Darkness in the Heartlands - a Pathfinder 1e / Forgotten Realms Adventure

Game Master Tara Ravenheart


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I'm undecided if I want to go the non-magical healer path, as well. I'm trying to have the playstyle of my two rogues be different enough, regardless of how skills-heavy both of them would be (Kitsune Trickster and this Phantom Thief I'm still drafting).

Well I *was* going to write up the big background I have in my head, but then I got sick so stringing together that many sentences seemed like too much work. Feeling better now, should have time tomorrow to write.

Lets roll some HP. 4d10 ⇒ (10, 1, 8, 3) = 22

OK putting my hat in the ring with Sir Adrith who perhaps will one day be known as Adrith Foehammer.

Adrith was born in a tiny village in the foothills of the mountains on the eastern edge of The Vast. Aged 8 he was orphaned when ${CAMPAIGN_APPROPRIATE_ENEMY} raided his village, killing and enslaving as they saw fit. Adrith’s parents hid him in a wardrobe, and he was forced to listen to their deaths as they tried to defend their home. Shaken by this, Adrith swore a sun and a moon oath to bring their attackers to justice. But what could a boy do? Nothing but bide his time.

With their houses burned and all the men gone, it was no longer safe to stay there so the handful of survivors were forced to make the long journey to Tantras to seek refuge. The way was arduous and filled with hunger and danger, but by some miracle most of them made it. Around this time the Temple of Torm’s Coming had become world famous, and the young Adrith was impressed by all the knights and paladins in shining armor and like a light switching on in his head he knew that was what he wanted to become. The followers of Torm gave alms to the poor and spread Torm’s teaching. Adrith listened intently and helped out with menial tasks around the temple, cleaning and helping to prepare food for the poor and was soon accepted within the cloister to learn the way of Torm.

Years passed and Adrith grew into a man, the church of Torm was his family and he rose through the ranks to join the Tormtar. On his twenty-first birthday, which coincidentally was the thirteenth anniversary of the raid that destroyed his village, he felt a calling. He was needed somewhere to the west. He sought spiritual advice from the clergy of Torm and they advised him to walk out into a blessed hill in the wilderness near Tantrass to fast and pray. His vigil lasted for three days and three nights and in the middle of a storm the most incredible horse appeared. Bread for war, this was a noble creature, bigger and smarter than other horses. Instinctively Adrith knew his name was Cloud and that duty called, so together they traveled west to where they were needed.

Appearance and personality:
In his early twenties, Adrith cuts a dashing figure in full blue steel armor astride his faithful steed Cloud. He grew up into the shining knight he always wanted to be.

Adrith is clean shaven with short flaxen hair, dark eyes and a ready smile. He’s tall at over six foot with good muscle definition. His kit is simple but well cared for, with his weapons and armor typically buffed to a mirror shine - all the better to prevent rust.


The trauma from Adrith’s childhood never really left him, and the loss of his parents is a raw festering wound. This has affected him in several different ways:

1. Normally Adrith has a cool head but on several occasions he’s encountered suspected minions of ${CAMPAIGN_APPROPRIATE_ENEMY} and harshly interrogated them in such a way he later felt that he’d sullied himself badly enough to seek atonement. NB I’m not necessarily looking for a falling from grace character arc, rather trying to give him believable emotions.

2. Adrith has a problem with alcohol, largely because he tends to repress his inner feelings to act in the way he feels is expected of him. He usually tries to abstain from alcohol, but that's not always possible and one drink has a way of turning into ten, or more.

3. He is hopeless with anyone who might be romantically interested in him.

Crunch and notes:

Sir Adrith
Human paladin (oath of vengeance, shining knight) 5 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 117, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 60)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +10
Aura courage (10 ft.)
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 52 (5d10+15)
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10
Immune fear
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 greatsword +8 (2d6+13/19-20) or
. . mwk lance +8 (1d8+12/×3) or
. . warhammer +7 (1d8+8/×3)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +8 (1d8+5/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with masterwork lance)
Special Attacks smite evil 2/day (+4 attack and AC, +5 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . At will—detect evil
Paladin (Oath of Vengeance, Shining Knight) Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Hands Of Valor, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge
Traits athletic champion, rider's bond
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Climb +5, Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +12 (+16 to force this mount into an Unnatural Aura.), Heal +5, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +10, Ride +10 (+14 to force this mount into an Unnatural Aura.), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Languages Common, Elven
SQ channel wrath, divine bond (mount), finesse weapon attack attribute, lay on hands 6/day (2d6), mercy (fatigued), skilled rider
Other Gear +1 full plate, +1 composite longbow (+4 Str), +1 greatsword, mwk lance, warhammer, cloak of resistance +1, ring of resistance +1
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Aura of Courage +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. fear.
Channel Wrath (Su) When an oathbound paladin reach 4th level, she can spend two uses of her lay on hands ability to gain an extra use of smite evil that day.

