Darkness in the Heartlands - a Pathfinder 1e / Forgotten Realms Adventure

Game Master Tara Ravenheart


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Still two more chances to get in a game - great news!

Have fun you six!

I will eagerly await the formation of the other party. :D

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I'm waiting on some messages but hopefully I should be able to make a final decision soon. Thanks again to everyone who has replied to my questions.

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After much deliberation I have made my final decisions. Would the following please make their way to the discussion thread and say hello.

TheWaskally - Joreld Huntsilver (human paladin)
Codanus - Calen Derethor (human inquisitor)
Therenger - Ialia Frostmoon (changeling witch)
Stormraven - Samara of the Sword (human monk/sorcerer)

Thank you again to everybody for taking the time to apply, giving me a lot of interesting reading and difficult choices, and for responding to my queries. Best of luck and happy gaming to all.

Have fun everyone!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Good luck all, always an honor to just be considered. Have fun!

(Don't worry Flame, you'll get your rebirth some day.)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Have fun storming the other castle!

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