
Flame Ashhammer's page

No posts. Alias of DeathQuaker (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8).

Full Name

Flame Ashhammer of Sune


NG Half-Elf Forgepriest Warpriest 5 | HP 30/30 | AC 21 (T12 FF19) CMD 19/21 vs disarm/trip | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +9; +2 race vs enchantment, +2 trait vs charm/compulsion

About Flame Ashhammer

NG Half-Elf Forgepriest Warpriest of Sune 5

Init: +2; Senses: Perception +10; low-light vision
Aura: Good


AC 21 T12 FF19 (Armor 7 + Dex 2 + Shield 2) | CMD 19 (21 vs disarm and trip)
hp 30 (5d8+10)
Fort +7 (Base 4 + Con 2 + 1 cloak); Ref +4 (Base 1 + Dex 2 + 1 cloak); Will + 9 (Base 4 + Wis 3 + 1 cloak); +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects, +2 trait versus charm and compulsion spells
Immune Magic sleep


Combat Statblock:
BAB +3; CMB +7 (+2 to disarm and trip)
Speed 20 ft. (30 when unarmored)

The Ash-Hammer (+1 adamantine warhammer) +9 (1d8+7/x3; B, ignores hardness)
Shield bash w/ mwk spiked light steel quickdraw shield +8 (1d4+4/x2; P)
TWF Ash-Hammer + Mwk Spiked light steel quickdraw shield +7/+6 (1d8+7 B/1d4+2 P)
Whip +7 (1d8 sacred weapon damage or 1d3 nonlethal/x2; Range 15 feet, can use anywhere within range; +2 to disarm, can drop to avoid trip, does not damage foes in armor or with nat armor +3)

Mwk Mighty +2 Composite Longbow +6 (1d8+2/x3; P) Range 100 ft.

==Special Attacks/Combat Abilities/Magic===


Protection 5/day, DC 18
Increased Defense (minor): At 1st level, you can gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws and a +1 sacred bonus to AC for 1 minute. The bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 20th level.

A forgepriest gains only 1 blessing. This alters the blessings class feature.

Sacred Weapon:

(Su; Damage 1d8, +1 enhancement bonus as a swift action 5 rds/day. See also Creator’s Bond)
At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of her faith. In addition to the favored weapon of her deity, the warpriest can designate any weapon she has the Weapon Focus feat for as a sacred weapon. Whenever the warpriest hits with her sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on her level and not the weapon type. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon’s base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn’t apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage.

At 4th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of her sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 4 levels beyond 4th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). If the warpriest has more than one sacred weapon, she can enhance another on the following round by using another swift action. The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her warpriest level, but these rounds need not be consecutive. These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the weapon might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance a weapon with any of the following weapon special abilities: brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, and shock. If he is good, she can add ghost touch and holy. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost (see Table 15–9 on page 469 of the Core Rulebook). Duplicate abilities do not stack. The weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added. If multiple weapons are enhanced, each one consumes rounds of use individually. The enhancement bonus and special abilities are determined the first time the ability is used each day and cannot be changed until the next day. These bonuses do not apply if another creature is wielding the weapon, but they continue to be in effect if the weapon otherwise leaves the warpriest’s possession (such as if the weapon is thrown). This ability can be ended as a free action at the start of the warpriest’s turn (that round does not count against the total duration, unless the ability is resumed during the same round). If the warpriest uses this ability on a double weapon, the effects apply to only one end of the weapon.

Fervor, Channel Energy, and Creator’s Bond:

(Su; 6/day, Heal living/harm undead 2d6, standard action or swift on self, OR cast as swift action targeting self only. See also Channel Energy and Creator’s Bond)
At 2nd level, a warpriest can draw upon the power of her faith to heal wounds or harm foes. She can also use this ability to quickly cast spells that aid in her struggles. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his warpriest level + her Wisdom modifier. By expending one use of this ability, a good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) can touch a creature to heal it of 1d6 points of damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 3 warpriest levels he possesses above 2nd (to a maximum of 7d6 at 20th level). Using this ability is a standard action (unless the warpriest targets himself, in which case it’s a swift action). Alternatively, the warpriest can use this ability to harm an undead creature, dealing the same amount of damage he would otherwise heal with a melee touch attack. Using fervor in this way is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. This counts as positive energy.

