Rizana Thornewillow |

On the other side Rizana gets her mace back out and smiles as she follows. She was eager.
At the top of the hill she looks down and stifles a giggle of glee. She points and then gets down to look at the encampment and the area around it. In doing so she hopes she gets to smash and bash some of the ones below.

GM - Obermind |

Can I make out anything about the group? Male, female? Any kids?
There is a mix of male and female - they are all armed and armored, mostly with leather armors and shields. You see no kids.
2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10

Pah d'Reco |

Could be the bandits, yeah., d'Reco says to Kallum.
Or mercenaries?
Is there anything we could identify the group by? Like a flag maybe. Is their gear similar? Any crests on armors or shields, stuff like that?
I mean... Let's say they're the bandits. Let's also say they're the ones that paid us a visit last night. If I were them, I'd be getting outta here, or getting ready to strike at us. They seem to just be goin' about their business...
Either they weren't the ones who came by our camp, or their conscience is clear enough, or they think they're tough enough to handle what's coming. Us.
How can we tell?

Dobin Cur |

"If you think they are mercenaries I would stay clear of them. You do not want to make a group of professional warriors your enemy. Maybe we should head back the other way and stay out of these people's way. Or not...just my thoughts."
The young fighter shrugs and continues to watch the unknown people.

GM - Obermind |

Is there anything we could identify the group by? Like a flag maybe. Is their gear similar? Any crests on armors or shields, stuff like that?
There is nothing particularly identifiable about them from a distance - the group seems like a hodgepodge - different people with different weapons and armors. No signs or crests.

Pah d'Reco |

Wise words Dobin my friend...
d'Reco ponders for a moment then adds,
Still, by the looks of them I peg them more as a rag tag band, my money's on them being the bandits.
We still need to make sure somehow.
Who's got the map? And that note from the attack site?
d'Reco tries to find this place on the map. In relation to the stream, the marsh, these hills and other landmarks I guess it should be possible. He tries.
Let's see that note now.
been fools...
something tial... initial?
were incorrect...
So they've been fools because their initial... calculations? expectations? were incorrect, whoever they are. Ok. Now...
Qu something... quarry?
not located... then a bunch of unreadable garbage
far to the West,
north o... north of something I'd say.
So they were fools because they figured a quarry was someplace but instead it's some place else far to the west, north of something.
I don't speak gibberish but that's the best I got., d'Reco says laughing at what he feels was an awesomely clever and funny joke.
Let me see the map again...
d'Reco then does his best to reconcile his theory with what he sees on the map, focusing on the vicinity of this place if he can pinpoint it.
The reasoning is, if these are the bandits and they read the note, it's possible they camped near to wherever the quarry or whatever is.
If the note jives with the map, these are the bandits! :D

GM - Obermind |

Hahaha, great post d'Reco! I will let you guys be the judges of whether the map jives with the note and with your interpretation. And since if I am not mistaken, none of your characters is a particular outdoors man or woman, I will let you (the players) use your best guess as to where this place could be on the map ;)
In any case, you have a feeling you must be located somewhere to the South of the Keep itself.

Pah d'Reco |

Ok, from the previous posts I think we're around here. This also adds up with Obermind saying we're somewhere South of the keep.
Ok then, I guess we're somewhere around this area. There isn't much in terms of landmarks around though...
If whatever the note refers to is to the west (check) and north of something, looking at the map this spot would be north of a higher hill and not much else.
Obermind, is there a higher hill to the South of us?
Sooo still no proof on them being the bandits there... d'Reco shrugs, defeated.
I have to go along with your suggestion Al'Lan as I don't have a better one, but we need to think about a good story to lure the truth from them.
I mean, unless they flat out say they're the bandits, we'll have to leave them alone. Unless they attack us on sight of course, but I tend not to consider that a good thing...

Dobin Cur |

"I wish I could hide.", the young fighter whispers as the halfling asks her question.
"Are we sure this is the best plan? What if they are brigands and they decide they want all of our stuff? I am no coward, but I would rather spend my life in a worthy death, not forgotten as the bounty of travelling thugs!"
I am actually ok with the plan, but Dobin is a worrier..lol

GM - Obermind |

Guys, I am happy to move us along, but I need a more coherent plan. Are you going to back out to plan, are you moving ahead, Is anyone staying hidden? Are you waiting for patrols? Are you trying a diplomatic approach? Etc. No need for a very descriptive plan, since I am not interested in 'gotcha!' situations as a DM. I am saying something like, for example:
- As Al'Lan suggested, we back off to plan;
- After planning, Kallum and Rizana move ahead to scout. They keep an eye out in case there are guards posted around the encampment;
- Meanwhile, the rest of the group stays little farther back, following from a distance (about 60'), ready to either engage or retreat depending on what the scouts find;
Something along these lines.
Let me know.

Pah d'Reco |

So I guess we're ditching the diplomatic approach..., d'Reco shrugs.
I guess that's fine. It would likely fail anyway.
Maybe we can do this at night though? Can anyone see in the dark?
Just thinking in the dark there's a much better chance to get close enough to pickup on conversations or something.
It's just that otherwise we can probably see what we need to see from a distance, what would getting closer get us?

