GM Frost's A Level 1-5 Adventure of PFS (2E) Escapades

Game Master Frozen Frost

Current Game: S03-01 Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
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Sign-Up Sheet for S03-01 Intro Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (PbP Gameday XIII)
Challenge Points: 18 (LOW Tier, Level 1-2)
Start Date: 9 September 2024
End Date: 17 November 2024

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GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Moist stumbles, struggling to maintain his footing. The flung rock sails wide, failing to strike its mark.

Rybar knows the creature has no visible weakness, so he must target something personal. But his attack misses its mark.

Olegaro positions himself between his ally and the boulder, drawing his weapon and raising his shield.

Otani casts Bless, gripping his katana tightly before delivering a quick pun.

Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

❗ Hanu, Friend of the Wood: DC 15 basic Reflex save vs 1 B damage (and falls Prone on Crit Fail) ❗
❗ Zepth: DC 15 basic Reflex save vs 1 B damage (and falls Prone on Crit Fail) ❗

Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
Olegaro (AC 19+2 w Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP(BT) 20(10))) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ |
➤ Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | 2☘️ |
➤ Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 26/26, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -) |
Red Boulder (HP -) |
White Boulder (HP -) |
Pink Boulder (HP -) |

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Hanu does THIS!

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Hanu is quick to dodge any harm. He then blasts White with wood element! Crit, 6 B damage He then plant a tree to protect allies.

Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

❗ Zepth: DC 15 basic Reflex save vs 1 B damage (and falls Prone on Crit Fail) ❗

Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
Olegaro (AC 19+2 w Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP(BT) 20(10))) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ |
Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | Protector Tree (AC 10, HP 10) | 2☘️ |
➤ Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 26/26, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -) |
Red Boulder (HP -) |
White Boulder (HP -) |
Pink Boulder (HP -) |

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Ref DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

As the floor moves under his feet, the hafling does his best to mantain his footing as he empowers his allies morale with a battle anthem.

◆Inspire courage
◇Lingering Composition Performance: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 = 19
◆Draw Weapon
◆Fire on White Jezail: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 1 = 26, Damage, fatal d12: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Zepth inspires allies and critically shoots White. Fatal Damage: 1d12 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 x2 plus 1d12 ⇒ 1

White boulder explodes into rock pieces.

Yellow bites Olegaro!
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 vs Olegaro AC 19+2
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 piercing

The tree imposes its branch to take the damage, while the remaining is Shield Blocked by Olegaro.

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 8 - 5 = 12 vs Olegaro AC 19+2

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 10 ⇒ (1) + 8 - 10 = -1 vs Olegaro AC 19+2

Red bites Rybar!
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 vs Rybar AC 18
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 piercing

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 8 - 5 = 4 vs Rybar AC 18

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 10 ⇒ (9) + 8 - 10 = 7 vs Rybar AC 18

Pink meets Moist and bites him as well.
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 vs Moist AC 17

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 8 - 5 = 9 vs Moist AC 17


Party Condition(s): COURAGEOUS ANTHEM (Rd 2 to 4): +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects
Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

➤ Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
➤ Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
➤ Olegaro (AC 19) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ | Steel Shield (20/20 HP)
➤ Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | 2☘️ |
➤ Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
➤ Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 22/26) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -) |
Red Boulder (HP -) |
White Boulder (HP -27) |
Pink Boulder (HP -) |

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none


Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Hanu regrows another tree nearby his friends, and sends a blast of wood at the rock threatening Rybar.

◆) Kinetic Blast
◆◆) Timber Sentinel (10 HPs)

Wood Kinetic Blast (Blunt, 30-ft) w/ Bless (+1) vs Red Rock: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 1 = 221d8 ⇒ 7

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Olegaro looks over to the smoking remains of the boulder "Woah, that was some shot there Zepth!", then he strikes twice at the yellow boulder with the longsword and then raises his shield again

◆ Strike melee to hit,CA: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 11 + 1 = 23 with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9 slashing damage
◆ Exacting strike melee to hit,CA,MAP: 1d20 + 11 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 1 - 5 = 9 with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 = 13 slashing damage
◆ Raise shield - Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10) +2 to AC

↺ Reactive Strike:
melee to hit,CA: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 1 = 15 with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 slashing damage

↺ Shield Block with the steel shield to reduce damage by 5 and then Olegaro and the shield both take the remaining damage.

