Zero's #4-08: Battle for Star's Fate (Inactive)

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
High Tier (34 CP)

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Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---



Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Signed up

Vigilant Seal

Male Catfolk M Catfolk Investigator 5 | Hp 53 /53| AC 23 | F +8 (T), R +13 (E), W +10 (E) | Perception +10 (E) | (Will Shoot his bow if botted)

Signed up as well

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Then here you go.

Without Snarlfist, we have five players. Should I recruit a sixth, or should we proceed with five?

I made the Slides for this game by duplicating the one from To Seek the Heart of Calamity, so some of you may not have to add anything to it.

Though it sounds like Aldonza leveled up, and we have a different Champion.
And I know you were all desperate for more Hero Points last time, so make sure to distribute any extras from Glyphs.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

I am good if we want to get a sixth, especially if we can get another medic.

I have four glyphs to contribute as Hero Points,

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

I have a glyph also, so everyone here already has an extra hero point. A sixth would be handy.

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

I signed up to join you all, but will wait for confirmation I am good to go before introducing Farryn in gameplay.

I’ve been looking for a nice scenario to dip back into society play again, and this one looked perfect for my little alchemist. He does have assurance in Medicine and Field Medic. Plus some healing elixirs.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go for it.

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Well, incredibly enough I managed to play two adventures in between with Angvim and I decided to burn a boon to adjust him a tad now that I know so much more about everything than we I started playing him.

Long story short, mostly same old, but now with assurance in medicine and an amulet implement instead of the weapon one he had before. The rest of the changes I made will only come to shine after level 7.

On the Tome implement, I was made aware that the free recall knowledge is actually a level 7 adept feature and not a level 5 one, so my bad on the previous game.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Theo hasn't dotted into the game yet. It might be time to check if they're okay and still planning to play.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I sent them a PM, but no response yet.

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

I'm guessing Theo is on vacation or something. :shrugs:

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Is it 25’ or 50’ up?

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

25. Did I say 50 somewhere? Its speed is 50, so that's what I was about to say before remembering that flying upward counts as difficult terrain.

Vigilant Seal

Male Catfolk M Catfolk Investigator 5 | Hp 53 /53| AC 23 | F +8 (T), R +13 (E), W +10 (E) | Perception +10 (E) | (Will Shoot his bow if botted)

My apologies - I was traveling around the western US for the month of July - I just noticed the post from our GM.

If there's still space, I'll gladly have Theo join (even if its a bit late).

Vigilant Seal

Male Catfolk M Catfolk Investigator 5 | Hp 53 /53| AC 23 | F +8 (T), R +13 (E), W +10 (E) | Perception +10 (E) | (Will Shoot his bow if botted)

If I can still bring Theo in for this, he would've tried placating the camels for Crool Camel wrangling Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28.

He might've also tried some crafting to help influence Induran Crafting toys: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Those are both critical successes. You've won Croll over completely, and Theo has helped Induren make a lot of progress on her project.

Go ahead and add yourself back onto the RPG Chronicles.

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Nicely done Theo!

And welcome aboard!

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Okay, here's the plan...

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I believe I've been remiss in awarding a Hero Point. Farryn can have it, as everyone else already has more than one.

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

The 15 against Aldonza’s AC of 25 would be a critical miss, and draw an Opportune Riposte, except that she’s prone, correct?

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Yes, Prone makes you Flat-Footed.
(Unless you have some ability to ignore that I've overlooked, in which case that is indeed a critical failure.)

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Unlike Starfinder, being Flat-footed doesn't prevent you from taking reactions. So if it is a critical miss when you include the prone penalty, you could take the Opportune Riposte.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

It's not that she can't take the reaction, it's that the difference in AC means it's not a critical failure.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

I thought that was the case, but wasn't sure. I figured the reminder couldn't hurt.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

I'm leaving for a business trip today and may not be able to post again until next Friday (the 25th).

My character will hit things and liberating step allies to the best of his ability most of the time, but heal in a pinch, and if there's any social rounds left, focus on Star or the toymaker

Vigilant Seal

Male Catfolk M Catfolk Investigator 5 | Hp 53 /53| AC 23 | F +8 (T), R +13 (E), W +10 (E) | Perception +10 (E) | (Will Shoot his bow if botted)

Question for our GM.

Do we have a feel for where we're at, so far as the mission goes?

