GM Heat |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Perhaps you should have known better. Perhaps you should have done your due diligence. Perhaps you should have listened to that little voice in your head telling you that your caravan master Gribb was shadier than the blighted Darklands. Perhaps a lot of things. Fact is that your group had only made it halfway from Cassomir to Yanmass before you were stopped by town guards wielding a warrant: that ass Gribb was wanted for smuggling. Turns out the caravan was part of some contraband operation. Go figure. That one wagon did always smell funny to you...
Less funny was the interrogation that followed, the local kettle hats clumsily trying to ascertain whether you were in on the scheme or just an unwitting patsy. You managed to convince them of your innocence, not that this did you much good. For with the caravan confiscated, you are left stranded in Belhaim, smallest of small towns, sleepier than the hoariest dragon atop its hoard. Now what?
Now you become big damn heroes as little old Belhaim will soon be in need of such. Hi and welcome to this GM’s rendition of The Dragon’s Demand. I’ve been meaning to give a little back to the community that’s given me so much enjoyment over the years, and although I’m undoubtedly late in doing so (like an entire game edition too late), I hope you’ll join me on what is likely my farewell to PF.
The Basics
Number of Players: 4 to 6.
Deadline: July 15th.
System: Pathfinder 1st edition.
Setting: Golarion has gone through a lot of revisions over the years, particularly with the switch to 2nd edition. This has led to some retcons and general inconsistencies in lore that may be a bit troublesome to navigate, every player bringing their own understanding of the setting to the table. Do drow exist? Am I playing a half-orc or a dromaar? Which AP conclusions have been added to the base setting? To hopefully avoid such conflicts, know that I’ll be leaning to early sourcebooks over later additions.
The Adventure
The original module I'll be adapting, The Dragon's Demand, is set in a rural corner of Taldor by the name of Belhaim. Thanks to your crooked - and now very incarcerated - caravan master, your PCs finds themselves stranded there, the local law having seized said caravan as criminal evidence. Why you were part of the merchant caravan, you'll have to tell me. Are you an aspiring trader yourself, signing up to Gribb's convoy with no knowledge of his extralegal ways? Or were you perfectly aware of these and merely convinced the simple country coppers otherwise...? Were you hired on by Gribb as an extra hand or entire sword arm? Or did you pay him to travel along as a passenger, the caravan just a means to cross the nation? If so, are you setting out for new sights? Or fleeing old haunts? Whatever your background, the salient question is this: will you rise to the occasion when Belhaim needs you?
Character Creation
Ability scores: Point buy 20.
Starting level: 1st.
Races: Anything goes, but be ready to justify the more unusual options. I’ll also readily admit a certain bias against said options although I will try my level best to consider your kitsune trickster fairly.
Classes: Anything goes once more even if I'll once again confess a bias against more 'recent' offerings. Again, I will endeavor to be fair, but a curse upon you and your house if you make the read the word salad that is the occult classes.
HP: Max at first level, half rounded up or roll for it on every subsequent level.
Starting wealth: Average for class.
Traits: 2 with no drawbacks allowed. Which is to say that your PC may of course be as flawed as you care to make them, but you won't get any mechanical benefits for doing so.
Alignment: Good is not a requirement, but do keep in mind that the original module was written with heroes in mind. Again, be ready to justify your choice.
Third party material: No thanks.
House rules:
Background skills
Automatic bonus progression
Elephant in the Room
Fractional base bonuses
Character sheet: As complete a sheet as you can manage is preferable, though don't worry too much if you struggle filling out your equipment or allocating that one leftover skill point.
Background: Go nuts. I can't and won't demand a novel from you, but I appreciate a well realized PC. Try to wrangle together a paragraph detailing origin, occupation and objective at the very least.
Appearance: Helpful for your fellow players to have some idea what they're looking at.
Roleplay sample: Really not a necessity. That said, if you're up for writing a vignette with your application, there's no better way to showcase your character and writing. If not that, a favorite post from another PC of yours will suffice.
Anything else? The above are just guidelines and should be taken as such. Really, include whatever you think serves your application best. Do you have some thoughts on where you'd like to take the character? Perhaps you even have an arc in mind? Is your PC based on some other figure, whether from pop culture or history? Have a fun build idea? Throw it all in there.
What are your credentials, young man?
Very limited, I'm afraid. This is my first open recruitment for a game, and I have all of one solo game under my belt in terms of GMing here on the boards. You may check out that game for an example of how I run things. Though if it's any consolation, I do regularly GM live out there in flesh-space.
Why a module? Why not recruit for one of the far more popular APs?
Because I'd like to actually finish the game! Let's be frank, the PbP forum is a graveyard of abandoned APs and not without reason. Life happens and maintaining engagement with a game like this over multiple years isn't easy, for players or GM. I'm hoping a module like Dragon's Demand will be more manageable (even if it will probably still take years!).
Are you looking for any particular posting rate?
A daily post would be ideal, but I'll be the first to say that I will absolutely fail adhering to that rate myself. I can only promise to do my best.
Will battles be all theater-of-the-mind or will you provide maps?
The Dragon's Demand module comes with some lovely maps, so I will try to set up maps and tokens where appropriate. Google usually suffices to that end.
I have played Dragon's Demand before. Will you still consider my application?
Totally. As long as you can manage to keep your knowledge as player and PC separate, that's perfectly fine. Besides, I fully intend to edit parts of the module to suit my own needs, so it might not be an entirely familiar ride for you.