As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of this ability to cast any one warpriest spell she has prepared with a casting time of 1 round or shorter. When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The warpriest does not need to have a free hand to cast a spell in this way.

Channel Energy (Su)
(Costs 2 fervor as standard action. 30 ft radius. Damage as fervor. Save DC 16)
Starting at 4th level, a warpriest can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to deal or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. Using this ability is a standard action that expends two uses of her fervor ability and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. The warpriest must present a holy (or unholy) symbol to use this ability. A good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to heal living creatures or to deal damage to undead creatures.

Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the warpriest. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to the amount listed in the fervor ability. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy must succeed at a Will saving throw to halve the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A warpriest can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.

Creator’s Bond (Su)
At 4th level, when a forgepriest uses his sacred weapon ability with an item she created personally, she can expend two uses of her fervor ability to increase the bonus granted by 1. Once the forgepriest has the sacred armor ability, she can also use this ability in conjunction with that. (At the time Flame has not crafted any of her weapons. She has crafted her own armor, so I would like to be able to use this ability with Sacred Armor once she gets it at 7th level.)


Caster Level 5; Concentration +9, +13 when casting defensively
Warpriest Spell List

Spells Prepared
Level 0 (DC 14) (prepare 4/day)
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

Level 1 (DC 15) (prepare 5/day)
Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls.
Ray of Sickening: Ray makes subject sickened.
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Unbreakable Heart: Give a +4 bonus on saves against effects which rely on negative emotions.

Level 2 (DC 16) (prepare 3/day)
Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage and may stun subjects.

Spontaneous Casting: A good warpriest can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The warpriest can expend any prepared spell that isn’t an orison to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower. A cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name.

Smith’s Spells: A forgepriest adds the following spells to her spell list: 1st—jury rig, shield; 2nd—heat metal, shatter; 3rd—keen edge, quench, versatile weapon; 4th—wreath of blades; 5th—fabricate, major creation; 6th—mage’s sword.

Str 18 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 18 Cha 17
(Rolled stats; Half-Elf +2 to Wis, 4th level +1 to Str)

Feats, Proficiencies, and Traits:

Skill Focus (Half-Elf Adaptability; Craft (Armorer)): Gain a +3 to the chosen skill; if you have 10 ranks or more, gain a +6.

Weapon Focus (Warpriest Bonus 1; hammers): Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon group (EITR) (hammers: aklys, battle aspergillum, chain-hammer, club, earth breaker, greatclub, heavy mace, lantern staff, light hammer, light mace, mere club, piston maul, gnome, planson, ram hammer, dwarven, sphinx hammer, dwarven, taiaha, tetsubo, wahaika, warhammer).

Combat Casting (L1): Gain a +4 to Concentration when casting defensively.

Deft Maneuvers(L1): (EITR) You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip or disarm combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with trip and disarm combat maneuvers, and you can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip or disarm you.

Two-Weapon Fighting (L2): You can attack with two weapons a -2 penalty for each hand.

Improved Shield Bash (L3): When you perform a shield bash, you may still apply the shield’s shield bonus to your AC.

Shield Focus (Warpriest Bonus 3): Gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when using a shield.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor (Forgepriest Bonus 3): You can create magic weapons, armor, or shields. Enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must use up raw materials costing half of this total price. See the magic item creation rules in Magic Items for more information. The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you provide. Its cost is not included in the above cost. You can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place.

Weapon Specialization (Hammers) (L4): You gain a +2 to damage when attacking with weapons with the chosen group in which you have Weapon Focus.

Selective Channeling (L5): When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy.

Proficiencies A warpriest is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the favored weapon of her deity (whip), and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields).

Armor Expert (Combat): When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.

Trade Talk (Race; Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 4): You picked up not only the basics of your human parent’s profession, but also the lingo typical of the craft. Choose a Craft or Profession skill (Craft (Armorer)). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with the chosen skill, and a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks when dealing with people in the context of that craft or profession.

