table that was actually sanctioned by Paizo would rock. The only thing I can even find out there is the old Three Dragon Ante. While this could work, it's not really what I had in mind. I also don't want to use numbered dice, no matter how awesome they look. I'm looking for something more along the lines of the "chance cube" in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Something where there's a set of dice that look (almost) homemade, and a set of rules for a quick-paced easy to learn game of chance that involves rolling certain sets of symbols on the dice. If anybody knows of something like that, PLEASE point me in the direction of it. If not, Paizo, you have yet one more way to get my money. If you develop something like this and make it Pathfinder official, I'd buy it right away.
There is a game called "Towers" you can play with a Harrow Deck

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- Low level/budget magic items; things that you can buy when you are levels 1-5. Many could be once-per day items, very situational (only in direct sunlight, for example) or super weak in terms of power. These minor things give the low level characters something fun to buy, and would be great to see in PFS chronicle loot sheets. There are a great series of books called Loot for Less that gives some great ideas in this regard.
I'm not sure about the other designers but I tried to get as many low budget items in as I could. If not magical items, there are definitely a lot of fun/ interesting mundane items.

Dragon78 |

More magical bracers, gloves, boots, cloaks, belts, and other types of clothing.
More magical rings, necklaces, bracelets, collars, and other types of jewelry.
More magical musical instrumints and more types of musical instrumints.
More magical books/scolls like ones that add skills points, bonus feats, class skills, martial arts, etc
Magical Pants/Skirts! and a slot for them.
More magical gems, stones, crystals, etc.
More magical misc. items like cauldrens, fans, spoons, magnifing glasses, nets, etc.
Magical versions of toys, sunglasses, exercise/training equipment, marbles, canes/walking sticks, paintbrushes, compesses, pens/pencils, blankets, building tools, phonographs, paper, frying pans, gardening tools, stuffed animals/dolls, flashlights, sports equipment, food, artwork, false teeth/tooth, monacles, and strange types of clothing.

Glutton |

Everything Evil Lincoln said, trying to figure out the standard treasure of a CR 11 monster is a nightmare in pathfinder, it seems geared to experienced GM's or modules/adventure paths only. I'm new to such things and trying to decide what to give my PC's after they slay a random encounter can be a real stall.

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Please, please fix the staff pricing discrepancy between the Core Rulebook and the APG. (The staves in the Core Rulebook follow the formula, but the staves in the APG all seem to cost half as much as the formula says they should). My entire group has been curious for months about whether the formula is correct as shown in the Core Rulebook, or whether the APG pricing method (which uses the formula to determine the price of the staff rather than cost) is correct instead.

LovesTha |
I was a big fan of "Weapons of Legacy" back in the 3.5e era. If you can include mechanics that allow a character's magical weapon to grow as the character levels, that would be great. I've always thought it rather cheap that players acquire that +1 longsword at an early level, but discard it as soon as the next "bright and shinny" shows up. If a way existed for the item to increase in power as the character levels, that makes the character's bond with the weapon that much greater, and adds a deeper sense of RP and ownership within the game.
And takes away the desire to go and find that +5 Longsword, as the +1 one you bought at L4 is now just as powerful as the new one. Equipment needs to become redundant so players have the drive to get the new stuff.
I'd encourage the exact oposite of what was proposed here: more stuff that is worth buying at low level but is superceeded later. Not enough things are awesome to buy at L1 or L2.

Cheapy |

Please, please fix the staff pricing discrepancy between the Core Rulebook and the APG. (The staves in the Core Rulebook follow the formula, but the staves in the APG all seem to cost half as much as the formula says they should). My entire group has been curious for months about whether the formula is correct as shown in the Core Rulebook, or whether the APG pricing method (which uses the formula to determine the price of the staff rather than cost) is correct instead.
I hear they will be. The APG staves used the formula for the cost apparently.

