GM RelicBlackOUT's - Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master RelicBlackOUT

RoW Maps (Google Slides)
RoW Journal (Google Doc)
RoW Loot (Google Sheets)

Map of Heldren

Marching Order & Night Watch:

Single File
Kriemhild - Mia - Krokod - Horn - Linge - Kessir

Side by Side
Kriemhild - Mia
Horn - Krokod
Linge - Kessir

Night Watch

Night Watch:
20:00 - 24:00: Linge/Horn & Mia
24:00 - 04:00: Kriemhild
04:00 - 08:00: Krokod & Kessir

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I'm throwing my (admittedly, late) hat into the ring with a dot for a Kitsune witch of the winter mystery. I'm new to play-by-post, but currently in one campaign, GMing another, and soloing one over VTTs.. so sorry if I commit numerous faux-pas, I don't know the etiquette here.

I'm currently working on getting a proper alias and avatar set up for her, so as just to not be a dot on the map!

again sorry if i'm doing any of this incorrectly, haha

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil

Archpaladin Zousha

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Violant wrote:

I'm throwing my (admittedly, late) hat into the ring with a dot for a Kitsune witch of the winter mystery. I'm new to play-by-post, but currently in one campaign, GMing another, and soloing one over VTTs.. so sorry if I commit numerous faux-pas, I don't know the etiquette here.

I'm currently working on getting a proper alias and avatar set up for her, so as just to not be a dot on the map!

again sorry if i'm doing any of this incorrectly, haha

Welcome! If you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out Doomed Hero's and Painlord's guides to PBP here on the Paizo boards.

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play By Post Gaming
Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post Play

These offer a lot of tips and advice on how things generally work around here. If you are GMing a game here, Painlord also wrote a guide for GMs that you may be interested in.

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing: Make Your World a Better Place

And don't worry. You're doing just fine so far. If you're ever unsure about something, just ask and someone will be willing to help you out. We're always happy to have new people joining in on the fun.

And if you want some more information, I've got some stuff compiled in this profile. Check it out and feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

Also, I'm not the GM here, I just like helping people out. If GM RelicBlackOUT says something different, it's his game, just go with what he says.

DM-Salsa wrote:
Violant wrote:

I'm throwing my (admittedly, late) hat into the ring with a dot for a Kitsune witch of the winter mystery. I'm new to play-by-post, but currently in one campaign, GMing another, and soloing one over VTTs.. so sorry if I commit numerous faux-pas, I don't know the etiquette here.

I'm currently working on getting a proper alias and avatar set up for her, so as just to not be a dot on the map!

again sorry if i'm doing any of this incorrectly, haha

Welcome! If you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out Doomed Hero's and Painlord's guides to PBP here on the Paizo boards.

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play By Post Gaming
Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post Play

These offer a lot of tips and advice on how things generally work around here. If you are GMing a game here, Painlord also wrote a guide for GMs that you may be interested in.

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing: Make Your World a Better Place

And don't worry. You're doing just fine so far. If you're ever unsure about something, just ask and someone will be willing to help you out. We're always happy to have new people joining in on the fun.

And if you want some more information, I've got some stuff compiled in this profile. Check it out and feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

Also, I'm not the GM here, I just like helping people out. If GM RelicBlackOUT says something different, it's his game, just go with what he says.

Oh, I'm not GMing a campaign here. I'm in two-and-a-solo campaigns via Roll20, not PbB.

And for the record, I took inspiration from the 5 stat post here. Time for comically weak chicanery :3

But yeah, I thank you lot for the advice, will definitely take all this in mind when fleshing out Juriya. Thanks!

Violant wrote:
Oh, I'm not GMing a campaign here. I'm in two-and-a-solo campaigns via Roll20, not PbB.

Oh. Well, I hope you still find those helpful. :)

Violant wrote:
But yeah, I thank you lot for the advice, will definitely take all this in mind when fleshing out Juriya. Thanks!

Glad you found them helpful! :D

Violant wrote:
And for the record, I took inspiration from the 5 stat post here. Time for comically weak chicanery :3

Chicanery, Shenanigans, Tomfoolery, Monkeyshines, and Buffoonery? ;P

AdamWarnock wrote:
Violant wrote:
Oh, I'm not GMing a campaign here. I'm in two-and-a-solo campaigns via Roll20, not PbB.