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Rybar strikes the Red boulder with his weapon implement twice. Then, he decides to create a little tactical space between himself and the creature.

strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21piercing: 1d6 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 + 3 = 11
strike: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 7 - 4 = 13piercing: 1d6 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 + 3 = 11

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

Otani cast Shield, Strides to Yellow Age of Rock, and Strikes!
Melee(T) Katana, bless, CA: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 181d10 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 9 S Traits Uncommon Deadly d8 Two-Hand 1d10 Versatile P

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Seeing his weapon effectiveness, Zeth decides to keep with that plan.

◆Shoot @ Red Jezail: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 = 22, Damage, fatal d12: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Wooden branch smacks Red. 7 B damage Hanu plants another tree of protection. Olegaro slashes Yellow once, missing the second. 9 S damage He then raises shield. Rybar chips Red, not connecting on the second one. 11 P damage He then steps back.

Otani raises shield, advances and creates a dent on Yellow. 9 S damage Zepth keeps shooting Red and reloads. 4 B damage

Party Condition(s): COURAGEOUS ANTHEM (Rd 2 to 4): +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects
Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
➤ Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
Olegaro (AC 19+2 w Steel Shield) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ | Steel Shield (20/20 HP); ↺ Reactive Strike or ↺ Shield Block
Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | Protector Tree (AC 10, HP 10) | 2☘️ |
Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 22/26) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -18) |
Red Boulder (HP -22) |
White Boulder (HP -27) |
Pink Boulder (HP -) |

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Moist hops back and forth in place as the nearby boulder tries to... bite him? It looks like it would hurt.

Zepth's performance puts him slightly at ease, or at least gives him clarity and focus. Stepping away from his aggressor he launches another stone.

◆ Step SE
◆◆ Cast a spell: Telekinetic Projectile vs PINK
Spell attack, bludgeoning damage (CA): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 1 = 292d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 1 = 9

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Moist steps and bludgeons stone against stone. Crit, 18 B damage His target is still standing despite being partly cracked.

Yellow bites 1 Olegaro, 2 Otani: 3d2 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) = 4!
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 vs Olegaro AC 19+2

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 8 - 5 = 16 vs Otani AC 19

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 10 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 10 = 3 vs Olegaro AC 19+2

All miss. Red follows and bites Rybar!
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 vs Rybar AC 18 Crit
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 piercing x2

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (10) + 8 - 5 = 13 vs Rybar AC 18

Pink follows Moist and bites him as well.
Jaws Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 vs Moist AC 17

Jaws Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 8 - 5 = 16 vs Moist AC 17

Party Condition(s): COURAGEOUS ANTHEM (Rd 2 to 4): +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects
Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

➤ Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
➤ Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
➤ Olegaro (AC 19+2 w Steel Shield) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ | Steel Shield (20/20 HP); ↺ Reactive Strike or ↺ Shield Block
➤ Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | Protector Tree (AC 10, HP 10) | 2☘️ |
➤ Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
➤ Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 8/26) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -18) |
Red Boulder (HP -22) |
White Boulder (HP -27) |
Pink Boulder (HP -18) |

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

My apologies. Bless and CA seem to both grant Status bonuses. Otani Strike would be 1 fault.

The Oracle decides to Electric Arc both Yellow and Red!
Electric Arc Reflex DC 17: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

Otani determined to break Yellow Rocks, Strikes!
Melee(T) Katana, CA: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 = 141d10 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 14 S Traits Uncommon Deadly d8 Two-Hand 1d10 Versatile P

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Cartwheeling around the bluff, Hanu woodtackles the pink rock!

◆) Stride
◆◆) Kinetic Blast

Wood Kinetic Blast (Blunt, melee) w/ Anthem (+1/+1) vs Pink Rock: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 1 = 111d8 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 8

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺
Ōtani Yoshitsugu. wrote:

My apologies. Bless and CA seem to both grant Status bonuses. Otani Strike would be 1 fault.

Still a hit, anyway.

