Wrath of the Righteous—The Long-Awaited "Adventure 7"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Of all the questions we get asked about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, one gets asked most often. It first showed up when we were coming close to releasing the last adventure in Rise of the Runelords, "Are you making any adventures for my characters who completed Rise of the Runelords?"

And Vic said, "There are no immediate plans for an official set where you can use your characters that have completed an AP."

Then we got asked it again as we came close to completing Skull & Shackles. "Are you making any adventures for my characters who completed Skull & Shackles?"

And Vic said, "There are currently no plans for additional content for characters that have completed an Adventure Path."

And for the most part, that was true. But I said, as quietly as I could, so no one could hear, "Okay, but I might have some plans." In fact, it was...

A Cunning Plan That Cannot Fail

My plan was for my design team to do some shenanigans with the power curve on Wrath of the Righteous. Developer Chad Brown talks a lot about it in this blog on power curves. They have different curves: Rise of the Runelords is character-linear and difficulty-parabolic, while Skull & Shackles is difficulty-linear and character-parabolic. But both of them end in roughly the same place: a character who can go toe-to-toe with Karzoug the Claimer has a roughly similar chance against the Hurricane King. When you complete adventure 6 in either of those APs, you are a mighty hero indeed.

Illustration by Ekaterina Burmak

The thing is, those sets couldn't just keep climbing, because they had maxed out their story progression. There wasn't anything more we could add to the cards in those sets other than more dice and higher difficulties, and eventually, that would be unsatisfying. Sure, it's fun to roll 12 dice once in a while, but if you're doing it on every turn, the high will soon mellow out.

You would need something else to build a spike in difficulty beyond where we were at the end of those APs. Thankfully, Wrath had "something else" in spades. It had cohorts, it had a d20, and it had Corrupted cards. All of those tweaked the power level without increasing the number of dice rolled. (You may notice I left something off that list. We'll get to that.)

And as we designed it, we realized that Wrath is a perfect place to bring your conquering heroes from the first two adventure paths, maybe using some of that nifty loot you got from completing those final adventures. You just need a few small tricks and a whole lot of gumption.

Illustration by Diego de Almeida

How to Use Wrath as "Adventure 7"

First, finish another Adventure Path, whether it's Rise of the Runelords, Skull & Shackles, Season of the Shackles, or one of the many homebrews. Record the state of your character on your downloadable character sheet, if you like. If you haven't finished an AP, go to the Conquering Heroes thread or the Conquering Pirates thread and copy some of the ones you find there.

That's what we did, anyway. We grabbed Hawkmoon269's Ezren, Aolhelm's Kyra, and isaic16's Merisiel and Seelah. (Check out that not-so-paladinly weapons list!) Note that these were not optimized characters: Merisiel has some items that only work in Skull & Shackles, Ezren has a Divine spell, and so on. Where there was only one of something, we replaced it. (I particularly liked swapping the angel Ayruzi out for the demon Zuvuzeg on Seelah's list.) Otherwise, they went in as-is.

Second, get the Wrath of the Righteous Base Set and adventures 2, 3, and 4, plus the Wrath Character Add-On Deck if you have more than 4 characters (or just because you want to). Dump them into the box and then remove all the Basic cards. However, if there are Basic boons you specifically want to keep, do so. (I highly recommend keeping all the Blessings of Ascension. Trust me on this.)

Third, you know those mythic path cards I pointedly forgot to mention when I talked about Wrath's power curve? Yeah, screw 'em. You don't get mythic paths, because you're not the mythic heroes that blew up the wardstone in Wrath. You're the guys who beat Karzoug, for Pulura's sake. You don't need no stinkin' mythic paths.

But here's a tip: Even though you don't start with any mythic charges, you can still use them. Those Blessings of Ascension are great for generating charges, and every time you kill a mythic bane, you'll get one too. So when you find a Terraform or Anarchy Hammer, you can still power it up. Just get yourself some charges along the way. (A very small number of cards, like Lend Mythic Path, won't work at all. If you hit one of those, chuck it aside and draw a new card of the same type.)

Illustration by Jon Neimeister

Fourth, start with scenario 4-1: The Abyss Gazes Also. You're going into the Abyss! After defeating Karzoug or the Hurricane King, you were drawn through a magic portal that chucked you into the pits of despair. Will you find your way home? Run through adventures 4, 5, and 6 and find out!

FYI: While you can keep all of your cards from the previous AP, treat any card in your deck that has an adventure deck number higher than the adventure deck number of the current scenario as if it had the adventure deck number of the scenario. (So when you're playing chapter 4 of Wrath, treat those cards from RotR or S&S 5 and 6 as if they're from Adventure Deck 4.) Why did your hexing suddenly drop in power, Feiya? You're in the Abyss! Things are crazy there.

