About Elian NeubeckBot Me!:
Full round: Trick attack
[dice=Bluff]1d20+15[/dice] against 20 + Target's CR [dice=Attack]1d20+5[dice] for [dice=damage]1d4+1[/dice] (bludgeoning if baton, fire if laser) + [dice=Trick damage]1d8[/dice] Feats: Iron Will, Kip Up, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Disguise), Weapon Specialization (basic melee, small arms, sniper weapons), Mobility Skills: Acrobatics +11, Bluff +11 (+15 to Trick Attack), Computers +9, Culture +9, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +11, Perception +8, Piloting +11, Profession (Advertising) +10, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11 Gear: Second Skin (Infrared Sensors), Tactical Baton, Azimuth laser pistol, 50 feet titanium alloy cable line, medpatch, 3 sets binder restraints, disguise kit, fire extinguisher, mk 1 serum of healing (1d8), Industrial backpack, hygiene kit, mobile Hotelier (tent), spare standard battery (20/20), datapad with basic strategy game, flower of celebration, 2282 credits
Defender of the Fleet (Starship Boon):
): During the return to the Scoured Stars, you partook in at least one starship
combat mission to assist the evacuation of the stranded Star!nders. As a result, your name has spread throughout the engineers and dockmasters of the Star!nder "eet. Whenever you slot this boon, you can pick one of the following options: Finest Computers: You can improve the computers onboard your starship by one step: from a mononode to a duonode, or from a duonode to a trinode. Alternatively, you can upgrade the computer’s bonus by 1 while this boon is slotted (to a maximum of +8). Finest Engines: You can increase the speed of your thrusters by one step. For example, T6 thrusters become T8 thrusters. You cannot use this boon to upgrade beyond the fastest thrusters commonly available for your size of starship (so you cannot upgrade past T14, S12, M12, L10, H10, G8 or C8 thrusters.) Finest Weapons: Each of the weapons on your starship is the best available in the Starfinder fleet. When you roll damage, you can reroll any damage dice with a result of 1 on the die; you must keep the second result. Scoured Stars Survivor (Personal Boon):
You survived the events of the Scoured Stars and they’ve impacted you, or
you’ve passed this information onto someone who has learned from your experiences. If you already have a permanent boon in your Personal boon slot, such as a special race boon, then you can instead gift this boon to any other character you’ve created that does not already have a permanent Personal boon. If you pass this boon onto another character, keep a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character. When you slot this boon in your Personal Boon slot, once per day as a free action, you can reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1 (to a minimum of 0 RP.) When you use this ability to stabilize, you also immediately gain 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 character levels you have. Society Subdermal Graft (Slotless Boon):
You have successfully completed your induction into the Starfinder Society. The
Society offered you a subdermal implant as part of your commencement. You receive this augmentation for free. SOCIETY SUBDERMAL GRAFT (HAND) Level 1 Price 150 This implant rests underneath the skin of the palm of one hand, or at the end of a tentacle or similar appendage in species that lack hands. The augmentation can be activated or deactivated mentally as a swift action. Activating the implant causes a rendition of the Starfinder Society’s symbol to glow underneath the skin. This augmentation acts as a mark, letting others know you are a member of the Starfinder Society. It also increases the light level within 5 feet by one step while active. Flower of Celebration (Slotless Boon):
The festively flowering raxilite Camilla gifted you with a magic flower to thank you for your
work in helping to bring the holiday spirit to Absalom Station and beyond. You gain the following item for free. Flower of Celebration Level 1 Price 200 (cannot be sold) Bulk — Usage 1/day This glittering flower sparkles with inner radiance and will neither fade nor wither with time. Once per a day as a standard action, you can squeeze the stem of the flower to make it shoot out a small burst of fireworks, as if you had cast dazzling flares (DC 15; Starfinder Character Operations Manual 134). Enemy of the Organization (Slotless Boon):
Alongside First Seeker Ehu Hadif, you vowed to bring an end to the dangerous
criminal syndicate that the Starfinders have dubbed the Organization. Once per scenario as a free action, you can denounce the Organization and its members. Doing so grants you a +1 insight bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks made when interacting with members of the Organization or allies of the Organization. You also gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against members of the Organization and allies of the Organization. These bonuses last for 1 minute. Victory over Authority (Social Boon):
During your mission to the Acalata system, you and your crewmates managed to drive off or destroy a starship belonging to the Gideron Authority. The Gideron Authority eventually learns of whathas transpired, and your name becomes known throughout their military hierarchy as a formidable opponent. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Psychic Echoes of the Swarm:
Psychic Echoes of the Swarm (Slotless Boon): You survived a disastrous mission to Krethiskar, a lost planet in the Szandite
Collective that was consumed by the Swarm. Though you survived and escaped, the leader of your expedition and many of your comrades were not so lucky. Your time on Krethiskar has changed you, and you swear you can still hear the psychic echoes of the Swarm and the buzzing of the szynegators in your head. Once per scenario, you can cast one of the following spells as a spell-like ability. The DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (your choice). Your caster level is equal to your character level. When you reach level 4, level 7, and level 10, the spell level of fear increases by one and you add the additional specified spells to the list of available options. Level 1: fear Level 4: daze monster Level 7: synaptic pulse Level 10: confusion |