GM RelicBlackOUT's - Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master RelicBlackOUT

RoW Maps (Google Slides)
RoW Journal (Google Doc)
RoW Loot (Google Sheets)

Map of Heldren

Marching Order & Night Watch:

Single File
Kriemhild - Mia - Krokod - Horn - Linge - Kessir

Side by Side
Kriemhild - Mia
Horn - Krokod
Linge - Kessir

Night Watch

Night Watch:
20:00 - 24:00: Linge/Horn & Mia
24:00 - 04:00: Kriemhild
04:00 - 08:00: Krokod & Kessir

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This recruitment post is for the Reign of Winter Adventure Path.
I am searching for 4 PCs that will follow the below guidelines.
Please read the Reign of Winter Player's Guide.
I would encourage everyone to be from Heldren.

Deadline: Friday August 25th

Info on Heldren:

Map of Heldren

NG Village
Government: Council
Population: 171 (152 Humans, 6 dwarves, 5 halflings, 4 gnomes, 3 elves, 1 half-elf)

Notable NPCs
Councilor Ionnia Teppen – middle-aged female human
Elder Natharen Safender – male half-elf
Soothsayer Old Mother Theodora – female human

Map Locations:
2-Isker’s Smithy – Isker Euphram middle-aged male human. Daughter, Xanthippe, works as his apprentice
3-General Store – Vivialla Steranus female human
4-Town Hall
5-Willowbark Apothecary – Tessaraea Willowbark female elf
6-Barber – Argus Goldtooth male dwarf
7-The Silver Stoat – Menander Garimos male human, Kale Garimos female human husband & wife.
8-Livery Stable – Sophia Imirras
9-Town Square – Statue in the middle is called “The Lady.” Some believe it represents the founder of Heldren
10-Ionnia Teppen’s House
11-Temple of Erastil – Elder Natharen Safander & wife Zaarida female human
12-Carpenter – Tengezil Frimbocket male gnome
13-Heldren Sawmill – Business partners Alexius Demetri male human & Lycio Vallant male human
14-The Butcher of Jalrune – Perkin Tarimm male halfling
15- Old Mother Theodora

Character Creation:

Books Allowed: This first adventure was published in 2013, so for the fun of those times we are going to stick with books of that era. Core Rulebook, Game Mastery Guide, Bestiary 1-4, Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Advanced Race Guide. I will not be including Mythic Adventures.

Race/Class: See above book list.

Alternate Class/Racial Abilities: Let’s just keep them as written.

Favorite Class: HP, Skill, and Class Bonus

Traits: 2 Traits (1 RoW Campaign & 1 Other) or 1 Bonus Feat.

The one thing I do not like about the RoW campaign traits is that 5 of the 7 traits have you tied to the winter witches, yet for the most part they want you starting in Heldren which is roughly 2100 miles away from the homeland of the witches. Just for a mental image, that is just a bit longer than driving from Chicago to Los Angeles… But, here we are.

Stats: 15 Point Buy

Starting Wealth: Max Class Gold

Background Skills: None

Hit Points: Max at 1st, Rolled Beyond.

Alignment: I am open to any alignment except for Chaotic Evil. Just know that this is a team game and needs to be fun for everyone. Some of my favorite X-Men stories are when Magneto is one of the good guys.

Background: This isn’t a video game. Help your character come to life by fleshing them out. Do they have weird habits, quirks, have a pet, ritual before setting out on a journey, not able to eat lamb because you had a lamb you loved and your parents had to kill it to eat one extra cold winter, etc. The options are endless, have fun!


Respect: When we come to the table, digital or otherwise, we need to respect those who we are coming to play with. Will there be disagreements over the course of the campaign? Absolutely. If there weren’t we wouldn’t be human. My ask is that we treat others as we would want to be treated.

Communication: As we all know this is a game and life happens (see about me). We need to keep an open line for communication. If something comes up, please make a post in the discussion, or communicate to the group via Discord. I will have a Discord server up where we will be able to easily communicate with one another.

Posting: Most of my postings will be morning times before work or in the evenings after the kids in bed. I will post 1 – 2 times a day to help story flow and progress scenes and combat. My ask here is that you post once at a minimum. If you post more than once, be sure to give the rest of the party an opportunity to post before your second posting.

RP Posting: This isn’t a video game, so be sure to flesh out your character and really dive in. The more you get into your character, the more fun you will have, and the more it will encourage the rest of the table to do the same.

Combat Posting: When doing an spell, spell like ability, supernatural ability, etc… that has a save to see if its effect happens, go ahead and spoiler roll the damage delt or rounds that the effect will take place. When readying an action, go ahead and roll attack/damage in a spoiler box and if/when readied action goes off I’ll look then.

Social Skills: Skills like Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, and Sense Motive I prefer to roll in my GM box. This helps keep a large gap between player & character knowledge. If this is a make or break thing for you, please reach out privately and we will discuss it.

About Me:

Hello! My name is Clint (GM RelicBlackOUT). I am married and have 3 kids and am working on my Master’s in Leadership. I have been tabletop gaming in some sort or another for the better part of 25 years. I have reached the age where I am now able to tabletop game with my oldest child, teaching him the Hero Kids gaming system. I have had great fun playing and running games over the years, but nothing compares to playing with my kids. I enjoy cooking, hiking, and when there is time reading the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings.

The elephant in the room: But Clint – I looked at your profile and it looks like you ghosted tables 4 +/- years ago, why would we trust you and invest in your game. That is an excellent question. Life happened and I thought my father was going to die. He had heart surgery and a season of recover, but thankfully is still around today. Thank God.

I did not handle that situation well. If you’re reading this and you were at one of my tables, or I was at yours, I apologize. When I logged back on, I felt embarrassed and shame because I was one of those GMs who ghosted and just left the PBP community for several years.

I have moved since then and while unpacking a few things I came across the RoW adventure and felt the urge to run the game. Having just moved and knowing no one here, I have returned to the boards to apologize and hope that I can be given a second chance. Please, take a chance on me.


Re: About Me:

No judgements here. There've been two times in the past 12 years where I've been gone for several months and I've got many games that I've started and wound up abandoning, and for far less worthy reasons than you have. I've been there, not posting for a bit and feeling shame about it.

I'm happy to hear your father's doing well. Here's hoping that continues for many more years to come. :)

As for characters... Hmmm. How okay are you with a player dropping a character's stat to 5 after racial attribute modifiers are factored in?

No judgement. I'm down

Dotting! Will re-work a character of mine.

I'm glad your father is okay. You did do everything you could at the time let us know that you were going through a familial emergency, so be kind to yourself.

Hmm I have an ethnic Kellid Half Orc who does as a matter of fact have a 15 point buy, and uses some clever things with alternative racial traits to be pretty pretty good at diplomacy.
In party because well, Orc ferocity seriously gigacharges Barb/Bloodrager sudden death syndrome, so I would strongly prefer to trade it out :).