Unswaying Love (Religion): Your resolute devotion to the unadulterated purity of your goddess protects you from those who would manipulate you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm or compulsion effects. (This is a Shelyn-based trait from Inner Sea Gods pg. 223, and it seems very appropriate for a devotee of Sune)

Languages, Skills, and Skill-Related Abilities:

2 ranks + Int 1 + 1 favored class/level = 20; 2 background skills/level (10 total), marked *; skills that are listed but not trained are class skills, put there for my edification
Climb +7 (1 Ranks + Class 3 + Str 4 – 1 ACP)
Craft (Armorer)* +13/15 (5 Ranks + Class 3 + Int 1 + feat 3 + 1 trait) (+2 to make metal items, armor, or weapons from forge mastery)
Craft (Blacksmith)* +6 (2 Ranks + Class 3 + Int 1) (+2 to make metal items, armor, or weapons from forge mastery)
Craft (Leather & Tanning)* +6 (2 Ranks + Class 3 + Int 1)
Diplomacy +10 (4 Ranks + 3 Class + 3 Cha)
Handle Animal +4 (4 Cha)
Heal +10 (3 Ranks + 3 Class + 4 Wis)
Intimidate +4 (4 Cha)
Knowledge (engineering)* +5 (1 Ranks + 3 Class + 1 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +9 (5 Ranks + 3 Class + 1 Int)
Perception +10 (1 Ranks + 3 Class + 4 Wis +2 Race)
Profession —
Ride - 2 (Dex 1 – 3 ACP)
Sense Motive +9 (2 Ranks + 3 Class + 4 Wis) (+1 when dealing with armorer talk)
Spellcraft +7 (3 Ranks + 3 Class + 1 Int)
Survival +4 (4 Wis)
Swim +5 (1 Ranks + 3 Class + 4 Str – 3 ACP)
Use Magic Device +7 (1 Ranks + 3 Class + 3 Cha)

Skill-Related Abilities
Forge Mastery (Ex): A 2nd level, the forgepriest adds a bonus equal to half her level (+2) to all Craft checks to make metal items, armor, and weapons.

Fey Thoughts (Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 5)
The character sees the world more like a native of the First World. Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character. A half-elf can take this trait in place of multitalented. (Note: I really don’t know what getting more class skills has to do with fey; I just wanted something appropriate to the character that was different from multitalented since your house rules make the point of multitalented moot and she may not multiclass anyway. The way I’d explain this is she’s had both a very varied upbringing and her early life in the Dales exposed her to some magical perspectives.)

Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Languages: Common, Elven, Chondathan, Dwarven (This is assuming she gets a regional language for free)



Ash-Hammer (+1 adamantine warhammer) (5,312 gp; 5 lbs) (1d8/x3 B)
+1 agile breastplate (1,550 gp; 25 lbs) (Armor +7, Max Dex +3, ACP -3, 0 for Climb and Acrobatics).
Mwk light steel spiked quickdraw shield (219 gp; 7 lbs) (Shield bonus +1, ACP -1, 1d4 P)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 gp, 1 lb)
Handy haversack (2,000 gp, 5 lbs)
Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb)
Mighty +2 composite longbow (300 gp, 3 lbs) + 20 arrows (1 gp, 3 lbs)
Whip (1 gp, 2 lbs)
Belt pouch (1 gp, ½ lb)
Canteen (2 gp, 1 lb)
Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp, 1 lb)
Spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs)
Explorer’s Outfit (free)
Whistle (signal) (8 sp, —)

=In handy haversack=
-In main compartment (holds up to 80 lbs (current weight 73 lbs)-
Artisan’s Outfit (1 gp, 4 lbs)
Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs)
Blanket (5 sp, 3 lbs)
Cleric’s Vestments (5 gp, 6 lbs)
Traveler’s Outfit (1 gp, 5 lbs)
Collapsible bathtub (15 gp, 20 lbs)
Folding pole (2 sp, 10 lbs)
Tent (1 person) (10 gp, 20 lbs)

-In small compartment 1 (holds up to 20 lbs; current weight 20 lbs))-
Traveler’s Anytool (250 gp, 2 lbs)
Masterwork Artisan’s Tools (armormaking) (55 gp, 5 lbs)
Air bladder (1 sp, ½ lb)
Hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lbs)
Grappling arrow x1 (1 gp, ½ lb)
Silk rope (100 ft) (20 gp, 10 lbs)