This ability has no effect for a paladin who does not have the smite evil ability. This ability replaces
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Hands of Valor +4 (1/day) Lay on hands grants creature bonus on attacks and saves vs. fear for 1 minute.
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Lay on Hands (2d6 hit points, 6/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Mercy (Fatigued) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the fatigued condition.
Mounted Combat (1/round) Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Ride-By Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Skilled Rider (Ex, Su) Ride does not have an armor check penalty. Your mount gains the benefit of your divine grace class feature.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +5 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Spirited Charge Double damage when making a mounted charge (triple with a lance).


Cloud CR –
N Large animal
Init -4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22 (+7 armor, +6 natural, -1 size)
hp 15 (5d8+15)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2; +4 morale bonus vs. fear and emotion effects.
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 50 ft. (35 ft. in armor)
Melee bite +0 (1d4+4), 2 hooves -5 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Hefty Brute, Power Attack, Stable Gallop, Valiant Steed
Tricks Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Detect, Down, Get Help, Guard, Heel, Stay, Watch
Skills Acrobatics +0, Perception +7, Swim +2
SQ combat riding, detect, finesse weapon attack attribute, get help, stay, watch
Other Gear mwk splint mail
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect [Trick] Indicates unusual smells, noises, etc.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use on attack rolls.
Get Help [Trick] Attempts to bring back people it considers "help"
Hefty Brute Count as one size larger for CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and size-based special attacks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Stable Gallop 1/2 AC penalty for charge, lessen rider penalty on ranged att and +4 to movement conc check.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Valiant Steed +4 vs. fear/emotion effects & to push you into unnatural aura. Wounds don't increase push DC.
Watch [Trick] Stands watch over designated area.

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I ummed and ahhed about what to build and ended up going for the classic shining knight. Mechanically Oath of Vengeance and Shining Knight don’t normally stack due to both replacing aura of justice. My intention here is for Shining Knight to be the free archetype, which if I’ve understood correctly allows him to take Oath of Vengeance. I also partly did this because herolab is able to cope with this build without too much custom stuff, which is way more challenging with archetypes that replace a lot of things.

Note I’ve not spent all his starting gold, and if selected I’ll buy him some camp gear.

Long term I’d like Adrith to earn the nickname Foehammer, but he’s not there yet!

Re-mounted combat, obviously for a M sized character this doesn’t work in dungeons. As long as encounters are in mixed environments I expect it’ll be fine for Cloud to wait outside when we are dungeoneering. Still if it’s going to be mostly dungeons I could rebuild him as a halfling riding a war dog, granted if I did that the visuals would change and I think he’d be more a virtuoso bravo instead.

Love the throwback concept! I have not put my name in the hat for any new games this year but this pulls my nostalgia strings too hard to ignore.

I intend to submit a Changeling whose father was human. Please let me know if this is too exotic for your campaign.

For class, I'm considering Bard, Witch, or Oracle. I'll work everything up over the next week.

Ability rolls:
3d6 - 5 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) - 5 + 6 = 16
3d6 - 2 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) - 2 + 6 = 14
3d6 - 1 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) - 1 + 6 = 11
3d6 - 4 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) - 4 + 6 = 16
3d6 - 1 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) - 1 + 6 = 15
3d6 - 2 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) - 2 + 6 = 12

GM, do we need to do anything else once we've posted our characters? Like, do you want us to confirm it's ready for you to review? :)

Sorry for the delay. Should have the character up by Monday have been going through job app hell.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow, I'm loving all the PMs I'm getting regarding character concepts and questions. Getting back to here. I also want to say it's great to see so many people helping each other with character builds.

To answer some more general/board questions:

To Those Who Have Departed I am sorry to see any of you go, you're more than welcome if you get a good concept to come back and apply.

Domain Substitutions or Conversions (@DeathQuaker) thank you for putting together a list of suitable domain substitutions. If anyone has any specific requests beyond this, or feels there is one they would like to see converted, please let me know.

Recommendations & Assistance (@Kaliban) I am more than happy to assist with a trait conversion or terrain recommendation. The Eastern Heartlands are a mix of forest, plains, mountains, and city. There is a giant desert to the West, but I do not intend for extended play in that area (though, organically, that may change). Is there a specific trait, or a couple traits you are interested in me taking a look at?

Paladins & Religion (@Kaliban) back in 3rd edition in forgotten realms, paladins did need to worship a deity. That said, worshiping a deity and being a soldier of the church are two very different things. A paladin does not have to constantly be under orders, nor does every priest have control over them. It is a broad and wide world, and many paladin/knights would be trusted to act in accordance with their teachings on their own. And there are quite a few gods that have lawful good alignment within their range, allowing for multiple options for your character.

Character Status, (@Eriktd, and anyone else with a ‘completed’ character) If you have posted a completed character in the thread, you are currently good. I am hoping to start going through completed applications this weekend, and sending out messages regarding any questions or concerns.

Ongoing Applications (@Violant, and others) for those who have still not submitted, please continue working and getting concepts posted.

Grand Lodge

Im really working on an Elven Enchanter with Poppets. Just think its an interesting concept.