About me:

I did end up ending my first wholly homebrewed campaign as a GM, but I definitly learned things. As for ghosting? It was a) 4 years ago and b) it happens. Just give out actual elephant in the room feat tax rules and we are gucci :).

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I'm done re-working my character. I hope I didn't miss anything. Any advice is welcome!

Linge Hagebak

Female Human Arctic Druid (1)
Alignment: NG
Age: 19
Size: Medium (5'8")
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Deity: Green Faith
Init +2 (+3 AN); Perception +7
Favored class: Druid (+1 HP)
Languages: Skald, Common, Druidic, Sylvan

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge Feat)
HP: 9 (1d8+1 Favored Class)
Fort: +3 (+1 Northern Ancestry Trait)
Ref +2
Will: +6

Spd: 30 feet
Spear (+0/1d8/x3/20 ft)

Sling (+2/1d4/x2/ 50 ft)
20 Bullets

Equipment and Money

Starting Money: 120 GP
Combat gear:
Defense: Leather Armor
Offense: Spear, Sling, Bullets.

Other possessions: Flint and Steel , Signal Whistle, Spell component pouch, Ink (vial), Outfit (cold weather), Bedroll, Trail rations (2), Honey, Spell Component Pouch, Torch (2), Small Tent, Scrolls (2), Travelling Spellbook

Spare Money:
PP: 0
GP: 14
SP: 8
CP: 8
Other valuable:
Carried Weight: 79,5 lbs (Heavy Load)

0-33 lbs: Light Load
34-66 lbs: Medium Load
67-100 lbs: Heavy Load

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 16 (+2 Racial Bonus) Cha 13
Base Attack: +0; CMB : +0; CMD: 13

Light Armor Proficiency (except metal armor)
Medium Armor Proficiency (except metal armor)
Naturebond (animal companion)
Nature sense (+2 Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks)
Wild empathy (can improve an animal's attitude)
Dodge (+1 AC)
Scribe Scrolls

Special Capacities:

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Favorite Class (Druid): Add a +1/2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.

Northern Ancestry: One of your parents came from the North, and the tales of the frozen lands at the top of the world that you grew up listening to excited your imagination. Alternatively, maybe one of your ancestors passed on the blood of some frost-rimed creature. You feel most alive during the chill of winter, and as a child, you spent hours playing in the snow. You rarely feel the cold, and you’ve always had a restless longing to travel north. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, as well as cold resistance 2; this resistance does not stack with cold resistance gained from any other source.'

Caretaker: As the child of an herbalist or an assistant in a temple infirmary, you often had to assist in tending to the sick and wounded. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal checks, and Heal is always a class skill for you.

Skills: 6 (Base 4/ +1 Int/ +1 Racial Bonus)
Handle Animal: +5
Heal: +8 (+1 Caretaker Trait)
Knowledge (nature): +7 (+2 Nature Sense)
Perception: +7
Profession (herbalist): +7
Survival: +9

Languages (4): Skald, Common, Druidic, Sylvan

Spells per day:
0: At will (Orisons)
1: 2 (Base: 1 + 1 Wisdom)

Prepared Spells:
0: (DC 14)
Detect magic

1: (DC 15)
Magic Fang
Cure Light Wounds

Animal Companion:

Horn, TN
Male Bear (1); HD 1
Init: +3; Perception: +5
Small Size
AC: 18, Touch 15, Flat-Footed 13 (Base 10, +3 Dex, +2 Natural Armor, +3 Studded Leather Armor)
HP: 9 (HD 1, +1 Cons)
Fort: +3
Ref: +2
Will: +3
Spd 40 feet
Melee: Bite +3 (1d4+3), 2 claws +3 (1d3+3)
Str 15 Dex 15 Cons 13 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6
Base Attack: +1; CMB: +3; CMD: 14

Skills: (2)
Intimidate: +2 (Rank 1, Class skill 3, Cha -2)
Perception: +5 (Rank 1, Class skill 3, Wis 1)

Light Armor Proficiency

Gear: Studded Leather Armor (20 gp)
Tricks: (7) [6 (Int:2) + 1 (Bonus Trick)]
Attack, Defend, Down, Heel, Seek, Track

Bonus trick: Attack

Special Capacities:
Low light Vision
Link (+4 Handle Animal checks)
Share Spells

Other equipment: cold weather outfit (animal companion)


Ne lozhisya na krayu.
Pridyot serenkiy volchok,
On ukhvatit za bochok
On ukhvatit za bochok
I utashchit vo lesok
Pod rakitovy kustok.

When they decide to start a family, most couples settle down in a cozy little nest, protected by relatives and friends. But like migratory birds, Joakim and Ranna Hagebak were always on the move, as Joakim’s job as a shipmate prevented them from staying in one place for more than a few months. Linge spent her early childhood watching the waves, feeding seagulls, and quietly listening to her mother’s soothing lullabies at nights, undisturbed by the other sailors who rarely joined in her games. Unfortunately, her parents’ marriage crumbled when she was twelve, as Ranna was obsessed with continuing their journey further down South. After one too many a row, Joakim went out for a drink in Oppara, never to come back. Ranna and her daughter were back on the road.

The following years were especially lonely. Despite Ranna’s job as a healer, people had always been distrustful of the tall, somber-looking woman whose eyes were of an icy blue, and whose strange, foreign accent had never completely left. There was sorcellery in her skills and pagan jewellery, callousness in her detached attitude. Rumours had it that she was a witch or a werewolf, and Linge found more comfort and kindness in the company of dogs, cats and chickens than of children her own age. To her great shame, she even started to become wary of Ranna’s silence and secrets, her inexplicable aversion to cold which could leave her in a state of extreme apathy during winter. Joakim’s stories about kings defeating dragon-like creatures to earn their crown were epic and rarely scary. Ranna’s dark, twisted fairy tales about little girls running away from swarms of living doll in a land of ice and marrying princes from other countries to live in an eternal summer were as fascinating as they were morbid. While taking care of crops, beasts and people, benefitting from her mother’s teaching, Linge secretly and guiltily dreamed of leaving her behind.

It all changed, however, when mother and daughter reached the small village of Heldren, where no one batted an eye at the stern-looking, foreign woman and her skittish daughter. There was always room left for those who could heal a broken arm, sew a gash or deliver a baby. Old Mother Theodora wasn't as quick on her feet as she used to be, and the villagers welcomed all the help they could get, even coming from immigrants who kept to themselves and didn't like to answer questions.

Suddenly and surprisingly, Ranna finally seemed to settle down for good, and the tensions between her and Linge progressively eased. The young woman managed to get a job as an assistant to the apothecary, only helping out her mother with the more difficult births. Despite the odd looks she was still getting from the villagers, she no longer heard any comments on her "evil" witchcraft. In the Border Woods, she found a peaceful, quiet natural space that she loved to explore -and when, one day, she returned home with a famished, orphaned white bear cub in her arms and a guilty look on her face, her mother only chuckled.

