Evesk |
Great Krokod Firetonge do you perhaps want to work on some common background, perhaps? Get to know each other so-to-speak. I mean yeah, it might be for naught but if we work it out on the side then we can pull it in if it becomes a go or leave it out if it does not.
Note that goes for you too Brand the Bold.
And we can do it here or on Discord, the latter tends to be a bit faster.
AdamWarnock |
Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja
Ironperenti - Brand the Bold Male Human(Taldane/Ulfen) Fighter
DeJoker - Zoka Tennen Male Fetchling Rogue(Scout)
Ythiel |
Note: Just because you cannot see it AdamWarnock does not mean the character's application is not completed. My basic application was completed early this week and submitted directly to the GM via Discord, and I have been talking with the GM about it on Discord and fine tuning it to fit snuggly into the campaign. I told you this before but you chose to ignore it.
Truly the Applicants Thus Far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion -------- Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel ---------------- Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge ---------------- Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
DeJoker ------------- Zoka Teppen Male Fetchling Rogue
AdamWarnock --- Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob ----------- Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El ------- Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant -------------- Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter -------- Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 --------- Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin ------- Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja
Ironperenti -------- Brand the Bold Male Human(Taldane/Ulfen) Fighter
Brigadoon ---------...
Just to clarify:
Links were provided in Adam Warnock's list of applicants, including for rainbow33 and Chapel Ty'El. They redirected to the post where the applicants had uploaded their submission in full.
Dejoker was included in the list, just not in a separate section as an incomplete submission. There was no message on this thread to inform us that the submission was completed - and last time I checked, in my morning, Zora's background was still listed as 'TBD' in his profile.
The GM's last post explicitly informed all applicants that they would wait until Zora's application is completed before proceeding with picking the party.
Misunderstandings happen easily in a play-by-post game - you can't read other people's intentions. But I don't think Adam Warnock deserves to be accused of doing their job sloppily here on the ground basis that Dejoker wasn't moved out of the dotting category in the list of applications - especially since only the GM could know with absolute certainty that the submission was completed in this situation.
@Archpaladin Zousha: Here's hoping you get a chance to play him. :)
Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja
Ironperenti - Brand the Bold Male Human(Taldane/Ulfen) FighterDots
GM RelicBlackOUT |
Also, "cotton," is that some local thing for you?
I misquoted it, but the line is from the Dodgeball movie.
Seems like a lot has happened since I posted yesterday before lunch.
I have two characters that I love to play. They are a father & son. Both backgrounds are fleshed out and they are always in the same world together, but maybe never cross in a campaign. Dad is typically a wizard or studied type of character while the son is a devout character on a pilgrimage to become a priest. He is any kind of divine character depending on what the group needs.
And finally things seemed to become hostile. I think that we need to take a step back and understand that this is just a game. One that we need to work together in, not only to have fun but to have longevity on the boards.
I am still in my selection process. The AP says 4 PCs on medium track so give me a little extra time to make the selection process.
GM RelicBlackOUT |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Okay. It wasn't easy but I have made the roster. I did not stick with 4, I went with 6. That being said, could the following head on over to the discussion page, and dot/delete in the gameplay thread.
Mia Curseborn, Krokod Firetongue, Linge Hageback, Kessir Laeva, Lumivartalvae “Golden Arrow”, Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Thanks to everyone who submitted, it was an honor to have so many people interested my first time being back. Thank you.
Evesk |
Ythiel no message on the board that stated the character had been submitted indicates you are ignoring my message to the contrary?? Can you explain why you chose to leave that out in your semi-detailed seeming rebuttal.
I am not at directly odds with anyone, however I am at odds with leaving folks out just because whomever -- is not in the know -- that is wrong. None of us know for sure what anyone else is doing behind the curtain so-to-speak and having someone calling it out inaccurately is wrong as well. It is simpler to just not be biased in that way. I chose not to be biased and pointed to the various places that a GM should be able to easily view your character submission. Posting it in this thread means you force the GM to have to search through the posts to find that submission because one did not choose to give them a easy link directly to that character submission, and no one can give the GM a direct link to the post within a thread just the page that post is on (aka telling the GM to go look for it, which is not very nice if you stop and think about it, as the GM is juggling multiple character submissions and the submitter is juggling just one). Now as it has been stated, there is no good reason for those players to have submitted the character concept in the thread rather than via the normal means of creating a profile that is attached to the current picture which can then be easily clicked on by the GM to view the submission. For if that profile is not accepted and they need to make another submission they can then use that profile again, they just retool it for a new submission. Heck even if they used a profile a long time ago in a game for many posts but that game no longer exists they can use that profile. The only reason one might run out of profiles is if you are a GM running multiple games and they have numerous NPCs within those games that they post with. Thus a mere player should never exceed the cap, as that would mean they are juggling like what 50 games (assuming that is the cap) at the same time which would be one mean feat to do while consistently keep up with all those games. So why not make things easier for the GM and make the submission via a profile?
