Darkness in the Heartlands - a Pathfinder 1e / Forgotten Realms Adventure

Game Master Tara Ravenheart


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My apologies, looks like I missed a couple questions.

Variant Multi-Class (@Ouachitonian) Yes, VMC is allowed.

Archetypes, free + others (@BigRig107) Yes, in addition to the "free archetype", you are welcome to take an additional archetype with it's normal losses/replacements.

Starting Location The game will be starting off broadly in the Eastern Heartlands (Cormyr, Sembia, Dalelands, Moonsea, and nearby areas). Beyond that, I am keeping the specifics off the table for now.

Applicant Spreadsheet Status (@Norde) Until I get a chance to fully review a "finished" applicant, it will still be in the "incomplete" tab.

Let's see what the dice roller grants before I decide if I have room for potentially adding one more game to my schedule....

Ability #1: 3d6 - 3 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) - 3 + 6 = 16
Ability #2: 3d6 - 1 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) - 1 + 6 = 11
Ability #3: 3d6 - 1 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) - 1 + 6 = 12
Ability #4: 3d6 - 1 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5) - 1 + 6 = 16
Ability #5: 3d6 - 3 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) - 3 + 6 = 16
Ability #6: 3d6 - 4 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) - 4 + 6 = 18

11, 12, 16, 16, 16, 18

Okay, wow just had a blast working on this character for the past 4-5 hours. Really hemmed and hawed on the class, but eventually I just started thinking about what character I wanted to play, figured I'd work on the story first and then pick a class that fit.

My 5 year old son has been loving Rise of the Guardians lately, loved the man on the moon aspect, resurrecting Jack Frost to help. Figured I could make a character with a similarly thematic beginning to their career with Selune!

Though you didn't say Kineticist was allowed so I ended up going with a Sacred Hunt master Inquisitor with a Giant Owl companion.

Character should be fully complete and ready for your review. Let me know if things aren't super clear. Also I'm Codanous from a few hours ago, rolled stats were 11, 11, 14, 16, 17, 17. Ended up just going with average hitpoints to be safe!


Calen Derethor remembers nothing of his life before the night he awoke in the forest. The cold ground was soaked with blood, his clothes torn to shreds, and the moonlight bathed him in its silvery glow. Gasping for air, Calen sat up, disoriented and trembling, expecting to find himself gravely injured, yet his body was whole. The blood on the ground was not his, and there were no signs of what had happened. It was as if he had been mauled by a beast but then miraculously healed, leaving no wounds behind.

As he struggled to comprehend his situation, a presence made itself known—a Giant Owl, perched silently on a nearby branch, its eyes glowing with a soft, silvery light. The owl watched him with an unnerving intelligence, and as Calen met its gaze, he felt a deep connection, a sense of purpose that had not been there before. The owl, which he instinctively knew to be named Lunaris, did not speak, but Calen understood her all the same. The light of Selûne, the Moonmaiden, had saved him, and she had given him a new life, a life of purpose.

Since that night, Calen has been driven by visions and signs he interprets as guidance from Selûne and Lunaris. He became an inquisitor, a seeker of truth and justice, hunting down the servants of Shar, Selûne’s dark sister, and protecting those who dwell in the moon’s light. Though he does not remember his past, Calen believes that his former life does not matter; what matters now is the mission given to him by Selûne. He travels the land, guided by Lunaris, who acts as both companion and herald, leading him to those in need.

Calen’s past remains a mystery, even to him, but he is determined to follow the path laid before him, trusting in Selûne’s light to guide him through the darkness. Though he is not famous, his deeds have begun to draw attention among the faithful of Selûne, and there are whispers that Calen Derethor is the Moonmaiden’s chosen, a shadowy figure who brings her light to the darkest corners of Faerûn.

His obvious flaw is he lost his memory, I hope that's okay as a flaw, also he smokes tobacco, some see that as a flaw, though I'm not bothered by it all, personally. His description is in his character sheet at the bottom!