-In small compartment 2 (holds up to 20 lbs; current weight 16.5 lbs)-
Potion of fly (750 gp)
Book of War Prayers (50 gp, ½ lbs)
Arrows (40) (2 gp, 6 lbs)
Chirurgeon’s Kit (400 gp, 4 lbs) This sturdy leather case straps to the waist or thigh, or can be slung over a shoulder. It consists of a leather pouch, a healer’s kit, a bottle of strong brandy, a potion of cure light wounds, a vial of smelling salts, and 2 doses each of alchemist’s kindness, antiplague, antitoxin, bloodblock, and soothe syrup.
Earplugs (3 cp, -)
Gear maintenance kit (5 gp, 2 lbs)
Grooming kit (1 gp, 2 lbs)
Mess kit (2 sp, 1 lb)

Cash: 8 gp, 7 cp (Starting gold: 12,000 gp, spent 11,991.93)
Total Carry Weight: (Max Light Load 100 lbs)


Vital Statistics and Character Summary:

Concept: Hot-tempered but compassionate Sunite whose art is armorcraft
Name: Nauriel Mithraen Ashhammer, better known as Flame of Sune
Race: Half Moon-Elf Age: 27
HeroForge Mini
Place of Birth: Moondale, the Dales
Current Residence (when not adventuring): House of Firehair, Daerlun, Sembia
Deity: Sune
Profession: Journeywoman Armorer, Temple Guard, Priestess, Adventurer
Organization Memberships: Order of the Ruby Rose of Sune, Armorer and Weaponsmith Guild
Goals: Serve Sune, learn new metal working skills, protect people, kick ass, build a suit of armor she can don with a snap of a finger.
Flaw: Pride that, when hurt, can lead to a vicious temper.
Living Relatives: Father (Gaerun Ashhammer, blacksmith and armorer in Daerlun), Grandmother (Rillemel Mithraen, Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow in Moondale), Uncle (Miekkal Mithraen, elven swordsman exiled for killing Flame's mother), various elven cousins. I can also come up with a list of contacts in Daerlun if desired.

Background Summary: Born in Moondale, her elven mother raised her until her uncle accidentally killed her mother during a fight, apparently over Flame. Her elven relatives then sent her to live with her father, an ex-soldier with an amputated leg who worked as a blacksmith and armorer. A shadow of grief for her mother consumed much of her youth, and she nearly was indoctrinated into the service of Shar—which she renounced at the last moment, realizing her mother’s love made her, and that love was stronger than the pain she felt. She then threw herself into spending more time with her father, learning his trade. When the time came for her to become a journeywoman, she did not want to leave her father and ended up working at the local House of Firehair as a guard and maintainer of its armory. There she experienced a small miracle worked by Sune and devoted herself to the service of love through the Order of the Ruby Rose. Destiny has demanded she now travel as an adventurer, and has successfully fled from dragons (she counts this as a heroic effort, given she was very inexperienced at the time), fought undead, interrogated an orc by threatening to make him pretty, killed a Sharran who for some reason wanted to ruin an engagement party (killed only because she attacked Flame), and taught a dwarf or two that yes, a half-elven servant of a “nookie goddess” can too work the forge better than they can.

Background, the Long Version, You Have Been Warned:

A little halfbreed girl named Nauriel (Elvish for “flame-garlanded maiden”) once lived among her moon elf relatives in the Dalelands. Her mother, Illenaur Mithraen, was a priestess of Sehanine Moonbow, and most of Flame’s memories of her are her singing songs and telling tales of the gods. Faint memories of sun-dappled groves and elven melodies are blood-spattered with the overriding scene of her uncle, Miekkal, running her mother through with his blade. It was, she eventually understood, an accident. All her young child self knew was that they had been arguing over her (Miekkal disapproved of her “mongrel” nature), and she blamed herself for her mother’s death.

After her mother’s death, she refused to speak to any in her mother’s family, irrationally terrified—as a young child might be—someone else might either hurt her or hurt someone else because of her. The elves of the grove exiled her uncle, but it did little to make her feel better. At a loss of what to do with the sullen, half-elven child who refused to speak with them, they decided to bring her to her human father, Gaerun Ashhammer, in Daerlun to the south. Gaerun had not even known that his moment of passion—on a night before battling Cormyrian invaders, a mutual cause—had led to Flame’s conception. So he was as shocked to be introduced to his little girl as he felt aggrieved to learn of Illenaur’s death. Though it changed his world, he accepted “his little Flame” without question and with open arms, and so she was Flame from then on. He lost his lower right leg in that battle over four years ago, so had stopped soldiering, but with the aid of a prosthetic worked as a gifted blacksmith and armorer, and he taught Flame his trade.