MagusRogue |
I would vote for more Distant Worlds stuff. Alien technology, spacecraft, so on. While Distant Worlds was a great book, the whole thing was almost entirely fluff. Lot of stuff (especially spacecraft) was mentioned but nothing at all given stat wise, making it hard to actually build on an outer space adventure.
Also, I would love to see more vehicles period. Some Colossal+ spacecraft maybe, but even terrestrial vessels, especially watercraft, to help out pirate-y games and the like.

Mattastrophic |
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Any chance of seeing the return of the Vest of Resistance? The importance of the Cloak of Resistance really makes all other cloaks invalid.
Can we get an alternative to the Amulet of Mighty Fists, one which only enhances unarmed strikes? The current Amulet is overly punishing to monk PCs.
Also, is there a chance of seeing the market prices of reprinted magic items redone so as to be free of legacy pricing errors? For example, the Boots of Speed are way too cheap when measured against the pricing rules.

Ernest Mueller |
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Whatever's in there, just please review the rules more carefully. I was sorely disappointed in Adventurer's Armory, and many of the most crucial FAQ's from that book have never been addressed (especially all the monk/unarmed stuff). Whatever goes in here, please give it more of a game mechanics pass-over than previous.

Rabit |
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I'll throw in another vote for both items that can grow with the owner (players like to get attached to their favorite items) and pants. :-)
I would love to see more subtle items, items that are less about power and more about flavor and imagination, that allow players to come up with more interesting options. Some things that have turned out to be fun in past campaigns include a vial that magically preserves its contents, a cooking grid (as in the metal grid on top of a barbeque grill) that magically heats up to cooking temperatures, a ring that lets the wearer turn into a mouse, two magically-connected scrolls that can be used to communicate (writing on one appears on both)... Those are less imaginative examples, but (hopefully) you get the idea.
Greatly looking forward to this!

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Handwraps. Or body wraps. Or anything else that would actually fit the flavor of a monk that could fill the role brass knuckles did for a while.
Something that can enhance a monk's entire unarmed strike. And only their unarmed strike. No natural attacks baggage. No restricting the monk to just punch-punch-punch. It should be something that lets the monk live up to their flavor. To let them really be a flurry of fists, feet, headbutts, elbows, knees, all of it.

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Already been said, but I'll say it again, more alchemical stuff.
By 10th level, 15th level, 20th level, craft (alchemy) should be making *better* alchemical fire (more initial damage, longer-lasting, more splash effect, etc.) and thunderstones that really go *BANG*, not just the same old stuff. The 'Epic Alchemy' rules from the 3.0 Epic Handbook were a decent idea, but that was in no way worth an epic feat. That's the sort of stuff that should have shown up around 10th level. Alchemical 'ice' and 'spark' and whatever would also make sense, as well as longer-lasting acids, etc.
Religious items. The game has been around for twenty years, and a decent selection of magical holy symbols or icons has yet to make a splash. The basic model could just be sort of a 'masterwork' holy symbol that adds +2 pts of damage to a use of channeled energy, while the better models add +1 / die to channeled energy usage, and up the DC by 1 or 2. Diety specific models would allow extra use of Domain abilities or domain spells, or even spontaneous use of domain spells from domains that the cleric didn't choose (using their domain slots).
Theurgic items like holy oils (It's holy water! It's alchemist's fire! It's *both* when splashed on a demon or undead!) and saints bones and reliquaries and sacred texts could all use a place in the game.
Handwraps for monks. Long, long, long past time for those.
A magical spell component pouch that A) never needs filling, and B) has X number of charges of 'power components' that can be spent during the casting of a spell to raise caster level by 1, raise DC by 1 or offset one level of metamagic.
Mnemonic crystals or special one use candles or sticks of incense that allow certain benefits when used to meditate / prepare spells, granting either some flexibility (memorize one extra spell of a certain level, but gain no additional *castings,* so that a 5th level wizard able to cast 2 third level spells per day could 'memorize' a fireball, dispel magic *and* a lightning bolt, but only cast two of them, since he only has the two spell slots).
Items that tie into Pathfinder-specific mechanics, like rage powers or bloodline powers or channel energy. A holy symbol or amulet dedicated to a god with the fire domain (Asmodeus or Sarenrae) that causes anyone who takes damage from their channeled energy to catch on fire could be cool (or, yanno, not cool, if you're the one who ends up on fire...).
Other examples; a 'rage-totem' made from a bear paw or viper's skull that allows a barbarian to gain bear-like endurance or a viper's venomous bite while raging, a sheet of music (or prepared speech, etc.) that when used with bardic performance adds a secondary effect, or increases the duration or modifies the DC to resist it, a bloodline talisman that increases a sorcerer's effective level and / or Charisma to determine the effects of a bloodline power that he's already attained through class levels. Do we have magical maps that tie into / enhance / play off of a Ranger's favored terrain ability? No? Someone make one of those!
Items that relate to a wizard's school, such as a spellbook under a permanant shrink item, so that the wizard can scrunch it up and put it in a sealed adamantine locket around his neck, a necromancer's 'spellbook' that is the skull of a dead necromancer who recites the spell information he needs in sepulchural tones, or an illusionist's 'spellbook' that he summons via illusion cantrip, as it is an illusion of a spellbook, stored magically, it's pages and inks having been reduced to figments of light and color.
That sort of stuff, that would never be 'Superstar,' but characters would find useful.

