[SF Adventure] To Defy the Dragon

Game Master cmlobue

Mech Combat Rules

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Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none
Sefel Q Lamunesh wrote:

There's a little time before this occurs, but it's a longer time away so I didn't want to spring it at the last moment.

I've got a trip from 7/31 to 8/12, and for much of it I won't have internet access.

Final reminder. It's a bit of a long one.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none

This is probably the last post before the trip, but IF things escalate to combat with this paranoid fella Sefel would want to neutralize the situation with Resilient Sphere.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

I will be traveling for business from August 9 - 16. I will have computer access but not as much time for games during that time.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Thanks for the heads up. Good luck with business and safe travels.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

I can't find it in the posts now, but didn't we find a necklace or something for Liatha? Was it just the video?

Did we find it at another one of the labs? I seem to remember it coming up and thinking it was important but not knowing why, yet.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

We saw the video. I don't remember finding anything like that at another site.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

It's possible that you did not search the previous rooms thoroughly enough, what with all the undead and portals and stuff.

If you want to go back, you can, but you risk your new friend not remaining stable enough to wait if you do (and the risk gets worse the longer you take).

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

What do you guys think? I imagine he knows how to start the last mech, and he's dangerous in a fight.

Work with this situation as it is and just try to get the startup code from him? Risk the time to go look for a possibly non-existant something to calm him down? Alpha strike him now and sort it our later?

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

I vote for playing the hand we've been dealt.

I don't like the idea of just attacking him (as a player. The character thinks that's a great idea.)

I feel like leaving and coming back is just going to give him time to go crazy by himself so it won't matter if we find anything or not.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Sefel's already working with this situation. I agree too.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Are we going to talk things out with the guy or should Yargnod start building up to his Alpha Strike?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Since he's snapped I'd say odds of talking him back down are low.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none

Maybe Sefel’s strategy is futile, but it’s a nice option to have. Worst case we undo one and a time and focus fire.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

The spheres have been lifesavers. It's a great spell and you've used it well.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none

FYI: I'm away in nature this weekend starting late Friday (9/6) afternoon and through Sunday (9/8) afternoon (US/Pacific time). I will resume posting Sunday evening.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

I feel so bad for Yargnod. If someone's going to lose a bunch of turns, it's always him.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Alright, lads. How do we want to do this?

It looks like Fire Knight is the only dedicated ranged mech.

Looks like Time Knight and Palisade Knight are close combat focused.

And Shadow Knight seems more like a variable role mech.

Is anything calling out to anybody?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I think we should pick in order established by diplomacy rolls to quantify our success in argument. :-)


Neither Telirix nor I have a strong preference. I will take whatever's left.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

I also have no preference. Should we randomly assign them?


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none

Yeah, as far as I can tell the mech's abilities have nothing to do with the pilots skills, combat abilities, or spells.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Yeah. The mech turns everyone into a big hard-hitting soldier. Damage output is pretty uniform. Power Points are 2, except Time Knight at 3.

So mech choice is mostly about style. Looking at specs:

Shadow knight stands out to me. Fastest speed (when flying) , cold ranged attack. Starts with 6 PP but only regains 1/turn; max 13. The inubrix frame gives these abilities:
Ethereal Body (2 PP) As a standard action, the mech's molecular structure becomes slightly intangible. It's treated as incorporeal for the purpose of taking damage until the end of its next turn.
Ghost Shift (3 PP) As a move action, the mech passes through a solid object or surface of a thickness no more than 1 foot per its mech tier, emerging on the other side. If the object is too thick, the mech is shunted back where it began and takes 1d6 damage per foot of surface above its tier.

Flame knight has only ranged attacks and flys. Starts with 1 PP but regains 3/turn; max 7. The hot siccatite frame has a nifty defense
Radiant Shield (2 PP) As a reaction when it would take damage from a melee attack, the mech can summon a shield of hot or cold flame, depending on its type of siccatite. The mech gains a +2 bonus to its EAC and KAC, potentially turning the attack into a miss. If the attack still hits, the attacker takes damage equal to the mech’s tier (cold damage if cold siccatite, fire damage if hot siccatite).
Thermal Burst (1 PP) As a standard action, the mech alters the temperature in an 80-foot radius around itself, dealing 6d8 cold (if cold siccatite) or fire (if hot siccatite) damage to all enemy creatures and mechs in the area (Reflex for half, DC = 15 + the mech’s tier).

