
Angvim Netherreach's page

84 posts. Organized Play character for - Ed -.


Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search|


Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min


Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 |

About Angvim Netherreach

Angvim's Statblock at level 6:

Perception +11; Low-Light Vision Darkvision
Languages: Common, Varisian, Osiriani.

Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +8, Athletics +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidation +15(E), Lore: Esoteric +14(E), Lore: Scribing +8, Lore: Underworld +8, Medicine +12(E), Nature +9, Occultism +8, Religion +9, Stealth +7. *Expert Hireling [Survival (+9), Lore: Desert (+9)],

Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +4

Items +1 Studded Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Thrower's Bandolier, Healing Potion (Lesser), One Hundred Victories, Wayfinder, Aeon Stone (Dusty Rose Prism), Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle), Belt of Good Health, Healer's Gloves, Antiplague (Lesser), Antidote (Lesser), Cantrip Deck (5-Pack), Healer's Tools, Thieves' Tools, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks), Scroll of Jump, Longstrider Wand, Level 2 Spell, Soothing Tonic (lesser).

AC 24; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +11
HP 78
Speed 25/35 feet
Melee +1 Whip +15 (Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip, Magical, Implement), Damage 1d4+1 S +2(implement)
Ranged +1 Striking Boomerang +15 (Uncommon, Recovery, Thrown, Magical), Damage 2d6+1 B +4(implement)
Ranged +1 Striking Chakram +15 (Thrown, Magical), Damage 2d8+1 S +4(implement)

↺ Amulet's Abeyance (8hp)
◆Battle Medicine
◆Trick Magic Item
Quick Draw
◆Exploit Vulnerability
◇ Quickdraw Thrower's Bandolier (+1 striking runes)
◆Rugged Wayfinder ◆light, ◆shield (10hp)
◆Healer's Gloves
◆Antiplague (Lesser)
◆Antidote (Lesser)
◆Cantrip Deck (5-Pack)
◆Healing Potion (lesser)
◆Soothing Tonic (lesser)

Adversary Lore (Undead) [+1 to RK]

Additional Feats Assurance, Cavern Elf, Clever Improviser, Diverse Lore, Dubious Knowledge, Duelist Dedication, Esoteric Warden, Half-Elf, Intimidating Glare, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Toughness, Unmistakable Lore, Untrained Improvisation
Additional Specials Amulet Initiate Benefit, Assurance (Medicine), Esoteric Lore, First Implement And Esoterica (Tome), Implement's Empowerment, Second Implement (Amulet), Tome Initiate Benefit

Additional Specials Esoteric Lore, First Implement And Esoterica (Weapon), Implement's Empowerment, Second Implement (Tome), Tome Initiate Benefit, Weapon Initiate Benefit

Notes: Son of exiles from Nidal, Angvim found himself one day at the doors of the Horizon Hunters where his thirst for discovering new places and desire to help those in need found a home.

Field Comissioned
Bonus Lore: Underworld
Horizon Hunters: Liked
Storied Talent Boon: Roll income at Level -0
Bonus Level 5 Feat: Unmistakable Lore

BOONS: Rugged Wayfinder (As an action, you can reduce the severity of your clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition, reducing that condition’s value by 1) 1/adventure.
Expert Hireling [Society (+9), Lore: Pathfinder Society (+9)]
Expert Hireling [Survival (+9), Lore: Desert (+9)] <--- being used now.
Rugged Mentor
Storied Talent (Horizon Hunters) - Rolls Income at Level -0
Evolving Destiny
PFS (2ed) Intro #1: The Second Confirmation
Avid Collector–Treasure Vault Armor & Armaments [Boomerang]
Retrained Level 4 feat.

***Pick 2 skills as Tome Expert Skills at the start of the day.***

To buy list:

No idea yet. Cold Iron/Silver weapons?