About Calen DerethorHP: 43/43 |AC:20 T:16 FF:14,| CMD: 18 | Fort: +9, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Init: +8, Speed 30ft Spells per day:1st:[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 2nd: [ ][ ][ ] | Judgment [ ] [ ] | Animal Aspect 5 Min/Day [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] | Bane [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] NG Human Selûnite Inquisitor 5 | Lunaris HP: 38/38 |AC:20 T:16 FF:14,| CMD: 17 | Fort: +5, Refl: +8, Will: +4 | Aspect ( Tiger: +2 to Dex) Calen Darathor
Skills 8 / level = 40 | Background Skills 2/Level = 10 ranks
Languages Common, Elven Gear: 12,000 gold pieces to start
coin pouch: Diamond worth 500 gp, 99 gold, 70 silver. Traits
Fates Favored(Magic):
Anytime you receive a luck bonus you increase that bonus by +1 Friend to Animals(Race):
You grew up in close proximity to animals and relate with them intuitively. You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks, and one of those skills (HANDLE ANIMAL) is always a class skill for you. Resurrected:
At some time in the recent past you died, but you were brought back to life—whether because of magic, a blessing of the gods, a destiny you have to fulfill, or perhaps it just wasn’t your time to die yet. Whatever the nature of your resurrection, your experience gave you a fascination with death, and you hope to find some insight into the nature of mortality by exploring the tombs of Wati’s famous necropolis. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against death effects. In addition, you do not die until your hit points drop to a negative amount equal to or lower than your Constitution score + 4. ----- Special Abilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Spells Known:
2nd level spells known: 3 Cure Moderate Wounds, Invisibility, See Invisibility 1st level spells known: 4 + 2 FCB
Orisons known: 6 + 3 FCB
Human Favored Class bonus: Add 1 spell to your spell known list that is 1 less than your highest level spell.
Like a cleric’s deity, an inquisitor’s deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, and her values. Although not as tied to the tenets of the deity as a cleric, an inquisitor must still hold such guidelines in high regard, despite that fact she can go against them if it serves the greater good of the faith. An inquisitor can select one domain from among those belonging to her deity. She can select an alignment domain only if her alignment matches that domain. With the GM’s approval, an inquisitor can be devoted to an ideal instead of a deity, selecting one domain to represent her personal inclination and abilities. The restriction on alignment domains still applies.
Each domain grants a number of domain powers, depending on the level of the inquisitor. An inquisitor does not gain the bonus spells listed for each domain, nor does she gain bonus spell slots. The inquisitor uses her level as her effective cleric level when determining the power and effect of her domain powers. If the inquisitor has cleric levels, one of her two domain selections must be the same domain selected as an inquisitor. Levels of cleric and inquisitor stack for the purpose of determining domain powers and abilities, but not for bonus spells. Protection Domain:
Granted Powers: Your faith is your greatest source of protection, and you can use that faith to defend others. In addition, you receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels you possess.
Resistant Touch (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an ally to grant him your resistance bonus for 1 minute. When you use this ability, you lose your resistance bonus granted by the Protection domain for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Aura of Protection (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of protection for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. You and your allies within this aura gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC and resistance 5 against all elements (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic). The deflection bonus increases by +1 for every four cleric levels you possess beyond 8th. At 14th level, the resistance against all elements increases to 10. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Judgement:
At 1st level, an inquisitor can use this ability once per day. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor can use this ability one additional time per day. Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at which point all of the bonuses immediately end. The inquisitor must participate in the combat to gain these bonuses. If she is frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise prevented from participating in the combat, the ability does not end, but the bonuses do not resume until she can participate in the combat again.
When the inquisitor uses this ability, she must select one type of judgment to make. As a swift action, she can change this judgment to another type. If the inquisitor is evil, she receives profane bonuses instead of sacred, as appropriate. Neutral inquisitors must select profane or sacred bonuses. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor. Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons. Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase. Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness). Animal Companion (Ex):
Animal Companion (Ex): At 1st level, a sacred huntsmaster forms a bond with an animal companion. This ability works as the hunter class feature of the same name, using her inquisitor level as her hunter level. At 1st level, a hunter forms a bond with an animal companion. A hunter may begin play with any of the animals available to a druid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the hunter on her adventures. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability (which is part of the nature bond class feature). The hunter’s effective druid level is equal to her hunter level. If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the companion’s statistics and abilities. A hunter may teach her companion hunter’s tricks from the skirmisher ranger archetype (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 128) instead of standard tricks. The animal companion can use skirmisher tricks when commanded, a number of times per day equal to half its Hit Dice plus its Wisdom modifier. If a hunter releases her companion from service or her animal companion perishes, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of prayer in the environment where the new companion typically lives. Monster Lore (Ex)::
The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures. Stern Gaze (Ex):
Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1). Cunning Initiative (Ex):
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier. Detect Alignment (Sp):
At will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time. Track (Ex):
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks. Solo Tactics (Ex):
At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus. Hunter Tactics (Ex):
At 3rd level, a sacred huntsmaster automatically grants her teamwork feats to her animal companion. The companion doesn’t need to meet the prerequisites of these teamwork feats. This ability replaces solo tactics. Teamwork Feat:
At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.
As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. Lookout(Teamwork Feat):
Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round. Animal Focus (Su):
At 4th level, a sacred huntsmaster can take on the aspects of an animal as a swift action. This ability works as the hunter’s animal focus class feature, with her inquisitor level serving as her hunter level. This ability replaces later iterations of the judgment ability.