Thanks for providing a fun character creation rule set, loved to really explore outside the normal bounds.

Additional note: I've been running a 5th Edition rule set game for 3 years now in the 3rd Edition Faerun Sword Coast. Its a pirates game, but I have some familiarity with the current setting of 3rd Edition DnD.

GM I'd like to see if we're on the same page re power level. Let's take for example the sacred shield paladin archetype. This archetype gives up a lot to gain some rather tasty defensive group buffs.

I think allowing a sacred shield paladin to smite is on the strong side. Likewise there are paladin (and ranger) archetypes such as Tempered Champion that replace spellcasting in exchange for a strong ability. If those archetypes retain spell casting then they are much stronger than the base class.

GM in your opinion are these examples with martial classes problematic?

What about archetypes such as sacred servant that replace smite with a slower progression - going back to full progression doesn't feel quite so strong to me.

Perhaps it's useful to calibrate with a full caster archetype. E.g. the exploiter Wizard looses their arcane school (some fabulous build defining abilities there) and arcane bond in exchange for arcanist exploits. This archetype is already very very strong, adding back arcane school abilities seems silly and I doubt anyone will disagree.

@Tara Ravenheart: Please feel free to remove me from the spreadsheet of applicants. Unfortunately I will not be applying after all. Wish you a great game!

I'm reading up on Faerun, not that familiar with the setting. I'm thinking some relative of a noble in Cormyr would best fit someone with the Phantom Thief Archetype? I'll read into it and tie it up with 3/3.5's timeframe to make sure everything is within reason.

Could the free archetype, be replaced with a Class Template of +1 LA (Looking at blending in fighter, rogue or cleric class templates)

I'm also looking at playing a racial template (LA +1 or less) against it's strengths as an idea, i.e. a physically weak template being a two-handed weapon fighter. As I will note that some racial templates, I also see having invisible chains on use of abilities when one thinks on it....
Which I see adding depth and some mystery to the character, but can also open up an interesting backstory I don't think you'd see coming.

Violant wrote:
I'm reading up on Faerun, not that familiar with the setting. I'm thinking some relative of a noble in Cormyr would best fit someone with the Phantom Thief Archetype? I'll read into it and tie it up with 3/3.5's timeframe to make sure everything is within reason.

Nice, I've only been in FR in one or two TTRPG campaigns, the rest was CRPG of Neverwinter Nights (1 and 2) from long ago. Now I do have a number of the FR books, but more for swiping feats into greyhawk/homebrew games years ago.

Also Fun Note of Forgotten Realms and Goblin Slayer Light Novels. One Goblin Slayer chapter makes a number of Forgotten Realms references, and the author does mention playing D&D in some of his afterwords in a few of the novel's volumes.

Liberty's Edge

Just saw this recruitment and love the Forgotten Realms setting. Will give a roll and see what I might make!

3d6 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (4, 5, 6) + 6 - 4 = 17
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) + 6 - 1 = 13
3d6 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) + 6 - 3 = 16
3d6 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 6 - 3 = 17
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + 6 - 1 = 10
3d6 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) + 6 - 3 = 13

Not too bad...I am sure I can work something up with those numbers!

Gotta roll my HD.

4d8 ⇒ (6, 7, 4, 7) = 24

Tara Ravenheart wrote:
Applicant Spreadsheet Status (@Norde) Until I get a chance to fully review a "finished" applicant, it will still be in the "incomplete" tab.

Roger, roger.

Thank you!

Character sheet has been completed and the statblock and ability descriptions added to the profile.

I didn't get too fancy with anything. Free Kensai + bladebound means I don't have to be concerned with armor or weapons. Having less spells from Kensai hurts a lot less when you get to keep spell recall.

Most of the freed up funds went to getting both a belt of Dex and a Headband of Int, but I also picked up few fun items like the bag of everlasting dung.

I picked up the possessed hand feat and plan to go into the chain with my extra feats. The idea is to treat the spirit in Theo's hand as the same one in his sword.