Vinja89 |
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ill second the "standard adventuring kit" a simple group of items for a set price that most level 1 characters should have access to instead of buying everything separately.
now these are just personal things i would like, a higher base damage martial crossbow, different and unique ammo types, such as a bolt that acts as a grappling hook, a sort of "flare" like bolt that would be neat. some kind of expensive bolt that functions similar to a modern flashbang grenade.

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Battle Standards!
I have a bunch in my game that extend the range of certain class features, change area of effect of others, give a bonus to or share teamwork feats, and a bunch of others.
Crusader's Vexillum
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th
Slot --; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
Countless armies have been lead to victory by a legendary hero bearing a crusader's vexillum. This vexillum is an ornate 7 foot tall staff with a 1 foot tall emblem affixed to the top and horizontal crossbar attached below the emblem, on which hangs a cloth (banner, flag, pennon, streamer, or similar item). While carrying the vexillum in one hand, the radius doubles for the bearer's auras, banner abilities, and the Flagbearer feat. This radius increase does not stack with increases from any other source.
Once per day, the bearer can sacrifice 1 point of Constitution and Charisma to double the benefits of the bearer's auras, banner abilities, and the Flagbearer feat for 10 minutes. This sacrifice counts as an ability drain.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Widen Spell, paladin's sacrifice; Cost 10,000 gp

GM Kyle |
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Monk equipment. The monk's ability to apply their scaling unarmed strike damage to a weapon is needed. By removing that ability from the brass knuckles, I feel all you did was hurt the class. I don't understand why there is not already a better fix than the terrible Amulet of Mighty Fists. A lot of people have already mentioned it, I think it needs consideration.

BQ |
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I like a lot of the ideas already put forward here.
* Themed gear sets - kind of computer game cheesy, but it adds to a collectors sense of accomplishment. I think it would be particularly good if the theme gear was based on bloodlines or faith based (eg get extra ability or bonuses if wearer/wielder/user has a certain bloodline or domain)
* Pre set starting gear packages - cuts down workload for GMs
* Pre set treasure hoards - oh god yes. This is really needed.
* Seige Weapons and stronghold building. My players are world builders and lap this sort of stuff up.
* Action economy mundane gear - potion belts, wand holsters, etc
* Medicines - either allows another save or gives bonus to save versus certain conditions. You could even have crafting rules to make them giving more bang for buck when investing ranks in craft skills.
I like the idea of weapons developing along with PCs as long as the PC is invested resources into it. I disagree that its a demotivator as my guys have never had their characters motivated to find the next uber sword when thinking about what they want to do next.
Its a shame SKR has said there will be no new rules system as I'd really like an alternate wealth and item value system to the current one. The RPG economy from all versions of D&D and Pathfinder is just so off kilter. You've got PCs running around with ridiculous amounts of wealth and the potential to just destroy a local economy they come across. I know a lot of the old system is tied to tradition in that a dragon's hoard should be filled with mighty wealth and so we need even minor magic items costing the equivalent of a house to drain the money from the PCs, but its just crazy to me that PCs can be running around with such wealth. I think it could surely be scaled back and more balanced to be in line with the good old common folk.