Trying to decide if Theo will be available for a PbD that starts somewhere around Sept 10th or so. Basically, about 3 weeks out.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Far enough that I'm going to suggest everyone takes a look at RPG Chronicles to verify that everything looks right, and that anyone who wants to roll downtime here should do so.

Kaz Fortune-Telling Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Downtime done & logged.

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

RPG Chronicles looks good

Crafting to Earn Income, Level 4 Task: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

I believe that is barely a success for 56 SP.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

If I can use Assurance, Performance: 23

Otherwise, Performance: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

Crafting Alchemy (E) + Specialty Crafting + Crafter’s Eyepiece: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 14 + 1 + 1 = 23

First 8 days success DC 19 for 64s (6.4g)

Crafting Alchemy (E) + Specialty Crafting + Crafter’s Eyepiece: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 1 + 1 = 32

Field Commission next 4 days crit for 4g

Total 10.4g

I think that is right, but the setup has changed a few times since I used to do earn incomes.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Performace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Will someone please cast chill touch on, like, all of Florida?

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

I think not being hit for already using my reaction is a fair trade.

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Field Commissioned at level 6, storied talent.

Lore: Esoteric (E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Lore: Esoteric (E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain
Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War wrote:


Will someone please cast chill touch on, like, all of Florida?

Lol. It be hot for sure most US places. I can’t imagine what Florida would be like.


Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15

Florida's more humid than hot.

We've got heat out in Arizona.
Was 115 last week.
Though, it's a dry heat.
Which I'll take over the humidity, any day.

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I want to make sure the last two people have a chance to answer Star's question before I post the conclusion, but that's the end of the adventure and I've gotten the paperwork done.

Rewards breakdown, for those interested:

Star controls the daggers, so I check box A.
The Pathfinder Society does not control the daggers, so I do not check box B.

Primary objective: Defend Star from Aslynn's forces. Complete for 2 Reputation with your faction.
Secondary objective: Earn enough Influence that Star asks the party for their advice for the future. Complete for 2 Reputation with your faction.
There were four thresholds here. The worst result is that Star demands the daggers and immediately leaves; since you get several Influence with Star for your previous relationship and for protecting them, this basically requires either completely ignoring influencing them, or getting a low influence score and then forcing them to fight with Weapons Systems Activate several times. Next Threshold Star demands the daggers, but asks the Pathfinders advice--minimum to clear the Secondary Objective. Next Star requests the daggers, but trusts the Pathfinders to keep them if they disagree, then asks for advice (where you landed). Best result is Star asks for the PFS to keep the daggers safe, then asks for advice (just shy).

Faction Mission: Obtain the prototype sealing chest from Induren, then keep the daggers secure either by putting them in the chest or returning them to Star.

Treasure Bundles:
One each for successfully Influencing Croll, Induren, Brinna, and Star.
Two for defeating the air elementals.
Two for defeating the bandits and locating their stash.
Two for defeating Aslynn's forces.

Envoy's Alliance

Active Conditions: NA | Exploration Mode: Search | LN Male Halfling (Tinker) Alchemist 6 | Halfling Luck 0/1 (day 2) | Hero Points 1/3| Speed 25 (bracelets?) | HP 66 (-0) | AC 24 | F/R/W +12/+14/+11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light & Keen Eyes) | Alchemist Fires: 4/6, Acid Flasks 2/3, Frost Vials 5/6, L. Elixirs of Life 2/2, Reagents 4/10 Remain

A spectacular game all. Really good work GM.

Thanks for having me!

Horizon Hunters

Female Elf (Changeling) | HP 90/90 | AC 25/26 | F +13 R +17 W +11 | Perc +10 | Stealth +17 | speed 35 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Good game everyone!

Thanks for running!

Horizon Hunters

Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Thanks for the game!!

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Core Champion (Liberator) 7 | HP 4/90 | AC 28 | Fortitude +13, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Perception +11 | Speed 25 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Shortcut Through the Wastes +11 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 2/2 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Chronicle looks good.

Thanks for a great game, everyone, especially Super Zero for running!

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

My Chronicle looks good as well.

Thanks for a great game, with a special thanks to Super Zero for putting up with us (me especially) as the GM.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I don't understand that!

Envoy's Alliance

”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide) | HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching) | Speed 25ft | Focus points0/0 | Hero Points 1/1 | Harmonic Wayfinder 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

I asked lots of questions, especially about applicability, and kind of stretched the rules. He also has lots of stuff I constantly remind folks about (Gang up, Deny Advantage, Weapon Critical effects, etc.)

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