I've settled on the Halcyon Druid as my archetype.

However, want to make sure it's allowed, since it's *technically* Golarion specific(though obviously since it's on the d20PFSRD, it's been stripped of its setting trappings).

stormraven here with an applicant emerging from the burning sands of southern Anauroch.

I believe I've included everthing you've asked for. If I've missed something, or you'd like some clarification, please let me know.

Rolling for HP: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 1) = 17

I'll take average for the 1.

Now, when am I going to make time to write the background in my head down... :D

Oh, also, can we apply our free archtype to a familiar archetype? Not sure I'll take the option if it's available but I'm thinking about it.

Sage Familiar with actual combat ability would be a hilarious familiar, not going to lie.

4d8 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 1) = 12
Guess I'm taking 5 for the other 3 then.

Tariina wrote:
I'm planning on using the Blossoming Light cleric archetype. Since it says it says all its changes are "alterations", not replacements, I was wondering if you'd let me keep either the ability to use armor or the domain spells?

You missed my question.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

DeathQuaker wrote:

Here is my submission: Flame Ashhammer, NG Half-Elf Warpriest of Sune

** spoilers omitted **

I will no doubt update the character sheet as I note embarrassing math errors, etc. and questions or comments are welcome.

Found the embarrassing math error (well one of them, anyway)! Forgot to add the cost of the masterwork weapon into my weapon cost. Made some gear adjustments as a result. Also fixed some typos and made minor improvements to background section.

ACK... I forgot the Free Archetype for Ezmelda. Sorry about that! While she's not a pirate, I think I'll go with Buccaneer as I like the idea of her being able to take an opponent down in a duel without killing if need be.

Dice rolls:
Stat roll 1: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) = 7 (2, 4, 6) = 12
Stat roll 2: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) = 11 (6, 4, 6) = 16
Stat roll 3: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5) = 12 (4, 5, 6) = 15
Stat roll 4: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3) = 10 (6, 3, 6) = 15
Stat roll 5: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8 (1, 6, 6) = 13
Stat roll 6: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6) = 13 (4, 6, 6) = 16
Hit die level 2: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Hit die level 3: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Hit die level 4: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Hit die level 5: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Violant wrote:
Sage Familiar with actual combat ability would be a hilarious familiar, not going to lie.

I briefly looked at crossing Sage and Mauler just for laughs, but they both alter rather than replace the same feature, so it wouldn't have worked.

My actual plan is to combine Sage and Egotist for a very independant, opinionated familiar.

@Tara Ravenheart I've got a few questions that I don't think have been asked (apologies if I missed them):

How are you handling domains? Are you using the 3.x ones from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and adjusting as necessary?

Similarly, with Golarian-flavoured religious things e.g. traits are you letting people take them provided they make sense between the pantheons? For example, Iomedae things probably work for a worshipper of Tyr, Torm, Helm, and make calls on a case by case basis?

I assume we still add the +1 stat bonus for 4th level on top of the generous initial rolling?

How do you feel about magical equipment stacking, e.g. combining a cloak of resistance and a cloak of elvenkind provided you pay the additional cost to do so in line with the magic item creation rules?

Also, some hp rolls: Hit points: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 5) = 16

After a while hemming and hawing and a few false starts, I figured my submission out. I just had to find the right thing in Faerun to build from.

Raziah is an Inquisitor of Torm. I'm using the Ravener Hunter archetype for free, and adding Sanctified Slayer using the regular rules.

She was taken into the church and raised after her parents both offered up their souls to be siphoned from their bodies to empower Torm so he could defeat and kill Bane. Raziah and her young brother are among the many children left behind by the event, the Martyris Progeny.

Her brother Joris adapted well to the new situation and is now a priest. Raziah not so much. She can't bring herself to leave Torm's church so she works alone undercover, mostly in The Vast and The Dalelands. She looks for potential trouble brewing and emerging threats, reporting back to her higher ups in the city of Tantras by letter.