Zark |

What I want the most is actually a mundane item. A utility belt. A belt with limited slots for potions, oils and elixirs. Possibly some other stuff, like holy water, antitoxin, alchemist fire, acid, etc. Perhaps even scrolls. Pick an item from the belt would be a free action (or a swift action).
Scroll could occupy one slot.
extracts/potions/oils two slots
holy water/ Oil (1-pint flask)/Acid/ Alchemist’s fire three slots.
Or just a belt with XX slots for extracts/potions/oils
Drawing a potion from the belt could be a free action or s swift action.
Perhaps there could be master work versions of it with more slots, but a master work item isn't really necessary.
It don't have to be a belt. It could be a Bandolier. A Bandolier for scrolls would be really cool. But a bandolier for any item, like potions and scrolls would be nice. Or a belt and a Bandolier.
I guess a magical item similar to Batmans belt would also be cool. A magical belt, sash or Bandolier.
I would also like the book to compile all the good stuff from other books and AP's.
The agile weapon (would help the rogue) and Shoanti War Paint would be great to have in the book.
I really love the war paint. All of them. The war paint for bards was expensive but yet very nice. Speaking of bards I think they and some other classes didn't get that many useful toys in the APG. The Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian and Prepared Casters got a lot of good stuff. I think the Spontaneous Casters, ranger, rogue and some of the new classes could do with the some love. Bard did get Doomharp, but at lower levels it is too expensive when you get DD you won't buy it. ....I REALLY love some item to boost Inspire greatness. Perhaps an amulet.
I like some more rangers stuff. Perhaps an amulet that gives the ranger a virtual +2/+2 to a creature type that he yet hasn't chosen as a FE. Having FE orc at level 1 and not meeting anymore after level 2 is far from fun. Or the item could let him virtually split his lowest FE and apply the bonus to a creature he hasn't yet chosen as a FE. This could perhaps only be done once per level or once per week, or once per day when the ranger prepares his/her spells. Important that the ranger shouldn't be able to stack this ability with other similar abilities. If the rangers levels up and gain a new FE, the amulet becomes inactive and he got to activate it again.
More rogue love. I have no idea what, but more rogue love.
Spontaneous Casters need some more love. The Prepared Casters got their weak spot, slots per day, covered. Pearl of power and other toys. The cleric got incense of meditation and the wizard got a lot of cool items. Spontaneous Casters don't really need more slots per day. The need more spells know. A pearl of knowledge would be cool. 1 pearl = 1 spells known. There could be a limit on how many pearls you could have.
I would also like more rods or items that can interact with rods. A rod of quicken meta magic casting. When use by a Spontaneous Casters the caster can 3 times per day cast a meta magic spell without increasing the casting time.
Or a magic item that you can attach to a rod that lets Spontaneous Casters casting a meta magic spell without increasing the casting time.
I'd like to see a rod you can bond to. the price could be 1,5 x the normal price for normal rod of its kind. Any person could only have one bonded rod at any time. Change a bond could take one hour or even one day. Or an item that you attach to the rod so that you bond with it. benefit: You don't have to hold the rod to activate it only to have it in your possession. This would help all spell casters especially those that use weapons and/or shields.
Same thing with wands. Ability to bond to a wand. 3 times per day you can activate it normally but without holding it. You can activate the wand more times per day, but then you have to hold it as normal.
I would actually prefer some item that could be attached to the rod or wand so that you could bond with the rod/wand.
Finally I would like to see more bracers and amulets. Especially a an amulet of channeling. It not really a choice between headband of wisdom (or charisma) or headband of channeling. This means headband of channeling will never be used. Players won't get to boost their channeling unless the create a slotless item that boost channeling.
Again. What I really want in the book is a mundane item. utility belt or call it adventurer's belt it can even be a Bandolier. Or a belt and a Bandolier. Belt for oils, potions etc. Bandolier for scrolls and perhaps you could also have one wand strapped to the Bandolier.