Yellow: DC 17 basic Reflex save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 vs EA Fail, 4 E damage
Red: DC 17 basic Reflex save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 vs EA Fail, 4 E damage

Yellow and Red jumps on their feet trying to avoid the arc but both get electrocuted, bursting Red into several smaller pieces of rock. Red eliminated

Yellow could have been cut in half had the katana attack not missed.

Hanu cartwheel and the tackling woods are not hitting Pink.

Party Condition(s): COURAGEOUS ANTHEM (Rd 2 to 4): +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects
Terrain Feature(s): The ground in this room becomes Difficult Terrain following the rain of debris.
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

Otani Yoshitsugu (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | Moderate Curse; Bless (15-ft emanation, +1 status bonus to attack rolls) | 0☘️ |
➤ Moist Definitely (AC 16) (HP 17/18) | 1☘️ |
➤ Olegaro (AC 19+2 w Steel Shield) (HP 32/32) | 3☘️ | Steel Shield (20/20 HP); ↺ Reactive Strike or ↺ Shield Block
Hanu, Friend of the Wood (AC 18) (HP 30/30, +1 tHP) | Protector Tree (AC 10, HP 10) | 2☘️ |
➤ Zepth (AC 19) (HP 24/24, +1 tHP) | 1☘️ |
➤ Rybar Ganon (AC 18) (HP 8/26) | 1☘️ |
Yellow Boulder (HP -22) |
Red Boulder (HP -26) |
White Boulder (HP -27) |
Pink Boulder (HP -18) |

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Olegaro will strike out at the yellow boulder and, if it crumbles, will move over to pink and take a swing at it also. Looks like it misses though. "Hmm, not sure I like swords so much!"

◆ Strike melee to hit,CA: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 1 = 22 on yellow with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6 slashing damage
◆ Stride
◆ Exacting strike melee to hit,MAP,CA: 1d20 + 11 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 5 + 1 = 10 on pink with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 = 13 slashing damage


↺ Reactive Strike:
melee to hit,CA: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 1 = 14 with the +1 longsword for 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 slashing damage

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Olegaro indeed cuts Yellow into pieces. He fails to give Pink a gash though.

Moist, Zepth, and Rybar are up. Only Pink Boulder remains.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

This one is tenacious! I threw my hardest rock at it, left a big crack, and it's still going! I hope it didn't get strong because it likes rocks.

He knows better, but humor always helps. Stepping back out of the crowd he looks towards the larger pieces of the other fallen boulders.

◆ Step SE
◆◆ Cast a spell: Telekinetic Projectile vs PINK
Spell attack, bludgeoning damage: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 242d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Another rock against living rock knocks the sense out of it from Moist!


But it is not yet over because after combat ends, the room continues to shake and rumble threateningly as small chunks of the ceiling fall to the ground.

What will you do?

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

It seems like we need to hop out of here quick! Maybe once it settles back down we can safely explore or record details! The relics of the dead aren't worth our lives! Too many recipes left to cook!

Moist turns to leave but looks to see if others in the group agree.

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Hanu nods to Moist and begins cartwheeling out of the room!

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Olegaro nods at Moist, "So we're running again! Let's go!" and starts moving out

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Zepth agrees with the motion and starts moving as well. "Run before this thing falls down on us!"

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Rybar is still reeling from the last blow he took which shook him to the bone. He quickly follows after his teammates.

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

Otani bows formally to the falling rocks, as the Samurai follows....

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders quickly gets out and easily returns to Gorm Greathammer. He listens intently to their report.

“Well, sounds like you’ve learned a great deal and perhaps there lies even more we can yet uncover! Maybe once things settle down in there, we can take another look. For now, you’ve done an excellent job and made a real contribution to our knowledge!"

The faction leader offers them the opportunity to join them and the other faction leaders for dinner at the base camp. Over the course of a hearty meal prepared by Gorm Greathammer, the Pathfinders get a chance to share their findings and impressing the leaders. The leaders thank them and make it clear the work they have done will make it possible for more thorough explorations in the future. Word of the their mission eventually reaches the ears of the leaders of the Society’s two minor factions, the Radiant Oath and the Verdant Wheel, who plan their own missions based around these ruins.


GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

S03-01 Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (for PbP Gameday XIII Event)

The adventure begins in the Grand Lodge of Absalom, where Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has summoned the Pathfinders to help Rain in Cloudy Day, a Pathfinder initiate, with an urgent task. When they arrive in the venture-captain’s office, they find Rain in a desperate state.

Rain in Cloudy Day stands on a chair behind a large oak desk covered with documents. “Ah, you’ve arrived! What a relief! I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment, and I could use your help. The Pathfinder Society leadership is in a closed-door meeting right now, reviewing the latest news from Iobaria, the distant land where the Society has focused its efforts of late. I can’t wait to hear more about all the interesting things our agents discovered there! But, while they’re busy, I’ve been asked to catalog the flood of correspondence from our Inner Sea lodges. Just look at all these letters! Ambrus—that is, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin—asked me to sort and summarize all of it, but there’s so much! And, I’m not ashamed to admit that with my relative inexperience, all of it seems urgent! I’ve got to put a report together, but I’m overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar names and places! Here, take these letters. See what you can make of them. I’d hate to miss something important and disappoint the venture-captain, and I think the meeting is almost over.”

He hands each of them documents at random.

Letter from Andoran:
Ambrus, my old friend,

I must ask once more for agents to help with the strange events near the Almas Cathedral. They have grown more frequent and disturbing these past few days. Furthermore, another unpleasant development has arisen: a legal claim has been filed contesting my rights to the cathedral. This is a mere annoyance, and it should be settled soon, but I know you prefer to remain aware of such things. Please send agents as soon as you can.

—Venture-Captain Brackett, Almas, Andoran

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Almas Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore, Religion, or Society

Letter from Cheliax:
Grand Lodge Leaders,

I have dispatched this letter in accordance with the wishes of my master, Count Varian Jeggare. He instructed me to send such a notice if he were to ever fail to report in to the manor at the regularly scheduled interval. He has been missing for weeks. This is a matter to be handled with utmost discretion, as the situation in Cheliax remains delicate: Pathfinder Lodges are still banned, and Greensteeples Manor remains a safe haven for field agents. If the manor becomes compromised, we may lose our greatest asset in Cheliax. Please send agents, with haste, to help me find Master Varian.

—A humble servant of Count Varian Jeggare, Greensteeples Manor, Egorian, Cheliax

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Egorian Lore, Occultism, Pathfinder Society Lore, or Society

Letter from Osirion:
My Fellow Venture-Captain:

As you know, I prefer to handle my problems with a level head and appropriate delegation to the many skilled Pathfinders at my disposal. Thus, you know I would only reach out for your help under urgent circumstances. The lower levels of our lodge are suddenly infested with undead. I have sent many agents to combat them, but the tide of living corpses is unrelenting, and they seem determined to break through to the surface. It seems impossible there could be so many. Please send experienced agents to provide immediate assistance, and remember that the Ruby Prince has tightened restrictions on the activities of foreign-based explorers such as the Pathfinder Society. If he learns of this threat from within our own lodge, he might close the lodge permanently.

—Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir of the Sandswept Hall, Sothis, Osirion

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Arcana, Pathfinder Society Lore, Society, or Sothis Lore

Letter from Qadira:
To Whom It May Concern:

The Pathfinder Society’s request to complete construction of its new lodge in Sedeq is hereby formally approved. Please send new representatives to finalize the process and maintain the building. It is with much confusion that we must report that the Society’s current representatives are nowhere to be found. We await the arrival of new agents at your earliest possible convenience. Without the presence of official representatives from your esteemed Society, there are many who question the legitimacy of this new edifice. A formal auction is not out of the question.

—Official Notice from the Municipal Government of Sedeq, Qadira

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Mercantile Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore, Sedeq Lore, or Society

Letter from Taldor:

I am saddened by the events that made this correspondence necessary. Multiple dissidents acting against Grand Princess Eutropia have been apprehended while using wayfinders to enable their illicit activities. But that is not all. These peculiar wayfinders possess all the hallmarks of our clever friend Muesello. You must understand my reticence to act against him, but I must always put the needs of the princess above all others. I urge you to dispatch agents to Oppara—but do not let Muesello’s agents learn we are investigating him, lest we lose the opportunity to learn the truth.

