elcoderdude wrote:
Thank You. ![]()
I'd say it would also depend on how that "Before you act" power is worded... If it's something along the line of "Before you act, each character at your location..." then you cancel it for everyone. Otherwise, you cancel it only for yourself. But in any case, I'd say you can only use it if you are the one encountering the non-villain monster. ![]()
Wow... people asked for "Adventure 7" and now we got not only that but "Adventure 8" and "Adventure 9" as well! On another note... each character have 12 power feats available and completing AP in both RotR and S&S you end up using 7 of them. So how could we run out of Power feats? Card feats I can understand since we used 8 out of 10 but Power feats? ![]()
You can use her scouting ability BEFORE moving [either on your own or other player turns] so during early AP's [B-3] you can pretty much ensure that you know what you [or others in your party] will encounter on EVERY explore! That knowledge should reduce amount of damage taken and you'll mostly need cures to "heal" cards discarded for additional explores. And once you get the ability to encounter boons... well, you'll pretty much stop exploring with her. I think our record was removing 12 boons during 1 turn without Alahazra doing single explore action [that was in 6 player game... and 4 out of 5 players knew what they'll face on first explore!]. ![]()
You keep forgetting about one of Imrijka's abilities:
So when you encountered Ghost [the first time] you could have used that Crossbow twice... first you revealed it to make a combat check into ranged check, and then recharge it to add d4 and Divine & Magic traits to your check. It would leave you without weapon but you wouldn't have to face that same Ghost two more times during scenario. Imrijka also have Knowledge [Wisdom +2] which you keep forgetting. Check may say Intelligence/Knowledge but that just mean Intelligence OR Knowledge. ![]()
"You may recharge (□ or reveal) a card that has the Divine or Ranged trait to add 1d4 and the Divine and Magic traits to your check against a monster." Can you use that power if you already used Ranged weapon on the check? And if you can, can you use the same weapon to trigger this power or it should be another one? I know that the rules state that you can only use one card of each type per step, but those are two different steps [determine skill used and adding dies to check] so there should be no reason why you couldn't use same weapon for both. Or am I reading the rules wrong? ![]()
HuckmanT wrote: ... the Safe House! Once you close this location you can just banish a card (not a small payment, but still) to evade the Villain and avoid her moving-around shenanigans. Can't believe we didn't notice that before. ... Don't forget that while it's open Safe House give you an option to recharge a card at the start of turn to look up at top card of any location deck. That could also help you avoid the Villain until you're ready. ![]()
Not having a WotR at hand, but doesn't Battle Aspergillum require you to recharge a card with Divine trait in order to add additional d8 against Outsider or Undead? Making it somewhat less useful... Another thing... just because you banished all boons at Collapsing Bridge it doesn't mean you no longer roll to see if it's effect happen. Which could be helpful considering you get to reshuffle the location deck afterwards. Ulkreth was also in the FAQ:
This actually make Ulkreth somewhat easier to defeat... ![]()
The_Napier wrote:
Failing a check and having bridge collapse should be a penalty, not a benefit and yet, other then removing of boons [which may or may not be useful] I don't see much of a penalty in failing that check. In fact, failing that check is greatly beneficial to players. Let us list benefits:
Those are benefits that players get no matter what. So the question is, what is more rewarding:
I'd say that giving them a chance to put Villain/Henchman on top after you already reduced number of Explores needed on location is a greater benefit then simply knowing order in which Banes arrive. ![]()
I'd go with "examine" mostly because shuffling the deck have lot bigger chance of ending up being beneficial to players [despite banishing boons] then just returning cards back in order they were... and I can't see bridge collapsing being beneficial to players. I guess knowing what the Boon:Bane ratio at the location might help figuring out what the intent behind the card text is. ![]()
Bubbe wrote:
Jirelle was commanding the ship since it was her turn. ![]()
Stephan Cleaves wrote:
It's not just Poison damage... you'll be dealing with a lot of Demons and pretty much all of them should be immune to Electricity and Poison. And there will also be some Undead who have Poison [and Mental] immunity. So there is a good chance that Viper Strikes could end up dead cards in your hand... There is a thread somewhere on this boards discussing usefulness of various elemental traits in Wrath so you might want to check up on that as well. ![]()