I have the build and mechanics done, still working on backstory and gear. I should be able to finish up tomorrow.

HP: 4d8 ⇒ (4, 2, 7, 3) = 16

GM Tara, I noticed you have ?? for my sorcerer archetype on your spreadsheet. That's not an oversight on my part, I won't be taking advantage of your generous archetype policy.

Archetype Inquiries As we have gone further into reviews of various archetypes, its clear, at least earlier in PF1e, that the “Requires” and “Alters” language was not necessarily used, at least not explicitly. I will definitely review archetypes for consideration (now, and continuously during gameplay in case adjustment is needed)
- Blossoming Light (@Tariina) My apologies, I thought I had included this in a previous yeply. Yes, I would say you can retain armor proficiency and the domain spell slot (otherwise you would gain pretty much nothing)
- Halcyon Druid (@MonkeyGod) Yes, it is allowed.
- Phantom Thief Origin, (@Violant) a Phantom Thief could definitely be from many places, ranging from Waterdeep, Silverymoon, or Neverwinter on the Sword Coast, to Cormyr, Sembia, or Westgate on the Sea of Fallen Stars. Many more options could be available, depending on backstory. But yes, Cormyr would definitely fit.

Archetype Power Level (@Silas Hawkwinter) The idea behind the “Free Archetype” was adopted by my in-person group years ago as an alternative to Gestalt. We thought Gestalt was fun, but made every character over the top. And many times we had been frustrated to lose one or two core abilities when taking an archetype that was thematically appropriate. So the “Free Archetype” was kind of a compromise between the two issues. As a whole it has worked well, there have only been a couple things we have had to adjust during game play.

Yes, some archetypes are more or less powerful than others, but most of the crappy junk archetypes get ignored, and generally players were smart to select solid builds that were good, but not broken. Those archetypes you addressed are strong archetypes that definitely feel the benefit of this system at the top level, but I would not consider them broken. A key thing to remember is the ever-present curse of “Action Economy”. You may end up with a few extra, solid abilities, but you can still only use so much in a round.
- Sacred Shield As bastion of good “replaces” smite evil, the character would get both (though it otherwise presents as an ‘altered’, right down to using feats that effect smite evil). What we have done in the past in such a case is they still pull from the same number of uses per day, the same way the holy shield ability and channel energy will both pull from lay on hands.
- Sacred Servant gain 3 additional uses of smite evil, a domain (including abilities and spells level 1-4), ability to summon a planar ally. (divine bond is altered, not replaced, and so would stay in this form)
- Tempered Champion gains 5 feats across 20 levels.
- Exploiter Wizard gain an arcane pool, and 6 exploits (dependent on pool) across 20 levels.

Simple Class Templates (@RHMG Animator) There are already a lot of bonuses/boons in play for character creation, I would rather not open a further can of worms to other options. The Simple Class Templates are designed to modify monster stat blocks without a full rebuild, and simply add on a CR adjustment for its new power rating. They would add substantially more than a “free archetype”. And as for Racial Templates, I would similarly like to stay away. You mentioned combining fighter/rogue/cleric, would either simply multiclassing, or taking a hybrid class like warpriest (ftr/clr), inquisitor (clr/rog), or slayer (ftr/rog) make most sense? You have posted several times about vague questions, is there something you are trying to work toward that I can assist with? Perhaps put all the details into a PM?

Familiar Archetypes (@Almonihah) If you really want to spend your “free archetype” on your Familiar, I suppose you are welcome to…

A Bunch of Questions (@Slowdrifter) To your many questions:
- Domains we are using the Pathfinder domains. If there is a specific domain from 3.x that does not have an equivalent, please PM me and we can discuss it.
- Religion Specific from Golarion Precisely, if it “makes sense” for an FR deity, then it can be taken.
- 4th level +1 to an Ability Score Yes, you gain this.
- Magic Item Stacking If you want to spend the extra GP to have such an item, I am okay with it.

