Killatron5000 |
My buddy plays a halfling cavalier, and we're trying to figure his vital strike spirited charge damage on a challenged foe. his strength is sixteen, and he has a +1 charging lance (plus 2d6 damage on a charge. 3.5 magic item compendium pg. 31) We're seventh level. So, are we looking at 6d6+19 (3d6 for the spirited charge, 1d6 for vital strike, two for charging lance, strength and enhancement X 3 for 12 plus 7 for the challenge) or 6d6+33 (same, but multiplying the challenge.) I suppose the essential question is does the challenge ability get multiplied on a charge, or is it considered precision damage and only added once? Last nights game it was treated as the 6d6+19, which still seemed to be plenty, but I have a different buddy wanting to play a cavalier in my upcoming campaign, like to clear that up. thanks y'all.