Its hard to try and figure out what her flaw is. Im thinking Vanity. Maybe cleanliness. Not sure? Possibly perfection.

Heroes you say?! How about the power of flight? Does that do anything for ya? That's levitation homes!

Alright, enough of that. I've settled on Changeling vanilla Witch and yes, Flight will be one of my hexes, cuz 5th level! Yay!

More crunch to come this weekend and stay tuned for this hero's exciting (hopefully) backstory to come next week! Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

Hmm, a bat familiar?...

3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6) = 14

3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14

3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3) = 10

3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2) = 8

3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10

3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) = 14

5+6+6= 17

5+6+6= 17

5+3+6= 14

2+4+6= 12

3+4+6= 13

4+6+6= 16

Those aren't awful, still going with my Halcyon Druid concept.

Okay, 3rd time reading the crunch rules I finally caught this:
Archetype You may select one archetype without losing the abilities it normally replaces. There are at least a handful of archetypes that could make this utterly broken, so please use discretion with your selection.

That's bananas! Goodbye vanilla Witch!

@DM Tara, please update your list of in-progress builds for my Witch (White Haired Witch / Invoker), with White-Haired Witch being the freebie archetype. I was tempted by Havocker but I think that falls into the category of "utterly broken." These two push against that boundary but in thinking through how it would play out I see this combination as the ultimate Jill-of-all-trades, master of none. She can step into melee or hang back for support or battlefield control, but doesn't do any of those things as well as a build dedicated to the task. Situational versatility is her superpower.

I'll complete the crunch by tomorrow. Thanks!

hp: 4d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 3) + 6 = 24

HP Roll:

4d8 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 4) = 15

Wow, lol. Would average be half or half+1?

Unsure if this was asked already and I missed the answer, but

Are we allowed to take Story Feats?

@DM Tara

I was selecting armor and wondered how improving armor would work?

For instance someone chooses Elven Chain and wished (in play) to make it +3. Or a mithral chain shirt and wished to add a +1 enchantment to it.

A little more complex, Rhino Hide and later needs it made of Darkleaf. I know that example is "backwards" chronologically but I suppose it's a matter of wanting custom armor.

Adding the special material cost would place it over the single item GP limit, currently.

Will we be only "finding" armor, getting WBL and spending it each level or does on need to invest in Craft Arms and Armor?

Actually, this applies to magical weapons as well. If you use a uncommon weapon... are we dependent on finding a "more enchanted" version of it? elven curve blade, whip, dogslicer, etc...

It's taking me a while and I'm being extremely selective in gear because I rolled a very low (relatively speaking) 32 point-buy.

In some sense, I'm feeling the need to min/max or synergize to be or... stay relevant.

Monkeygod wrote:
...Would average be half or half+1?

Half +1, I believe.

On 3d8 I re-rolled a 5, 2, 2. Hehe...

Dark Archive

Unless there is some house rule, the general assumption is that you can always upgrade the magical enchantments of magic items by paying the difference. You and either do it by yourself with item creation feats by paying someone to do it for you.

For special materials, you need to start with them. You can't (without a house rule) turn a regular Rhino Hide into darkleaf, or a steel breastplate into mithral later. You need to have the basic version of the item already being made of it.

Specifically for the Rhino Hide, it could be even said that you can't have it made of darkleaf since it is made of rhino hide. I say this because it is implied in the item that you are getting a lesser ACP because of the material it is made.

So, with the gold restriction in a single item, if you want an item with a special material, you need to start with it, even if that means it will not be magical for now. As an alternative, you can always sell your armor later and buy a new one.

Sir Longears wrote:
Specifically for the Rhino Hide, it could be even said that you can't have it made of darkleaf since it is made of rhino hide. I say this because it is implied in the item that you are getting a lesser ACP because of the material it is made.

In 2E, they make a fuss (are very specific) about Rhino Hide, rhinoceros hide is a requirement.

In 1E, just Bull's Strength.

Hide can become Darkleaf Cloth, would that make it light armor.

Mostly I was concerned with confirming the general SOP of upgrade vs. find.

And find might be... pay for it but, must find in a marketplace/shop which may not have it because they are such level and only have such % chance of having, etc, etc...

"Why would they have +2 dogslicer? Hmm..." Just an example.

Thanks for all the points, understood.

@Therenger updated

Average Hit Points (@MonkeyGod) half+1 (d6 = 4, d8 = 5, d10 = 6, d12 = 7)

Story Feats (@MonkeyGod) I am open to considering story feats. From my limited experience with them, some are pretty flavorful, though I have heard there are a few that are broken.

Upgrading Magic Items & Special Materials (@Kaliban) Sir Longears hit it on the head, special materials need to be included at item creation. Magic Items will be able to be upgraded in campaign, assuming you find someone capable of doing so.