I just realized that your ship got wrecked during the scenario, which you didn't address in any way other then banishing plunder card. I can't remember which ship you used for the scenario and what it's penalty is, but all of them add some form of penalty when they're wrecked. A penalty that might force a change in the way scenario is played... ![]()
Here is a few points:
- Besmara's Tricorn add 1d8 to any Constitution, Fortitude, Wisdom or Survival check while you're on the ship... and it can be used for other players checks. You forgot about it and used a blessing on few of those "before you act" checks with Villains Lirianne did to add to add just another d6! And speaking of Besmara's Tricorn, Jirelle might be a better choice to have it since none of her dies are better then what Tricorn add, unlike Lirianne and Ranzak. - Treasure Hunt say "each character may attempt a check to defeat this barrier" which would imply that you can do it even if you're not at the same location as character who originally encounter it On a side note, you should have used a blessing to acquire that Pearl of Wisdom with Jirelle... you give it to Lirianne and roll a d12 on any non-combat check with her. And getting similar items for Ranzak [Constitution] and Jirelle [Dexterity] would be nice. Also, I noticed that you forgot to reset your hand on a few occasions... ![]()
Stephan Cleaves wrote:
You might be right about Barroom Brawl considering other similar cards either say "summon and encounter" [Crab Swarm] or "must succeed at a check to defeat" [Bucket Brigade] about what each character at location need to do... so while those two don't care about whether anyone else succeeded or not BB might go away as soon as someone defeat it. ![]()
A few easy to miss rules:
- if your ship is anchored at a location, all characters start scenario at that location Also, I'm not sure you played Barroom Brawl correctly... card state that every character at location encounter it and anyone who don't defeat it take damage. Which would imply that all characters need to make a check, regardless of whether someone succeeded or not. ![]()
As I said, I never played Pathfinder RPG so I had no idea it was that focused on combat... and I'm afraid you're correct, Pathfinder is not something my group would enjoy since we prefer to have a balance between combat and role-playing [which is probably why we also enjoy various Storyteller RPG's]. And in that game, having +2 [or +3] to attack is nowhere near as important as having +2 [or +3] on saves... especially since we consider any roll of 1, 2 and 3 to be automatic fail. Which tend to get ugly when faced with "save or die" type of poison. Then again, two of my most enjoyable times playing Paladin was in Ravenloft and Planescape settings... there is just something about being more or less disliked or outright hated by almost every NPC you encounter [even other LG ones in Planescape!] ![]()
Just a few observations:
Quote: Yeah, I personally found the Paladin's stat array surprising. The Paladin has always been a mostly martial class. The I would've had STR d10, DEX d4, CON d8, INT d4 WIS d8, CHA d8, with Melee: STR +2, Diplomacy: Charisma +2, Divine: Charisma +1. This puts the Paladin just behind the Barbarian and Fighter in pure melee ability (in Rise of the Runelords, anyway, not sure about anything after), while offering a decent Diplomacy and Divine. I find d8 for Strength with Melee: Str +2 to be just right. I'll admit that I never played Pathfinder RPG but in "classic" RPG even when I played Paladin, I never put more then 14 [and I'd usually put just 12] in Strength due to his "good" BAB. Charisma was always Paladin's main ability score [going as far back as 1st Edition D&D!] due to almost all of his class abilities are Charisma based, followed by Wisdom with Constitution and Strength fighting for 3rd place with Constitution usually winning. In the end, it would usually depend on how good I'd roll for my ability scores since we never use Point buy system, it's usually one of the 4d6 [or 3d6, if we want to challenge ourselves] variants... ![]()
Few additional questions: 1. There are characters that say "Instead of your first exploration on a turn..." who allow us to do something else instead of exploring. If I use that power and then decide to use blessing/ally to explore do I still have to encounter Bucket Brigade or do I get to encounter next card in that location deck? 2. Alahazra's Stargazer ability allow us to scry top card of location deck and then encounter it if it's a boon. Since Bucket brigade is on top, I just "wasted" a divine card, correct? ![]()
No, as Firedale posted a bit above the rulebook say this about exploration: Quote:
So you can only Explore during your own turn and during Explore step. You can use stuff like "Detect Evil", "Detect Magic", Alahazra's Stargazer ability and like to encounter cards outside of Explore step [and in some cases, even outside your own turn!] because, as Hawkmoon said, those effects don't count as exploring. ![]()
Sorry to but in, but what do you mean by this:
Michael Klaus wrote: ...(which had worked fine until Alahazra started to keep her examining power for her own turn so she could encounter the boons) ... Doesn't Alahazra's Stargazer ability to encounter boons she just examined work regardless of whose turn it is? ![]()
1. Non-combat checks to defeat monsters and damage: if I fail a non-combat check to defeat a Monster/Henchman/Villain [like Pirate Council and Charisma/Diplomacy check] do I still take damage like I would if I failed a combat check? 2. If I understand it correctly, revealing a card does not count as playing it, so I could reveal Old Salt's Bandana to add Swashbuckling to the check and then recharge Emerald of Dexterity to use my Dexterity die on the check. Am I understanding it correctly? What happens if I recharge Emerald first... can I still reveal Old Salt's Bandana? And if I have two items with reveal power, can I use them both? ![]()
I thought you can't look at which Blessings get used when you shuffle a Villain into random location deck [regardless of where you take the blessing]. Especially since KNOWING which Blessings were used does give some minor [or major if all the other Blessings of that type are used by players or already accounted for!] advantage to players while searching for Villain once again. If you know what blessings were used then finding one of them is almost equivalent to finding a Henchmen... either way you know Villain is not in that Location. Which does make a game somewhat easier for players and I'm not sure that was game designers intent with whole Villain mechanic. ![]()
I'd actually go for option #3: if BrineBones get shuffled into a location [which you can't know if it happen or not until you find him there] you treat him as any regular monster you encounter. Once that encounter is over, no matter if you win, loose or evade him [and you can evade him!] Scenario card triggers it's post encounter part so you advance the blessings deck and then shuffle Brinebones back into blessings deck. The way I see it, BrineBones is potential threat you may or may not encounter during a scenario... if you're lucky he could be 31st card in Blessing deck so you will never encounter him during the scenario. Or you may encounter him only once. But you may also be extremely unlucky and encounter him 10+ times. ![]()
Well, there are a bunch of different types of Caltrops used throughout history... one design [most common one] is four spikes arranged so their end points create a tetrahedron [a d4] but there are also designs using six spikes and even some with eight spikes. Their design also determine how much balance issues came out of stepping on one. ![]()
Agreed, it would be nice to get a definitive ruling on this. One "benefit" I could see from making a ruling that monster from my example is defeated would be that it would make introducing a future Villain with "If the check to defeat does not have Divine trait, 'Villain' is undefeated." power possible. At the moment introducing a Villain like that is not an option since doing that would make soloing the adventure path with any non-spellcaster almost impossible since they wouldn't have a way to defeat such Villain. Introducing a weapon like this would make that possible [and then you can only blame yourself for not keeping one of those when you get them... especially if it was given to you as Loot]. Also, I'm not sure what you mean about (Caltrops vs Ancient Skeleton) causing issues with thematic accuracy... Skeleton might ignore damage effect from them but uneven footing and balance issues still remain allowing you to either evade or defeat that Skeleton. ![]()
Let us look at this from slightly different angle... what playing this mace and using it's power represent: Character draws his Mace, offers a prayer to a deity asking for help in defeating his opponent and said deity responding by adding some of his divine energy to damage dealt. In Card game terms each action is represented as follows:
Now let us imagine that opponent that character is facing can only be harmed by using divine energy which in card game terms that would mean a check to defeat need to have Divine trait [there is a precedence for that since in S&S character add-on deck there is a monster requiring check to defeat to have Magic trait]... would that opponent be defeated or undefeated following a successful attack using this weapon? Thematically, I would say yes, he is defeated. But going by the rules as written at the moment, arguments could be made for each option. ![]()
From pg. 2 of the Rulebook:
So Becalmed trumps over Jalhazar's Wheel.