Then, not even three years after their arrival, Ranna’s health started to decline. No longer capable of preparing basic medicine, forgetting meals on the stove and subjected to delirium, she was bedridden. An unexpectedly cold winter only made matters worse, and her sanity slipped further away. Not only did she constantly complain about being cold, and kept the curtains of her room permanently closed, she also started to refer to Linge as ‘little sister', screaming at her to go away one moment, and begging for her forgiveness the next. From what little Linge could gather from her mother’s nonsensical claims, she understood that she was under the strange delusion that Linge was a doll sent to kill her, and that Ranna was scared to death of seeing her appearing at the window. On an exceptionally cold night, her delirious rambles lasted for several hours, until she took Linge’s hand in her own, apologising about letting her ‘wander off’, and asking her ‘why she had to do that to Mom and Dad’ who ‘looked for her everywhere’, before breaking into heartwrenching sobs. She was buried in the forest before the first snowflakes. In Linge’s room, the curtains remained closed for a full week.

Baby, baby, rock-a-bye
Baby, baby, rock-a-bye
On the edge you mustn’t lie
Or the little grey wolf will come
And will nip you on the tum,
And will nip you on the tum
Tug you off into the wood
Underneath the willow-root.

Physical Appearance and Personality:
Years spent rejected and distrusted by her peers have taken a toll on Linge. At nineteen years old, and despite her best efforts to fit in, she is a shy, easily flustered young woman, who is more at ease and confident with the animals she takes care of than with people. After a lifetime of being a caretaker for others, she has a motherly, easily anxious streak that can easily be perceived as fussiness. It is, however, a must-have for taking care of Horn, a particularly adventurous bear cub with the self-discipline of a four year-old child.Those who know Linge a little better, like Tessaraea Willowbark, think of her as a perfectly capable young woman, responsible and level-headed, but conflicted between her self-effacing habits and her own wanderlust.

Since her arrival in Heldren, Linge prefers wearing ample, practical clothes, which usually include heavy boots and, more and more often, a pair of pants, with a fondness for the colour green. In true Ulfen tradition, she likes sophisticated hairstyles, which she adorns with her mother’s brooches. Fully bilingual, she nevertheless speaks Taldane with an distinct accent. Her Skald, on the other hand, would strike most native Ulfens as a bit weird. Unbeknownst to her, she speaks like most inhabitants of Irrisen, but with a twinge of inflections and slang words from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, where Joakim Hagebak was born and raised.

Thankful for all of your kind words and the response so far. I look forward to diving into the characters as they are submitted.

Onto a question.

AdamWarnock wrote:
As for characters... Hmmm. How okay are you with a player dropping a character's stat to 5 after racial attribute modifiers are factored in?

This is a hard one. You are buying a 7 and racial taking it down to 5?

What the SRD says about each ability score at 5:

Strength: Same modifier as a Grig or Monstrous Centipede, Knocked off balance by swinging something dense.
Dexterity: Same modifier as a Hungry Fog, Visible paralysis or physical difficulty.
Constitution: Only undead has this low of Con. Bruises very easily, knocked out by a light punch
Intelligence: Same modifier as a Otyugh, griffon, displacer beast. Can speak but is apt to react instinctively and impulsively, sometimes resorts to charades to express thoughts.
Wisdom: Same modifier as a Giant maggot, bogwid. Seemingly incapable of planning
Charisma: Same modifier as a Dire rat, weasel, chuul, donkey. Has no awareness of the needs of others, almost no sense of empathy

I honestly don't know how someone would role-play any of those above stats. I am not saying no, I just want to know what stat it would be, and what your game plan is for roleplaying that stat.

@Linge: I just saw your post as I submitted this response. I will read through your character and get back to you a little later. Heading to work.

Sovereign Court

I have some ideas floating around but I was hoping for some clarification on the books allowed.

Does that include splat books as well?

Hello, thanks for throwing your hat into the ring to run a game. Thank you also for your honesty, I'm really glad you and your family are all well and that has to come first so please don't give yourself a hard time over it.

I'm definitely interested in this and will start putting something together. An aasimar skald is my first thought but will see how this shapes up as I go.

*facepalm* skald wasn't introduced till the Advanced Class Guide which isn't in the listed books. This is going to need some more consideration unless you're willing to consider it?

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GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:


I would encourage everyone to be from Heldren.

Would a young sorcerer who was from Irrisen originally work? I gave him the Failed Apprentice trait. He's been in Heldren for the last six years so it is his home now. At least that's the idea.

Confession, I've never worked on Discord before, but will try if that's required. I can't really judge anyone for ghosting , certainly not for family. I had a family situation that hit me HARD once and did not take it well so I have no room to judge anyone. RL cuts hard and deep sometimes.

Back to the character part, Krokod's stats are in the Alias but I'll repost his backstory here for ease.

Krokod's backstory:
Few in Heldren know much about Krokod or where he came from orginally. That's just the way the normally extroverted young man likes it. To most of them, he came in at age 13 with heavily accented Taldan and few items to his name. In the six years since though he's more than earned his keep as a skilled cook with minor fire magics. He's grown into a handsome if lean young man.

Only a few know he's from Irresin.
Even fewer know he has a twin sister named Krigne out there somewhere.
Almost none of them know that, like Krigne, he was tutored by a Winter Witch named "Elder Jayla"
And absolutely no one even suspects that, Krigne, his own sister, sought to kill him as a sacrifice and sign of loyalty under Jayla's orders when he failed at his winter lessons.

"He reeks of summer" Jayla had declared, "Slay him feed the winter."

The echo of that sentence still haunts Krokod, but not nearly as much as the hunger for power that was in his sister's eyes as she drew the ritual dagger while he lay bound.

It was in that moment of panic that he cast his first successful cantrip on a decanter of highly combustible oils. Elder Jayla and Krigne were too busy putting the fire out to see a heartbroken boy make his way free.

And Krokod kept running as far south as he could go.
There are no Winter Witches here in Taldor, and Krokod is happy for it.

Tossing my hat in the ring but it looks like you already have more than 4 players having applied but if you end up needing any more due to attrition I can create just about anything within the guidelines and role play them however they are needed to be played.

That being said perhaps we can discuss a character concept that would help the game the most. Which would require me talking to you of course my Discord handle is DeJoker if you want to reach out to me there but plz let me know your a GM from Paizo so at least I have an idea of who is reaching out to me.

Now I never try to judge folks without having spent a year in their shoes, which is not possible so I rarely if ever do it, but then again I am human and prone to human frailties -- aka not perfect. I know that is hard to believe ;-) but yeah I admit it.

Again you already have more than four players, and I do not play in contest games as I feel if you are willing to disrespect the players before the game even starts I do not want to have anything to do with the game as it simply is bound to be more of the same.