To your request for “darkleaf rhino hide”. It's a cool, flavorful concept. Rhino Hide is 5165, is +2 hide, and grants the charge bonus. The difference between +2 hide and +1 hide is 3000 gp. I would be okay with you reducing it to +1 hide with the charge bonus (@ 2165 gp) and adding the cost of the darkleaf cloth. Perhaps they integrated the darkleaf with the rhino skin, or used some sacred ancient oils and treatment to make the rhinoskin more supple, mimicking the effect of darkleaf. Regardless of the ‘source’ the special material has to come into play at creation.

No, you will not be arbitrarily applying WBL to upgrade gear during the campaign. Were that the intent, I would be using the Automatic Bonus Progression rules (to be clear, we are not). I have always played FR as High Fantasy with abundant magic loot, and there are definitely people to find to enchant/improve your goodies. And yes, if you opt for a rare weapon it will be less likely to drop (though not impossible).

The subtopic of the “dog slicer” and weirdly specific racial weapons is a whole other topic that I could ramble on for hours about. But I won't, and will save it for another day…

And do not stress on ability scores. As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be doing some balancing once the final party is selected. The quality of the character concept, build, and backstory will matter far more than the ability scores rolled.

Applications still in Progress I would like to get a status update from anyone that has expressed interest but has not submitted a character yet. For anyone in the States I understand you may be AFK this weekend (hosting a cookout/BBQ tomorrow myself), so no rush, just looking for people to check in.

Tara Ravenheart wrote:
I would be okay with you reducing it to +1 hide with the charge bonus (@ 2165 gp) and adding the cost of the darkleaf cloth. Perhaps they integrated the darkleaf with the rhino skin, or used some sacred ancient oils and treatment to make the rhinoskin more supple, mimicking the effect of darkleaf.

You are awesome for considering this, truly appreciate it.

Would that then be considered Medium or Light armor, with the Darkleaf Cloth modification?

Checking in! Still interested!

I am still here, working on my healer. I am leaning into Cleric (Evangelist) - the Life Oracle (divine herbalist) felt too single minded, and pushing to Warpriest (Sacred Fist) seemed a battle to get comparable healing for only a marginally better combat ability. Plus there are a LOT of melee applicants. Evangelist I have healing, bardic music, and full Cleric casting (he will be a servant of Chauntea, the Earthmother). I sent you a PM about the Renewal domain, let me know your thoughts.

I am working on a shield dwarf ranger with wild stalker (free) and divine tracker for archetypes. Still very much interested.

Dark Archive

Further thoughts on Rhino Hide:
When I've mentioned already considering Rhino Hide as using rhinoceros skin as a special material is because a regular hide armor has -3 ACP, which drops to -2 for being of masterwork quality.

Rhino Hide, however, explicitly says it has just -1 ACP and explicitly says it is made of rhinoceros hide. Usually, special materials alter max Dex and ACP of armors, so in this case I feel the "mysterious" decrease in the ACP is tied to the material being rhinoceros hide and not tied to the other charging ability. Charging has nothing to do with ACP.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

I see your point. Truly. I like your interpretation. But, not crazy about rules as written (or what I might consider missing) under Darkleaf Cloth.

DM has been kind enough to allow a favorable interpretation. But, feels like I'm asking too much. If I'm getting a favor, don't want to use it on this.

Technically, with Craft Arms and LegsArmor, should be able to make my own +1 mithral chain shirt of charging. I hope. Counted as full price, of course.

Character wise, it makes sense as a sort of tinkerer/armiger making his own tools against darkness/evil.

Is the roll always Spellcraft?

Dark Archive

Kaliban the Forgotten wrote:

I see your point. Truly. I like your interpretation. But, not crazy about rules as written (or what I might consider missing) under Darkleaf Cloth.

DM has been kind enough to allow a favorable interpretation. But, feels like I'm asking too much. If I'm getting a favor, don't want to use it on this.

Technically, with Craft Arms and LegsArmor, should be able to make my own +1 mithral chain shirt of charging. I hope. Counted as full price, of course.

Character wise, it makes sense as a sort of tinkerer/armiger making his own tools against darkness/evil.

Is the roll always Spellcraft?

Oh, I was just explaining where my reasoning came from. Darkleaf Cloth decreases ACP by 3, so even with a regular magic hide armor, you'd get to 0. Don't think you are gaming the system at all.

Happy gaming anyway!


About Crafting Magic Items, you can always use Spellcraft, but also an specific Craft or Profession that is appropriate for the item. For an armor, you could use Craft (armor). For armors made of leather, could reasonably use Craft (leatherwork) instead, and so on. Whatever makes sense.

Just waiting

Obviously, massive WIP, but this is the start of my PC.