Oh. Well, I hope you still find those helpful. :)

Violant wrote:
But yeah, I thank you lot for the advice, will definitely take all this in mind when fleshing out Juriya. Thanks!

Glad you found them helpful! :D

Violant wrote:
And for the record, I took inspiration from the 5 stat post here. Time for comically weak chicanery :3
Chicanery, Shenanigans, Tomfoolery, Monkeyshines, and Buffoonery? ;P

YES! I'm switching to the alias now, and figuring out how everything works.

Juriya wrote:
YES! I'm switching to the alias now, and figuring out how everything works.

It can be a bit of a learning curve, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it.

If you're looking to switch profile pictures, go to where it says "My Account" at the top and click account settings in the dropdown menu. You'll need to enter your login credentials. Once you do that you'll see several panels. If you look where you created the alias you should see a list of all your aliases. If you click on the Edit button, you'll see a screen where you can choose things like Pathfinder Society factions and a button that says edit profile picture. Click on that and you'll see the available profile pictures you can chose for an avatar for that alias. There's options to narrow the list down on the left side. If you pick Female and Kitsune (you'll have to expand that list of options I believe) you should see all of the available profile pictures of Kitsune. You can also change the name of your alias so long as it has less than 10 posts.

I would recommend installing the Paizo Campaign tools browser extension. It offers a number of handy features such as default aliases for campaigns and highlighting when new posts have been made in the campaigns tab under your profile. You can find links to the extension in this profile under the Additional Information and Resources spoiler. Note that you'll not be able to set a default alias for a campaign until you can post in the Gameplay Thread.

Alright, I'm out of dot territory, I believe! It was semi-rushed as I have to prepare for the campaign I'm DM-ing tomorrow. as I thought I had a session tomorrow, until I realized both players couldn't make it.

Juriya's Backstory:

Abandoned by her Kitsune parents in Irrisen, when she was just barely old enough to learn how to control her shapeshifting, Juriya knew not much of her upbringing besides being taken to Whitethorne to be a Winter Witch's apprentice, as the Elders and Witches saw within her potential of a wintery and cold nature that could benefit Irrisen.

However, as Juriya says to those who learn of her past: "I'm a Witch of Winter, not a Winter Witch!," that is to say that she never had the strength (literal or metaphorical) to become a winter witch's apprentice, and was promptly booted out onto the streets after one too many bad jokes. She'd much rather laugh something off with a bad joke and a quick intellect and wit than she'd prefer to get into a melee, given she'd inevitably lose.

Too good-hearted and peaceful to try to stake a living in Irrisen, she set out to Taldor, Heldren specifically, at the age of 16, looking for a new life. She eeks out a living whenever she can by her subpar performances and cold magic.

She keeps her true nature as a Kitsune very close to her chest, due to discrimination she's received in the past, and her nature as a former Winter Witch Apprentice, and current Witch of Winter, a secret, due to the inherent ties witches associated with the cold seem to draw from Irrisen. Due to this, she usually keeps fire spells prepared so as to prove, especially to anyone with knowledge of the winter witches, that she is indeed, not an Irriseni Winter Witch.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)

Archpaladin Zousha

@Violant: I ninja'd your last post, scroll up or click here to see it. Also, you can generally make changes to your character right up until the deadline.

OH GOD, I realized I put Mystery. I must have been thinking of my Wizard VMC Oracle at the time I wrote that, lol. I can't wait to either participate in this campaign, and/or see how it plays out! Reign of Winter looks like a fun wild adventure path to me.

Thanks for updating that, Adam.

Violant wrote:

OH GOD, I realized I put Mystery. I must have been thinking of my Wizard VMC Oracle at the time I wrote that, lol. I can't wait to either participate in this campaign, and/or see how it plays out! Reign of Winter looks like a fun wild adventure path to me.

Thanks for updating that, Adam.

Anytime, and don't sweat it. It's not like it's written in stone. You can always edit your profile. Posts, well, you've got an hour. :P

Alright, thanks Adam. Juggling four campaigns is going to be... something, lol.