Time Knight hits a tiny bit harder in melee, but less hard in ranged combat. Starts with 2 PP and regains 3/turn; max 8. Fastest ground speed. No flight. Horacalcum frame gives
Bullet Time (2 PP) As a reaction when it would take damage from a ranged attack, the mech can try to dodge the hit, attempting a Reflex saving throw with a DC equal to 15 + the enemy creature's CR or mech tier. On a success, the attack misses.
Temporal Pulse (4 PP) As a standard action, the mech can emanate a burst of chronological energy in an 80-foot radius. Allied creatures and mechs within the area can take an extra move action on their turn, while enemy creatures and mechs within the area must succeed at a Will save with a DC equal to 12 + 1/2 your mech's tier or lose their move action for the turn. This effect lasts for 1 round.

Palisade Knight also has a ground speed only. Starts with 6 PP but only regains 1/turn; max 13. Noqual frame's
Anti-Magic Targeting (1+ PP) The mech can activate this ability when making a single attack against a magical construct or foe capable of spellcasting. If the attack hits the mech increases its damage dice by 2 × the PP expended.
Dampening Field (2 PP) As a standard action, the mech can create a magic-dampening aura around itself. The effect lasts for 1 round, though the mech can extend the duration each round by expending 1 PP as a free action. Spells or spell-like abilities cast within an 80-foot radius of the mech have a 25% chance of failure while this aura is active.

Keep in mind you'll want to use power points in the normal ways too. See the last slide for normal power point options.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

The mech do use your stats for making checks, so if there is a mech you want to mostly use in ranged combat, the character with the highest Dexterity or Piloting would be the best option as pilot.

I'm not going to go too much farther until this decision is made, because you may want to use them in a situation coming up soon.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

If you like Shadow Knight, Telirix should take it.

And now that I know Palisade Knight's abilities, I'll claim it.

That leaves trusty ol' Flame Knight and Time Knight for Mordack and Sefel.

Though, if anyone wants Palisade Knight, for its close combat abilities, Yargnod likes to hang back so he'll take Flame Knight, instead.


Male damaya lashunta scholar technomancer 11 | SP 55 HP 59 | RP 9/9 | EAC 27; KAC 29 | F+3 R+7 W+9; +2 vs spells/magical effects | SR 15 | Init: +8 | Limited Telepathy 30’ | Perc: +15, SM: +2, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Spell Cache 1/1 | Spells: 1st 5/6; 2nd 5/5; 3rd 2/5; 4th 2/3 | tip of tongue 1/1 | cache capacitor: keen senses | aphelion laser rifle 39/40 | Active conditions: none

Sefel has been piloting the flame knight so far. If someone has higher dex or piloting and wants to take over, feel free to say so! Otherwise he’ll keep on using it.

| EAC 27 KAC 29| Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | [SP] 99/99 [HP]72/72| Resolve: 9/9 |

Sounds like the decisions have been made, then.

Telirix - Shadow Knight

Yargnod - Palisade Knight

Sefel - Flame Knight

Mordack - Time Knight

Unless Mordack wants to trade me for Palisade Knight.

Horizon Hunters

Male Laborer Half-Orc Android StarWright Daredevil Operative 11: Spd:70, Swim:30, Climb:30: Init:7, KAC:29, EAC:27, SP:132/132, HP:70/70 RP:7/9, 8 Piercing Resistance, 11 Fire Resistance, Fort:8, Ref:11, Will:12(misc bonuses for all saves), Perc:19, Darkvision, Electrolocation

I'm good with either.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Time knight's a good melee combatant. Recharging 3 PP per round let's you use your special abilities more freely. That's one thing I noticed in our mech fights.

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