She loved her father deeply and felt safe under his wing, though the memory of her mother’s death still haunted her through much of her childhood. At one point, she sought solace in prayers to Shar, hoping to erase the memory and pain of grief from her entirely. Around the age of sixteen, she even went so far to seek out a priestess for initiation into Shar’s service. She received a potion, told that upon drinking it she would forget her mother and all the pain of her early life. She prayed and lifted the potion to her lips—and stopped.

Memories of her mother flooded her mind: breaking through the painful scene of Miekkal’s manslaughter, she recalled scenes few would remember from being that young—yet they were as vivid as though they had just happened: lullabies her mother sang to her, stories her mother told, playing in a garden while her mother garlanded her hair with flowers. But above all, she recalled a time after elven children were making fun of her clumsiness, her mother wiping her tears. She saw her mother’s face and heard these words: “The world will be cruel, my little one. I wish I could save you from it, but I can’t. But know always, I love you, and if you let it, that love will be your strength and shield. Always, even when I am gone.”

Weeping, Flame realized that forgetting the pain of her past would not be a comforting balm—it would mean killing her mother all over again, by losing all her mother had done to protect her and bring her into the world. Illenaur had loved Flame into being. If she gave up her pain, she was giving up the strength her mother wanted her to have, replacing it with useless numbness. Losing a loved one hurt because of what a loved one did for you, but the love remained even when the person was gone. And that made love stronger than memory even, and certainly stronger than darkness and loss.

She threw the potion to the ground and marched out of the cave where the priestess was carrying out their little “ceremony,” and she never turned back.

That’s not the part where Flame turned to Sune. Indeed, at the time, Flame was reluctant to throw her life toward the service of another deity. She continued training as a smith and crafter of armor, both out of a love for the craft but also to spend more time with her father, whose unconditional love she'd often taken for granted earlier in her grief. When she reached young adulthood, she was to travel to work as a journeywoman in her trade, but felt reluctant to leave her father, who was aging and struggling with mobility. As her father had taught her to fight (and to stress test the armor they made), she got a job working in the House of Firehair, the city’s famous cathedral to Sune, to serve as a temple guard and maintain its guards’ equipment. This was supposed to have been a temporary duty while she figured out what to do next—or find a way to be sure her father was cared for so she could leave for her journeywork.

One evening, having just finished a shift, she found her way to a quiet prayer alcove to mend some armor where no one would bother her. She lost track of the time, mending and sewing, singing a quiet tune as she went, and when she finished, she was stunned by what she saw: not just mended pauldrons and leather straps, but suddenly the workings were in gilded thread, the leather shoulder guard etched with the imagery of a rose.

A voice, warm and soft as a summer breeze, reverberated in her mind: A rose for you, my Flame. Oh, be assured your hands made these, I just added the inspiration. May your faith in love endure--and your gift for making beautiful things that preserve that which gets damaged so quickly. If you would but serve my Ruby Rose, I would be ever so grateful.

Shaken with as much fear as elation, Flame ran to tell the high priestess what she had done and experienced. With the priestess’s blessing, Flame entered the service of Lady Firehair and was inducted into the Order of the Ruby Rose. She would soon go to travel, not as a journeywoman armorer, but a reliquary guard. Her father urged her he would be fine—it turns out, the widowed baker and he had been spending a lot of time together of late, and he needed no caretaker, he assured her. Love, indeed, works in mysterious ways.