Violant |

Tempted to go with a Switch Hitter Barbarian, have two possible builds in mind... one relatively sane (Urban Barbarian), and the other uh... (Savage Tech / Bolt Ace with a Crossbow, no guns involved).
I'll probably pick which one based on whichever submission is there, but I saw "fun build idea" and then just arrived at "gun. but no gun." Likely will just go with standard human, possibly half-orc. Either way, Barbarian with a Crossbow is a hilarious idea.

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I was in a game of dragon's demand here a few years ago, played a character named Francis Firestar. Unfortunately life went nuts a few months in. My wife broke her foot, my daughter developed a near lethal allergy to nuts, and I got a new job and relocated all in a year. Would love the opportunity to give it a try it out again. This time I think I might propose a 2/3 caster. Bard or Magus I think. Will get something put together and throw it up this weekend.

GM Heat |

I’ve settled on an idea of a young noble lady who joined the caravan to flee an arranged marriage. I believe she will be a bard or perhaps something roguish.
A couple of Quick questions:
Where does the caravan originate?
What was its destination?
See, those are totally sensible questions that I was hoping to avoid. It's actually mentioned in the opening blurb of the recruitment, though only in passing so you can't be faulted for missing it. The caravan set out from Cassomir heading for Yanmass, both trade hubs of Taldor. This 5-second Paint job hopefully illustrates the route. The route employs both river travel and the nation's many decrepit roads before stranding you in Belhaim, quite near Dragonfen which you'll note marked on the map.
None of this is terribly relevant to the plot, however, which is why I didn't place much emphasis on it above. I didn't want people to feel limited to, say, only make PCs from Cassomir. Really, as long as your character has some reason - any reason - to join a caravan, whether that be as a guard, guide, passenger or just to travel the country, they'll fit the game's intro just fine.
Thanks for asking. Also, fun character idea!

Aekold Helstrom |

Here is my work in progress submission.
Since its Taldor, Ulfen Guards are a thing, and until he ran into some outsiders while partying, becoming an Ulfen guard is Aekolds intention.
Currently, he is level 1, a caravan guard, and nothing really special.
His background-rp sample was initially for another game, but it gives the GM one antagonist stronger then the party, and one "extremely risky possible friend", for shenanigians, but it can also be fully ignored.
I need to double check on traits etc. but point buy and initial selections should be fine.
In terms of capabilities: Hard nosed but by no means evil merc, Caravan guard, definitly a glory hound. Heroic reputations do result in better pay, as long as you do it properly.
I interpret Chaotic neutral as absolutely having a moral code, just one that gives little credence to other peoples laws.