A hunter can take on the aspect of an animal as a swift action. She must select one type of animal to emulate, gaining a bonus or special ability based on the type of animal emulated and her hunter level. The hunter can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. The hunter can emulate only one animal at a time. The hunter can also apply one of these aspects to her animal companion. Unlike with the hunter herself, there is no duration on the animal aspect applied to her animal companion. An aspect applied in this way does not count against the hunter’s minutes of duration per day-it remains in effect until the hunter changes it. The companion’s aspect can be the same aspect the ranger has taken on or a different one. The hunter can select or change the animal foci on both herself and her animal companion as part of the same swift action.
Animal Focus (Su) abilities:
Bat: The creature gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 8th level, the range increases by 30 feet. At 15th level, the creature also gains blindsense to a range of 10 feet. Bear: The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. Bull: The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. Falcon: The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Perception checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. Frog: The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Swim checks and on Acrobatics checks to jump. These bonuses increase to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. Monkey: The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Climb checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. Mouse: The creature gains evasion, as the rogue class feature. At 12th level, this increases to improved evasion, as the rogue advanced talent. Owl: The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Stealth checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. Snake: The creature gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls when making attacks of opportunity and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity. These bonuses increase to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. Stag: The creature gains a 5-foot enhancement bonus to its base land speed. This bonus increases to 10 feet at 8th level and 20 feet at 15th level. Tiger: The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. Wolf: The creature gains the scent ability with a range of 10 feet. The range of this sense increases to 20 feet at 8th level and 30 feet at 15th level. The range doubles if the opponent is upwind, and is halved if the opponent is downwind. Bane (Su):
At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Discern Lies (Sp):
At 5th level, an inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action. ---------------------Animal Companion - Giant Owl - Lunaris --------------------------------------------------- Lunaris
Skills Fly* (Dex) +10 (4+3+3), Perception* (Wis) +5, Stealth* (Dex) +8 (4+3+1) Tricks known: 8:
Attack(2 tricks): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks. Come: The animal comes to you, even if it normally would not do so. Down: The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick continues to fight until it must flee (due to injury, a fear effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated. Fetch: The animal goes and gets something. If you do not point out a specific item, the animal fetches a random object. Seek: The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate. Heel: The animal follows you closely, even to places where it normally wouldn’t go. Hobbling Attack (Ex) (Skirmisher Trick) Can only do 3/day: The ranger can use this trick as a free action when he hits with an attack. The target of the attack’s land speed is reduced by 1/2 for 1d4 rounds.
Link (Ex)::
A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn't have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion. Share Spells (Ex):
The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells. Evasion (Ex)::
If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw. ---------- BACKSTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Description of Calen Derethor:
is a human in his early thirties with an enigmatic presence. His eyes are a striking silver, reminiscent of moonlight, reflecting the influence of Selûne. His dark hair is kept short, with a few errant strands that refuse to stay in place. Calen’s skin is pale, almost ghostly, as if the color had drained from him the night he awoke in the forest. He stands tall and lean, with a quiet intensity in his gaze. His clothing, while practical for travel, bears signs of old wear and tear, patched over but never fully repaired. He wears a simple silver holy symbol of Selûne around his neck, which he often touches when deep in thought or prayer. Calen’s demeanor is serious, and he speaks with a quiet conviction, often pausing as if listening for some distant voice. He often can be seen with a cigar in his mouth, chewing the tobacco leaves, its as likely to be lit than not Description of Lunaris:
Lunaris is a majestic Giant Owl, her feathers an ethereal blend of white and silver, shimmering softly like the light of the moon. Her eyes are large and luminous, glowing with a soft, silvery hue that mirrors the light of Selûne. Lunaris’s wingspan is impressive, stretching nearly ten feet wide, and her movements are graceful and silent. The tips of her wings seem to glow faintly under moonlight, adding to her mystical aura. Lunaris communicates with Calen through subtle gestures—tilting her head, a slight hoot, or a focused gaze—guiding him on his path. Though she can be fierce in battle, there is an undeniable gentleness when she is near Calen, reflecting the bond they share. Backstory:
Calen Derethor remembers nothing of his life before the night he awoke in the forest. The cold ground was soaked with blood, his clothes torn to shreds, and the moonlight bathed him in its silvery glow. Gasping for air, Calen sat up, disoriented and trembling, expecting to find himself gravely injured, yet his body was whole. The blood on the ground was not his, and there were no signs of what had happened. It was as if he had been mauled by a beast but then miraculously healed, leaving no wounds behind. As he struggled to comprehend his situation, a presence made itself known—a Giant Owl, perched silently on a nearby branch, its eyes glowing with a soft, silvery light. The owl watched him with an unnerving intelligence, and as Calen met its gaze, he felt a deep connection, a sense of purpose that had not been there before. The owl, which he instinctively knew to be named Lunaris, did not speak, but Calen understood her all the same. The light of Selûne, the Moonmaiden, had saved him, and she had given him a new life, a life of purpose. Since that night, Calen has been driven by visions and signs he interprets as guidance from Selûne and Lunaris. He became an inquisitor, a seeker of truth and justice, hunting down the servants of Shar, Selûne’s dark sister, and protecting those who dwell in the moon’s light. Though he does not remember his past, Calen believes that his former life does not matter; what matters now is the mission given to him by Selûne. He travels the land, guided by Lunaris, who acts as both companion and herald, leading him to those in need. Calen’s past remains a mystery, even to him, but he is determined to follow the path laid before him, trusting in Selûne’s light to guide him through the darkness. Though he is not famous, his deeds have begun to draw attention among the faithful of Selûne, and there are whispers that Calen Derethor is the Moonmaiden’s chosen, a shadowy figure who brings her light to the darkest corners of Faerûn.