She now full-time lives the life of an adventurer, proving to the world that preserving love and beauty is far from passive, but indeed sometimes demands the bravery of those who fight, strengthened on by love and unafraid of grief. She has protected a reliquary delivered to the temple in Waterdeep from a dragon (by evasion, giving the dragon was far too strong for them to fight). She's killed raiders attacking caravans and scores of undead. In Silverymoon, she sort of crashed—with three drunken dwarves, no less—an engagement party--to stop a magistrate's son from marrying the wrong girl due to an ill-used Elixir of Love. The person responsible for trying to interfere in the man's love life was zealot in the service of Shar who tried to kill Flame for interfering (the Sharran claimed her faith would save her from Flame’s threats; it did not). (The party reunited the correct pair of lovers, but for some reason the magistrate did not appreciate their approach to the problem and Flame is now banned from entering Silverymoon. They never learned why the Sharran was trying to harm the Magistrate's son.) Flame once cowed an orc into submission by threatening to remove all his scars in the name of Sune. She won a shield-making contest versus a dwarf, much to his deep shame, and still bears the rose-motif shield she created. ((These are actual past adventures I’ve played through with this character.))

While part of the Order of the Ruby Rose, she doesn’t tend to check in often with its organizational leaders; she will of course take orders from them when she gets them, but serves more as a freelancing agent of Sune’s church.

Personality, Motivations, and Flaws:

Flame is generally friendly, gregarious, and unflappable. She has an effervescent way of speaking and can surprise people when she chatters her way into making a remarkably astute observation or shares some appropriate wisdom. Indeed, her bright demeanor comes not from a lack of adversity, but the fact that she has felt deep sorrow and deep rage—and found the strength in herself to overcome it.

While many mortals associate Sune with romantic love and superficial beauty, Flame typically focuses on broader, more universal forms of love, whether familial, friendly, or faith-driven and strives to emphasize this aspect of Sune’s portfolio. Likewise that beauty isn’t skin-deep, and art and nature are paths to an internal beauty difficult to strive for. While happily single herself (and on good terms with a couple of exes in Daerlun), Flame has no problem with romance and encourages such love to bloom where she sees a seed planted, but also knows it is not the only path to happiness.

She loves her work as an armorer, viewing it as her art form, and is devoted to making armor that is functional as it is beautiful and vice versa. Faerun is a dangerous world that needs more beauty in it; why not make something that can address both problems? Flame can be competitive, in a friendly way, with her armormaking skill, and likes stoking friendly rivalries with her artisan peers.

Motivations: Spread love, comfort the broken-hearted, make matches, and combat hate. Go where the Order of the Ruby Rose tells her to go. Improve her armorcraft, find new (to her) metals and learn new metalworking techniques.

Flaw: Pride/temper. On average, Flame is down to earth and even-handed, but she has a strong personal pride, and a few subjects that trigger a temper as hot as her forge. First, for the last time, Doran, Sune is NOT just a “nookie goddess!” Stop snickering! *heavy thing crashes* In other words, she gets irrationally angry when people are dismissive of Sune and what it means to serve love and beauty. Flame also doesn’t like being treated like she is stupid or vapid, which can happen particularly since most people assume Sunites are all superficial and vain. She can be manipulated by pressing her buttons, and she is not averse to throwing things (including magic) at offenders (though she would not intentionally bring lasting harm to an innocent).

If you want something simpler and plot hooky, she has been banned from entering the town of Silverymoon, but that’s sort of less of a flaw and more of a circumstance.


HeroForge Portrait
Flame is tall, with muscles well-worked from a life at the forge. She plaits her strawberry blonde hair out of her face, for practicality in battle and work, and better to see her vibrant blue eyes. Being half-moon elven, she has very pale skin with a sprinkling of freckles, both blue and brown. Perhaps not the image of the willowy servant of Firehair one expects, she is nonetheless a fit warrior in the service of the Ruby Rose, decked out in her own self-made armor (a metal breastplate with red-dyed, flexible leather and metal-reinforced pauldrons, hauberk, bracers, and greaves and matching helm). The armor—fully protective—uses clever use of line and curve to nonetheless celebrate the shape of the body and allow movement in combat. Her shield is one she made during a contest against a dwarven blacksmith who was aghast a servant of a weak goddess like Sune claimed to know armorcraft. It is a shining, solid steel piece embossed with an intricate image of a rose, whose thorns form actual spikes along the front of the shield.

While she carries a whip in deference to Sune’s favored weapon, she prefers to wield her father’s old warhammer from his soldiering days, the Ashhammer.

When not in armor, she prefers tunics of soft fabrics in blues and reds, simple leggings, and wears an old silver pendant of Elvish make of a crescent moon—her mother’s.