G-unit |

See, those are totally sensible questions that I was hoping to avoid. It's actually mentioned in the opening blurb of the recruitment, though only in passing so you can't be faulted for missing it. The caravan set out from Cassomir heading for Yanmass, both trade hubs of Taldor. This 5-second Paint job hopefully illustrates the route. The route employs both river travel and the nation's many decrepit roads before stranding you in Belhaim, quite near Dragonfen which you'll note marked on the map.None of this is terribly relevant to the plot, however, which is why I didn't place much emphasis on it above. I didn't want people to feel limited to, say, only make PCs from Cassomir. Really, as long as your character has some reason - any reason - to join a caravan, whether that be as a guard, guide, passenger or just to travel the country, they'll fit the game's intro just fine.
Thanks for asking. Also, fun character idea!
Thanks, this is why I shouldn’t read/post from my phone :/

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"Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" It's a question that is often asked when someone does something exceptionally stupid. In Oren's case, the exact opposite happened.
Born to a careless mother, Oren was dropped on his head frequently as a child. Dwarves are not well known for dashing good looks, but Oren was ugly even by dwarven standards thanks to his misshapen head and squashed nose.
Instead of spending time with other youngsters his age as a child, Oren spent most of his time reading books, especially books about magic. So it was no shock to anyone when he learned the intricacies of magic, and wove them together with the martial prowess he had learned from his father, who was a city watchman in Cassomir.
A budding Magus eager to see the world, Oren hired on to Gribb's caravan as a guard, hoping to travel to Yanmass, and then beyond into the Empire of Kelesh. Now stuck halfway between, in a sleepy backwater village, he finds himself nowhere near where he wants to be.

Jethryk Devarre |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alrighty then!
I would like to present Jethryk Devarre, LN Human** Monk(Zen Archer) 1 for consideration :-)
True, he did still have the indelible mark of his draconic ancestor upon his body - a goldish tint to his hair, and metallic flecks in his eyes that glittered when his emotions were particularly high. However, he completely failed to have *any* aptitude for stoking, shaping, or calling out the draconic power that (allegedly) slumbered within his veins.
Still, despite that, his parents were not heartless beings - he might not have been able to carry on the family tradition, as it were, but he was still their *son*. Thus, they called in a favor with one of their old adventuring friends, a Cleric of Irori who now ran a small monastery, and had Jethryk enrolled there as a novice.
Their hope was that a period of asceticism and meditation would help to catalyze *something* within him, but even if it did not, the life of a monk would not be a bad one.
Try as he might, Jethryk never awakened *any* draconic power, but he did find the teachings of the monastery helpful; they introduced a measure of calm into his life, helping him to quieten the storms raging in his heart; for whilst he had never admitted it to his parents, he always felt like a defective failure for being able to follow in their footsteps.
Serendipitously, he discovered that he had some skill with the bow, and in addition to absorbing Iroran teachings about self-actualization, he became quite adept at not only wielding bows, but making them himself - the rationale of the monastery being that an archer can only truly understand a weapon that he has created himself.
When he eventually completed his training, Jethryk went on a journey to see the world, and to discover his place in it, as he sought self-perfection. Sometimes, he would explore the wilderness by himself, relying upon hunting and foraging to meet his needs; at others (when spices and other necessities of life ran low), he would sign-on with merchant caravans as a guard in order to make some coin.
When Gribb's smuggling scheme came to light, Jethryk was utterly mortified. He cooperated fully with the local watch, perfectly willing to tell them everything he knew (not that it was much). Now, he is weighing his options - true, he could just head off into the wilderness again, but it would be lacking in comfort; Gribb still had not paid him, after all, and he had not had the chance to make any of the purchases that he had hoped to, upon arrival in Yanmass...
**Some minor variations may apply.