Still as I stated, if you are need a fourth (or even a fifth or more) I can create a quality character that can fit just about any role with a solid personality that with the GMs help is fully integrated into the campaign in a manner that helps augment the game.

Look forward to hearing from you, and good luck with this game.

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Just getting a few responses in during lunch. I’ll get back later on tonight.

@Linge: looking at the animal companion it says that the bear only has 1 HD. It should have 2HD. 4.5 HP each +Con should be a total of 11 HP for the bear. That is the first thing that jumped out at a first look. Enjoyed her backstory, I could see her going places in this adventure.

@Chapel Ty’El & Slowdrifter: Two for one. I am going to stick with the books listed, and yes, I would be good with splat books that were published in 2013 or before. My apologies for not including the splat books.

@Krokod: I am okay if characters are not from Heldren, there is just more story pull for the PC to act in favor of the village vs someone who was just passing through and grabbing a drink at the Stout. I will dig into Krokod here shortly, will respond a little later.

@DeJoker: Yeah I’ll reach out to you a little later on discord.

No problem, I'll get the bear's HPs fixed tomorrow when I'll have access to my computer!

Thanks GM. Totally understand, much easier if it’s a blanket rule. Back to the drawing board then!


I was planning on it being Charisma. The problem with the way the SRD is explaining how a low charisma character acts is that it flies in the face of how they describe charisma and having Sense Motive, which I would argue is a skill that relies a great deal on empathy, tied to Wisdom.

d20PFSRD wrote:
Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.

There's four different components to Charisma as described here, though you could say that personal magnetism is part of a person's personality, and only one of them touches on anything like empathy in my opinion, the ability to lead. So according to this, a low-charisma character could be someone without much of a personality, or at least on that sticks in people's minds, someone without much in the way of personal magnetism, someone without the ability to lead others, or someone who is just plain ugly. While a low charisma character can be a boorish, abrasive person with little in the way of empathy or other leadership qualities, you could also make the case that a low charisma character can be someone who blends into the background, isn't really noticed by anyone, and lacks the confidence and force of personality to exert their will onto a situation.

So, the way I was planning on playing low charisma is to have a character that isn't mean or unpleasant to be around but is a wallflower that fades into the background and is cripplingly shy. They don't have the self-confidence to initiate connections and keep interactions as short as possible. They lack the self-esteem to think of themselves as valuable beyond what they can do, and have convinced themselves that they aren't worth the trouble. Basically, they do their best to stay out of sight and out of mind to avoid trouble and keep to themselves as much as possible. They aren't comfortable interacting with other people. especially strangers, and can come off as odd and even off-putting.

I know that integrating that kind of character into a party can be like pulling teeth with rusty pliers, so if my character was picked, I was going to work with the other players to get some of those connections built in and give my character a reason to join with them and stick around. I couldn't tell you what those connections would be beyond some vague, half-formed ideas, but I'm confident that I can come up with something. I'm also open to suggestions from other players if they have ideas about how our characters would have gotten past my character's shortcomings and formed a bond.

So the short of it is that the way I'm planning on playing a low-charisma character is by making them shy and have a low self-worth or self-esteem if you will. It's a different take and one that I think avoids some of the pitfalls of playing a low-charisma character in a game where cooperation is key component. Admittedly, it brings in new ones, but I'm hoping to mitigate those by building some bonds before the game starts.

So lets see what of my things is later then 2013:

--Burning assuracne is from heroes of the fringe (2018?)
--Fey magic is from heroes of he ild, 2015, damn
--An alternative, overlloked genius from inner sea races is 2015 as well
--As is warleader

So what can I do to get rid of Orc ferocity?
--Toothy (mechanically its quite ok)
--Squalid (doesnt fit narratively at all)
--Sacred Tatoo (I dislike it because everyone takes it)
--Gatecrasher, hmm, there is a campaign trait with another +1 to sunder, which would stack, but the issue is that breaking loot is unpopular. +2 STR to break objects does apply to piercing restraints most of the time so there is that.

Can I still be diplomatic? Sure, extremely fashionable trait to get a +1 to diplomacy and have it as a class skill.

THe bigger problem of course is ups, Bloodrager is advanced class guide.

Hmm, most of the Barb types just dont fit. I guess I could try for a dual cursed oracle of battle, actually, something like Haunted as possessed could be fun. while faes typically dont possess much, she would have an extremely active fae in her brain, who constantly compels other faes to prank her but.... nvm that curse are from 2016 and 2018.

Okay will look forward to hearing from you @GM RelicBlackOUT

Hey AdamWarnock count me interested, if I am able to join in, for as I was reading your description I had the same feeling that you put in your summation and thought this would be cool to have a PC to work with said individual -- perhaps sibling or a close relative or a life long friend. Someone who has always been there for the wallflower but is not romantically involved with them for some good reason (such as a couple of the suggestions I made -- but I could work with about anything -- another thought is maybe my character is an unusual race that the wallflower finds completely unoffensive or just so adorable (aka think big fluffy teddy bear type adorable -- except this teddy bear is alive and has six inch fangs).

Hey Kriemhild perhaps the GM might let you reskin some other aspect that while not specifically for your race or class has a mechanic that would work well if given a slightly different fluff to it. I mean this way you are using content form 2013 or earlier just tweaking it ever so slightly to help make a more interesting character. I always look to do that for my players when they striving for a concept but there is nothing currently available for them to implement it but there is stuff that is pretty dang close. I always say, it never hurts to ask the worst they will do is say no and you are simply back where you were -- but if they say yes holy cow you have perhaps just solved a major character conundrum. ;-)

@Dejoker: Okay, this is off topic, but I have to ask, is your username saying you're the Joker or that you remove jokers? I'm leaning towards the latter, but my inner punster wants it to be the former.

Back on topic. That would work. Maybe not the sibling part with the background I've been mulling over, but having a friend that she's known since arriving in Heldren would certainly be a good way to get her involved with the party, especially if said friend is trying to help her out.


Current background I'm working on is that she is a tiefling that was adopted by one of the ulfen from the Land of the Linnorm Kings that came to Taldor seeing to join the Ulfen guard. He had made enemies, (possibly with connections to the Winter Witches of Irrisen) however, and one night their home was attacked. He died covering her escape, and she took vengeance on her father's killers, killing them from the shadows until the survivors ran for their lives. She arrived in Heldren not long after that with a pile of furs, antlers, and bone to trade for coin and supplies. She's been living in and around Heldren ever since, making her living as a trapper and hunting bounties whenever they come up. I was thinking she'd have been there about ten years or so.

I'm open to suggestions, like I said, but I figured it only fair to let y'all know what I currently have in mind.

@Chapel: Before I forget again, *waves* Hey Chapel! Fancy seeing you here. :D

Your inner punster rules AdamWarnock ;-) and it is but one of the reasons I use that handle as I am a self-proclaimed punmiester.

Hey can anyone answer what are all the non-standard races that existed from 2013 or earlier and/or which books can I find those in. Just checking to see if anyone knows off the top of their heads.