OK, here we go then. Presenting Encarus Varinae, aasimar heavens oracle. A little finalising and finessing still needed, mostly in terms of gear but otherwise pretty much good to go and I wanted to get the post up.

With apologies for the length of the backstory and the liberal use of villager names scattered into the mix. Worth reiterating that Encarus knows nothing of his real history; he has no reason to doubt what he does know - nor does anyone else - and his mother certainly has no desire to tell him. So it's there for an explanation of his origins, rationale for certain mechanical choices, and because I enjoyed writing it!

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn

Archpaladin Zousha

A little late to throw my hat into the ring for the party, but hopefully worthy of consideration:


More often than not, it is difficult to describe Koraka – as she is covered from head to toe in winter clothing and furs. And the furs are typically local to the north, so their pale colours provide camouflage against the snow and ice.
When indoors or the rare occasion she’s in warmer climes, she dresses in hide trousers and shirt and her hair is long, blonde and tied in a ponytail. Her high cheekbones reveal her Jadwiga heritage and her lithe and muscular frame point to her Ulfen roots. Her eyes are a very dark shade of blue – almost indigo and her skin is pale, like so many from the north.


Passion brings its own rewards but sometimes there is a price to pay. A chance encounter between a Jadwiga woman and a handsome Ulfen skaldic wayfarer produced a child that provided an equal measure of both before it was even born. You see, when the woman in question is a White Witch and can trace their lineage to the Witch Queen Baba Yaga, the prospect of an offspring that is not pure Jadwiga is not tolerated.
Despite her evil heart, Koraka’s mother cared too much for her unborn child to terminate the pregnancy. Instead she hid away until the baby was born – refusing to even look at her child – or know the sex, less she fell in love with it.
It transpired the baby was a girl and she was spirited away to Algidheart and raised, like other Ulfen people, subject to the cruel whims of the Jadwiga nobility. They say the handmaiden that took the baby from the witch was killed a matter of hours after she handed it over in case she ever talked. And the guard that killed the maid was in turn murdered by an ice giant as he returned to Glacier Lake.
The little girl was named Koraka by her adoptive parents – a caring couple with little money but plenty of love. She never knew her real mother or father’s name, though by the age of ten, she had managed to deduce from overheard conversations how and why she had ended up in the city. Did she hate or love her true parents? Sometimes these emotions crossed her mind but as she got older, all she felt was curiosity. Did they even know she existed? Would they come looking for her one day? Would her mother one day become queen?
Unlike typical Ulfen, she lived her life with just the one name – Koraka. Traditionally a boy’s name, she deduced that her parents called her that to ensure she wasn’t found by anyone who came snooping. Anyone looking for a young girl would not look twice at a young boy. And she was dressed and raised more like a boy than a girl – learning to hunt and use a bow from a very young age.
With no official mother or father she could not take the traditional byname (typically derived from one or other of her parent’s names). Nor did she take a second name based upon any of her features. Nor did she feel comfortable considering a Jadwiga name – despite being officially a member of the Elvanna. And as she grew older, she learned to love her unusual name – it was different, just like her.
Her childhood years meant she would never assume the role of a White Witch – and she never missed what she didn’t know – but it spurred her to hunt down and destroy what she couldn’t become. Deep down she hoped she would have shunned the life of a White Witch – she could never be evil. But at low moments, she wondered if she would have had the same outlook if she’d been raised in the palace? Could she have become what she so despises? There but for the grace of the gods go I,” she would regularly muse.
In her homeland, those who can survive nature's icy ferocity are held in high regard. For Koraka it was always a surprise that it should be so, as it came so naturally to her. Survival in these harsh climes wasn’t easy, but with precautions it was relatively straightforward. Extreme cold can be a killer but equipping yourself with a cold weather outfit and furs helps stave off all but the worst the winter can throw at you.
Moving on ice was similarly easy if you understood you couldn’t perform acrobatics. Cleats were a real boon and wearing simple Boots of the Winterlands was over half of the battle.
Koraka grew up knowing that her people were slaves, at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, existing only to serve the Jadwiga and the Jadwiga's monstrous allies. So when she was old enough to fend for herself, Koraka left the family home. It was a wrench to leave her adoptive parents behind – they had invested all of their love in her and she had loved them in return. But she could not remain in a life of servitude and feared that her sense of injustice would one day spill over and that could only risk the lives of the people closest to her. So, using the skills she’d largely taught herself she headed off into the wilderness – deep into the province of Bleakmarch – framed by the Iceflow and Rimeflow rivers to the west and south, Glacier Lake to the east, and the Winterwall Glacier to the north.
Once Koraka spied the Glacier Lake, a huge expanse of ice – well over 100 miles wide. On the cliffs of the lake's north-eastern shore, was Queen Elvanna's Royal Palace – situated atop a 200 - foot-tall ice spire rising up from the lake it self. She wondered if her mother was in that palace – and if she ever thought of her.
She moved from settlement to settlement, spending little time anywhere populated – in case the local White Witch became aware of her and set some terrible creature on her. Instead she picked up essential rations and spent her time tracking and killing the snow goblins and winter wolves that plagued the locals.