Ace the Squox |

On that note, is chained Barbarian allowed? Unsure which you'd allow, but both Savage Tech [note: would only use a crossbow and a melee weapon, it'd be for +4 STR/DEX rage] and Urban Barbarian kind of rely on the original rage being +STR/+CON.
The crunch of this version should be done. Plans are for eventually a Composite Longbow to truly take advantage of this archetype without using guns, and I'll probably switch the melee weapon to a warhammer instead of a scimitar.
The fluff should be done within a week, I'm just wondering if the archetype choice is acceptable. I decided not to go with Bolt Ace, mostly because it would mean less rage, though.

Albion, The Eye |

Hey GM Heat.
Wanted to stop by and commend you on taking the initiative to run this game. It is a good thing that you're stepping up as a GM, and it should not go without a compliment, especially since there's always a shortage of DMs.
I am not going to submit an application simply because PF can be quite rules-bloated for my taste sometimes, and I generally prefer it more restricted (maybe even Core only). Nonetheless, I'll be dropping by every once in a while for a peek and a lurk :)
May your game be filled with thrilling adventures, vibrant characters, and critical hits when they matter most!

GM Heat |

Since its Taldor, Ulfen Guards are a thing...
Love the idea of an aspiring Ulfen Guard viking wandering this land of knights and princesses. Fits the setting as you say, and has some fish-out-of-water potential. Looking forward to reading your finished submission.
I would like to present Jethryk Devarre, LN Human** Monk(Zen Archer) 1 for consideration :-)...
Thank you kindly for the application. The nod the game's intro in your background is noted and appreciated.
How about un/chained classes?
Go wild, gents. No, using any particular version of a class won't be a mark against you. I mean, it's an awfully cruel GM that forces a player to use the OG monk over the one that actually works (with apologies to Jethryk above). Please take my admitted biases against certain classes stated in the recruitment as the curmudgeonly grumblings they are. Yeah, I have my preferences, but I'll strive to judge every application by its own merits.
Hope to see PCs from you both.
Far too kinds words...
I've never met a compliment I couldn't dismiss, but thank you regardless. You're too kind.
It might not be what I set out looking for, but hit me with a neat character and a neat character I shall seriously consider. Yeah, I'll be happy to read any application you send my way, ratfolk or otherwise. Just know that many Taldans, small town Taldans perhaps in particular, might not be overly welcoming of a strange rat person initially.
Magdh, though. Neat choice.

Ace the Squox |

Alright, I think that's enough fluff? Kellid that decides his tribe was about to make a dumb decision and left.
Savage Technologist's Rage is weird, and the primary reason I decided to go with an archetype that likely won't use any of its unique abilities. It gets +4 STR/DEX during rage, no AC penalty, and keeps the Will save bonus... that means AC increases, instead of decreases, during rage.
The major downside is lack of armor proficiency, and no uncanny dodge.

Hubaris |

@GM Heat: What is your opinion on Variant Multiclassing from PF Unchained? I'm drawn to the idea of a Cleric of Abadar who protects caravans and travellers (which should dovetail well into dragons, hoards of money to be given back and defending a community) and was flirting with the idea of VMC Cavalier for some Order.
If not, no problem but I think I'm fixed on some Cleric of Abadar. He's a deity I've never built around and it feels pretty good here.

GM Heat |

@GM Heat: What is your opinion on Variant Multiclassing from PF Unchained?
Oof, I'm gonna say no, regrettably. Not because I think there's anything inherently wrong with the system, but simply because I'm too unfamiliar with it to consider it fairly.
As for the character, a follower of Abadar definitely has potential here, yeah. Battling such an inherently anti-communal force as a dragon, protecting and maybe even improving upon a small town on the fringe of larger civilization - that all sounds very appropriate for an Abadaran.
Applications though! We got them!
Mightypion - Askold Sörenson, human Abyssal bloodrager.
Luke Parry - Jethryk Devarre, human Zen Archer monk.
GM Labyrinth - Khavel Ironknuckle, dwarf cleric of Torag.
Violant - Korom Ragemaven, human Savage Technologist barbarian.
Gwahiir777 - Oren, dwarf magus [incomplete]
Thanks for your interest, folks. The effort is appreciated, really. Will be updating this list in the coming two weeks.

