[SF Adventure] To Defy the Dragon

Game Master cmlobue

Mech Combat Rules

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Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Yargnod does almost as much damage with Justifier too!

Ditto on shield boosting. But Shadow Knight, and one of you only gain back 1 PP per round. So shield boosting and augmenting attacks in the same round will drain power points faster than they're recharged. I remember Time Knight didn't have that problem.

There's definitely a power use strategy that varies slightly from mech to mech.

Check out your frame's special power. Shadow Knight's is stealth, but it takes a full round to implement and burns PPs fast. Didn't seem optimal to employ once we started fighting, but as an ambush device, it could be good.

Each of your frames has its own unique power determined by the material it's built from.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Palisade Knight only gets 1 PP per round, too.

And it's frame ability didn't seem very useful in that combat, but should be valuable against Ayleth. It disrupts magic users.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

DG, thanks for organizing the repair effort!

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

So we have left 930 Credits, 5 tactical disposal blades, 3 sets of pinion skyfire armor, 2 sets of freebooter armor iii, a hellhound-class flamethrower with 2 high-capacity petrol tanks, and a medium machine gun with 420 heavy rounds


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none
Mordack Dunstar wrote:

Someone should probably update the Loot sheet

Claim what you need, and take your remaining 3,333.375 credits then reset the loot sheet and add the new items.

Mordack, is that in addition to the above, or an adjustment of it?

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation
Mordack Dunstar wrote:
So we have left 930 Credits, 5 tactical disposal blades, 3 sets of pinion skyfire armor, 2 sets of freebooter armor iii, a hellhound-class flamethrower with 2 high-capacity petrol tanks, and a medium machine gun with 420 heavy rounds

Nobody has added these items or the 930 credits to the Loot sheet yet. 3333.375 credits per person is before adding these items. So if the new total comes out to say 4,000 per person and you already claimed 3333.375 credits or added them to your inventory, you would add an additional 666.625 credits to your inventory if that makes sense. Of course Yarnod adds 3,300.375 credits to his inventory, plus a 40 battery if he hasn't already cause we subtracted it from an item he grabbed

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

5 Tactical disposal blades are sell value of 30 each. 3 Pinion Skyfire armor is sell value of 1420 each. 2 freebooter armors are 1690 sell value each. Hellhound flamethrower is sell value of 3,510 credits. Medium machine gun is 2,310 credits sell value. 420 rounds would have a sell value of 189 credits total. Each high capacity petrol tank has a sell value of 28.

(5X 30)+(3X 1,420)+(2X 1,690)+3,510+2,310+189+(2X 28)+930 Credits=14,785 credits.
14,785 credits / 4 players = 3696.25 credits each. Just remember to subtract the sell value of whatever you are taking and make sure to let us know what you are taking. So if it is the flamethrower, you get 3696.25-3,150 credits=546.25

Mordack wants none of this, so he's adding 3696.25 credits to his inventory.
Also, now installing a Dimensional Gland, Experimental: 3,100 Credits. Now filling up his endocrine slot.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Nice feat for Yargnod (and good that you don't have Tier 12 mechs with those rolls).

Everyone ready to move on?

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Yeah, there's a Mech Offensive trick, too but I figured that I'd focus on keeping the machines up rather than hitting hard.

I'll probably take the other one when the chance arises, though.

And yes, I'm ready to continue.

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

Mordack is ready.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none



Male Lashunta(Damaya) Envoy 111 Soldier 1 (Steward Officer) // Init +7 Percept +15 SenseMotive +15+ 1d6 // F +6 R +10 W +10 (+4 on fort for a variety of saves) // EAC 25 KAC 30 ; Stamina 89/89 HP 71/71 Resolve 9/9

All riiiiight , fellas. Let'sss goooooooo!

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

I look back at the Mech combat.
I'm in another Mech campaign with a DM who is running it live, via Roll20.
Mechageddon. None of us added our own piloting ranks or Base Attack bonus to the Mechs. According to him, you add that. I know this is true in Starship combat, you add your BAB to the ships own BAB or piloting to the ships piloting. So, for Time Knight for example, I would have rolled 1d20+10+8(My BAB last level). Hence why we were always missing and had to roll like a 16 just to hit. Yes you can use aim for 1d4, but 1d4 ain't much when you have to roll a 16 to hit. Cause honestly My character had a +14 to hit with ranged last level which means he can hit more often than the Mech, which doesn't make sense.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none

That's good to know for when we get these mechs back :D

Also is it piloting or piloting *ranks*?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Very good to know.

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

Piloting Ranks, but doublechecking with our DM to see if he is understanding the same thing as my Roll20 DM every other Friday. The DM running that one is David Linsay, but it is only startplaying, so it is a pay to play game.
Heck, I've been wrong a couple of times as a DM myself.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I dug up these paragraphs from Archives of Nethys. Looks like your other GM is right. See bold blue text way below.

