
Baddie Mcbaderston's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

Baddie Mcbaderston wrote:
If not already included a section on intelligent items would be fantastic.

I think I should clarify. "A section OF intelligent items would be fantastic."

Grand Lodge

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If not already included a section on intelligent items would be fantastic.

Grand Lodge

PrivateZim wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Lobolusk wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Lobolusk wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

I'm 90% sure that Crushing Embrace = Crushing Blow.

As for the Twin Lock, no idea...

i am guessing the back breaker feat is really the neck breaker feat

Crushing Embrace was for extra damage on grapples and pins.

Twin Lock was, as someone guessed, for grappling two targets at once.

Backbreaker was... well, it was exactly what it says on the tin. :) A way to break something's back (i.e., permanent paralysis) if it all works, or at least to mess them up even if you don't get the full meal deal of spine-snappage.

We'll see if they turn up again someday... :)

so.....are they going to be out in the errata? or do the feats listed just not exist? at all if they are no longer valid feats can we get some substution feats? like strangle

Until and unless otherwise stated by the Paizo staff, they simply do not exist. As to what substitution there may be, that must wait for official errata from Jason, Sean, Stephen, or whomever else on the Paizo crew.

My unofficial suggestion is to simply replace them with bonus monk feat slots while you wait for the official answer to the question.

Gotta say, I'm really kinda pissed about this. Just got my copy, read over the Tetori, got frikkin excited and went to start working on the build for DragonCon PFS and..WTF!?!?!?

If this ever gets worked out Tetori will be my absolute favorite anything in Pathfinder of all time, if not , gotta say i might be a liiittle upset.

Can always homebrew some substitutes but I was really looking foward to usinng it for PFS.

Anyways thanks for the awesome archetype, even if it is only half finished.

Looks like a bit of bad luck here on my part as I've done all kinds of planning for my Tetori monk of which, I'll be playing next week. Hopefully there will be word on this soon as this class looks like it will be alot of fun to play when it's finished.