Thanks for the response GM. There's a bunch of flavourful archetypes that probably wouldn't get used otherwise that become interesting with this rule.

Magus writing currently in progress now, likely going to have her be from Wateedeep.

I think discretion’s going to have to be the better part of valor on this one, life’s already really busy for me. Seems like it’s going to be a great game, but I’m going to step back.

I'm working on a gnome Seeker oracle with Dual-Cursed as his free archetype. I'm hoping to get him written up today.

I don't know the Forgotten Realms very well, but I'll see what I can discover about where such a character might come from (he's probably a follower of Baravar Cloakshadow).

Finishing up my sylph draconic/storm druid, rolling HP.

HP: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 2, 3) = 19
Reroll: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

So that makes 8, 6, 6, and 3. Not too bad.

Silas Hawkwinter wrote:
Thanks for the response GM. There's a bunch of flavourful archetypes that probably wouldn't get used otherwise that become interesting with this rule.

I am liking this Rule. It does open up less seen Archetypes. And that is definitely good.

Also, as already updated, I have changed direction...

Thank you.

Build of my sylph druid is done, gotta fill out drake companion and do the background.

Grand Lodge

Switching to an Elf Enchanter with Poppets!!! Who is Huaghty and Vain

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.

At the risk of looking like a try-too-hard, here's a list of Faerun's gods that lists their 3.x domains and suggested Pathfinder domains/subdomains to swap in where things do not match. To be clear there's no domain conversions, just suggested alternatives where the domains in Pathfinder don't exist and/or to add in Pathfinder domains that didn't exist in 3.x. The swaps are not necessarily 1 for 1, but intended to stay true to the god's portfolio.

Obviously Tara Ravenheart would need to approve this list for use, but if it's useful, great. Sorry just the Faerun gods, I don't have the stamina to add the Seldarine, Mulhorand gods, etc. etc.

Sent a PM let me know your thoughts thanks

Hi there! I've finished my first pass at a character for this. Meet Lord Ryjel III, an oracle/inquisitor gnome with a bit of a dark side! Mechanically he's basically an illusionist with lots of roguely abilities.

Raziah's background is finished, working on gear now. After that just a bit about her personality to go.

Liberty's Edge

I thin I am going to pull out of this one...looks like you have plenty of people looking to play! Best of luck all!!

Dark Archive

I'll bow out as well. I'm not totally familiar with Faerun and there are enough people already to fill a couple tables. Good luck everyone!

I believe that he is ready....

Any questions, comments, concerns (mistakes) please let me know.

I most likely will be adding and subtracting here and there to polish up any rough edges.

Thank you!

Besides char gen rules questions, can we ask help or advice?

Help might be in reskinning (sp?) a regional trait.

Advice might be... what terrains should one not pick as a favored? Underwater, elemental, astral, jungle, etc...

Would suck to build on a terrain that will never be encountered.

Considering origins related to caravans and magistrates or diplomacy, so I'm thinking start with desert or mountains (pass) as safe bets along a land based trade route.

Also, paladin do not have to pick a deity... but the Tempered Champion <<< Link - Tempered champions are trained to master their deities’ favored weapons.

Would they need to pick a deity? I can always say Osiris, just didn't want that much of a Mulhorandi vibe.

Not that I overly mind, I'm Egyptian after all.

It's not the culture I'm trying to stay away from, it's the temple/church... or rather chain of command.

Although good and aligned with the church teachings and the people, he's independent/self sufficient (not chaotic).

Warrior/agent not soldier, if that makes any sense. Perhaps there is a sect that is expected to be agents, going out and acting independently and doing good works. From time to time, they return to the temple for training, debrief, etc...

Not having to pick a deity avoids that complexity, specificity of nuance.

Ridge wrote:

ACK... I forgot the Free Archetype for Ezmelda. Sorry about that! While she's not a pirate, I think I'll go with Buccaneer as I like the idea of her being able to take an opponent down in a duel without killing if need be.