Koraka’s story:

More recently Koraka travelled the northern reaches of Avistan from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in the west, through her homeland of Irrisen – the land of Eternal Winter, to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in the east.
Recent frigid temperatures coupled with howling winds and deep snowfalls that had even buried a village she passed had taken its toll on Koraka’s health. Permanent winter can be unforgiving to the health of those who must live in it, and Koraka knew she’d contracted Chillbane Fever. Fortunately not the far more potent earlier strain that swept across Bleakmarch during the reign of Queen Velikas, the infectious disease was characterised by the sufferer's constant shaking.
And so it came to pass that she happened upon a clearing in the middle of a neat circle of barren and blackened trees. And in the centre of the clearing were a man and a woman. A witch-hunter and a White Witch. Koraka didn’t know why she knew who was facing off in front of her – she just knew.
The witch was taunting the man facing her and he was wielding a strange sword – and wondered how he was carrying it so lightly. She didn’t even consider the possibility that she could be seen, she was mesmerised by the dance that was unfolding in front of her. It was, sadly, a short dance. The witch cast a spell the man failed to avoid and the sword tumbled from his hands. Koraka cried out and ran forward and was immediately hit by a spell herself. The witch fled – leaving her for dead. Yet Koraka wasn’t dying. She didn’t know why, but the evil witchcraft that touched her failed to kill her. Perhaps it was her White Witch blood? Maybe she was blessed by a goodly spirit or just doggedly determined not to die. But it was clear she had some resilience against the power of the dark arts.
The man did not fare so well. She never knew his name – his dying words were too precious to share this information. He begged her to kill the witch and use his sword to avenge his death. He also pressed a nail into her hand. It was thick, 6-inch-long and forged from cold iron. ”Keep it close and it may help you.”
And with those final words he died.
Koraka tracked the witch for months and practiced with the sword as she travelled further and further south. It was impossible to use at first and at odds with the grace with which she carried her bow – but she grew to like the power it offered as it tended to end a fight a lot quicker than the many small cuts her daggers usually inflicted.
So she followed the witch all the way to Southern Taldor and finally defeated her in a hideout in the Border Wood – using that sword to deliver the final blow and claiming retribution for the death of the unnamed witch hunter. Koraka would have liked to have found out what she was doing there but the witch died before she could interrogate her.
And that is how Koraka ended up in a small village named Heldren and found her way to its single inn, called the Silver Stoat, for some hot food and a welcome draft of ale.


There are two words that sum up Koraka more than any others. Caring and dogged. She’s always had a way with animals and has regularly put her life on the line for strangers she knows nothing. And her pursuit of the Winter Witch was a case in point where her determination to see things through was most evident.


Female human rogue 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init 6; Senses Perception +5
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort 0, Ref 6, Will 1
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8 P/19+)
Melee dagger +4 (1d4-1 P or S/19+)
Melee scimitar -1 (1d6-1 S/18+)
Str 9, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 13
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (scimitar), Weapon Finesse
Traits reactionary, vigilante witch hunter
Skills Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +8, Fly +5, Perception +5, Ride +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8
Languages Common, Elven
Other Gear leather armor, light crossbow, 176 gp
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

About me:

RPGer with plenty of experience but none with PF (either version) so will be heavy on the fluff and lighter on the crunch as I feel my way (hence a desire to start PbP).
And I've chosen a different sort of party member - and the background is for fluff, unless it offers any interesting plot hooks.