GM - Obermind |

Tomorrow I will move us along according to my latest OOC comments, unless you tell me otherwise.

GM - Obermind |

As the party finalizes their plan, Kallum and Rizana move quietly ahead, scouting the perimeter of the encampment while the rest of the group follows at a cautious distance, about 60 feet back.
The light filtering through the trees shifts, casting long shadows on the ground. Kallum and Rizana remain low, moving silently from tree to tree, their keen eyes scanning for any signs of sentries or patrols. They crest a small rise and spot a trio of guards positioned about 10 yards away. The sentries, clad in mismatched armor and armed with spears, appear relaxed and distracted—one is leaning on a spear, while another kicks lazily at the dirt, and the third is scanning the horizon, though his attention seems half-hearted.

Al'Lan Mandragoran |

Lan goes as stealthy as he can, vigilant to his surroundings with his bow ready on his hand, keeping his distancie to Kallum and Riz.
He can't avoid a smile though, adventuring in the beggining of the night on an unknowned swamp, not knowning what to expect from this little incursion... yes that's what adventuring is... His smile deepens with an adrenaline spike. This is what he's here for.

Dobin Cur |

Unsure of his ability to move silently in his armour, Dobin hangs back, but takes out his sling and readies a stone just in case these people turn out to be not very friendly.
"I will wait here with my sling. I don't think I would be very quiet moving forward!"

GM - Obermind |

Botting Rizana to move this forward.
"Can't hear anything so far..." - Rizana replied.
1d6 ⇒ 4
As the group hesitates, and shuffles around considering what to do next, the guards seem to notice something.
"Did you hear that?" - one of them draws his spear.
"Sure did" - the other draws a bow, and peers around.
"There is someone snooping around, we already knew that" - the third added.
Their attention seems to be mostly focused on where Kallum and Rizana are hiding, but they are also looking further away, toward where the rest of the group is gathered.

GM - Obermind |

Rizana moves away from Kallum and hides as best as possible behind a tree.

GM - Obermind |

I will wait until the evening today (CEST), to allow everyone a chance to post. Then I will move the game along. I will assume all those not posting are 'delaying' to see what happens.

GM - Obermind |

Initiative B: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Initiative A: 1d6 ⇒ 3
1d100 ⇒ 33
-- Combat Round 1 --
"There! I see one of them moving!" - the man with the bow draws an arrow and fires!
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d5 ⇒ 3
The arrow hits Draven through the neck, killing the magic-user instantly!
One of the other men draws blade and shield - "There have to be more about!" - he snarls, looking around.
The third of the group seems to signal someone off in the distance, but you cannot tell who.
Players GO!

GM - Obermind |

d’Reco confirms Draven is truly dead, the man’s lifeless eyes staring into his.

GM - Obermind |

Botting Regnar Steelshield
”Ye’ll pay fer that!” - Regnar roars, moving ahead and launching an hand axe at the closest foe.
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Unfortunately his aim is slightly off, and the weapon whistles by his target.

GM - Obermind |

Have not heard from Al'Lan in a while - I will bot him later today if there is no post.

Pah d'Reco |

May Zirchev escort you on your next journey, d'Reco whispers as he gets up and wields his war hammer. Then he marches towards the enemies, surveying the scene.
There are three foes, right?
On our side Dobin has engaged in melee, Rizana and Kallum are firing their slings and Regnar threw an axe and missed, will likely move to melee next.
Ok then, d'Reco goes for the archer, hoping to start with a bit of revenge.
Not sure I get there in this round, but if I don't die in the meantime, when I get there I strike at the guy with the war hammer
Attack/Dmg: 1d20 ⇒ 11d8 ⇒ 7 War hammer is d8 isn't it?

GM - Obermind |

There are three foes in the immediate vicinity, correct. But one of them seems to have signaled someone else.
Warhammer is a d6.
Dobin has not engaged in melee - he used his sling.
Also you already acted this round, moving defensively toward Draven, and checking his vital signs.
I will move the game along tomorrow morning.

GM - Obermind |

Arrows and slingstones fly through the air, but none connect with the three attackers.
New round!
Initiative: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Initiative: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Everyone goes at the same time!
-- Combat Round 2 --
The men snarl and shift their focus toward the newcomers.
An arrow whizzes past the charging dwarf, missing its mark.
Another bandit moves to swing a mace at the dwarf, but fails to connect.
The last one rushes at Rizana, but his club strikes nothing but air.
Behind them, you can see three more men approaching.
Regnar snarls, and swings back at the one attacking him, but even though strong the attack is poorly aimed.
Three more men are coming.
One archer.
Man fighting Regnar + Man fighting Rizana + Kallum behind a tree.
d'Reco, Al'Lan
Players GO!
1d20 ⇒ 9
1d20 ⇒ 5
1d20 ⇒ 3
1d20 ⇒ 3

GM - Obermind |

Kallum loads another stone into his sling and pops out from behind his cover again to hurl the stone at the oncoming archer. After the shot, he resumes taking cover behind the tree, trying to position himself out of the archer's line of fire.
Hey Kallum, just as an FYI, there is no Pop-up Attack in BX D&D ;)
Hmmmm, maybe we should start playing GURPS.