GM Peachbottom's War for the Crown

Game Master Peachbottom

Campaign Folder
County of Meratt Map
Rebuilding Stachys

Palace of Birdsong 1st Floor Map
Palace of Birdsong 2nd Floor Map

Loyalty Points: 44

Hero Points:
Icabhod: 3 | Henrika: 1 | Trevor: 2 | Tychus: 1 | Xallis: 2

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I looked again. Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see Selective Channel on Trevor's sheet. Maybe it needs to be updated?

I'm not questioning that you have it if you say you do. It's just for my own reference if I need to look at your sheets to see what you can do.

Diplo +22 (Charming +23)|Heal +11|Kn. Nob +13|Kn. Rel +10|SM +12|Kn. His +6|Appraise +6|Spell +5|Prof. bartender +8
HP 47/47|AC 19, T 11, FF19|Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8|Resist acid, cold & electricity 5|BAB +4, CMB +4, CMB 14
Cleric/6th|Perception +5|Channel Energy 3d6, 7/7x/day (Will DC 17)

I believe I got Alignment Channeling mixed up with Selective. I'll fix that when I get home tonight. Sorry for the confusion.

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