Fifth, when you get a reward, claim it! But hey, what about when you've already checked your last card feat or power feat and you're awarded another one? Just make it a skill feat. We've done the math, so you're good there. When you're done with the final scenario of Wrath 6, your set of feat boxes will be real close to entirely filled in. Now that's a hero.

It's possible some of your power feats won't be particularly great in Wrath. (I'm looking at you, Pirate Queen Jirelle.) Well, life's tough in the Abyss. But if you want to make some mods, swapping out a trait like "Pirate" for one like "Aberration," fine. Just don't make a habit of it. The idea is that you're taking your characters from those adventures into the Abyss, so it's up to you to see how you survive. If you want to play a character that's built for Wrath of the Righteous, then start a character (be it Ezren, Jirelle, Sajan, or Lini) anew and enjoy it. This is explicitly for people who want to see what their Rise of the Runelords or Skull & Shackles conquerors would do if they pushed on to even more perilous heights (or depths, as the case may be).

Oh, and hey, now you have something to do with that loot you picked up at the end of the previous Adventure Path!

So that's "adventure 7." If you haven't picked up Wrath of the Righteous and you're wondering what to do with your Runelords or Shackles characters now, give Wrath a try. You asked for a chance to adventure beyond set 6, and we've given it to you. It's your choice to take the plunge into the Abyss.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

Mike Selinker
Adventure Card Game Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Diego de Almeida Ekaterina Burmak Jon Neimeister Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ooh, that's neat! Will probably give Wraith a go with it's heroes in all their mythic glory first, but I'd be quite tempted to send Valeros and Lem into the abyss after that. (Pirate Queen Jirelle, not as much).

Grand Lodge

this sounds cool!

Holy demon cow ...

Congrats for getting selected, hawkmoon and isiac!

I'd like to see a mixed group; two characters that slew Karzoug, two that defeated the Hurricane King, and two that got mythic from WotR AP1-3.

I'd go a different way with the power feats though: When all of your power feat boxes are checked and you earn another one, select a different role card for your character and gain one of the listed abilities that has a version without a checkbox. Once you have all the basic abilities, you can start checking off boxes. Ignore any ability that is verbatim identical to an ability you have.

Wow! Great idea!
Re Mythic charges and no role card. I assume this means the charges are available to power items etc (ie do you have a charge or not) However have no other effect?

Adventure Card Game Designer

Mythic charges do everything mythic charges do. You just don't have a mythic card, so you don't gain them automatically or have any powers that require them.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Matsu Kurisu wrote:
Re Mythic charges and no role card. I assume this means the charges are available to power items etc (ie do you have a charge or not) However have no other effect?

Pretty much.

Charges are available for spending on cards that let/make you expend them. That's a good mix of banes and boons, but not any Mythic Path card. If you've not played far into WotR, you might not have seen many cards that let/force you to expend charges, but they're reasonably common in WotR4 and later, and they include some of the most "goes to eleven" cards in the set.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

DeciusBrutus wrote:
I'd like to see a mixed group; two characters that slew Karzoug, two that defeated the Hurricane King, and two that got mythic from WotR AP1-3.

The three sets don't all use the same difficulty curves (I wrote a blog post about this a few months back), so you should expect a wide variance in power across that group. If you give it a try, please do post to let us know how it went!

DeciusBrutus wrote:
I'd go a different way with the power feats though: When all of your power feat boxes are checked and you earn another one, select a different role card for your character and gain one of the listed abilities that has a version without a checkbox. Once you have all the basic abilities, you can start checking off boxes. Ignore any ability that is verbatim identical to an ability you have.

You can probably make this work with a bit of squinting and reasonable interpretation, but it will often make the game significantly less of a challenge, and there are some combinations that are confusing, bah-roken, or both. Again, if you give it a try, let us know how it works out!

Just plain fun...

I remember doing a bit of playtesting for Ron Lundeen's Adventure 7 a while back, using characters that had completed RotR.

I found fairly quickly that the characters had already maxed out their combat, so when I earner a skill feat, there was no way to increase str/dex/primary casting stat - the banes kept getting bigger, but there was no way to keep up.

Will be interested to give this a try, and see how it goes...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This is very cool... my group will probably try this out very soon (we only have the very last scenario of Skull & Shackles left to play on OCTGN!!)

Grand Lodge

Matsu Kurisu wrote:

Wow! Great idea!

Re Mythic charges and no role card. I assume this means the charges are available to power items etc (ie do you have a charge or not) However have no other effect?

I think you mean no mythic path card.

Lirianne (Musketeer) OP versus armies!

"You may discard a weapon to defeat a barrier that has the Cache, Lock, or Skirmish trait."

