GameMastery Item Cards: Skull & Shackles

2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)
GameMastery Item Cards: Skull & Shackles
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The high seas are yours to pillage with this trove of pirate gear and buried treasure. These stolen riches and mysterious magic items include all the best plunder from the swashbuckling Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track your loot in vibrant detail.

GameMastery Item Cards allow heroes to keep track of their equipment in style, and this deck is completely compatible with all of Paizo's other GameMastery Item Card sets. Each of these full-color cards features a beautiful portrait of an item on one side with space on the back to keep notes. GameMastery Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-407-8

1 Leather armor
2 Studded leather armor
3 Anchor
4 Astrolabe
5 Boarding pike
6 Chest
7 Grappling hook
8 Holy symbol
9 Holy symbol
10 Holy symbol
11 Letters
12 Manacles
13 Map
14 Nautical charts
15 Powder horn
16 Powder keg
17 Rowboat
18 Spyglass
19 Rum bottle
20 Ring
21 Bayonet
22 Blunderbuss
23 Boarding axe
24 Bullets
25 Cutlass
26 Hand crossbow
27 Harpoon
28 Musket
29 Pepperbox
30 Pistol
31 Rapier
32 Repeating crossbow
33 Short sword
34 Sword cane
35 Trident
36 Ballista
37 Cannon
38 Cannonballs
39 Catapult
40 Conch shell
41 Crown
42 Earring
43 Eye patch
44 Figurehead
45 Flag
46 Hat
47 Hook
48 Pearl
49 Peg leg
50 Scarf
51 Ship in a bottle
52 Tankard
53 Treasure
54 Wheel

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GameMastery Item Cards: Skull & Shackles GameMastery Item Cards: Skull & Shackles GameMastery Item Cards: Skull & Shackles

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2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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The first product I have felt was a failure


I had bought the Rise of the Runelords item cards, and they are phenomenal! Great art, and every card is tied into the adventure. When we decided to play Skull and Shackles, it was a no-brainer to order these.

What a disappointment. These cards are entirely generic images. As an example, the rise of the runelords cards were specific items you'd find in the adventure. There are two 'mask' cards, but both are unique, gorgeous, and most importantly, your players will actually find these works of art and get get the thrill of handing them a pic of the actual mask or sword they found.

Skull and Shackles is basically clip art of a hardware store catalog. generic pile of coins. generic chest. generic peg leg. terrible.

If any of these cards were actually present in the adventure as something other than background scenery - like if the peg leg card was a spiffy cool peg leg from a pirate captain you battle - well id be all over it.

If your players don't know what a generic, not plot related, not magical, completely mundane hammer looks like, just go to home depot and buy a real one to hand them for the same price as these cards.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Announced! Cover image is a mockup.

Liberty's Edge

Now this I think is great. The GameMastery deck for Jade Regent is coming out by the third issue of the Adventure Path, but this one will come out on the same month as The Wormwood Mutiny.



Product image updated and preview images added!


Card list added!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Description updated to reflect the finished product.

I think you mean cArrrrrrrds! This is one fine swabby deck!

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I noticed in the fine print that the next set is called Buffs...any details?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DitheringFool wrote:
I noticed in the fine print that the next set is called Buffs...any details?

GameMastery Buff Deck.

I don't understand, what are the cards used for?


Idward Evanhand wrote:
I don't understand, what are the cards used for?

The cards are used to represent specific, themed treasure items in the Adventure Path, but can pretty much be used for any nautical-themed adventure.

Liz Courts wrote:
Idward Evanhand wrote:
I don't understand, what are the cards used for?
The cards are used to represent specific, themed treasure items in the Adventure Path, but can pretty much be used for any nautical-themed adventure.

Dear Skull & Shackles,

Take all my money!

I can't begin to tell you guys at Paizo how excited I am about this Adventure Path. It's going to be the first AP I buy and I plan to pick up pretty much everything involved with it. Reminding myself of the old AD&D days where I'd pick up full module series just to read the storyline.

Thank you!

Does anyone know what deity Holy Symbol 9/54 belongs to?

Sovereign Court Developer

KakarisMaelstrom wrote:
Does anyone know what deity Holy Symbol 9/54 belongs to?

That's the holy symbol of Besmara, the Pirate Queen.

Rob McCreary wrote:
KakarisMaelstrom wrote:
Does anyone know what deity Holy Symbol 9/54 belongs to?
That's the holy symbol of Besmara, the Pirate Queen.

Do you know which holy symbol 10/54 is for?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

It's Norgorber's symbol

I was hoping for a set of cards that outlined the powers of the unique items in the game, such as Besmara's Tricorne, Tidewater Cutlass, Brine's Sting, Zul, etc. These items have individual rules and can be a lot for players to write down and keep track of. As the GM, it'd be nice not to have to reference old AP books everytime someone wanted to use one of these items. I'd buy something like that without hesitation.

On the other hand, if this is a collection of mainly mundane (leather armor?) or pointless (ship's wheel?) items, I just don't see a need. Why aren't the unique treasures of the AP represented at all?

Not to sound hostile, and I usually love the support Paizo gives its APs, but this product line seems odd if that's the case. Thanks!

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Shaun wrote:

I was hoping for a set of cards that outlined the powers of the unique items in the game, such as Besmara's Tricorne, Tidewater Cutlass, Brine's Sting, Zul, etc. These items have individual rules and can be a lot for players to write down and keep track of. As the GM, it'd be nice not to have to reference old AP books everytime someone wanted to use one of these items. I'd buy something like that without hesitation.

On the other hand, if this is a collection of mainly mundane (leather armor?) or pointless (ship's wheel?) items, I just don't see a need. Why aren't the unique treasures of the AP represented at all?

Not to sound hostile, and I usually love the support Paizo gives its APs, but this product line seems odd if that's the case. Thanks!

They actually do represent the unique treasures in the game. In other words, the art for for the items in the Skull & Shackles Treasures section of each AP volume is the same art used for the item cards. For example, the "leather armor" is actually the eel skin armor from "Island of Empty Eyes" and the "ship's wheel" is actually Jalhazar's wheel from "Tempest Rising." The names of the cards are generic and the backs of the cards are blank, however, so people who are not running Skull & Shackles can still use the cards to represent other items in other campaigns.

I write an item's abilities on a sticky note and put it on the back of the card (so I can reuse them, but you could also write on the back of the cards), then put the card in a sleeve and hand it to the players, with the art of the item and all the info they need to use it.

Thanks for that clarification. That helps me quite a bit, actually. I'm glad that there's more to it than I thought.

Robert G. McCreary wrote:

They actually do represent the unique treasures in the game. In other words, the art for for the items in the Skull & Shackles Treasures section of each AP volume is the same art used for the item cards. For example, the "leather armor" is actually the eel skin armor from "Island of Empty Eyes" and the "ship's wheel" is actually Jalhazar's wheel from "Tempest Rising." The names of the cards are generic and the backs of the cards are blank, however, so people who are not running Skull & Shackles can still use the cards to represent other items in other campaigns.

I write an item's abilities on a sticky note and put it on the back of the card (so I can reuse them, but you could also write on the back of the cards), then put the card in a sleeve and hand it to the players, with the art of the item and all the info they need to use it.

Just starting to GM this campaign is there a list that matching the Cards to the adventure?

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