Protecting the Firelight from the Cataclysm of Oracles

Game Master Michael Hallet

Dark Archive

Vault Map

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.

The Pathfinder Society is invited by Mayor Deyahi to take part in a special traditional ceremony known as the Festival of Fire! This ceremony has been performed for generations and is always an honor for the group of warriors chosen to defend the sacred bonfire. While it's expected that there will be several spirits and undead appearing throughout the evening, what Niishan is unaware of is the fact that an unknown figure has been watching the ceremony for its entirety, waiting for the time that the warriors are weak enough to make their move. With the Pathfinders appearing to fill this role, they see their chance to attack and make Niishan feel their ancient wrath. It's up to the PCs to hold off this villain and the other spirits, ensuring that the ceremony is successful and Niishan remains safe!

Written by Jacob W. Michaels

Scenario tags: Repeatable

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After being asked by Venture-Captain Rahaksenwe (female human beast gunner), who leads the first Pathfinder lodge in Arcadia, to represent the Society in Niishan’s Festival of Fire, the PCs begin the adventure as they arrive in town late in the morning before the start of the celebration.

The town of Niishan is bustling with people—mostly Mahwek humans, but also halflings, beastkin, and several small wooden humanoids, among others. Children run through the dirt streets, dodging around grown-ups, their happy screams adding to the calls and chatter of adult voices. Smiles abound, though some seem to carry a hint of anxiety or trepidation, maybe even just a touch of fear.

Star-shaped gourds and stalks heavy with scarlet corn wait to be harvested in small gardens that surround the circular earth lodges where townsfolk live and work. Smoke rises into the crisp autumn air from the homes’ dome-like roofs.

Introduce your PC as we get ready.

Horizon Hunters

Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 8/Captivator 78HP/AC 23; Fort +14; Ref +13; Will +17/Perception +16(+18 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search

I have a few characters that can do, depending on need
5th level champon,
5th level ranger/acrobat
7th level wizard/magabayyan cascade bearer
8th level cleric, her :)

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