Thanks for considering my character

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue

Archpaladin Zousha


Just a suggestion, but if Koraka is an ulfen from Irrisen, she probably would know Skald and Kellid. An ulfen Human gets Skald for free.

By the way, has anyone heard from the GM? It looks like his last post was on the 20th.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AdamWarnock wrote:
By the way, has anyone heard from the GM? It looks like his last post was on the 20th.

You ninja'd me!

@Mia/Adam Warnock: I am big fan of the Magus and the Bladebound is fun. Always a fan of intelligent items.

Also, thanks for wrangling up the applicants. You are very helpful! How much do you keeping track of the online inventory? Lol.

@Lumivartalvae: A follower of a Storm Giant deity. I must say that would be the first for me. A trophy hunter is very cool. Add in there a list of realistic trophies that Lumivartalvae has gained over time by herself or with a group. Keep in mind she is currently level 1, but I am also cool with having a background of someone so old maybe “retired” for a brief time and fell to the common phrase “use it or lose it.”

@DM-Salsa: Those guides are amazing stuff. Saving those for future reads.

I have been talking to DeJoker and he has things going and will have something up before too long. Looking like a Fetchling Rogue.

I have been getting things read and ready. I have some ideas brewing with a few of the submissions that would keep us following the AP but give us a little off the road flair.

I am off tomorrow and this game is getting 100% of my attention while the kids are at school.

Thanks so much for all the submissions, besides DeJoker I’d say that we are good with who all has submitted. If I missed a question, please reply to it so I can see the OP. Also, feel free to shoot me a PM and I’ll get you my Discord.

Liberty's Edge

I have one I was hoping to submit this evening or early tomorrow. I'll drop it in and if not considered, no worries, I'm a character creation addict.

GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:
AdamWarnock wrote:
By the way, has anyone heard from the GM? It looks like his last post was on the 20th.
You ninja'd me!

For a big guy, I have a surprising talent for accidentally sneaking up on peoeple. :P

GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:

@Mia/Adam Warnock: I am big fan of the Magus and the Bladebound is fun. Always a fan of intelligent items.

Also, thanks for wrangling up the applicants. You are very helpful! How much do you keeping track of the online inventory? Lol.

Glad you like Mia. Bladebound is one of my favorite archetypes of any class. Also happy to help on keeping track of people. Ironically, I'm actually terrible at keeping track of loot.

GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:

@DM-Salsa: Those guides are amazing stuff. Saving those for future reads.

Always happy to help. :D

I've been playing for 12 years now, and I'm still learning stuff.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue

Archpaladin Zousha

Archpaladin Zousha here with my half-Tien, half-Ulfen ninja, Ramunder Fuyuosson, newly arrived in Heldren and desperately seeking a purpose in life!

Ramunder has lived multiple lives by this point: his first began in Kalsgard, the son of Fuyuo Hirowatari and Inger Siggeirsdottir and a third-generation child of a Minkaian merchant family who'd made it all the way across the Path of Aganhei to settle in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. That life ended shortly after Ramunder was able to walk and talk, for his father and grandfather were not mere merchants, but members of the Frozen Shadows, a clan of ninja that had come from Minkai to hunt down and kill the last members of the Amatatsu clan, settled into the guise of merchants to watch and wait in case one or more scions of that storied family had escaped them.

Ramunder's second life was a double-life, as a polite and dutiful merchant's assistant by day and as an initiate in the Frozen Shadows by night. He trained in the ways of deception and death, to be watchful and ready for when his superiors in the clan might have need of him. He idolized not just his father and grandfather, but also the training-master Omoyani, the troll-born mage Goti Runecaster and of course, the fearsome Kimandatsu, leader of their organization. While the training was grueling and cruel, it instilled in young Ramunder a sense of purpose and nobility, feeling he was aiding his family in forging a grand destiny.