GM Heat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Seth86: Absolutely no hurry. Deadline is still two weeks away (he said, trying to calm his own new game jitters).
@Shadow Dragon: Don't hesitate to reach out - either here or in PM - if you have any questions.
Question: If a class gets a feat that is no longer there due to elephant in the room (such as weapon finesse) do they get a bonus feat to replace it?
Knew there was something I missed in the recruitment. Yes, and thanks for asking. If a class gives you a feat EitR has already made 'free' for everyone, you may replace it with a combat feat you qualify for. If EitR replaces a feat you would otherwise get as a bonus feat, you get the replacement feat.
Hope that's clear.

Askold Sörenson |

I added a progression plan and an overview of projected power levels:
In order to reduce my still existing power gamer tendencies, I want to try something new. My dips will be story driven!
--1 level in Fractured mind/exciter, following a situation in which he fails a willsave vs possession/domination/paralysis etc. this will greatly increase his will saves, and make him a bit spooky. In addition, he will know things he has no business of knowing, which can be really cool in some campaigns.
--1 Level in mutagenic mauler brawler. Following exposure to drugs or chemical enchancement. Gives better reflexes and mutagens, if he is distraught over a defeat, and has someone to recommend him steroid he will probably do it.
--Dragon discplie, the Ulfen way.
The dragon disciple class could make sense, if (and this is a big if) it could be flavored as "BWHAHAHAH I KILLED A DRAGON AND BATHED IN ITS BLOOD! ITS POWERS ARE MINE!", which can be oddly thematic in the campaign.
--Sentinel of Gorrum
A prestige class for martials who want to hit harder and more with big swords. Probably a downgrade overall compared to straight bloodrager, but could be fun
--A dip in Falcata swashbuckler
While normally looking down on such "noodle armed styles" Askold is willing to learn if the power of swashbuckling is demonstrated to him. Needs a teacher.
General power levels:
--Levels 1 to 3, he is a dude with reach, 3 AoOs, and a raging strength of 22 while raging. Doesnt like archers, but very potent otherwise in combat.
--Level 4 spike: He gets a) Bloodrager spellcasting (2 spells per day, likely shield and longarm) and b) becomes large when he rages. This is a pretty potent increase to his damage per turn, and bumps his raging strength to 24.
--Levels 4-6: With shield, his ac is "average" rather then garbage, but he hits really hard.
--Level 7-9: Level 7 gets him mirror image, which is great and will be his most potent defensive tool. His survivability will greatly increase
--Level 10: Here, polymorph spells, specifically fae form for Rusalka and monstrous phyisque for deathsnatchers kick in. Suddenly he has a lot of Natural attacks, secondary, but still very potent.

Hubaris |

Danton Trallius is a cardinal cleric of Abadar who was sent on this caravan trade mission by a jealous Abadaran brother who did not like his quick rise up, hoping to have him detained or worse.
Now he's looking for a way back in order to deal with his political rival and is looking for work and another trade caravan to travel with before getting waylaid by the quest.
Going to focus mainly on Negative Channeling because it is something I've always wanted to do and this archetype trades away all the combat power to become a Skill Monkey, so I might as well!
Stats and FCB stuff still in the air for the most part.
Thanks for taking the time to take a look during recruitment!
Post Samples

GM Heat |

Askold's modular progression plan.
Hah. That's a fun idea, letting the character's crunch go wherever the story and dice rolls take him. Also shows a fair bit of system mastery, coming up with all of these. Good stuff.
@Ythiel: Ah, sorry to hear it. I know you to be a great player. The deadline is still a ways away, so there's time to let those creative juices ferment a while yet.
But for those new applicants who have just tossed their hats into the ring, thank you. Looking forward to reading through it all. For those wondering, I believe the list of submissions now looks like so:
Ironperenti - Alistair Fox, human Inspired Blade swashbuckler.
Mightypion - Askold Sörenson, human Abyssal bloodrager.
Luke Parry - Jethryk Devarre, human Zen Archer monk.
Violant - Korom Ragemaven, human Savage Technologist barbarian.
AGM Lemming - Niccan Tol, ratfolk Monster Tactician inquisitor of Magdh.
Gwahiir777 - Oren, dwarf magus [incomplete]
Full casters:
Hubaris - Danton Trallius, human cleric of Abadar.
GM Labyrinth - Khavel Ironknuckle, dwarf cleric of Torag.
Thanks again for the interest and let me know if I missed anyone.