Would have made Siege of Kenabres soooooooo much easier.....

Adventure Card Game Designer

Congrats, Lirianne! Enjoy your lack of guns in Wrath!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

That's alright, our Lirianne player complains about the lack of guns in S&S anyway. Apparently there just aren't enough gun upgrades for him. :-P

Grand Lodge

We shot our Lirianne out of a cannon after she complained.

Wow... people asked for "Adventure 7" and now we got not only that but "Adventure 8" and "Adventure 9" as well!

On another note... each character have 12 power feats available and completing AP in both RotR and S&S you end up using 7 of them. So how could we run out of Power feats? Card feats I can understand since we used 8 out of 10 but Power feats?

Using Wrath as adventure 7 is a great idea. Will certainly be challenging enough...

This looks terrifying but also very very exciting.


I remember asking if this path had been considered as a way to carry on for 'experienced characters from other adventures

Cool wrinkle Mike

Grand Lodge

Link to Chad Brown's previous blog post on power curves wasn't working. Here's a fixed one.

Pulled up my old ezren char sheet last night ... Trying to recall the last items/spells (we didn't bother recording damnit ...) I think we're going to get squished by demons .... :D :D :D

But hey the old team's gonna jump in head first.. Woohoo!

Glad to see this "officially" laid out s I was going to try to put something together on my own. My daughter will be pleased that Val can come out of retirement!

Awesome. Definitely will be giving this a try.

I was a little sad that Wrath didn't seem to have a lot of Alchemical support, so I was going to wait until the Alchemist Class Deck came out to play another solo Damiel (or other Alchemist) run through Wrath like I did with S&S. Now I can just dust off my completed S&S Damiel and play him through the second half instead! Nice!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great timing - finished S&S with our 6-character group last night, can't wait to get some use out of the Hurricane Crown, looking forward to +6 against Aquatic, Pirate and Swashbuckling...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just realised that if my old Mage Ezren took the burning glaive, xin-shalast robes & siehedron tome... He looks just like karzoug ... Hmmm ... Wait a minute ...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

All hail Ezren the new Runelord of Greed!

Coming soon to an abyss near you ... Kickin' a** & takin' names ...

A couple of my friends are very interested in this, and based on our discussion we're going to have a character from each adventure: One friend wants to use his Valeros from S&S, I'm running Feiya solo through RotRl, and my other friend is planning to level a Zarlova through Season of Shackles.

Feiya, Zarlova, Valeros, taking on the Worldwound. Sounds like a motley crew indeed.

so we build our decks using the cards from the set the played in/with?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
rexx2264 wrote:

so we build our decks using the cards from the set the played in/with?

You keep the same deck that the character ended the previous AP with, but do not otherwise mix in any other cards from that set.


Silver Crusade

I got to wondering the other day whether anybody had done this, so I thought I'd revive the thread. Anybody got any stories of their Hurricane Monarchs or Heroes of Sandpoint closing the Worldwound and taking out Deskari?

Grand Lodge

Mike Selinker wrote:
Congrats, Lirianne! Enjoy your lack of guns in Wrath!
cartmanbeck wrote:
That's alright, our Lirianne player complains about the lack of guns in S&S anyway. Apparently there just aren't enough gun upgrades for him. :-P

Gunslinger Class Deck in T-4 months...

Pathfinder ACG Developer

James McKendrew wrote:
Gunslinger Class Deck in T-4 months...

One of the toughest things in this job is working on something months and months ago and wanting to talk about it...

But, needless to say, I think your gunslinger will be very happy with all kinds of things in that deck :)

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
I got to wondering the other day whether anybody had done this, so I thought I'd revive the thread. Anybody got any stories of their Hurricane Monarchs or Heroes of Sandpoint closing the Worldwound and taking out Deskari?

I started recently with a solo 6-character S&S group. 4-1 and 4-2 were fairly easy. Timed out once on 4-3 having to encounter the combat 40 demon too often and finished the second try getting all the blessings on the last two turns.

Some of the boons were quickly replaced. Control Weather, Hurricane Crown and the Wheel are mostly useless in WotR. I am not looking forward to armies.

We did this start to end, Rise 1-6 then Wrath 4-6. The latter parts of Wrath felt like a bit of a grind. The problem is that you don't get Mythic Paths (since you start with 4), and so never get those double-level bonuses from mythic charges, nor the option to throw d20s. We almost always succeeded (with the exception of one scenario that we had to do three times), but we really had to work at every high-value roll, which required talking and putting in resources. This took time and elongated the scenarios.

We were also a bit burned out on the same characters after ~3 years of play.

In retrospective, I would have just played Wrath on its own and enjoyed its uniqueness.

