Race: Drow
Class: Cleric (Blossoming Light)/VMC Bard
Alignment: CG
Deity Eilistraee
Size: Medium
Type: humanoid (elf)
Initiative: +3
Perception: +6 (darkvision 120ft)
AC: 19, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 16
CMD: 15, FF CMD: 12
HP: 32/32
Fort: +7 Ref: +5 Will: +11
Special Defences:
-immune to magic sleep effects and +2 against enchantment spells and effects
-+2 to resist poison effects
Speed: 30ft
Melee: Rapier +7 (1d6/18-20 P), Sap +7 (1d6-1 B Nonlethal), Machete +6 (1d6-1/19-20 S)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20 P) 80ft
CMB: +2
Touch Attacks: +6
Special Attacks:
-Channel Energy (3d6) DC 15 (also harms chaotic evil outsiders, worshipers of chaotic evil deities, and evil creatures with light sensitivity or light blindness as if they were undead)
Spell Casting
CL 5, Concentration +9, DC 14 + spell level
Ranges: C 35, M 150, L 600
-Detect Poison
-Purify Food and Drink
-Shield of Faith
-Burning Disarm
-Charm Person (D)
-Lesser Restoration
-Soothing Word
-Burst of Radiance
-Blindness/Deafness (D, blindness only)
-Remove Curse
-Suggestion (D)
Spell-Like Abilities:
-Dancing Lights (1/1)
-Darkness (1/1)
-Faerie fire (1/1)
Ability scores: Str 9 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 18 Cha 17
BAB: 3
Adventure Skills: Bluff +6 | Diplomacy +7 | Disguise +6 | Heal +8 | Intimidate +6 | Knowledge (arcana) +7 | Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10 | Knowledge (Local, Nature) +3 | Knowledge (Planes, Religion) +9 | Sense Motive +10 | Spellcraft +5 | Stealth +6 | Survival +9
Background Skills: Craft (Alchemy) +7 | Knowledge (Engineering, Geography) +3 | Knowledge (History, Nobility) +7 | Linguistics +5 | Performance (Dance) +6 | Performance (string) +4
Circumstantial Skill Bonuses:
-+2 to Diplomacy against good creatures or to convince an evil creature to take an action against its evil nature
-+2 on Survival to avoid becoming lost, same bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) when navigating underground
-+1 on Survival to get along in the wild
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Elven, Drow Sign Language
-Selective Channel
-Weapon Proficiency (Close)
-Iron Will
-Familiar Bond
-Improved Familiar Bond
Race, Traits and FCB
-Daylight Adaptation
-Covert Channeler
-Expert Explorer (Knowledge Dungeoneering)
-Poisonous Upbringing
Favored Class Bonus: Skill Ranks (x5)
Class Features
Channel Energy (10/10)
-Touch of Darkness (7/7)
Charm (Lust Subdomain)
-Dazing Touch (7/7)
Blossoming Light
Luminous Font
VMC Bard
Bardic Knowledge
Weapons & Armour:
-Rapier (+1)
-MWK Sap
-Light Crossbow
-Buckler (+1)
-Studded Leather Armor (+1)
-Bolt (x20)
-Disguise Kit (10/10)
-Healer's Kit (10/10)
-Antitoxin (x2)
-Smelling Salts
-Essence of Independence
-Stillgut (vial)
-Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Magical gear:
-Handy Haversack
-Pathfinder Pouch
-Traveller's Any-Tool
-Cloak of Resistance (+1)
-Pyxes of Redirected Focus (1/1)
Mundane Gear:
-Silver Holy Symbol of Eilistraee
-Holy text of Eilistraee
-Efficient Tent
-Grooming kit
-Mess kit
-Iron Pot
-Entertainer's Outfit
-Dancer's Garb
-String (50ft x2)
-Chalk (x8)
-Spell Component Pouch
-MWK Harp
-Alchemist's Lab
-Surgeon's Tools
-MWK Manacles with Good Lock (x2)
-Silk Rope (50ft)
Money: Platinum 0 Gold 367 Silver 2 Copper 0