—Lady Gloriana Morilla, Oppara, Taldor

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Crafting, Oppara Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore, or Society

Notice from Absalom Harbor:
Venture-Captain Valsin,

As per your request, we are notifying you that the Sixwing Drake has been sighted and should arrive later this morning, only slightly behind schedule. The Pathfinder Society’s goods should be unloaded and ready for pickup at the docks by midday.

—Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh of the Absalom Port Authority

Analyze Valsin’s Correspondence (Choose One): Absalom Lore, Nature, Pathfinder Society Lore, or Society

Choose a document, read its spoilers, then select a skill from Analyze Valsin's Correspondence to recall details about the lodges and regions. You may exchange documents one-for-one after reviewing but before selecting your skill check. I'll handle the roll once you've chosen.
Letter from Andoran: PC? and skill?
Letter from Cheliax: PC? and skill?
Letter from Osirion: PC? and skill?
Letter from Qadira: PC? and skill?
Letter from Taldor: PC? and skill?
Notice from Absalom Harbor: PC? and skill?

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

Seen arriving at the Venture Captain's office dressed in his usual Samurai attire, Otani Yoshitsugu leans casually against the entrance door frame his talon on his trusty katana at his side. Tipping hus straw hat to each of his Pathfinder colleges, the Oracle of Battle merely listens patiently to the excitable explanation granted by Rain.

One the formal Letters were dealt out, Otani carefully reads each missive before handing them over to the next Pathfinder.
Each of these seems immediately important although distance will be a bit of a factor in most. Indeed where to begin....

Otani's only relevant Skills are Religion(T)+5, Society(T)+4

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Rybar seems to focus on the letter from Osirion.

Diverse Lore: Esoteric +8

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Hanu grabs one of the letters - the one from Absalom Harbor - holds it upside down - and parces it best he could.

Nature (Trained): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Looking relaxed and happy, Olegaro will say "Guess the break's over then!" as he joins the group in the room "but it is really good to see you all again." .

"And Rain - great to see you too - looks like you have quite the sorting job there."

after reading over each letter after Otani, Olegaro will grab which ever one is left over.

(no other relevant skills so it is pathfinder society lore +4)

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

It is good to see all of you as well! What do we have here...

After the letters have been passed around, Moist seems to be holding the letter from Cheliax.

Occultism +6

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

"Time to get back to work it seems. So, what do we have here..." says Zepth as he holds the letter from Absalom Harbor.

Nature +6

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

GM Screen:
Andoran: Zepth, Zepth's Religion (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Cheliax: Moist, Moist Definitely's Occultism (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Osirion: Rybar, Rybar Ganon's Esoteric Lore (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 (Diverse Lore)
Qadira: Otani, Otani's Pathfinder Society (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Taldor: Olegaro, Olegaro's Pathfinder Society (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Absalom: Hanu, Hanu, Friend of the Wood's Nature (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 (Natural Medicine)


Zepth for Andoran:
Zepth knows that the Pathfinder lodge in Almas, capital of Andoran, is also known as the Cathedral of Aroden. The building was formerly a church to the now-deceased god of humanity. Andoran is a nation devoted to democracy and personal freedom. It was the birthplace of the old Liberty’s Edge faction of the Pathfinder Society, which focused on opposing tyranny. Among numerous other amenities for Pathfinders, the Cathedral boasts an extensive library staffed by homunculi and other constructs. Your group will earn 2 Correspondence Points if you share this information with Rain.

Moist for Cheliax:
Moist knows that Varian Jeggare is a half-elven wizard. He is almost always accompanied by his bodyguard Radovan and his faithful dog Arnisant. He runs a secret lodge from his manor in Cheliax, a nation known for its ties to devils and authoritarian rule where most Pathfinder activity is forbidden. The Grand Lodge’s own archivist, Zarta Dralneen, was once a paracountess of Cheliax before becoming the leader of the Dark Archive, a former Pathfinder faction devoted to finding dangerous relics and occult knowledge. Your group will earn 1 Correspondence Point if you share this information with Rain.

Rybar for Osirion:
Rybar knows that the Sandswept Hall in Osirion’s capital was for many years one of the most active Pathfinder Society lodges, due to being located in one of the oldest and most prosperous empires in the Inner Sea. Osirion’s interests once warranted the dedication of an entire Pathfinder Society faction, a group that eventually tied itself to the Scarab Sages to pursue ancient knowledge and the artifacts known as sage jewels. Your group will earn 1 Correspondence Point if you share this information with Rain.