Now creating crunch is easy (which I did a long while back), creating a weak character concept is equally as easy (already did that too), creating a more robust character concept that intrisically involves the world and what the GM is planning on running takes a lot more work and requires the GMs direct feedback. So yeah its not going to happen as quickly but that does not mean the character has not been submitted nor that their basic backstory has not been submitted to the GM. All it means is that the person is working out the details with the GM prior to submitting a finished product of that already preliminary submitted background and the colloboration effort has not concluded.
DeJoker |
Ah I see, as is typical I hope the game is really worth this GM Diss-missing (aka disrespecting) quality players because they are such a fantasic GM that they warrant such. However, GM RelicBlackOUT you should really come out and be honest about it in the future and say something like:
"Because I am such a great DM I am going to hold a contest to see who I feel is worthy to play my game."
Rather than the backhanded process you went through. If it makes any difference once I fully understood you were running a contest I would have declined out of principle as what you did and perhaps will do again is basically wrong as you disrespect every player, including those you accepted when you chose to run a contest.
So long and thanks for all the fish.... (you are now on my blacklist not that you care at all)
GM RelicBlackOUT |
Okay. It wasn't easy but I have made the roster. I did not stick with 4, I went with 6. That being said, could the following head on over to the discussion page, and dot/delete in the gameplay thread.
Mia Curseborn, Krokod Firetongue, Linge Hageback, Kessir Laeva, Lumivartalvae “Golden Arrow”, Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Thanks to everyone who submitted, it was an honor to have so many people interested my first time being back. Thank you.
I’m just going to bump this below the text wall.
If anyone has a problem with the way I ran this recruitment, please shoot me a PM and we can have a conversation that way.
AdamWarnock |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ythiel no message on the board that stated the character had been submitted indicates you are ignoring my message to the contrary?? Can you explain why you chose to leave that out in your semi-detailed seeming rebuttal.
Where did you ever say that your character was ready? You can right-click on the time stamp and copy the Link Address then paste it in link tags to point to a specific post. I looked through the entire thread and didn't find anything. I went back into my browser history to see when the last time I checked your character's profile was and between then and when you posted that passive-aggressive "masterpiece" you didn't even post, much less post to say your character was finished.
I will admit that I should have been more diligent in checking, but please explain to me how I am supposed to read your mind to know when you and the GM had worked something out and finalized it in a discussion that I was not privy to. How am I supposed to know that you have submitted a completed character to the GM if you never tell me? Don't just say you did, go find the post and link to it.
And yes, you can link directly to the post. The timestamp of the post links to it. Click on it and copy the URL from the address bar or right-click on it and select Copy Link Address. That's what I did for those that didn't post as a profile. If your browser isn't scrolling to the post, then that's a browser issue, because that's the expected behavior with links that have anchors (the bit after the # character in a URL.) And in case you think I'm just blowing smoke, I do web development for a living, that is a feature that's been around almost as long, if not as long, as the HTML standard has.
And while it's unlikely that a player will run out of profiles, it's still not easy to find a specific one when you have 70-80 of them in the dropdown list. Some of the people here are more concerned with that and would rather post in a post.
As for recruitment threads, you may see them as insulting to the players and an ego trip, but what's fair about first-come-first serve to those that are unable to access the boards at work or who are asleep when a recruitment thread goes up? What about those that want to play, but need some time to come up with a character that fits within the constraints of the recruitment thread. I have seen fifty-plus people apply for a game. I've had to narrow that down to something manageable and it is always hard because there are so many good players here on the boards. Then there's the attrition that inevitably happens. We can mitigate that by looking at player histories and seeing if they stick with games or if they fade out after only a few posts. Then there's building a cohesive group who's stories can mesh well. Going first-come-first-serve makes it more likely that you'll wind up with a group of players who may ghost the game, who don't have characters that mesh well together, and who's PC's arcs don't form something cohesive. PBP is a narrative heavy format, and based on what I have seen and your responses to your players in your Dunwich game, I don't think you understand that.
Blacklist me if you want. At this point, I don't consider it a great loss. You've shown yourself to be an entitled, dishonest, and insulting person, someone that I would not want to associate with, much less game with. I would hope that you'll learn from this and grow as a person, but I think that's unlikely. If anyone has an ego issue here, it's you, not GM RelicBlackOUT.
Mia Curseborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Okay. It wasn't easy but I have made the roster. I did not stick with 4, I went with 6. That being said, could the following head on over to the discussion page, and dot/delete in the gameplay thread.
Mia Curseborn, Krokod Firetongue, Linge Hageback, Kessir Laeva, Lumivartalvae “Golden Arrow”, Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Thanks to everyone who submitted, it was an honor to have so many people interested my first time being back. Thank you.
Bumping this for the GM. We're still missing:
Linge HagebackKriemhild Stridsdottir
Kessir Laeva
Brunner Hammerfell |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey GM RelicBlackOUT, I decided to wait until your recruitment was over, but I wanted to welcome you back.
I really enjoyed the Old School Modules game I was in with you. As you know, I'd left the boards due to a change in employment. Obviously, things changed again, and I was able to come back. I'm glad to see you're back also, trust me we all understand life happens. I would have applied, accept 'RoW' is one of the few AP's I've finished. So I thought I should leave room for someone who hasn't played it.
Again, welcome back I know the folks you've accepted will enjoy your GM style.