Richard Leonhart |

it has probably been mentioned but:
rules to create (on purpose) cursed items.
more magic item possibilites.
clearer rules to combine magic item effects (specific + nonspecific things for example).
Some clarifications where needed, like it won't cost any less if you made your item to only work for your class, your race and people having your exact name.
a few cool intelligent items examples.
more artefacts, there's nearly none I'm interested in at the moment, they seem a bit dull at the moment, no offense.
high cost mundane items! I would really like to be able to make a character that only wears mundane items, but is somewhat as strong as someone with magic items. Something like "slippers of dragonmoleskin, stealth +10" for twice the price it would have cost if it has a magical aura.
General rules to create such items would be fine as well, but I dislike the "cristmas tree effect" as some call. (Btw. make sure it doesn't stack with magic items)

DJEternalDarkness |
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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned on here or not, but if anyone remember the Aurora Whole Realm's Catalogue from the 2Ed days? Had mundane items, rogue gear, ranger gear, the piecemeal armor from a gnomish armorsmith who was into a LOT more risque equipment, minor incenses or clerical gear, things like that? That's what I want to see, only Pathfinderized. As well as a unified weapons and armor all in one place.
And more alchemical items!

TwiceBorn |

Sample cateogories to help explain what I meant in the post above
Goods and Services
- Animals & Animal-Related Gear
- Books, Paper, Art & Writing Supplies
- Camping, Hunting, Fishing & Wilderness Survival Equipment
- Ceramic Materials
- Containers
- Cosmetics, Jewelry & Wearable Items
- Devices, Tools & Kits
- Food, Drink & Lodging
- Hirelings, Servants, Fees & Services
- Illuminations & Lighting Supplies
- Musical Instruments & Noise-Makers
- Powders, Oils, Greases & Alchemical Supplies
- Religious Items
- Toys, Games & Entertainment
All of the above... and maybe more detailed selection of clothes and outfits, broken down by period/culture? I agree that the 2nd ed Arms and Equipment Guide and Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue would be good sources of inspiration.
As for mundane weapons, I agree with compiling all weapons and armour previously published in PFRPG sourcebooks (for ease of references), and perhaps borrowing items from other sources like the 3.5 (or was it 3.0?) From Stone to Steel by Monkey God Enterprises, and from Frost and Fur (also from the same publisher, I believe). I would especially like to see more emphasis on detailed weapon/armour/item descriptions and history, and think each weapon/armour should be illustrated.
I also like the idea of advanced or high cost mundane items that grant bonuses comparable to some magical items.
More race-specific weapons, armour and equipment would also be good (i.e., to further set apart the various human, goblinoid and other humanoid races).
I am more interested in mundane than magical items. That having been said, I did like the magic item sets in the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium, and support the inclusion of optional rules for scaling encounters in lower or higher magic games. Likewise, I would also welcome revised rules for legacy-type weapons.

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I may get shouted down for this, but...
Collecting and reprinting, in one book, all unique magic items that have only otherwise seen print as part of modules and/or adventure paths up to a reasonable point. There are a number of really neat wondrous items from these books (Witching Gown, anyone?) that I think are really awesome, but I'm loathe to buy the AP installment or adventure just for the item itself (PFS requires you own a copy of the book in PDF/paper format to use non-core rules).
While yes, this might take up room otherwise utilized for completely new material, a lot of people aren't even aware many of these items exist. Further, some of the items from the 3.5 compatibility days could be fully converted up to Pathfinder proper as a part of this process.