Seth86 |

I'm not too fond of tragic backstories. But becoming a dragon Hunter I think deserves a bit of sad story.
My short concept:
Her town was ravaged by a dragon. Hurting and killing many in said attack. Surviving with scarring and being somewhat disfigured in the attack, Zartana start to develop and grow an intense hatred towards dragon. Making her to want to study them so she could better kill them
So with this in mind and hatred in her heart she set out to become a hunter of dragons. Wanting to end any possible future threat of these beasts who seem to care nothing about people that get in their way

GM Heat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Korom Ragemaven wrote:Ha. Barbarian, Bloodrager, and Skald walk into a bar.And when they leave, the whole place is in flames. :)
I'm sure it was just an axe-ident.
(cue every prospective applicant closing the tab with a sigh)
@Seth86: What's a proper adventuring party without a little angst? Although Taldor is a good setting for an aspiring dragon slayer. The so-called Dragon Plague years and their aftermath left an enduring distaste for dragons in the public mind, even the otherwise goodly metallic dragons. Dragons as boogeymen to set unruly children straight; dragon slayers as the most virtuous of heroes; these are still part of the nation's consciousness.
Do you imagine your PC as simply travelling the country in search of these flying lizards, or would she have some other reason to join a caravan? Hit me up if you want to workshop this.

Askold Sörenson |

Askold reads a book:
The Ulfen mercenaries guide to beeing succesfull in Taldor
So, you are an up and coming merc, ready to make it big in the Ulfen guard and legally retriev phat loots from noodle armed Taldane nobles? Did you know that the taldane word for noble and noodle are similar, and that the Taldane make the most noodly-armed their nobles?
Askold reads with a bit of interest thinking
If any polity would adopt such a completely idiotic system of governance, it would collapse and be conquered within a generation. Taldor lies next to the Quadirans and Andorans, 2 great powers as well as the Galtese republic which is so chaotic and violent, Demon Lord Nocticula issued a travel warning to this place. I think this was mostly due to some intense Callistrian-Nocticulan-f@~$ery, and I am said that I couldnt watch it, but still, these arent easy neighbours to have. As he continues reading
Once you come to Taldor, just establish dominance and smash things, and they will give you noble titles! Its very easy, apply fist to face! the book reads
Askold ponders:
Is the author of this book by chance trying to get Ulfen Mercenaries killed? Let me check the name... Aurellius Voranthemos Tagmatos... Tagmata? Isnt that a taldane term for an assortment of legionarries? So some minor nobility, perhaps raised from the people after spending most of his live in the legions, nursing a massive grudge of effing Ulfen Barbarians who dont fight as a team and get all the girls? Trying to basically troll his competition? Maybe I can derive value from this book by doing the exact opposite of what it proposes! Although his annoyance at Taldors nobility seems genuine enough
Askold continues reading.
Hmm, I do wonder if admitting to being fluent in Abyssal since birth increases the price I can bargain for, or if it gets a bunch of hardasses in plate armor trying to light me on a pyre. I best see and then play it from ear.Overall, I have a feeling the answer will be yes.