Here's our final characters.

For Cards: R = Runelords, W = Wrath

- All checks except WISDOM +2

Weapons: Chellan Sword of Greed [R6], Skirmishing Spear [W3], Master's Lash [W6]

Spells: Cure [WB], Divine Blaze [W4], Death's Touch [W5], Breath of Life [W5], Form of the Dragon [W6], Sign of Wrath [W6]

Armor: Decemvirate Helm [W4]

Items: Wand of Enervation [R3], Nahyndrian Elixir [W2], Boomcrown [W4], Evocation Staff [W5]

Allies: Old Salt [BardB], Demon Hunter [WB], Mendevian Crusader [WB], Apprentice [WB], Druid of the Flame [W1]

Blessings: Abadar [WB], Abraxas [WB], Ascension [WB], Noticula [W4], Pharasma x2 [RB, RC]

MERISIEL (Rogue Deck: Crack Shot)
- Probably all checked (I don't have the sheet)

Weapons: Firebow [W4], Stalker's Crossbow [W4], Traitor's Blade [W5], Deskari's Tooth [W6]

Spells: Miracle [W6]

Armor: Celestial Armor [W3], Stole of the Inheritor [W5]

Items: Emerald of Dexterity [RogueB], Belt of Physical Might [Rogue6], Sihedron Medallion [R2], Emerald Codex [R4], Revelation Quill [R5], Boots of Teleportation [R6], Fasciculus Labyrinthum [W4], Talisman of True Faith [W4]

Allies: Old Salt [RogueB], Wayfarer [BardB], Jesker Helton [W3], Celestial Unicorn [W4], Waxberry [W5]

Blessings: Erastil x2 [RB, RB], Gozreh [Bard2], Inheritor [W6, W6]

- All checks

Weapons: Dawnflower's Kiss [W5], Infinite Rod [W6], Sunsword [W6], Vorpal Blade [W6]

Spells: Scrying [Bard3], Aid [RB], Major Cure [R3], Divine Blaze [W4], Transmorgify [W4]

Armor: Black Dragonhide Breastplate [W4], Ebon Thorn [W4], Helm of the Serpent King [W5], Demon Armor [W5]

Items: Silver Flute [Lem], Spellbottle [W3]

Allies: Unfettered Imp x2 [W3]

Blessings: Dawnflower [Kyra]. Lamashtu [R1], Nocticula [W4], Sarenrae x3 [RB, RB, WB], Starsong [W3], 1 missing (probably a Nocticula that got used up)

- Probably all checked (I don't have the sheet)

Weapons: Frost Giant's Sword +1 [Amiri], Impaler of Thorns [R2], Dancing Scimitar +2 [R5], Karzoug's Burning Glaive [R6], Blackaxe [W4], Blancher [W4], Spellbreaker [W5], Mournful Razor [W6]

Armor: Magic Full Plate [R4], Commander's Field Plate [W2], Spiked Plate [W3]

Items: Greater Luckstone [R4] Horn of Battle Clarity [WB], Belt of Charging [W4], Climber's Gloves [W4], Chalice of Ozem [W5]

Allies: Wolverine [W1], Kamilo Dann [W2, Pit Gladiator [W4]

Blessings: Deskari [W1], Gorum x2 [Fighter1, RB], Gozreh [Rogue2, R4], Iomedae [WB]

- Irregularly used
- Missing STR +1, CONSTITUTION +1 -> +3, WISDOM +1, HAND SIZE 9

Weapons: Force Sling +3 x2 [Wizard5, W6]

Spells: Charm Person [BardB], Disintegrate [Fighter5], Augury [RB], Detect Magic [RB], Frost Ray [R1], Lightning Bolt [R2], Distintegrate [R5], Charm Person [W2], Fire Shield [W3], Ice Strike [W3], Meteor Swarm [W6]

Armor: Magic Studded Leather Armor [R3]

Items: Arcane Robes [Ezren], Sapphire of Intelligence [Wizard1], Headband of Vast Intelligence [R3], Robe of Runes [R4], Robes of Xin-Shalast [R6], Sihedron Tome [R6]

Allies: Crow [RC], Charmed Red Dragon [R4], Druid of the Storm [W2], Minotaur Mercenary [W2], Pegasus [W3], Celestial Unicorn [W4] (that's one extra, which probably means: cut the crow)

REDEEMED ITEMS: Blackaxe, Book of the Damned, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Helm of the Serpent King, Nahynidiran Elixir, Skinstitcher's Manual, Stalker's Crossbow, Traitor's Blade, Unholy Asparagus +3

CHAMPIONS OF MENDEV: Spirit, Agility, Command, Valor, and Vigor — but not Clarity

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