Caldovan Marches 2022

Game Master rando1000

Date: Marcha 29

Albarra; Santa Merceda

HQ Map

Over-land Map

Combat Map

Party Funds:27 pp, 2738 gp, 1266 sp, 1444 cp, 500 gp amethyst, 2223 gp jewels and gems

Party Magic:Ring of Swimming (swim speed 30', turqoise and silver) copper ritual bowl (allows casting without using slot, but takes 10 minutes)

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Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
Kevin Boyer 646 wrote:
that was only temporary while Han built the shelter. They slept in what was effectively a high-tech tent with a space heater


But, maybe you just need a good Survival check?

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

I think I'm fine with us heading back to the original city, and picking up leads to a new adventure. Just wandering around can be fun too, though I'm sure it'd be easier on Rnado if we had a more dirrect course to follow.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
Uret Jet wrote:
I think I'm fine with us heading back to the original city, and picking up leads to a new adventure. Just wandering around can be fun too, though I'm sure it'd be easier on Rnado if we had a more dirrect course to follow.

That's kinda why I had thought to propose it. Closure to the "Entropy" arc as it were, letting NPCs be, etc...

Rocko's got the wanderlust!

honestly Rocko is less keen on wandering for the time being and more interested in being warm and well fed through the winter

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

I think that settles it then. I'll write up a post and map to get you guys on your way back to Albarra.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

So for the current players, while others get their characters in order, I'd like to blow through some in-world time.

I've got a some trimmed down Downtime options below. We'll do 12 weeks without adventuring, which will put you in early Februm 1054 (late winter/early spring). You don't have to choose for every week, but it's to your advantage to do so. From there, we'll weave a story of what you three have been up to over the winter. Once again this is only for Current Players.

Here are your options, though you might have other ideas we can work with as well.

Earn Influence - You can spend a week meeting locals and interacting with people in the social and political, and commerce environments. This has a cost of 15 gp per week. Over the course of weeks, you will gain things like Followers, bonuses to social roles in certain situations, etc.
Earn Experience - You can spend your downtime in a week exploring the local environment and participating in minor adventures. You earn an amount of XP equal to 1% your current total. These activities are not played in-game, but will be narrated. There is no risk to your character’s life earning this XP, and you can only spend a maximum of 10 weeks a year on such pursuits.
Earn GP - You can work using a skill to earn money. Make a Skill Check of your choice and earn that amount of GP in 1 week. You can narrate the results, or I will do so if you don’t.
Craft Items - Per the crafting rules. Minimum time used is 1 week, for purposes of downtime.

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

We should probably split off this treasure for the party first [though we could keep some as well as a general "party funds"]

Adding everything up and liquidating treasure, we've got 3410. A thousand each, and we leave 4q0 as a general party funds for the momment perhaps?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Uret Jet wrote:

We should probably split off this treasure for the party first [though we could keep some as well as a general "party funds"]

Fair enough. Unless someone comes up with a reason that doesn't work, let's go with your suggestion of leaving 410 in party funds, so everyone gets an even 1000 each.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:
Uret Jet wrote:
We should probably split off this treasure for the party first [though we could keep some as well as a general "party funds"]
Fair enough. Unless someone comes up with a reason that doesn't work, let's go with your suggestion of leaving 410 in party funds, so everyone gets an even 1000 each.


Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Is there a resident Wizard (male or female) in town? Would it be OK if Djack offered to help them around the shop, tower, etc... an apprentice of sorts.

When he's not spending time with Yoltzin and/or Rocko, of course.

Scarab Sages

Flagbearer 30' Performance 12/14 NG Human Bard (argent voice) Init -1, Perc +5 AC 13 T 9 FF 13 +4 vs sonic F 3 R 3 W 5 HP 24/35


How cheesy are we looking for in terms of builds?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:

Is there a resident Wizard (male or female) in town? Would it be OK if Djack offered to help them around the shop, tower, etc... an apprentice of sorts.

A low-level one maybe. What would be the goal rules-wise of doing this?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chaucair wrote:


How cheesy are we looking for in terms of builds?

Not sure I understand your question. Game's not particularly goofy if that's what you mean.

If you're referring to optimization, I'd say moderate. I don't tend to go super-hard on the PCs, nor do the current players focus too much on optimizing.

Scarab Sages

Flagbearer 30' Performance 12/14 NG Human Bard (argent voice) Init -1, Perc +5 AC 13 T 9 FF 13 +4 vs sonic F 3 R 3 W 5 HP 24/35

Ok, I won't play a sound striker or a flame dancer then.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:
Djack Nymball wrote:
Is there a resident Wizard (male or female) in town? Would it be OK if Djack offered to help them around the shop, tower, etc... an apprentice of sorts.
A low-level one maybe. What would be the goal rules-wise of doing this?

Low level is fine.

I don't remember that last time (with another DM) that there was downtime for crafting. So was considering multi-classing into Wizard or Sorcerer. Trying to find the smallest/fastest "dip" to get me there (Craft Wonderous).

Also, with the entropy storyline, figured Impossible Bloodline Sorcerer is plausible. Coming in contact, parts of his brain/psyche opening up...

Just RP mostly at this point.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chaucair wrote:
Ok, I won't play a sound striker or a flame dancer then.

Torn on Soundstriker. Wordstrike (which you'd have already at 4th) isn't too bad at 1d4+level.

Weird words you don't get until 6th, and yes 4d6 touch sonic a whole bunch of times is pretty powerful (especially if Cha is maxed) but the others will be much improved by then as well.

Flame dancer seems less problematic as most of their abilities are defensive for the party until you hit much higher level, which will take quite a while.

