cmlobue |
This scenario has the Starship tag, so please discuss your preferred roles here.
Kerathi Asper |
Relevant skills:
Computers: 13
Engineering: 12
Athletics: 7
Piloting: 10
Main role: Engineer (in most cases), Science Officer (if engineer is filled)
Backup: Pilot (it's happened more than I'd like with this character)
If nothing else: Gunnery
Assuming we pick the Drake I'll look and see if anything I have might be useful. Unfortunately the Manticore isn't eligible in this tier.
Nalotrunos |
Starship Skills: Gunner +2
Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Intimidate +8,
You manually adjust additional thrusters and bypass safety systems, shouting for your fellow crew members to brace themselves for a stomach-turning tactical maneuver. This bit of risky co-piloting might overtax the starship’s turn radius, but it can also help the pilot get significantly more maneuverability out of the vessel when the crew finds itself in a lurch. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed, the pilot can make one turn during the round as though the maneuverability of the starship were improved by one step. This has no effect on a ship with perfect maneuverability. If you fail your check by 10 or more, you overheat and temporarily degrade the effectiveness of the starship’s maneuvering thrusters, causing the ship’s maneuverability to worsen by one step for the rest of this round.
Maintenance Panel Access (Engineering Phase)
You start ripping open access panels, turning secured valves, and manually bypassing safety systems to help the engineer get more out of their systems when they take the divert or overpower action. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed and the engineer also succeeds at their check to divert, they can provide the normal benefit from divert to two different systems instead of only one. If the engineer instead succeeds at their check for the overpower action, they can choose four different systems to divert power to instead of three. In either case, no system can benefit twice from the same action.
If you fail your check by 10 or more, you overtax the ship’s systems without adding any useful capacity, and all engineer actions performed this turn take a –2 penalty.
Manual Realignment (Helm Phase)
Manual realignment of the ship’s sensors to better focus on an opposing starship can help the science officer get better results when using the ship’s sensors to glean information about the other vessel. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed and the science officer also succeeds at their check to perform the scan action, they receive one additional piece of information, as though their result were 5 higher. If you fail the check by 10 or more, you knock the sensors out of alignment altogether, and no check to scan can be attempted this round as the system recalibrate.
And the odd abusive Captain, if required.
Kerathi Asper |
Boons for Kerathi Asper
Personal: Strix Admittance
Faction: Exo-Guardians Champion
Slotless: Enemy of the Organization (6-01), Psychic Resilience (5-99), Society Subdermal (Intro 1)
Half the Sky |
Hey team, I don't like to be that person who dictates what folks should do, and on both sides of the screen I am a firm believer in people enjoying what they should play.
But in the interest of trying to kickstart SSC, I'll try and break it down what I am seeing because I think we've been stuck (deliberating) at the piloting phase.
I am also making the assumption that no one playing this game is a newbie to Starfinder. If I am wrong here (and someone legitimately doesn't know what to do), please say something, I help newbies on a regular basis over at Cayden's Keg running Starfinder over there and would love to do so here if we have them.
Nalotrunos has gunnery 2.
I have piloting 10, gunnery 7
Telgan has piloting 6.
Elian has piloting 9 and looking at his character sheet, probably a 5 in gunnery.
Looking at numbers alone, I'm thinking he should roll piloting and I'll take guns this round. Telgan would seem to be better off in Eng or SciO slots. If it's important I roll piloting, then I'll do so. But the above, this is why I am waiting.
It's currently evening where I live now, and will check again here in another 4 hours before going to bed.
Half the Sky |
I would qualify as a newbie as the last time I played Starfinder was 6 years ago when it came out.
No problem with taking Engineering or as the Science Officer.
Welcome back. My suggestion to you depends on whether scanning for information (SciO) is more important versus boosting speed (Engineering), or patching/rebalancing shields (Engineering). So you'll need to make basic decisions on what has happened in gunnery previous round.
I use a comprehensive SSC guide (GM Binder).
How It's Played/Let's Play has a great series as well on Starship Combat if you are more a visual/video-learning individual.
Zarzucket 3 |
my wife and I are leaving on a cruise today. I'll have intermittent access to wi-fi please bot me. I'll try and post as I can.
I'll heal the party etc
cmlobue |
Sorry for the posting delay. I went to watch the Sun being devoured, and the hotel did not have the promised wifi (or breakfast! negative three stars!).
cmlobue |
Please make sure your information on the sign in sheet is correct. If you want your downtime recorded on the chronicle and have not already noted it, please put it here now.
Nalotrunos |
cmlobue, thanks to you for running another great game. Everyone thanks for playing. I had fun. I hope you all have great gaming in your future, and hope to play with you again some day.
Oh, Nalo gets no day job roll.
cmlobue |
Game has been reported and chronicles are >HERE< for everyone but Zarzucket. Once I have his information, I will update.
I will leave the thread open for a few days for any final roleplay or questions.
Thank you all for playing!
cmlobue |
Reporting and chronicles have been updated for Zarzucket.
Congratulations on the nova!