One day, before Ramunder's initiation to full-fledged ninjahood, he was sent on a scouting assignment in the frigid wilds near Ravenscraeg, the remote fortress of the Frozen Shadows. The mission was routine, boring. There was very little to report, and in truth the Frozen Shadows rarely relied on such mundane information gathering when they had ravens who spied for them. But as he made his way back, and saw Ravenscraeg coming over the horizon, he noticed smoke pouring from the rooftops. They were under attack! Ramunder broke into a sprint, not caring he was just one man, not caring that anyone bold enough to attack the Frozen Shadows in their own fortress had to have been cunning and powerful enough to pierce the intricate web of lies and secrets woven to protect it over three generations. When he got to the gate, however, he saw the true extent of the devastation. Scores of ninja, his fellow students, his brothers-and-sisters-in-arms, broken and dead, fire consuming the ransacked buildings. He searched and searched, not caring for the burns on his hands or the smoke choking his lungs, until he heard a familiar voice choke out his name. It was his father, Fuyuo, gravely wounded and near death himself.

As Ramunder grabbed him and pulled him from the burning building, Fuyuo explained what had happened: a band of adventurers from Varisia had come to Kalsgard, led by none other than the last scion of the Amatatsu, seeking her birthright. The Frozen Shadows had sprung into action to intercept and slay her, but she and her allies proved too clever and too resilient, weathering everything the clan had thrown at them and turning the tables to discover the Frozen Shadows' home and come kicking down their door. Even the clan's fiercest fighters and mages were no match for them...and now they were gone, with all the clan's wisdom and treasures taken with them. The Frozen Shadows had failed in their mission...and now they would die. Ramunder protested saying as long as he and his father lived, they could rebuild and get revenge. Fuyou stopped his son mid-speech, stating matter-of-factly that he was dying, and Ramunder barely knew anything about what the Frozen Shadows truly were, that he had not been ready before and now would never be, as nothing of the clan remained for him to learn from. And it was better this way, as now the remaining Frozen Shadows were exposed and would be hunted down by Kalsgard's people. It was better to take his own life now, with some small scrap of honor left, than to live on the run as a failure and disappointment. Ramunder could barely believe what his father was saying, and tears in his eyes, he turned and ran, leaving Fuyou to die alone. It was in that moment that Ramunder's second life ended.

Ramunder's third life has been a haze of aimlessness and self-pity since leaving his home behind. Knowing there was no place for him in Kalsgard, even if his mother still lived, he took to the road and passed himself off as a mercenary, a sailor, a thief, whatever he needed to keep himself fed one more day as he tried to put as much distance between him and his past life behind. He's thought about picking up the trail of the adventurers who took down the Frozen Shadows, tracking them down and fulfilling their mission in a grand suicidal effort, but as his travels took him further south and further east, rather than across the Path of Aganhei, he realized that he'd never catch up to them, both in terms of physical distance and in terms of sheer power. He's thought about collecting like-minded individuals and re-establishing the Frozen Shadows, but he's realized as he's traveled that he's not as sociable as his grandfather or even his father were, not the kind of person who could rally a clan, and even if he was, he was no true Frozen Shadow, not initiated, his training incomplete. Ramunder's travels have taken him down through Varisia, across the Mindspin Mountains, through the woods of Nirmathas, across Lake Encarthan to the Sellen River and traveling down it to Taldor, where he's wandered the old empire southwards until reaching a small town called Heldren. He's come close to running out of coin and so he's sought employment there to earn enough to move on, but something about this job seems different from ones he's taken in the past. He feels an all-too familiar chill in the that could not be felt in this warm a clime, in the season of Summer. Ramunder wonders if maybe his third life is about to quietly end...and a new one is about to begin.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja


@Archpaladin Zousha: I was wondering if you were going to do a Jade Regent tie-in when I saw your character. You have not disappointed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Archpaladin Zousha: I was wondering if you were going to do a Jade Regent tie-in when I saw your character. You have not disappointed.

I've had versions of Ramunder percolating in my brain for literally around 10 years now!