I am thinking something perhaps like a wooly bully or basically a very hairy or furry humanoid but not sure if any of those existed prior to 2014.

Of course this is all greatly dependent upon my conversation with the GM as they might have something they would like me to play, in case I would go with that first.

@DeJoker: I see! Well at least I can tell my little sister that someone appreciates my sense of humor, now. :P

I have HeroLab and I limited it to the hardcover books that the GM listed. If you're looking for furry, there's Catfolk, Kitsune, Ratfolk, Triaxians, and Vanara. All of those are either in the bestiaries or the ARG.

And for slightly less furry and more human with animal features options, both Blood of Angels and Blood of Fiends came out in 2012, so that opens up Rakshasa-blooded tieflings and Agathion-blooded aasimar as options as well.

Great @AdamWarnock thanks for the information, I will look into some of those as some of them I have already considered. Still I found that the Advanced Players Guide has a build your own race feature ;-) and I was looking into perhaps building a Yeti-Pendak (or basically Medium Sized Orang-Pendak that is more winter oriented) but that is just one potential option. I also found the Fetchling and they seemed quite interesting to combine with your character (and a couple of other honaries are Sulis and Vishkanya) but it all greatly depends on the conversation I have with the GM as they might want me to play something else that they feel would help the game and that is my stronger choice.

Still if I can I will dove-tail my character into your character if at all possible assuming we both end up in the game.

@DeJoker: Any time. I'm happy I was able to help.

@Adam Warnock I know you're aiming for a self-effacing type of character, but the whole concept of a character with abysmal charisma because they're too bland to be noticed gives me huge Colin Robinson vibes!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am interested! Will be preparing and submitting a human Ninja, the last of the Frozen Shadows, desperately seeking a purpose in life after their clan was wiped out!

Linge Hagebak wrote:
@Adam Warnock I know you're aiming for a self-effacing type of character, but the whole concept of a character with abysmal charisma because they're too bland to be noticed gives me huge Colin Robinson vibes!

Says the video is unavailable. I did a search is it the "What do we do in the shadows" thing?

AdamWarnock wrote:
Linge Hagebak wrote:
@Adam Warnock I know you're aiming for a self-effacing type of character, but the whole concept of a character with abysmal charisma because they're too bland to be noticed gives me huge Colin Robinson vibes!
Says the video is unavailable. I did a search is it the "What do we do in the shadows" thing?

Oh, sorry! Yeah, Colin Robinson is one of the characters in 'What we do in the shadows'. He's a special type of vampire that literally feeds on people's boredom, so he tries to be as uninteresting as possible on purpose to annoy his preys.

It's pretty funny to watch :)

Working on an aasimar heavens oracle, resident of Heldren and son of a renegade winter witch.

Still waiting to hear from the GM, perhaps RL jumped him this weekend. I hear that kind of thing happens to most folk.

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Linge Hagebak wrote:

Oh, sorry! Yeah, Colin Robinson is one of the characters in 'What we do in the shadows'. He's a special type of vampire that literally feeds on people's boredom, so he tries to be as uninteresting as possible on purpose to annoy his preys.

It's pretty funny to watch :)

If I ever play Vampire the Masquerade again, I'm going to try talking the Storyteller into letting me play a vampire that does that as his feeding style.

Heck, this gives me ideas for a wizard.

I'll have to see where I can find at least some clips of it. Thanks for throwing that out there.

And yeah, Magnhildr (name of my character) isn't boring, exactly. More an easily embarrassed and flustered cinnamon roll (if calling your own character that isn't some faux pas. I just can't think of a better way to phrase it succinctly) covered in a taciturn, supposedly intimidating wrapper. She's got some edges on her, but those only come out in certain, special circumstances.

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Hey all! I had to help my mom move some stuff from her storage shed to her house yesterday and was exhausted by the time it came to free time. I will be going over things today and replying to questions.

I know I have a deadline of this upcoming Friday, but from the looks of things we might be rounding in on a party. Druid, Sorcerer, Oracle, Ninja along with ideas for a Wizard. Sounds like a fun group to "walk into a bar."


"I'm planning on playing a low-charisma character is by making them shy and have a low self-worth or self-esteem if you will."

This is totally cool. The only thing is that I see someone who is shy or having low self-worth/esteem not as a -3 modifier. Working with people, that is realistically more of a -1. With the right equipping, training, and encouraging you can really help a person break out of that shell.

If shy and low self-worth/esteem is what you are going for then I would take a look at what the SRD says about each modifier breakdown and see if a 5 Cha is really where the character would be.

SRD Breakdown
4–5, –3 modifier. Has no awareness of the needs of others, almost no sense of empathy
6–7, –2 modifier. Uninteresting, rude, boorish, and generally unpleasant to be around
8–9 –1 modifier. Something of a bore or makes people mildly uncomfortable
10–11 +0 modifier. Understands most conventions of social interactions and acts relatively acceptably in social circumstances


I did take a look. I also explained why I don't exactly agree with what the SRD says. In the grand scheme of things, it's not worth arguing over, so I'll leave it at that.

EDIT: After stewing on this for a minute. I realize my reply here may come off as petulant. I want to make it perfectly clear that while I disagree with the SRD, I'm still interested in applying and there's no hard feelings. I just won't be applying with that character.

Decided to keep track of who is submitting what. I didn't put down what others were mulling over, just who had a completed character and background.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Ythiel - Linge Hageback
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue

Chapel Ty'El
Archpaladin Zousha

GM RelicBlackOUT you perhaps (I hope) overlooked the close friend of the shy girl -- they are going to be a more combatant type (Ranger or Wilderness Rogue) as a juxtapox for the more magic oriented girl. I am currently leaning to a Fetchling which due to their abilities is a member of the town with of course a secret.

However, that is contingent on us having a talk as you were going to hit me up on Discord (handle: DeJoker) so that we might discuss if there is a particular character type that you would like to see in the game that might help augment the game in some way.

Lastly, my character, presuming they are from Heldren, as my preliminary proposal would be, then there is a good likelihood that they know the other PCs also hailing from Heldren. So we can perhaps avoid the bunch of strangers meet up in a tavern and for no sensible reason all decide to risk their lives to go adventuring with said strangers where one or more might actually be villains trying to thin the town out of potential resistors.

It's fine, I've got another concept in mind. I just have to see what I can do to make it work. Are changeling transported from Irrisen to Heldren via magical mishap okay, or is that too over the top?

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Welp, went with something else to explain how Mia got to Heldren. Forgot that Fey Foundling was a thing and a feat, so wound up using it. to explain how she wound up in Heldren from, well, wherever in Irrisen her mother is.
Also, I wish Blood of the Coven was available. A winter-born changeling would have been perfect for this game. Alas... 'twas not to be.