Alright, I couldn't resist submitting this idea after all. This will be Ouachitonian's submission. First I want to say that I'm not super familiar with Faerun, so the background is relatively light on detail, especially for a 5th level character. But at any rate, Hellig is a warrior-priest and (VMC) inquisitor of The Red Knight. Contact him for all your strategic advice needs, but also realize that he's judging you and your failures to live up to the Lady of Strategy's doctrines. It's a lonely life, being a wandering inspector and advisor. But that's fine, because when no one gets too close he can keep his visor down and pass as a human. Too many humans discriminate against half-orcs, better not to get too close. Besides, he has a horse for companionship. He's so fond of just being an anonymous warrior in red fullplate that his short-term associates sometimes forget he has his own personality and isn't solely an emissary of the goddess. (This all plays into his flaw, being withdrawn, reticent, and more than a little bitter. He's not quick to trust. It's time for him to make some friends, maybe turn over a new leaf. With difficulty.)

Mechanically, he's a mounted warpriest. Charge! He can spontaneously cast cure spells if necessary, but mostly he leans into the war side of warpriest, much preferring to use his spells (and fervor) to buff himself or allies, then wade into battle. Or give orders, when he's working for someone who is not as skilled in the ways of war (which is most people, to be honest). As levels progress, I'll probably pick up some archery feats too, but I also want to get orc racial stuff, and maybe the Eldritch Heritage feats for the Orc bloodline. I thought about taking VMC Sorcerer and getting the orc bloodline that way, but decided that Inquisitor goes with his theme better. He prefers to ignore that side of his ancestry, but it's still there, in the blood.

But all in all, I want to explore what happens when a half-orc would just really prefer to be human. Fight like a human, in full plate with sword and shield, think tactically, etc. He's just embarrassed by the other side of his ancestry, all simpletons who run screaming into battle like idiots. Get a grip, people. Read a tactical manual. Oh, wait. Reading. Right.

The picture is the best I could find, but really just imagine him with a red-enameled faceplate and helmet that hide what's beneath entirely. He'd prefer you didn't know his race, thanks. Please feel free to assume he's human.

Grand Lodge

Hoping to have my character finished by tomorrow night

Slowdrifter reporting in with my submission.

Here is Therenger's still incomplete but the crunch is 97.3% done submission. This Witch build was wild... so many, many, many choices. I'm starting to black out. I love Pathfinder. Okay, gonna spend the rest of the day with my kids but then get back to this tonight for the fluff. If you're in the States, Happy Labor Day!

p.s. How Ialia dealt with The Call from her Changeling mother will be revealed in her backstory, still to come.

Modemus Hawklin is mechanically 90% complete. I still need to pick out a trait, and I burned one on a thematically appropriate trait that doesn't have much of an effect past level 1. It's certainly been a week, so I decided to get the basic fluff done... admittedly it's barely anything since the last time I was in Faerun was a one-shot about a half-a-decade ago.

I might retouch up the fluff, but essentially a stuck-up noble who got bored and decided to endanger his life adventuring.

Unfortunately the inspirational juices are just not flowing for me on this one. I hope the rest of the recruitment and the campaign go well!

Sent another PM.

Some color for this pale hero.

Ialia's story, The Call:

"Pick a rock and land already. My bowels are cantankerous."

Magreth, the old hag, glowered possessively at her child, the young changeling who had heard The Call in her nightmares, and come to find she who had beckoned.

Ialia shook with cold, having found Magreth's secluded cavern among the cliffs of the sea only after ten days' search, the winter rain chilling her bones and her spirit. That she persisted to arrive here was beyond reason, but she lacked the sense to turn away from this collision with destiny.

They were not alone. Magreth's many daughters chided Ialia from around the cavern. She stood taller than any of them by at least a head, and her mane of pure white hair hung in stark contrast to their filthy unkempt snarls. How could it be that she might be one of them?

Ialia was exhausted and terrified. Magreth was crass, impatient, and mean, and clearly expected only one outcome tonight. Uncomfortable introductions and less-than pleasantries were exchanged. Fortunately for both, the dialog between mother and daughter by birth had arrived at the heart of the matter.

Ialia cleared her throat. "Why do you want me, now that you've seen what I've become without you?"

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself," snarked the old crone. "You can brush that pretty mountain whitecap hair of yours and wear all the gaudy clothes you want. Don't be fooled into thinking that your father has anything to do with the stuff inside you. That's all me. You belong with us. We are your kind."

"I won't turn away from my life!" The words felt weak. Ialia was wounded, no different than if the hag had pulled a dagger and stabbed her through the heart. She felt dressed down, exposed, transparent. A knot in her gut caused her knees to tremble. Her mouth was dry. Why on earth did she obey Magreth's siren call?

A lipless smile curled on the edges of the hag's pruned mouth. She seized on Ialia's torment. "This is your life! All of it. Without me you're nothing. You don't exist!"

The crestfallen girl tried to parry the attack. "The same is true for my father." Softly, the words tumbled out of her, almost as if on accident.

Magreth cackled, filling her cavern with an echo that was nearly deafening. "Bah! He's a pollen sac. You owe him nothing. I'll give you power beyond imagination! Power to shape the very clouds and make the rain. Power to summon the storms and cleanse the land. What does he offer? Formal dinners with pretentious snobs. One after another after another hairless pickles, too quick on the draw--" the hag thrust her staff in the air mockingly "--young fools who can't possibly comprehend what you are. Endless drudgery boredom broken only by embarrassingly brief forays into the bed chamber that leaves you sticky and unsatisfied, and then a tedious human death. You're not one of them, so don't pretend to be." A thin rope of spittle ejected from the crone's lips on the last syllable.

