
Killatron5000's page

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My buddy plays a halfling cavalier, and we're trying to figure his vital strike spirited charge damage on a challenged foe. his strength is sixteen, and he has a +1 charging lance (plus 2d6 damage on a charge. 3.5 magic item compendium pg. 31) We're seventh level. So, are we looking at 6d6+19 (3d6 for the spirited charge, 1d6 for vital strike, two for charging lance, strength and enhancement X 3 for 12 plus 7 for the challenge) or 6d6+33 (same, but multiplying the challenge.) I suppose the essential question is does the challenge ability get multiplied on a charge, or is it considered precision damage and only added once? Last nights game it was treated as the 6d6+19, which still seemed to be plenty, but I have a different buddy wanting to play a cavalier in my upcoming campaign, like to clear that up. thanks y'all.

I have a low magic home brew setting in the works, but I'm having trouble balancing the reduced power inherent to the setting, with my feeling that resurrections are totally out of place in a world where magic is a very limited and somewhat alien force. I really like the danger conveyed in a "dead is dead" world, but I'm afraid the body count will get ridiculous. Thoughts?