Mia Curseborn:

Mia Curseborn
Female changeling magus (bladebound, hexcrafter) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 29, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 47, 48)
CG Medium humanoid (changeling)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 vs. death
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . gladius +2 (1d6+3/19-20) or
. . longsword +2 (1d8+3/19-20) or
. . 2 claws +2 (1d4+3)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 3 points), spell combat
Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—shocking grasp, vanish[APG] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, mage hand, prestidigitation
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Fey Foundling[ISWG], Toughness
Skills Craft (armor) +6, Craft (blacksmith) +6, Craft (bows) +6, Craft (leather) +6, Craft (weapons) +6
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ hex arcana
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), dagger, gladius[UC], longbow, longsword, armorsmithing tools, backpack, blacksmithing tools, blanket[APG], bowyer tools, flint and steel, magus starting spellbook, spell component pouch, waterskin (2), weaponsmithing tools, wooden holy symbol of Desna, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (3/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.


The day Mia was found was considered no blessing by the three woodsmen that ran across the tree in the Border Woods where she had been laid. The first refused to go near the babe and walked around the tree towards their destination while his two companions tried to discern the nature of the strange sight. His panicked cries sounded as soon as he had gone out of sight, the howling of wolves and the snapping of bone a macabre accompaniment to the symphony of pain and fear he performed. The second turned and started to head back to Heldren. He had walked not more than seven paces before sinking into what seemed to be solid ground like it was a bog. He uttered not a word as he disappeared.

The third looked around, wondering and fearing what doom would befall him. He swallowed and approached the babe. She slept as peacefully as if the shrieks of the first woodsman were an elven lullaby. With trembling hands he picked her up. With trembling steps he made his way back to Heldren. With a trembling voice he told the local priest where he'd found the babe and what had happened as he handed her over. He was found the next morning with his head on a spear made entirely of wood. Her founding had cursed three men to die. A babe born of a curse and an epithet that would follow her the rest of her life.

Mia did not spend long in the care of the local church to Erastil, an old hermit who'd moved into an abandoned watchtower nearby came and adopted the curse-born babe. He gave her a name and spent the next few years weaning her. A cantankerous, old man, the hermit often berated Mia, throwing the epithet Curseborn at her whenever she proved too slow or emotional or anything more than a doll that did his bidding perfectly and without question.

Once she had learned the basics of reading and writing, he began to prepare her for the true purpose he had for her. The hermit, a wizard obsessed with the First World and the eternal youth of the fey, trained her to be his bodyguard and probed deep into her mind to learn what secrets she could reveal about the fey. His meddling nearly broke her mind for good. He hardly cared and was positively giddy when Mia began to speak in Aklo, the tongue of the darker fey, after one of his sessions searching through her memories and thoughts.

Between his delves into her mind, he taught her of the arcane arts, how to cast spells and see the patterns in magic. At first she enjoyed the lessons, but slowly came to hate them as the hermit pushed her harder and harder. He was growing older, and he felt time slipping past.

She was twelve when he went too far. She'd failed in a lesson, a difficult lesson even masters of the arcane could struggle with. The hermit went past words and beat her. As she lay on the floor, bloodied and bruised, after the old man had gone to bed, she snapped. My, he would look amusing choking on his own blood with a second smile under his beard, she thought. She got to her feet and grinned wickedly as she went to where the weapons she'd been trained in hung.

The hermit woke unable to breath. His voice was a blood-filled gurgle as he tried to beg for his life as the mis-matched-eyed fey grinned at him from her perch by his bed. His pleas fell on deaf ears.

Mia came to her senses as the light left the hermit's eyes forever. She looked at the blood on her hands as horror filled her. She dropped the dagger and ran from the hermit's tower. The night was cold, and snow fell thickly as she ran away from what she'd done.

Varisians on their way to Heldren found her, miraculously alive the next morning. She clutched a satchel she had left back in the hermit's tower, the one that had her spell book and components in it. The Varisians brought her into one of their vardos and got her out of the cold, wet clothes she wore so they could warm her up.

They arrived in Heldren the next day, the snow slowing their progress. Mia slept until they were moving again the next morning. Distraught and ashamed of what she had done, Mia confessed to the wise woman, telling her everything that had happened. The wise woman comforted Mia, soothing the girl's broken mind and heart.

Winter set in fully after the caravan reached Heldren. With the snows so deep and the next town on their route more than a few days away in good weather, the caravan master decided to wait for the spring. During those months, the wise woman taught Mia about Desna and the stars as she helped the girl put her mind back together. It was a hard road, but in the end, Mia did feel better, more whole, than she ever had while with the hermit.

Still, she felt something like panic at the thought of leaving with the caravan when spring came. The wise woman understood and gave Mia a carving of Desna's symbol her grandson had done. The caravan master, at the wise woman's request, called in some favors to find Mia a place to stay and work to help her keep it and feed herself. Mia thanked the caravan master and the wise woman for their help when she said her goodbyes to the caravan.

Over the next few years Mia grew interested in and learned a number of crafts, from leatherworking to smithing to bowery. None of the craftsmen in Heldren were looking for a full apprentice, but were happy for the help Mia offered. The coin was enough to keep a roof over her head and food in her belly.

The last year, however, have seen things turn strange for Mia. Odd figures following her home at night, haunting whispers in her dreams, and strange things appearing in the flames about her have her worried she is going mad. Despite how it makes her skin crawl, she has been preparing spells, something she had not done since killing the hermit, in case she needs them. Memories of the madness that took over that night almost five years ago have her worried that she'll kill someone again, and that this time, she won't come back from the madness.

Personality and Appearance:

Mia is a helpful, if somewhat awkward, young woman. She keeps to herself, but can be found at festivals and feasts sitting or standing at the fringes and watching the people of Heldren as they dance, sing, and laugh. It's been clear, though, that something has been changing over the past year, with her becoming more skittish and even paranoid. Something is obviously bothering her, even if she cannot or will not say what.

She's a short (5' 1"), slender (95 lbs.) woman with dark hair and pale, almost translucent, skin. Her eyes are mismatched, one green and the other blue. Despite her seeming fragility, she's uncannily strong and tough.

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Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Ythiel - Linge Hageback
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn

Chapel Ty'El
Archpaladin Zousha


By the way, have I missed anyone on this list? I don't think I have, but I've also been known to miss blindingly obvious things.

Brigadoon also dotted

Linge Hagebak wrote:
Brigadoon also dotted

Thank you! :)

And as foreshadowed, he was right after me.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir
Ythiel - Linge Hageback
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn

Chapel Ty'El
Archpaladin Zousha
Brigadoon Sorry bud. I wasn't trying to leave you out.

HIYA! This is a character that I've cooked up in the last few days after seeing your ad!

The wintery theme gave me an excuse to look at the less typically played cultures of the Golarian and play one of them. In my case I'm throwing out an Ilverani elf!