Ialia swayed, the onslaught of spite so horrid and cutting that it left her slack-jawed and speechless. With the retreating echo of the hag's tirade, a strange peace filled the vacuous space. The girl exhaled, unaware she had been holding her breath, then swallowed and let her eyes drift around the cavern, away from Magreth. A dozen of the old hag's daughters flanked her on either side, more or less evenly dispersed against the cold stone walls, watching, sneering, nodding approval. Had each of them gone through this verbal duel? Had each of them lost? What did they give up? What life had been lived that was then abandoned, and at what personal cost?

In that moment Ialia had never felt less powerful, or less like herself. It was like she had been impaled on a siphon and everything she was had been expelled from her spirit. She felt thirst, and not only for water, but for the kind of nourishment that her developing magical abilities gave her. That confidence and lust for life was missing, and she thought she would do anything to get it back. Magreth's offer hung in the space between them; within reach was all the power she could ever need and more.

The crone took a step forward and straightened, reaching out her staff. "Come, my daughter. Take my hand." Now her voice was pure, soothing, motherly.

Like an animated corpse, Ialia took one lumbering step forward, then another. Her arm raised on its own, needing no impulse from her mind, which had switched off so as to make no memory of the unspeakable changes that were about to take place. Her body would be sundered and warped, her beautiful hair turned ashen and mottled. The powers she once had would be exchanged for something else. She would be destroyed and reborn, and everything she knew wiped away. Magreth's storm was here, tearing through her, casting every piece of the human girl to the winds, forever lost.

Their fingers touched. Ialia felt a coldness like nothing she could have imagined. A great spear of ice shooting through her hand, into her arm, across her shoulder and turning toward her chest. It was a paralyzing discomfort, being frozen alive, and her mind awoke at the shock of it. She saw a face. It wasn't the old crone, it was her grandmother, white-haired and beaming, practically angelic, and it spoke to her: Fight, my dove. Fight!

Suddenly she looked through clear eyes at Magreth, and a fire rekindled in her heart. Ialia inhaled sharply, her brows furled, a look of fierce determination vexing her porcelain face.

Magreth saw the change but was too absorbed in the ritual to react. Ialia's clawed hand raked the hag's arm, rending it in five deep cuts. A mist of deep crimson painted the hag's robe.

"NO!" shrieked Magreth. But she couldn't force herself to break the connection. Instead, the hag willed all of her power into the girl to complete the call and bring her daughter into the coven.

Ialia spat out a hex, and her feet left the wet cavern floor. Her long train of hair parted and formed up above her head on either side, catching what pale light seeped into the hag's domain and glowing as if it held a light of its own. Magreth stared in disbelief but could not compel herself to react.

Then the twin cords of hair struck forward, faster than the blink of an eye, striking Magreth with such force that the crone's head snapped back and she went flying into the wall, her staff flinging out of her hand into the water.

In an instant, Ialia's lungs filled with cold, fetid air, and heat rushed to consume the cold and free her from Magreth's spell. Her hair recombined and braided itself in a column, then swung in a great arc, dashing the old hag to the ground. From around the cavern, the coven shrieked, unleashing a cacophony of sound onto the girl, But she barely heard it. Blood thundered in her ears, shielding her mind.

Magreth tried to gather herself, a storm forming on her lips, but now the hair wrapped around her head and face, constricting and suffocating her. Ialia floated up into the center of the great cavern, dragging her birth mother on the smooth stone, then pulling her onto her toes. There was such a force, Magreth screamed, feeling her neck straining, threatening to snap and snuff out her long, diabolical, unfinished life.

"SILENCE!" Ialia thundered, her voice stronger than it have ever been. The hysterical chittering stopped abruptly. Her hair coiled around Magreth's neck but revealed the hag's face. Magreth's eyes shone with terror, and she could not breathe. Ialia glared down at her mother, a sensation of warmth emanating out of her body. She felt immense pity for the old hag, and more for the daughters - Ialia's half-sisters - for this miserable predatory existence. The hag spoke of power to control nature, but in the end she was among its lowly creatures, obeying whim, hunger, and the urge to reproduce with no more care than a common serpent.

"I don't pretend to be something I'm not," the young witch said evenly. "You don't really know who my father is, and who his mother is, do you?"

Magreth bared her teeth and sneered but was not permitted to speak.

"I already have a family. I have power and I am loved. And I come from a long line of witches greater than you, Magreth. You might have known that if your interest in my father had extended even a little further."

Ialia gave the hag's neck one last squeeze, then released her into a heap on the ground. She spun in the air, addressing the coven in no uncertain terms. "Do not come for me. You have no more control over my family. If you threaten us again you will be hunted."

Finally, she turned to face Magreth one last time. "You gave me life, but I choose how to live it. Let this be the only time our paths connect."