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I'll work on a roleplaying sample tomorrow, but here's everything else I think.
Male Dwarf, Magus 1
HP 11/11 (8 + Con +2 + bonus class+1)
Fort +4 / Reflex +2 / Will +3
Initiative +2, Senses: Darkvision, Perception +1
Arcane Pool: 4/4
AC 15 (10 + 3 (Studded Leather) + 2 Dex / 13 Flat Footed / 12 Touch
BAB +0, CMD: +2 , CMB: +2
48 yrs old, 4’4” / 180 lbs.
Black hair / brown eyes
Str 14 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Chr 6 (-2)
Dwarven Waraxe: +2 Hit/+2 Damage, d10, x3
Ray of Frost: +2 Hit, d3, 25ft
Racial Bonus: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Chr
Slow and Steady: Movement base 20’ regardless of encumberment
Defensive Training: +4 AC Dodge bonus vs Giant subtype
Hardy: +2 racial bonus vs Poison, Spells, and Spell-like abilities
Iron Citizen: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive. Replaces Stability.
Greed: +2 racial bonus to Appraise gems and precious metals.
Stone Cunning +2 Perception on Traps or Doors hidden in stonework.
Darkvision See 60’ in the dark
Hatred: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls vs Orcs and Goblins
Weapon Familiarity: Battle Axes, Heavy Picks, and Warhammers, and any “Dwarf” weapon.
Class: Magus
Saves: Fort +4 / Reflex +2 / Will +3
Favored Class Bonus: Add+1 HP every time character levels in Favored class (Magus)
Ranks per level: 2 + 3 (Int) / Skill points spent: 5
Adventuring Skills: (5)
+ 3 Intimidation
+7 Knowledge Arcana
+7 Knowledge Dungeoneering
±3 Knowledge Nature
+7 Knowledge Planes
+3 Knowledge: Religion
+1 Perception (+3 vs Traps or Hidden Doors in Stonework)
+1 Sense Motive
+7 Spellcraft
+ 7 Use Magic Device
Background Skills: (2)
+7 Knowledge History, +4 Profession: Scribe
Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Dwarven Weapons, Light Armor
Language: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin
Arcane Strike:
As a swift action, imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For one round all attacks gain +1 to damage and are treated as magic. For every 5 levels the bonus improves by +1 to a maximum of +5 at level 20.
Class Abilities:
Spell Combat:
At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.
Arcane Pool: (4)
At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells.
At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal.
Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.
Bruising Intellect: Use intelligence instead of charisma for intimidation checks
Pragmatic Activator : Use intelligence instead of charisma for use magic device checks
Cantrips: 3 / 1st: 2*
*High Int Bonus
Spells Prepared:
(3) Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost
1st: (2) Grease, Magic Missle
Equipment: (140 gp starting funds)
Studded Leather Armor: AC +3, 25 gp, 20 lbs, -1 Penalty
Dwarven Waraxe: 1d10(×3), 30 gp, 8 lbs
Spell book: free, 3 lbs
Magus Kit::
This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin
22 gp, 31 lbs.
Traveler’s Outfit: 1 gp, 5 lbs
Total Weight Carried:
67 lbs
Total Cost:
77 gp / 0 sp / 0 cp
Remaining Wealth
63 gp / 0 sp / 0 cp
Most dwarves are not known for their beauty, but Oren is exceptionally ugly. His hair and his scraggly beard are a deep black color and his eyes are a muddy brown. His head is misshapen and his nose is squashed and crooked from being broken multiple times as a child. He dresses in simple well fitting clothing, and wears a small silver earring in his right ear that was a gift from his father when he turned 40.
Socially awkward and endlessly curious, Oren seldom is much of an inspiration in conversations. He has a tendency to ramble, especially when reciting information about his studies, and will talk to an invisible audience frequently when lecturing to himself. Oren grows quickly attached to anyone who shows him kindness, and is loyal
Born to a careless mother, Oren was dropped on his head frequently as a child. Dwarves are not well known for dashing good looks, but Oren was ugly even by dwarven standards thanks to his misshapen head and squashed nose.
Instead of spending time with other youngsters his age as a child, Oren spent most of his time reading books, especially books about magic. So it was no shock to anyone when he learned the intricacies of magic, and wove them together with the martial prowess he had learned from his father, who was a city watchman in Cassomir.
A budding Magus eager to see the world, Oren hired on to Gribb's caravan as a guard, hoping to travel to Yanmass, and then beyond into the Empire of Kelesh. Now stuck halfway between, in a sleepy backwater village, he finds himself nowhere near where he wants to be.