About IndranaBuild:
Indrana female human psychic 1 NG medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (10 + 2 dex + 1 dodge) hp 8 (1d6+2) Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee sickle +2 (1d6-1 /x2) Ranged sling +2 (1d4-1 /x2) 50ft 10 bullets Special Attacks Spell-like Abilities (CL 1; concentration +3): 5/day—mage hand, ghost sound, grave words, telekinetic projectile Spells (CL 1; concentration +4): 1st(4/4 per day)—mind thrust 1 (dc 15), magic missile 0—detect magic, dancing lights, prestidigitation, mending -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15 Base Atk +0; CMB +2;CMD 11 Feats WP: simple; AP: none; SP: none; spell focus: divination (1st), dodge (hbf) Traits talented (dance), guiding spirit Skills Diplomacy +6=2+1+3 Know: Arcana +7=+3+1+3 Know: Religion +7=+3+1+3 Perception +4=+0+1+3 Sense Motive +4=+0+1+3 Spellcraft +7=+3+1+3 Background Skills Perform (dance) +10=+3+2+1+3+1 Appraise +4=+3+1+0 Languages common, vudrani, celestial, elven Combat Gear Magic Gear Misc Gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, mess kit, prismatic crystal, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, traveler's outfit, 20gp Carrying Capacity Light 30 Med 60 Hvy 90 Carried: 25 -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Guiding Spirit Few understand the medium’s willingness to harbor powerful spirits, but even if you aren’t one of these talented few, you’ve always identified with their abilities. You’ve always felt that you were not alone in this world and that a mysterious guiding spirit watches over you with singular focus. You may have briefly glimpsed this strange spirit—or maybe you simply feel its presence in times of need. Once per day as a swift action, you can look to your guiding spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day. Phrenic Pool (Su) A psychic has a pool of supernatural mental energy that she can draw upon to manipulate psychic spells as she casts them. The maximum number of points in a psychic’s phrenic pool is equal to 1/2 her psychic level + her Wisdom or Charisma modifier, as determined by her psychic discipline. The phrenic pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours don’t need to be consecutive. The psychic might be able to recharge points in her phrenic pool in additional circumstances dictated by her psychic discipline. Points gained in excess of the pool’s maximum are lost. Phrenic Amplification
Discipline Haunted Phrenic Pool Ability Charisma Bonus Spells: Detect undead (1st), calm spiritOA (4th), halt undead (6th), speak with haunt ACG (8th), disrupting weapon (10th), undeath to death (12th), ethereal jaunt (14th), greater possession (16th), etherealness (18th). Discipline Powers: Your powers interact with the spiritual world, attracting the attention of minor spirits and undead. Lingering Spirits (Sp): Numerous minor spirits find themselves attracted to you. Your connection with these spirits allows you to manifest any of the following spell-like abilities as a swift action: mage hand, ghost sound, grave wordsOA, or telekinetic projectileOA. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Spiritual Bulwark (Su): At 5th level, you develop a deeper attachment to your lingering spirits, and learn to rely on their presence as protection from external spiritual attacks. You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on saving throws against effects generated by haunts, incorporeal undead, incorporeal outsiders, and on saving throws against possession attempts. Phantasmal Assault (Su): At 13th level, you learn to harness your psychic force against all forms of haunts and undead creatures. Your mind-affecting spells that deal damage can now be used against haunts and undead normally immune to mind-affecting effects (including mindless undead). These spells are treated as though they dealt positive energy damage. This affects only spells that deal purely psychic-based damage (such as psychic crushOA, mind thrustOA, or synapse overloadOA); effects based on physical effects (such as telekinetic projectileOA or telekinetic stormOA) don’t benefit from this ability. Additional non-damaging effects from such spells don’t affect the haunt, unless it would be normally affected. When you use a mind-affecting effect that deals damage against a possessed creature, the possessing entity takes a –4 penalty on the saving throw against the mind-affecting attack. Description:
Indrana is an attractive eighteen year old Vudrani woman with long, wavy, chocolate brown hair, amethyst colored eyes, and dusky skin stone. She is quite attractive with an hourglass figure and prefers to wear a robe like garment she calls a sari. She has very little in the way of possessions with everything fitting into a single back pack. Personality:
Indrana used to have a very outgoing personality but due to recent events is far more withdrawn, not that most people in the village have realized this yet. She is haunted by both the feeling of nearby spirits she is certain she can feel around her and, more recently the addiction she has managed to barely fight off with the help of the apothecary caused by the substance used to keep her docile while she was transported.
Over the last day or two she has begun to hear something, and she is unsure of just what it is, a quiet buzzing just on the edge of being understandable. Despite the irritation and sometimes irrational bouts of longing for the drug and paranoia Indrana has felt gratitude for the village and wants to do something to help them.
Indrana was born in the country of Vudra far to the east to a prominent merchant family and was raised with the expectation that she would be a merchant like her parent's, Baghesh and Aadhya, before her. She had no siblings and, though she expected to continue her family's company when she grew up it was not what she wanted for herself. Thus, it was with great relief to her that she had a little brother, Manghali, when she was eight years old. With a male heir Indrana was no longer to be the heir to the company and she was happy with that hoping it would let her pursue her own life. Sadly for Indrana she was not to get the freedom to be herself that she wanted but was instead now expected to marry for the benefit of the family. She began bridal training to prepare her for that day and it was when she learned to dance that she first found freedom as she was naturally talented. While Indrana was eventually engaged to a much older man she did not want to marry she knew it was what she must do, at least up until she had the chance to sail with her family to Avistan to secure a trade deal with a company who insisted on meeting the whole family. In one of the cities along the way Indrana managed to slip away from her family for a while and performed at a tavern she had come across. It was not the best area of town, not that she realized this, and Indrana was too trusting. Not long after her performance she was offered a drink and, in her ignorance, was drugged and passed out almost immediately. The next interval of time was unclear to Indrana, it could have been days or weeks or months, she simply did not know. She knew she was bound, she was kept drugged, and she was in a wagon or something. She could vaguely recall at one point she was in a cage, and she had no real moments of lucidity she remembered being warm, in a bed, and fed some kind of broth by someone, then fits and starts of nightmarish days as the drug wore off and her system was cleansed of it. It only took a few days to get her past the worst of the withdrawal, but she still felt the occasional craving. To add to her problems the spirits she felt were always near were much more obvious to her and there was a constant buzzing sound, just on the edge of hearing, that no one else seemed to hear and was simply chalked up to a side effect of coming off the drug. With no idea how to get back home and nowhere to go Indrana is currently stuck in the village that freed her and wants to find some way to thank them for both her freedom and nursing her back to health but had no real skills with which to aid them. Little did she know that she would be getting her chance very soon. SOAP |