Name: Lumivartalvae, however as per Ilverani traditions, with outsiders she is know as "Golden Arrow"
Race: Elf (Ilverani)
Age: 120
Class: Cleric (Evangelist)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Skode
Nominally a Storm Giant deity, Skode also has followers amongst followers from the Crown of the World.

Appearance: Golden Arrow stands at about 5'11" tall, bearing a slim physique. Her pale skin is a unique grey-blue shade, and it is striated with darker blue tattoos which frame her face, but also seemingly cover nearly every limb. Golden Arrow's hair is a paler blonde color, though it is streaked with much more vibrant golden locks intermingled within her braids. Icy blue eyes peer out from underneath her sharply shaped eyebrows. Golden Arrow's attire is rustic, all of it looking well worn and greatly maintained, perhaps extending their life well past their typical usage. Warm winter-friendly clothes make her base layer, over which she wears an oiled shirt of chain. Belted at the waist she also carries a longsword, a quiver and a longbow slung in a special holder. Over the top of it all, Golden Arrow wears the impressive hide of a polar bear, with it's head acting as the hood. On the bronzed clasps of the polar bear cloak are engraved holy symbols to her Goddess, Skode. These symbols take the form of a rising sun over a brisk arctic ocean.

Personality: Lumivartalvae(meaning "The snow is falling" in Ilverani), or Golden Arrow as she tends to go by, is a woman of strong convictions. Sure in all that she does, even when she inwardly isn't one-hundred percent sure, she acts with direct action, not waiting to hesitate. One could call this bravery, others could call it arrogance. She also expects others to live up to this standard and seems to enjoy raising weaker willed people's spirits to match her own, often with a reassuring word or a recounted tale of heroism from the past. Still, despite her outgoing persona, culturally she still is very secretive about a few things. Golden Arrow for example doesn't share her true name, following the cultural superstition that giving that name to a stranger will be bad luck.

Background: Lumivartalvae was born in the ruins of a once great Elven keep, far in north in the Crown of the World. The Ilverani were a disparate kind of Elf that didn't flee through the Elfgates or underground when Earthfall came, instead deigning to survive in shelters in the far north. This particular shelter, the castle of Howling Winds, or it's now ancient ruined remains is home to her and her tribe. The harsh conditions of the north were brutal, but her people had been surviving in them for a great while, and many of the mysteries of survival were solved problems. Whale and seal blubber was made into oil to heat and light their homes, while musk deer and ice fishing were used to feed them. All the while, their people still pursued the finer points to life that their former high elven ancestors used to enjoy; such as arts and architectural design.

Lumivartalvae was unique in the fact that instead of being brought up in the typical faith of Findeladlara like most of her kin, instead, her parents and their immediate family worshiped the Storm Giant pantheon, chief amongst them being Skode, the Horizon Huntress. Their clan acted as hunters and trackers, finding the calling of hunting beasts to be a holy calling. On top that, their clan also protected the family from the darker beings who stalked the Crown of the World.

At the age of adulthood, 100 years old, Lumivartalvae yearned to travel the world and to collect trophies of her hunts, all for the honor of Skode. Before leaving, she did one last hunt in the Crown of the World... and that hunt happened to be against a beastly polar bear. Over a course of several days, the two of them were well aware of each other, facing off, losing one another, all culminating in a battle where both were wounded. However, only the bear fell to their wounds. Arriving back to her tribe wearing it's fur as a cloak, Lumivartalvae was finally given permission to travel south on her quest.

Over the course of 20 years, her roving took her through Mendev along the lake of Mists and Veils, then along the wild plains of Numeria. Next it was a voyage down the various rivers of the River Kingdoms, and then finally to the coast of the Innersea arriving to the city of Cassomir in Taldor. Lumivartalvae had accrued a fair number of furs and natural trade goods to peddle, and used the time time in this city to refit and begin to rove again. This roving would now send her east, past the capital city of Oppara and stopping through the small village of Heldren as a stopping point, ultimately wanting to next hunt the beasts native to Kelesh.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode

Chapel Ty'El
Archpaladin Zousha

By the way AdamWarnock I have done more than just Dot, I have been discussing the character with the GM on Discord and getting fine tunements on what they would like me to play. Now I am not sure how that rates on your current scale but the character concept has already been preliminarily submitted and I am now adjusting and finalizing it based on the GMs feedback.

To that end GM RelicBlackOUT when you indirectly say no Alternate Classes what do mean by that? I am looking at an Archetype to make the more outdoorsy Rogue we talked about and wanted to make sure that Archetype does not equate to Alternate Class.

@DeJoker: I'd think it's pretty obvious that I'm considering posting your character's stats and background as a full submission. Sometimes people, including myself, will include what a player is thinking about playing even if they haven't posted anything more than race and class. I just didn't do that this time.

Alternate classes are classes like the Ninja, Samurai, and Antipaladin. They are based off another class and will often state explicitly what they are an alternate class of. For Ninja, it is an alternate class of the Rogue, Samurai for Cavalier, and Antipaladin for Paladin.

Sovereign Court

So, I have an Inquisitor of Erastil built. I need to put together a backstory. I'll have the mechanics posted tonight.

Okay beginning to add the preliminaries of crunch while I await the GMs response on Fluff.

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Expanded Mia's background to better tie it into Heldren. I'm planning on establishing some friendships with PCs, but I want to see who's in before we start doing that. At the moment I think Golden Arrow (Who's probably going to be called Goldie, if we're being honest here) and Linge are probably the two most likely characters Mia would form a friendship with.

Mia Curseborn wrote:

Expanded Mia's background to better tie it into Heldren. I'm planning on establishing some friendships with PCs, but I want to see who's in before we start doing that. At the moment I think Golden Arrow (Who's probably going to be called Goldie, if we're being honest here) and Linge are probably the two most likely characters Mia would form a friendship with.

Given the hatred that Linge's mother has for anything witches-related because of trauma, I expect friendly sleepovers won't really be an option! :')

Count me as enthusiastic for discussing relationships between characters once the recruitment is done -because until then we can't predict who will get picked or not!

Personally I believe in a first come first in scenario as there is not a single player that is not worthy of this, or any, game (well expect for those that build a character that is an antithesis for the game being ran as strangely that happens from time to time as well) and we that came in late are simply potential fill-ins for when PbP attrition happens as it so often does.

Sovereign Court

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Well, I had plans to post mechanics last night and backstory tonight but I fell asleep in my son's room during bedtime. So, here's everything.

A bit about me: I disappeared from the boards a few years ago. My dad was in poor health and he, unfortunately, did not end up pulling through. It took a little while to get things back to some semblance of normalcy and I've been fortunate to bump into some familiar faces (Yes, I saw you @Adam) who have helped me get back into the groove.

I have goofy four year old son so, sometimes he or my wife do take priority on things. But I generally post during the day while I'm at work.

With that out of the way, may I present Kessir Laeva. Spellbreaker (Inquisitor) of Erastil.