Ialia flew from Magreth's cavern as fast as her magic would carry her, into the dark of night, winter air stinging her lungs. Fear and confusion and anger streamed out of her on a string of tears, and when at last she could see the torch lights of her town in the distance she felt the knot in her gut release, and she was overwhelmed with love, love for the future that was hers alone to find.

More to come...

Well, I thought I'd get to writing over the past few days, but apparently recovering from this cold had ruined my focus, so it hasn't happened. How about a summary?

Dithad Seroe (still debating on the name) is a human from a sleepy hamlet in Mistledale. He was not the type to enjoy the quiet life so he tended to explore the edges of the forest of Cormanthor whenever he could. One time he encountered an odd fox whose tail had silvery-colored fur at the end that walked right up to him. When he hesitantly touched the fox (who seemed to be staring expectantly at him), he was very surprised to find a mystic bond forming between him and the fox.

Silvertail was a fox who was driven from her den and her kits by human hunters. Injured and frightened, she fled far, through places strange to her, eating and drinking things she normally would have turned away from as her strength faltered. Something she encountered must have had some magic to it, for she suddenly found her thoughts changing, questioning the world around her more. In pain and despair she turned to the skies, saw some stars that momentarily reminded her of another fox, and wished for something to improve her fortunes. An odd sense led her through the forest to, of all things, a human. While at first she was inclined to flee, the sense told her it was safe, so she approached the human... and was shocked when he touched her and a mystic bond formed between them.

Since then Dithad and Silvertail have traveled the world and explored their powers, Dithad getting the adventure he'd craved while Silvertail got intelligence and power she'd never known. Silvertail is still very much of the opinion that humans (and humanoids in general) are destructive, evil brutes, while Dithad does his best to show her the better side of humanity. They sometimes deal with odd 'requests' they figure are from their patron, where Silvertail will suddenly *know* they have to go somewhere, they go and do something seemingly small, and then they're done and have no idea why it was so important for them to do it.

If that outline of an idea sounds good, I do have most of a build done. Dithad is a Beast-Bonded Witch, Silvertail is his Egotist Sage Familiar.

Egoist Sage? That sounds like a hilariously fun combo. I played a Sage Familiar once and it was a blast, one that truly believes themselves to be the master with the INT to back it up sounds like a hoot and a holler.

...and here is the rest of the fluff.

Ialia Frostmoon is attractive in a generic sense, but to many her features appear exotic or even lifeless. Porcelain face inset with different-colored eyes - one a pale gray and the other a deep sky blue - perch above an angular nose and strong jaw. Inviting lips may intrigue those willing to tempt fate. Otherwise tall and lithe, her most prominent feature is a flowing cascade of snow white hair which she meticulously combs and then braids each morning before tying it into a loose knot, lest it spill onto the ground about her feet. She exudes youth and sexuality, but does not fall in love easily. A child of lesser nobility but greater wealth, she is accustomed to fine clothing and expensive jewelry, and typically wears her most colorful outfits to contrast the empty palette that is her skin tone. Often this will be one of her dancer's outfits, weather permitting.

Personality & Motivation:
Publicly, she is confident and headstrong. Her family is well-known and popular, her father a retired Colonel and decorated hero, and her mother a well-spoken and educated philanthropist. Ialia's grandmother is secretly a great witch of the white-haired variety, and those traits were passed down through to the younger version. Beneath the bluster, Ialia fears the judgment of others. She stood out immediately when she was old enough to remember and always felt like she was at the periphery of the play circle, rarely invited in. Her grandmother took her under her win, so to speak, and through that private tutelage, Ialia learned how to harness her natural abilities and blossoming talents. Her father taught her how to fight, but he had to fight his own battles for most of her life. She was adopted. Or rather, she was left on her parent's doorstep by a stranger in the night. But in truth, her adopted father is her real father. He was magically charmed and seduced by a disguised changeling, a Storm Hag named Magreth, and it was she that put the child on the father's doorstep, along with a note as to the baby's true identity and a demand for regular payment in exchange for silence. Ialia's adopting mother knew the truth but raised her as her own, and this truth was revealed to Ialia when the time was right. For all of this, Ialia still had to face The Call, when she confronted Magreth and returned to her father, still human in all the ways that matter. When the day came to set out on her own, she knew her abilities as a witch could best be put to purpose defending her homeland and being ever vigilant, should Magreth and her coven return, or some greater threat emerge.

See "The Call" posted previously and in her profile. I felt inspired for this one. I hope that comes through in her story.

Allies & Associations:
Ialia's father is Gregor Falconbridge, retired Colonel and popular local military hero. Her adopting mother, Melina, is a local philanthropist with a passion for arranging flowers. She is also a notable herbalist. Ialia's grandmother is also a white-haired witch named Darsilla Frostmoon, but almost nobody in the local community knows the full extent of her powers. Her best friend is a boy her age named Keval, a handsome but quirky classmate she's known since they were six years old. Ialia loves him unconditionally, and for several years romantically, but Keval was never interested in her the same way. He remains a true friend and confidant, and probably tje only person outside the immediate family who knows all of Ialia's secrets. Finally, Ialia mixes with a touring dance troupe called The Red Silk. They bring news and rumors from across the Eastern Heartlands.

