The Scenario Twisty Passages has the following (during this scenario) text. (When you close a location, shuffle together the location cards of all locations that are not permanently closed. Then randomly deal 1 to each location that does not have a location card.) (When you encounter a blessing, banish it, then summon and build the location Middle of Nowhere and move to it.) What is everyone take on the first section text, have several idea's running around my head about how to interpret this.
Blasphemy Demon: most of the text is the standard demon immune and what happens when defeated. the last line reads. (If you played a boon to examine this card, bury the boon.) would that effect trigger if say a person augured for barriers and this chap was still one of the three cards. or would you actual need to be looking for cards of its type> Transmogrify: reads (When a character at your location encounters a monster, display this next to that monster. While displayed, the difficulty of checks to defeat that monster are decreased by your arcane/divine skill +1d6.) Am I reading the correctly the they would get their main die + skill bumps + 1d6 and no mythic bonus.?
How do I go about getting missing promo cards? I bought AP2 from my game store and the distributer told him they did not have any, my order was place the week of street release but due too distributer messing up the store's order did not arrive till the following week. AP3 was purchased by a friend of mine at Gencon and he was told they where all out of the promo cards. Thank you for your time
I like WoTR 10x more the Skull and Shackles. Yes parts are harder but that means using your resources wiser. Yes this means I have failed more scenario's and have 1 friends and 1 of my characters die, but unless someone needs too finish off a season 0 character the remaining season 0 of mine are done as is.
I am figuring this is no, but will ask anyways. A friend of mine was at a convention last month and a got a copy of fire sneeze for playing the card game. He gave it to me , and I am wondering even thou it was meant for runelords can I add it to wrath, I got it from him the day I was opening my box of wrath.
I would like to know why paizo punishes those who try and support their game store by purchasing the game thru them and not getting a subscription. I am getting my stuff 2-3 weeks behind subscriber; I am all ready missing the (temptation of the big die) promo for not being a subscriber and I get to pay more. I am finding this practice rather distasteful and the practice of making it look like paizo would rather cut out the game stores and sell directly to everyone seems rather short sighted. If game store do not make money than that is place that a larger gathering of player would more than likely lose.
asking this for a friend, sorry I do not have the full printed out line of text, so this may be off a bit. The final reward talks about temporarily replacing 1 card in you deck with a loot of the same type. was this suppose to mean that other character you a still playing in season 0 have access to all loot card that are in season 0. does it mean that if you start a new season 0 character they would have access to all loot card at the beginning of the game, or that they would have access to all loot card of their appropriate level.
the guide says no more than 5 skills, but does not list any breakdown on assigning the +'s to them. does the die size of the base attribute indicate the skill bonus. ie;
are some skills considered more valuable than others, in skull and shackles wisdom was very predominate on traps and ships, so would that make wisdom based skills more costly so they get a lower bonus.
can non mythic characters earn mythic charges?. Asking because Blessing of Ascension and nectar of the gods can provide them. Blessing of Ascension is auto acquired if you have a charge. Imrijka's cold iron warden role card list a benefit for playing Blessing's of Pharasma, but on my WotR deck list their are none listed as being part of the game. Are the Blessing of the Gods in the class decks still being used as those for guild play or should they be considered Blessing of Ascension
in the guide it says use the standard rule. is this the rules from season 0? a lot of my players do not like those loot rules. We had heard their was talk about changing from rolling on every piece of loot you are contesting to, each player chooses which loot the want for round 1, roll off any contested, but those that loose the roll have to wait till all round 1 roll are done than pick from what is left. Are we allowed to use a different loot handout as long as everyone is informed of it? I do not have a issue with using the new system and their is no prize support that would be effected by this change.
due summoned monster killed count toward his power: (when you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead.) that is the first line from his line 5 power. asking because under role card (tyrannomancer) his line 6 power reads: (add 1d8 to any check at your location against a summoned monster. when you defeat a summoned monster, you may draw a random monster from the box)?
When does your first exploration end? At the location (Befouled Alter) it says when closing encounter the henchman (cultist of Baphomet). On my first exploration I encountered and the defeated the Brimorak henchman and went to the when closing part of the location. The cultist says if this is your first exploration take 1 combat damage. I took the damage but was wondering when does your exploration step end. Soonas you defeated or failed or acquired the card encountered or with the henchman since it let me to attempt to close the location the exploration is still ongoing?
On page 7 of the orgnized play document under Earning Scenario rewards
Now the way we have been doing it, is that we would take all the cards of the reward type of 2 and lower shuffle than take a random from those, but this rules does not state this. So my question is this, do we do as I mentioned or do we just take a reward of the proper type that level or less and add that to our decks.