Liberty's Edge


@Archpaladin Zousha: Here's hoping you get a chance to play him. :)

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant - Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter - Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 - Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja
Ironperenti - Brand the Bold Male Human(Taldane/Ulfen) Fighter


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ramunder Fuyuosson wrote:
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Archpaladin Zousha: I was wondering if you were going to do a Jade Regent tie-in when I saw your character. You have not disappointed.
I've had versions of Ramunder percolating in my brain for literally around 10 years now!

Glad to know I'm not alone in this practice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's starting to look crowded in there - and by a lot of amazing characters to boot! :) Best of luck, everyone

Linge Hagebak wrote:
It's starting to look crowded in there - and by a lot of amazing characters to boot! :) Best of luck, everyone

Good luck to everyone!

Adam Warnock:

Many thanks for the heads up - I'm still coming to terms with character creation and I'll drop elven and add those two languages instead.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:

I am off tomorrow and this game is getting 100% of my attention while the kids are at school.

Thanks so much for all the submissions, besides DeJoker I’d say that we are good with who all has submitted. If I missed a question, please reply to it so I can see the OP. Also, feel free to shoot me a PM and I’ll get you my Discord.

Thanks for the opportunity, there are some great characters there so I don't envy you having to make a decision! Best of luck to all.

@rainbow33: Glad I was able to help. :)

@Juriya: 5 Str? That’s a bold move cotton. Remember your carrying capacity and how it will slow you down. Also, hope we don’t stumble across a shadow…

Are Kessir, and potentially Kriemhild, the only ones naturally from Heldren?

I am combing through the list figuring out the party.

GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:

@Juriya: 5 Str? That’s a bold move cotton. Remember your carrying capacity and how it will slow you down. Also, hope we don’t stumble across a shadow…

Are Kessir, and potentially Kriemhild, the only ones naturally from Heldren?

I am combing through the list figuring out the party.

Yeah, I figured now would probably be the best time to do it, as opposed to the other campaign I'm currently a player in! But yeah, I'll edit my inventory so as to not be too heavy on carrying capacity and encumbrance. Weak fox will/would be hilarious to play though, lol.

Also, "cotton," is that some local thing for you?

Sovereign Court

Juriya "Arcty" Allum wrote:
Ramunder Fuyuosson wrote:
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Archpaladin Zousha: I was wondering if you were going to do a Jade Regent tie-in when I saw your character. You have not disappointed.
I've had versions of Ramunder percolating in my brain for literally around 10 years now!
Glad to know I'm not alone in this practice.

Lol doesn't everyone have that one character who is "their" character? Chapel Ty'El was my very first character in 3.5. He's had various incarnations in homebrew games but he's on the backburner for an AP until I can play in War for the Crown.

Chapel Ty'El wrote:
Juriya "Arcty" Allum wrote:
Ramunder Fuyuosson wrote:
AdamWarnock wrote:
@Archpaladin Zousha: I was wondering if you were going to do a Jade Regent tie-in when I saw your character. You have not disappointed.
I've had versions of Ramunder percolating in my brain for literally around 10 years now!
Glad to know I'm not alone in this practice.
Lol doesn't everyone have that one character who is "their" character? Chapel Ty'El was my very first character in 3.5. He's had various incarnations in homebrew games but he's on the backburner for an AP until I can play in War for the Crown.

I've had a few different characters on backburners, was considering slotting my solo adventure Gunslinger into here, but until I actually get a chance for either Outlaws of Alkenstar or Iron Gods campaign, don't want to waste that ball of fluff.

GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:
Are Kessir, and potentially Kriemhild, the only ones naturally from Heldren?

Encarus is technically born and raised in Heldren but has no ancestry there, which is think is probably what you mean.

Kriemhild set up shop in Heldren, being a) incredibly strong and b) fairly reasonable, enough that she did try to do some opera tryouts in Opera, but she failed at those and is now back.

Unsurprisingly, the towns head will be like "I told you you are better at violence!"

@GM: Well, Mia was literally found in the forest, the Border Woods, outside of Heldren as an infant, and technically, she grew up near the village in an old watchtower claimed by the wizard, Galvinius, that raised her. She's only been living in Heldren proper for about four or five years. As for where she's originally from, who can say? :3

It's Irrisen. Totally Irrisen.