Still working on the flaw. I figure it should be something you can easily exploit...

Violant wrote:
Egoist Sage? That sounds like a hilariously fun combo. I played a Sage Familiar once and it was a blast, one that truly believes themselves to be the master with the INT to back it up sounds like a hoot and a holler.

That's the idea. :D *Technically* they both touch the Alertness familiar feature, though, hence asking if I can apply the free archetype to Silvertail instead of Dithad.

I might bump Linguistics at Level 7 just to see what you and your familiar are sayimg should I get in.

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I was looking at the Eastern Heartlands maps and perusing the wiki, and I saw an image that looked very, very familiar. Then it clicked. Hillsfar! Pool of Radiance! I spent hundreds of hours playing those games on my C64 at the end of the 80's. Pool of Radiance, for me, is one of the truly great rpg experiences ever created. You have to be a child of the Eighties, no doubt, but this brings back so many memories. I'd come home from school in January, February, March... We always had a ton of snow back then in Wisconsin. Instead of watching cartoons or playing outside I'd fire up the Commodore 64 and play until dinner, then go back to my room and play until bed. Triumphing over Tyranthraxus was a one of the more powerful moments of my childhood, right up there with finishing the LOTR books for the first time.

I added the Stigmatized drawback to connect with Ialia's Flaw.

Flaw: While Ialia Frostmoon comes from a respected and influential family, her peculiar physical traits often make for difficult first impressions. Almost preternatural white hair and skin tone might evoke comparisons to Drow if her other features were not distinctly Human. She may try to pass herself off as albino if the situation necessitates such a tactic, and she has learned over the years that her intellect allows her to study the nature of people better than most (Student of Philosophy trait). Even more troubling for many new social encounters is the different colors of her eyes. For the well-learned or the conspiratorial, this is an obvious sign of a Changeling. The truth of her birth mother is known only to a very few, but anyone could suspect it. Ialia is always on guard for the possibility that her presence could raise uncomfortable questions, and she has several well-crafted and oft-tested lies prepared for such circumstances.

This character submission is complete. Ialia Frostmoon would fit perfectly as a Support Caster and battlefield control. She has Brew Potions and will offer Enlarge Person, Cure Medium Wounds and Heroism potions to her comrades. Properly buffed, she is actually viable in melee and can Fly to flank, attack, and attempt to grapple with Reach, helping the front-liners in the Party beat on our enemies. Obviously, her preferred tactic is to use her Hexes to disable our foes. Her Patron is Healing, giving her access to Lesser Restoration from the start of the campaign.

Socially, Ialia is a bit of a misfit, and intimate friendships are extremely important to her. She hopes to find someone in the party - more than one person would be wonderful - to be a confidant and friend. No matter what, she has their backs.

I'll work on tidying up my Profile and fix any glaring math errors, but expect no more tweaking until the campaign kicks off, if I am selected. Thanks again for the game!

GM I think perhaps a better flaw for Adrith is he often can't sleep, and hasn't been able to since a child. There's some rules for insomnia although I'm not sure where they came from and may need adjustment.

Microsoft designer did a nice job generating an image of Ialia Frostmoon.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Kaliban the Forgotten wrote:

I see your point. Truly. I like your interpretation. But, not crazy about rules as written (or what I might consider missing) under Darkleaf Cloth.

DM has been kind enough to allow a favorable interpretation. But, feels like I'm asking too much. If I'm getting a favor, don't want to use it on this.

Technically, with Craft Arms and LegsArmor, should be able to make my own +1 mithral chain shirt of charging. I hope. Counted as full price, of course.

Character wise, it makes sense as a sort of tinkerer/armiger making his own tools against darkness/evil.

Is the roll always Spellcraft?

Late to this, but my Sunite armorsmith would be so down with trying to find the perfect material for your armor. It could be a whole quest! Maybe not a very interesting one... but she'd be so excited! Even if he were making it for himself, she'd want to help. :)

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Kaliban the Forgotten wrote:

But, not crazy about rules as written (or what I might consider missing) under Darkleaf Cloth.

DM has been kind enough to allow a favorable interpretation.

Late to this, but my Sunite armorsmith would be so down with trying to find the perfect material for your armor. It could be a whole quest! Maybe not a very interesting one... but she'd be so excited! Even if he were making it for himself, she'd want to help. :)

Kaliban is happy to hang, of we both get in. I'm trying to avoid the crafting path, though. So reliance on each other could be interesting.

All my stats should be done, I just have to rework some of my fluff to work with this campaign.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Also HP for a d8 HD character: 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 2) + 8 = 20

I believe you can take Half+1 (on the 3, 2, 2 - safer) or reroll.

I chose to reroll and let's just say... it didn't work out :)

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