Kessir Laeva
LG Human Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) 1
Init +3; Senses Perception +6;


AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 dex)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3; Ref +3, Will +4, +1 trait bonus vs spells, SLAs, and SU abilities of evil arcane spellcasters

Speed 30 ft. 20 ft. in armor
Melee spear +1 (1d8+1/x3) or cold iron sickle +1 (1d6+1/x2)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks judgment (1/day)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1st, concentration +3)
1st (2/day)–bane, divine favor
0 (at will)–acid splash, create water, light, read magic
Inquisition Heresy

Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills knowledge(nature) [1] +4, perception [1] +6, sense motive [1] +7, spellcraft [1] +4, stealth [1] +7, survival [1] +6
Languages common
Traits :
Campaign: Warded Against Witchery
Race: Deadeye Bowman
SQ righteous infiltration, skilled, stern gaze, strong-willed
Favored Class +1 hp
Combat Gear acid flask (2), arrows (20), dye arrow (5)
Other Gear longbow, spear, cold iron sickle, scale mail, explorer’s outfit, masterwork backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, burner, fuel pellets (10), mess kit, trail rations (5), waterskin, silk rope, compass, cheap copy of Parables of Erastil, wooden holy symbol of Erastil, spell component pouch, belt pouch containing 60 gp 9 sp
Encumberance: Medium load due to armor 55 lbs carried


“Relax. Relax,” Kessir Laeva drew out the last part of the word to emphasize his meaning. He placed a gentle hand on the elbow of his student’s drawing arm. “The bowstring should be tight, not you.”

The boy took a deep breath and eased his shoulders.

“Good, good,” Kessir said. “Now, don’t rush it. Take your time. These are just targets so there’s no time limit on aiming.” Kessir took a step back and watched the target at the other end of the field. After a few seconds, he glanced back at the student then to the target again. A few more seconds passed and the boy released the tension in the bow and lowered it to the ground.

“My shoulders and back got tired!” The boy complained.

“Well, yeah. I said take your time not wait all day. At some point you need to loose the arrow.” Kessir chuckled and a couple of the other students joined in.

“Don’t laugh at me!”

Kessir put one hand up to quiet the group and knelt in front of the boy with the bow. “We’re not laughing at you-

“I am!” One of the girls, Sera, said.

“Okay, Sera is laughing at you. But the rest of us aren’t,” Kessir said. He held his hand out for the bow and the boy gave it over reluctantly. “Laughing helps you relax. It can release tension. In fact, if a baby is fighting sleep, you can help it by getting the baby to laugh.” Kessir tickled the boy’s ear with the fletching of the arrow. “When we laugh, it tells our mind that we’re safe, that we can be still.”

Kessir stood and let out a deep belly laugh before aiming the bow and arrow at the target. He drew the string back and loosed the arrow hitting one of the outer rings.

The boy scrunched up his face. “It didn’t help you all that much.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not the best archer in Heldren,” Kessir replied.

“So, then why are you our teacher?” the bour asked.

Kessir grinned and narrowed his eyes at the boy, “Because, you toad, I understand the how and why of archery. I can teach you the fundamentals and then, if you want to pursue it further, you can do so with a more technical teacher. I’m just here to help make sure our little village can survive.”

“Can’t a spear or a sword do the same thing?” the boy asked.

Kessir bobbed his head side-to-side. “Yes and no. What I mean is, they can definitely get the job done. But,” he held a finger up, “there are things out there that you just don’t want to get close to.” Kessir gestured to the other end of the field. “Sera! Since you seem to be nice and relaxed from that good laugh, how’s ‘bout you go fetch that arrow and come show us what you can do, eh?”
That evening, as Kessir swept the last stones in the entryway to Erastil’s Temple, he found himself reliving the last day he had gone hunting with his parents. His father, Thomane, had been regarded as the best archer in Heldren and his mother, Seshka, had been an unparalleled tracker.

The trio had been following the tracks of a large boar deep within the Border Wood and the sun was getting low. The little light that could make it through the canopy caused shadows to stretch, hiding roots and brambles.

“We should head back,” his mother had said. “This far in isn’t safe at night.”

“Just a few more minutes. You said it yourself: ‘the boar must be close.’” Thomane replied. “And look! There!” He pointed to a moving mass of brown fur in a clearing. ”Kessir. Ready your bow. This is your hunt, son.”

Kessir, barely seventeen, nodded quickly. He crept forward to join his father and raised his bow.

“Relax. Relax,” Thomane said. “Remember, the bowstring should be tight, not you.”

Seshka appeared next to them. “Something isn’t right. The forest is too quiet.”

Thomane looked up at the trees. “You’re right. Something-”

“M-Mom. Dad.” Kessir stammered. “I think I wanna go home.”

As his parents turned to see what had frightened Kessir, the boar rose up on its hind legs. The fur and flesh melted away, sloughing to the muddy ground, to reveal a sickly-green crone with knotted hair. She stepped from the pile of gore and flesh with one hand held out in the direction of the hunters. In the dim light, Kessir could see the hag’s mouth move and a few moments later, a rasping voice spoke as if coming from the tree beside the family.

“Ohhhh. But you are hoooome, dear. You’re in my hoooome.”

The thwang of his father’s bowstring snapped Kessir back to reality. Seshka grabbed Kessir by the shoulders and shoved him back the way they had come. “Run! Run and don’t stop until you are back in Heldren!”

Kessir stumbled over a loose rock. He crawled backwards as his father loosed two more arrows at the creature. Kessir scrambled to his feet. His mother had pulled twin short swords from their scabbards. In the fading light, Kessir could just make out the tears streaming down his mother’s face.

“Go!” She screamed.

And he did.

Applicants so far!
Completed Submissions
Mightypion - Kriemhild Stridsdottir Female Half-orc Bloodrager(Steelblood)
Ythiel - Linge Hageback Female Human(Ulfen) Arctic Druid
Ridge - Krokod Firetongue Male Human(Kellid) Sorcerer
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Changeling Magus(Bladebound/Hexcrafter)
DjinnBob - Lumivartalvae, a.k.a. "Golden Arrow" Female Elf(Ilverani(Snowcaster)) Cleric(Evangelist) of Skode
Chapel Ty'El - Kessir Laeva Male Human Inquisitor(Spellbreaker) of Erastil

Archpaladin Zousha

List has been updated.

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Linge Hagebak wrote:
Given the hatred that Linge's mother has for anything witches-related because of trauma, I expect friendly sleepovers won't really be an option! :')

Well, I don't think Mia would be up for that anyway, so no worries! ;)

Linge Hagebak wrote:
Count me as enthusiastic for discussing relationships between characters once the recruitment is done -because until then we can't predict who will get picked or not!

Oh, I figured this wouldn't be something we did until we know who got in. I just also figured it couldn't hurt to keep an eye out for character's who's backgrounds I thought would mesh well with Mia's so that I could be mulling it over.

EDIT: Changed some gear around and added some notes about what Fey Foundling gives Mia.

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