Otani for Qadira:
Otani knows that Qadira is the westernmost satrapy of the great Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Qadira once commanded its own faction within the Society, which it used to promote its trade interests across the Inner Sea. That faction eventually became the Exchange, a group more broadly dedicated to influence via commerce. Your group will earn 1 Correspondence Point if you share this information with Rain.

Olegaro for Taldor:
Olegaro recalls that the nation of Taldor, once a sprawling empire, has long sought to restore its former glory. Lady Gloriana Morilla is a former venture-captain who supported the rise of Taldor’s new monarch, Grand Princess Eutropia. Muesello is the current venture-captain, and he spends much of his time tinkering with custom wayfinders for Pathfinder agents. Your group will earn 1 Correspondence Point if you share this information with Rain.

Hanu for Absalom:
Hanu remembers that Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh is one of the city’s many harbormasters in charge of managing the cargo flowing to and from Absalom on hundreds of ships each day. She is known for her uncanny ability to predict the weather. Your group will earn 1 Correspondence Point if you share this information with Rain.

Rain asks everyone about the contents of the correspondences and what can they say about it.

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Olegaro reads over the letter from Taldor a couple of times and then has a pained expression for a bit as he tries to recall something of Taldoran politics.

Finally he speaks up "Rain, the letter from Taldor is interesting - the author, Lady Gloriana Morilla, is the former venture-captain there and an ally of the new monarch, Grand Princess Eutropia. Anyway, Lady Morilla is concerned that dissidents have been using unusual wayfinders which were likely manufactured by the current venture-captain Muesello. Apparently he's known for tinkering with wayfinders to customise them for Pathfinders there. Sounds like he might be using his position as cover for acting against the new monarch, which seems like it would not be doing the Society any good in this case."

(ok, now some events in 2-13 make much more sense to me - nice)

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Moist waits his turn to report what he's read to Rain.

I'm glad I picked the letter from Cheliax! There are always interesting things amongst the occult! So Varian Jeggare is a half-elven wizard, but he has a bodyguard named Radovan and a dog, Arnisant. In Cheliax they forbid the Pathfinder Society, so he runs a secret lodge there. Zarta Dralneen was once a paracountess of Cheliax and also ran the Dark Archive, a former Pathfinder faction devoted to finding dangerous relics and occult knowledge. I think I would have liked that faction!

He looks to Rain to see what he thinks of all of this.

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Rybar says to Rain and his companions "Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir of the Sandswept Hall, rarely asks for help. And he has. An alarming number of undead coming from the Lodge's lower levels are attempting to go to the surface. Should they break to the surface, they will be seen and the Ruby Prince will close the lodge down permanently."

"The Sandswept Hall used to be the most important Lodge due to its location. Osirion’s interests once warranted the dedication of an entire Pathfinder Society faction, a group that eventually tied itself to the Scarab Sages to pursue ancient knowledge and the artifacts known as sage jewels."

Envoy's Alliance

LG Vanara (Ragdyan) Perfection Seeker Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) / Thlipit Contestant 2 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 18 or 19 w/ shield (hard 5) | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+8), Will (+5) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25
♥️ 30/30 | ☘️ □□☑ | ✋ none | ⚕ none

Hanu waits his turn. Patiently. It comes. Smiles.

Holds the letter upside down face-side towards. It's hard to tell if he is doing so on purpose. Or not.

"Passes her nose, no weather does not. Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh of 100 ships at the Absalom Harbor!"

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

Otani recites his information as if reading it from a travel brochure.
Qadira is the westernmost satrapy of the great Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Qadira once commanded its own faction within the Society, which it used to promote its trade interests across the Inner Sea. That faction eventually became the Exchange, a group more broadly dedicated to influence via commerce.

The Tengu then adds
Sun tanning is a popular sports. Bring plenty of sun block (which does seem a bit counterintuitive.

The reliable sidekick of GM Frost! | GM Frost's Recruitment Board | Area Templates | ◆◇↺

Botting Zepth...