Statistics and Modifiers
Source Tech Revolution pg. 112
A mech’s actions represent a combination of its operators’ skill and its own sophisticated machinery, and some of the modifiers a mech uses when performing actions reflect this union. When an operator grants a mech an action, the mech uses that operator’s relevant bonus or skill ranks to help calculate the mech’s total modifier. If more than one operator contributes to the same action—such as two operators working together to grant their mech a full action—the mech uses the higher of the two operators’ statistics when calculating its modifier. See page 98 for how to calculate most of a mech’s statistics.
Initiative Modifier: A mech’s initiative modifier equals the lowest initiative modifier among its operators (minimum +0). A mech’s minimum initiative modifier increases by 1 at tier 5 and every 5 tiers thereafter.
Skill Modifiers: A mech’s skill check modifier equals 5 + half its tier; for Athletics checks, also add the mech’s Strength modifier. When an operator grants their mech an action and the mech performs a skill check as part of that action, the mech can use the operator’s ranks in that skill (instead of half the mech’s tier) to determine its modifier. When performing a Strength- or Dexterity-based skill check, a mech can instead use its operator’s ranks in Piloting to determine the mech’s skill modifier.

Mech Statistics
Source Tech Revolution pg. 98
Use the following table and formulas to generate a mech’s statistics. Note that some mech components, such as upgrades, might further modify these statistics.
Hit Points (HP)
Base HP from frame and limbs + (Hit Point Advancement from frame and limbs × tier)
Shield Points (SP)
See Table 4–3.
Hardness from frame + hardness bonus (see Table 4–3)
Armor Class
Base AC (see Table 4–3) + bonuses from frame and limbs
Saving Throws
Base save bonus (see Table 4–3) + bonuses from frame and lower limbs
Attack Bonus
Base attack bonus (see Table 4–3) + the operator’s base attack bonus or ranks in the Piloting skill + bonuses from upper limbs

Damage Modifier
Tier (+ Strength modifier [see Table 4–3] for melee attacks)
Strength Modifier
Strength modifier (see Table 4–3) + bonus from frame

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android: 5 Electric Resist, StarWright Daredevil Operative 12: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:144/144, HP:76/76, RP:10/10, 9 Piercing Resist, 12 Fire Resist, Fort:9, Ref:12, Will:13(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:20, Darkvision, Electrolocation

That would explain why we were getting our butts kicked, at least we know now, and I'll make sure to give that guy a good review.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

You are correct. Please increase your to hit appropriately. Assuming oyu get your mechs back...

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Being able to use ranks in piloting instead of BAB is killer for most/all of us.

When we get our mechs back...


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none

okay, so Flame Knight BAB is +10

Sefel has 12 ranks in piloting (over his personal BAB of +9). So his attacks with the flame knight will be made at +10+12.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I built Telirix to aid many skills, rather than star in a few. I might not get Shadow Knight back without help. Maybe I should just start punching.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |
therealthom wrote:
I built Telirix to aid many skills, rather than star in a few. I might not get Shadow Knight back without help. Maybe I should just start punching.

You can try the Engineering checks to just keep it from moving until someone can come give you a hand, if you think you'd have better luck.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Hey guys. I'm going to be out of town starting tonight and coming back Monday so I likely won't post again until Tuesday.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none

This is an FYI that I'll be away in nature this coming weekend Sat. 2/1-Sun 2/2. I'll be unable to post during this time. I will return late Sunday and resume posting. Bot as needed, but I'm hoping that since it's the weekend disruption will be minimal.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 12 | SP 60 HP 64 | RP 10/10 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+4 R+8 W+10; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 16 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30ft | Perc: +16, SM: +2, low-light vision (*keen senses) | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 4/5; 4th 4/4 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 40/40 | Active conditions: none

FYI I'll be away in nature this weekend, 3/1-3/2 without access to post. I'll return Sunday evening (US/Pacific time) to continue posting (including to kick of Outpost games!).

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Hey guys, I'm going on vacation until Tuesday so I likely won't post until then.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Have fun!

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Then we will begin the assault on Ayleth's fortress on Tuesday.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Going to visit my parents this weekend. I've dubbed their house the great internet desert.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

I'm back and ready to Defy a Dragon!

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Does it matter that Yargnod has see invisibility constantly active or is this thing just really well camouflaged?

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

It matters in that I didn't remember that. Enemy revealed to Yargnod, who can call out its location (anyone who can't see it still has 50% miss chance).


Male Lashunta(Damaya) Envoy 111 Soldier 1 (Steward Officer) // Init +7 Percept +15 SenseMotive +15+ 1d6 // F +6 R +10 W +10 (+4 on fort for a variety of saves) // EAC 25 KAC 30 ; Stamina 89/89 HP 71/71 Resolve 9/9

Oh! Game changer! Can I redirect this round's shot to the square Yargnod describes?

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |
cmlobue wrote:
It matters in that I didn't remember that. Enemy revealed to Yargnod, who can call out its location (anyone who can't see it still has 50% miss chance).

If it makes you feel better, I forgot until right before I asked that question, too.

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