For some reason I thought I only got ONE Free archetype despite multiclassing. Spreadsheet tells me I read THAT wrong so, double apology time :o

The Swashbuckler Free Archetype for Ezmelda is Inspired Blade.

I am still still working through trying to make a solid healer who's also effective in some other aspect. I've come to realize there's a lot more options to make a religious character who's also good at being a warrior, then there is as a healer. Kind of the reverse from back in the day. Still looking at Oracle of Life (divine herbalist), and also Cleric (Evangelist) - either option as kind of a wandering pilgrim/friar. In the back of my head, I would still like to make a warpriest (Sacred fist) work, but not sure how. Any advice could help.

wanderer82 wrote:
In the back of my head, I would still like to make a warpriest (Sacred fist) work, but not sure how. Any advice could help.

If you want to be a great healer, seems to me that a Sacred Fist warpriest with the Healer's Hands and Signature Skill (Heal) feats would be a great fit, compensating somewhat for having fewer spells than a cleric by adding a pretty nice lay on hands 5/day. You'd also have Wisdom-based channel energy. I don't know much about Forgotten Realms deities, but a quick internet search suggests that Ilmater might be a good fit?

Sent PM to GM.

Dark Archive

eriktd wrote:
wanderer82 wrote:
In the back of my head, I would still like to make a warpriest (Sacred fist) work, but not sure how. Any advice could help.
If you want to be a great healer, seems to me that a Sacred Fist warpriest with the Healer's Hands and Signature Skill (Heal) feats would be a great fit, compensating somewhat for having fewer spells than a cleric by adding a pretty nice lay on hands 5/day. You'd also have Wisdom-based channel energy. I don't know much about Forgotten Realms deities, but a quick internet search suggests that Ilmater might be a good fit?

Healer's Hands + Signature Skill (Heal) is indeed a very good combo for healing and at higher levels heals an absurd amount of HP. However, it also costs a good amount of resources to pull it off.

A Warpriest has 4 + Int skill points (thanks to the generous rules here), but they'll need to max Heal and K. Planes, locking basically half their skill points.

To use the heal, you need a full-round action, so not that great during combat. You also need to beat a DC 20 Heal check. At this level, you can safely take 10, but that doesn't work in combat. If you fail the check, you waste one use.

At level 5th, you heal 2hp/lvl with a success. If you beat it by 5 on the check, you add your Wisdom to this and if you beat it by 10 you also add your ranks in K. Planes. However, beating a DC 30 at 5th isn't easy unless you spend a lot more resources in terms of traits, feats and magic items into it.

IMO, until you reach 10 ranks in Heal and thus bump the healed amount to 4hp/lvl, the Incredible Healer feat will heal for twice as much, so much better to take Incredible Healer now and then retrain to Signature Skill past level 10.

Someone here was working on a Phantom Thief. They'd be able to do this much more easily and from level 7th instead of 10, with much more skills points and not even needing to take Signature Skill.

Yeah, I'm the one working on a Phantom Thief. I'll try to get a write up done today or tomorrow.

I'm planning to have Raziah take the non-magical line of healing feats since she'll be a strength-based combatant so won't be tying up many feats getting up and running for combat. She gets 10 skill ranks per level, 12 with background ranks, so no problem in that area either.

Right now I have Healings Hands as a feat, but if Raziah is in the game and someone else is wanting to make a non-magical healer, I'm fine to rebuild a little and let the other player do it.

wanderer82 wrote:
I am still still working through trying to make a solid healer who's also effective in some other aspect. I've come to realize there's a lot more options to make a religious character who's also good at being a warrior, then there is as a healer. Kind of the reverse from back in the day. Still looking at Oracle of Life (divine herbalist), and also Cleric (Evangelist) - either option as kind of a wandering pilgrim/friar. In the back of my head, I would still like to make a warpriest (Sacred fist) work, but not sure how. Any advice could help.

Oradin! ;)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I played an Oradin all the way through Giantslayer. Great combo,

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