Zepth summarizes the contents of the letter from Andoran and shares that the Pathfinder lodge in Almas, capital of Andoran, is also known as the Cathedral of Aroden. The building was formerly a church to the now-deceased god of humanity. Andoran is a nation devoted to democracy and personal freedom. It was the birthplace of the old Liberty’s Edge faction of the Pathfinder Society, which focused on opposing tyranny. Among numerous other amenities for Pathfinders, the Cathedral boasts an extensive library staffed by homunculi and other constructs.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Rain in Cloudy Day eagerly writes everything down what the Pathfinders know about the correspondences.

"Thank you for this information, and for helping me! As a brand-new Pathfinder agent, I am especially curious about any information about the Pathfinder Society’s older factions." Rain ponders aloud. "I wonder whether these events might be related..." but before he can ask for more details to put the finishing touches on his report, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin bursts into the room.

A tall man with tan skin and dark, meticulously groomed hair throws open the doors and strides into the office: Venture- Captain Ambrus Valsin clearly has something urgent on his mind. Rain in Cloudy Day jumps up to interrupt him, proclaiming that the report summarizing the correspondence is ready. The venture-captain, taken aback, accepts the journal that Rain shoves into his hands. Rain watches expectantly as Valsin skims the report.

Ambrus Valsin nods to those gathered and says in a gruff voice, “Ah, yes. Thank you Rain, agents. Let me see… this is all quite worrying! Your thoroughness is praiseworthy. Unfortunately, we cannot act on any of this right now. Another urgent matter has come up, right on our doorstep. I need agents to go to the Blakros Museum and meet with Curator Adjutant Seshuun, who is temporarily in charge. I do not have any details, but she’s requested the Society’s immediate presence, and she seems upset. We’ve worked hard to establish a working relationship with the museum, and I do not want it to fall to pieces now with everything else going on. Please help the curator with anything she may need, and if you can, try to make a good first impression.

“Rain and I will remain here and bring this report to the Society’s leadership. Some of this is quite serious, and we’ll take it all the way to the Decemvirate if needed!”

He also reminds Rain to reference multiple sources before compiling official reports in the future. The novice Pathfinder hastily writes down this advice in a section of his journal labeled "How to Report."

Rain in Cloudy Day expresses sincere gratitude for their help and gives them four minor healing potions. And for earning a total of 7 Correspondence Points, he also gives the group two of their choice: a lesser acid flask, lesser alchemist’s fire, lesser tanglefoot bag, or less erthunderstone. Also include your Pathfinder Provision, and this is your chance to purchase any equipment you would like to purchase. Everyone also begins with one Hero Points each, with additional from those who have glyphs.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☐☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Pathfinder Provision: minor healing potion.
Rain's gifts: esser acid flask, lesser tanglefoot bag

Thank you much, Rain! We're glad to help. 'Til next time!

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Rybar's Provision: Healing Potion, minor.
Rain's Gifts: Lesser Alchemist's fire, Lesser Thunderstone.

"Thank you for these. To the Blakros Museum then!"

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Take note that the two of the choice is for the group, not per individual.

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Pathfinder Provision: minor healing potion
Extra purchases: crowbar, climbing kit, marvelous miniature ladder
Hero point goes to Moist, Rybar, Otani, Hanu, Zepth: 1d5 ⇒ 5 => Zepth

"Ooh the Blakros Museum - I've heard stories! Thank-you Rain and happy to help."

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

"Well, everything seems interesting, but museum it is. We'll be more than happy to help."

Pathfinder Provision: runic weapon scroll.
One glypth here. Hero point goes to Moist, Rybar, Otani, Hanu, Olegaro: 1d5 ⇒ 2 ⇒ Rybar

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 24/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 0/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Minor (Oracular Warning )

Pathfinder Provision: minor healing potion.

Otani merely smiles at Rain. The Tengu can appreciate being a bird out of the air.

Bowing at the entrance of Venture Captain's entrance, the Samurai listens intently to his concerns.
Blakros Museum? Never heard of it. Sounds like a tame assignment. Probably needs some books moved from the basement....

After playing PFS1e Seasons 1-10, nothing ever happens at the Blakros! Otani doesn't know that ..

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