Re: Perrennial Characters: Hmmm, let's see, there's Raseri that's gone through a few iterations over the years. And Gkirkhan, who's a half-orc fighter/barbarian of mine that I based off the Jaegermonsters from Girl Genius. There are character archetypes I do find myself gravitating to more often than not, but I've been trying to be a little more varied in the past few years.

Linge's been living in Heldren for two years and a half- not a local, but not a stranger either!

As for the 'perennial character' , my rogue Litsy is probably the one I've played and tweaked the most since I got on Paizo. After almost si years, I think I finally got her 'voice' right. Linge's one of my oldest, but has remained more or less the same over the years :)

I certainly have 'types' or preferences when it comes to making characters that I would find fun to play, but I think playing different people is one of the greatest perks of RPGs. On Paizo at least, I try to play characters that are as different from each other as possible.

(Hope it's not too long-winded an explanation - I don't have an IRL table and I like talking about RPGs!)

Note: Just because you cannot see it AdamWarnock does not mean the character's application is not completed. My basic application was completed early this week and submitted directly to the GM via Discord, and I have been talking with the GM about it on Discord and fine tuning it to fit snuggly into the campaign. I told you this before but you chose to ignore it.

Truly the Applicants Thus Far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion -------- Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel ---------------- Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge ---------------- Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
DeJoker ------------- Zoka Teppen Male Fetchling Rogue
AdamWarnock --- Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob ----------- Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El ------- Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil
Violant -------------- Juriya "Arcty" Allum Female Kitsune Witch(Winter Patron)
Slowdrifter -------- Encarus Varinae Male Aasimar Oracle of Shelyn
rainbow33 --------- Koraka Female Human(Ulfen?) Rogue
Archpaladin ------- Zousha - Ramunder Fuyuosson Male Human(Tien/Ulfen) Ninja
Ironperenti -------- Brand the Bold Male Human(Taldane/Ulfen) Fighter
Brigadoon --------- Unknown

Note: I could not find a actual link to Chapel Ty'El's, rainbow33's, nor Brigadoon's finished character sheets and AdamWarnock's links go absolutely no where. So I did bit of digging and provided the best link I could unearth for those characters. If you two players have a link you would like to share, let me know and I will make a true update. Otherwise I am going to assume you are sharing your characters with just the GM kind of like I did.

Oh and GM RelicBlackOUT in case you forgot and did not have the link to remind you, Zoka Tennen is a native of Heldren along with his adopted mom.

Liberty's Edge

Brand is born and raised in Helden. It's his mother who is not from there.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just for future reference, the links AdamWarnock provided to our characters go directly to the posts where we submitted. It is extremely common to wait until after being selected to create an alias in order to keep from bogging one's profile down with dozens of unused aliases.

Furthermore, you seem extremely defensive over Adam not listing your character as being completed however, unless AdamWarnock has been made privy to your discord discussions, they would have no way to know.

Can one not delete aliases if needed?

Sovereign Court

Once you reach a certain post amount, you can't. So if you post the alias and continue to chat in it, you'll get locked in.

It's far simpler to wait until your selected to create the alias.

Oh, I remember seeing somewhere that there was a limit to the number of aliases, and just assumed that you could delete aliases to remedy that situation.

Oh so Brand and Zoka Tennen might know each other, while not originally from Heldren he did pretty much grow up there after being adopted by a local.

So who else is a fairly local resident to Heldren?

Chapel Ty'El am I defensive? Perhaps, but I did tell him more than once that I had submitted a character which he so conveniently seemed to choose to ignore more than once so you tell me why I should not be a bit defensive. Again just because he cannot see the submission does not mean it does not exist.

As for being locked into a character that is what old characters are good for. Rename them, give them a new picture, change their contents as you are obviously not using it anymore for what you originally created it for and if you want to keep a copy of the old one. Copy/Paste to a text file and store it to your local machine. No reason not to make life easier for the potential GM by not linking your character submission to the personna you are posting with. Of course, sure if you do not care about helping out the poor beleagured GM that is your choice. Heck Zoka Tennen was someone else prior to being converted to Zoka Tennen.

Well, Krokod has been in Heldren for roughly six years so I suspect the locals would know of him

Liberty's Edge

I tend to reuse aliases. Retread them as it were.

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