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Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.
Actually, I'd love to see more advanced firearms. (Derringer, Bolt-action and Lever-action rifles.) Modern firearms. (Semi-automatic Pistol, Assault Rifle, Machine gun.) And even yes, futuristic firearms (Plasma Rifle, Railgun) for games of all tech-levels.

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Gorbacz wrote:Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.Actually, I'd love to see more advanced firearms. (Derringer, Bolt-action and Lever-action rifles.) Modern firearms. (Semi-automatic Pistol, Assault Rifle, Machine gun.) And even yes, futuristic firearms (Plasma Rifle, Railgun) for games of all tech-levels.
While I'm not that keen on modern firearms, I would love just a page of support for science-fantasy gear that would work with Distant Worlds. Spark Longrifles, Plasma Crossbows and the all-important Laser Blaster!

Richard Leonhart |
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plasmagun, good idea, put perhaps flavored a little bit more fantasy style.
Like you load it with thunderstones, and it deals 1d6 damage.
Also Flamethrowers loaded with alchemist fire dealing 1d6 damage per use in a straight line, and 1 damage for people at the side of that line, or people who stay in that line the next round.
And the Alchemist can use his bombs with it, and deal appropriatly more damage. This would give him even more style, without the need of an archetype, and it's basicly the same thing as throwing the bomb.

Blackest Sheep |
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If you can include mechanics that allow a character's magical weapon to grow as the character levels, that would be great
I second that, although I would like to see it for more than just weapons. Ideas for that have been around for a long time (I first encountered something like that when I played Earthdawn), and a fleshed out system would be great. FFG's Midnight setting has Covenant Items, and that is the one thing that I ported to almost all my games.
A close relative would be item sets that gain in power when assembled, granting a similar growth-effect and strengthening a character's relation with his gear.
In short, everything that makes characters want to keep specific gear. The idea of magic items is based on heroes of myths and legends, but they did not throw away their special gear because they found something better all the time. It is not meant to replace all magic gear, just give some signature stuff that can be kept and used to define this part of the character.

IkeDoe |
** Existing specific weapons and armors applied to new items, or rules to make their abilities more generic (when intended/possible/balanced) without breaking the current game balance.
I.e. How much would cost a Celestial Full Plate or Chain Shirt? What's the price of a +5 Dwarven Thrower or a more powerful "javelin of lightning?
** A material or property that gives the mithral benefits to leather/studded leather/padded armors could be a good idea, otherwise high dex characters end up wearing bracelets or mithral chain shirts.
** Not replacing existing objects with similar items that have cheaper prices, we've got enough powercreep already.

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- Something like a Pearl of Power for spontaneous casters. Perhaps allowing an unknown spell once per day.
such an item already exists, Runestone of Power, so i'd expect that it'd be in the ultimate equipment guide

Evil Lincoln |

Everything Evil Lincoln said, trying to figure out the standard treasure of a CR 11 monster is a nightmare in pathfinder, it seems geared to experienced GM's or modules/adventure paths only. I'm new to such things and trying to decide what to give my PC's after they slay a random encounter can be a real stall.
Experienced GM here, 24 years in training; still can't make the treasure tables do anything but create more work. ;)

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A Flamethrower - The ancient chinese had one, why not my character?
Terrestrial Mines - Again, the ancient chinese and feudal japanese had those things, my character whant to plant some on the ground.
Pikes - 15foot reach FTW
Bombs - my character whant to throw some gunpowder lit cakes on his foes.
About evil lincoln's issue, i totally agree. In my case i use the 3.5 method and the CRB+CMG method to cut down above the line treasure tha the table method from 3.5 generates. CRB+CMG alone i just use with the treasure generator from the OGC, but it is too limited for my taste, and using it without the help of the program is tood difficult and time-demanding,