Scarab Sages

Flagbearer 30' Performance 12/14 NG Human Bard (argent voice) Init -1, Perc +5 AC 13 T 9 FF 13 +4 vs sonic F 3 R 3 W 5 HP 24/35

Flame Dancer + Obscuring Mist = bad time for most opponents.

I was looking at Argent Voice. Is there a famous opera in your setting that my character could have been associated with?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chaucair wrote:

I was looking at Argent Voice. Is there a famous opera in your setting that my character could have been associated with?

Feel free to make one up. Come up with a clever title and translate into Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and you have the name of your opera.

There are ways to deal with obscuring mist, but yeah. Any gimmick PC combo forces the DM to come up with unusually common gimmick breakers. Better for the game in general not to go too far that route.

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Hey folks! Stoked to be here and try out a favorite cavalier archetype I’ve never had a chance to.

Scarab Sages

Flagbearer 30' Performance 12/14 NG Human Bard (argent voice) Init -1, Perc +5 AC 13 T 9 FF 13 +4 vs sonic F 3 R 3 W 5 HP 24/35

Chaucair's Crunch:

Male human bard (argent voice) 4
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Perception +5
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 armor, -1 Dex)
hp 35 (4d8+12)
Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron locked gauntlet +3 (1d3 B)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4 B)
Bard (Argent Voice) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +8)
. . 2nd (2/day)—glitterdust (DC 16), heroism
. . 1st (4/day)—cure light wounds, ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), grease, heightened awareness[ACG]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic (at will), mage hand (at will), message (at will), prestidigitation (at will), read magic (at will), sift (at will)[APG]
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB 3; CMD 12
Feats Combat Advice, Flagbearer[ISWG], Skill Focus (Perform [sing])
Traits operatic (chelaxian)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +4, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +6, Perception +5, Perform (sing) +16, Spellcraft +9
Languages Azlanti, Common, Gnome, Sylvan
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds, wand of heightened awareness (50 charges), acid (2), alchemist's fire, antiplague[APG], antitoxin (2); Other Gear mithral chain shirt, cold iron locked gauntlet, sling, cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone, cracked scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone, handy haversack, bedroll, belt pouch, flag[ISWG], flint and steel, Gong, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, journal[UE], mess kit[UE], mirror, pot, soap, torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, 745 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex) Add +2 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 14 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Combat Advice As mv act, designate enemy, ally gains +2 comp bonus on next atk vs. target.
Flagbearer Grant bonuses to allies who see your flag.
Versatile Performance (Singing) +16 (Ex)
Child Prodigy and famed opera singer, at the famous Casa de la Trascendencia.

I took Azlanti language, and get a further bonus when translating it. Can you substitute an appropriate genre-specific ancient culture?

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Sounds like some interesting concepts and builds on your ends, looking forward to seeing how they play out. My character is Yoltzin, a wild elf and cleric of Xenxolotl- an elven diety of death, spirits, and cremation. While I'm not actually built towards it, she considers her summons as form of sanctified necromancy as she calls fourth spirits to fight and overall has a more 'relaxed' view of the practice in general. I also offer occasional Ranged support, and the bulk of healing.

Oh the middle point; Rando, I was looking through the campaign document, think you could add her diety at the end of it?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Uret Jet wrote:
Oh the middle point; Rando, I was looking through the campaign document, think you could add her diety at the end of it?

Sure, is Yoltzin's alignment representative of her clergy in general (ie can I use it as a baseline definition)?

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Yes, lawful neutral.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chaucair wrote:
I took Azlanti language, and get a further bonus when translating it. Can you substitute an appropriate genre-specific ancient culture?

Sure. Let's call it "Omlanti," the language of the First Peoples of what is now Caldova. It probably has some root words in common with all native languages still extant on the continent. I've updated the Campaign document with several languages and Yoltzin's deity and linked it at the top of page for the time being.

Hey there everyone.

Do you have any other deities made up for the setting? I'm thinking Chinuye would probably worship someone similar Desna or maybe a god of magic/knowledge.

Wow, Rocko wouldn't really know what to do with 1000 gp. He was rather lost with just 200. I'll have to get in the right mindset to think about it.

During the winter, Rocko would mostly sleep in, eat good food at the inn, probably paying for tabs for the entire bar as the whim suits him. He'd do the odd job and errand as the mood suits him, or if one of his friends has a pressing need. He's also more than a little glad that he's not in a cold tent with his nomadic family anymore, despite being a bit lonely for gnollish companionship.

I guess he'd be doing a mix of what is closest to the majority 'earn influence', with a bit of 'earn gp' and maybe a handful of 'earn xp'. He is more likely to buy items than craft them himself despite his crafting skills that he uses

I also forgot to bring up the possibility of Rocko ending up with the bird he used as the messenger as his animal companion. I'm thinking some magpie or raven type bird being what was there. Rocko is more inclined to befriending the clever, fun kind of bird than a predatory one.

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Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
Kevin Boyer 646 wrote:
Wow, Rocko wouldn't really know what to do with 1000 gp. He was rather lost with just 200. I'll have to get in the right mindset to think about it.

Upgrade armor so you can still move 30'.

We can't afford a TPK, while you're hustling to catch up.

Guys? There you are. Why are you all laying on the floor? Guys? :)

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4
Chinuye Tamakuda wrote:

Hey there everyone.

Do you have any other deities made up for the setting? I'm thinking Chinuye would probably worship someone similar Desna or maybe a god of magic/knowledge.

I'm sure that more or less Rando would allow you to create your own diety if so wished, same as I did with my own character here. (I have an overall diefic summary on her profile, but that's more something I made for fun)

For Yoltzin, hmmm... let's go with an even split between XP ventures and attempting to earn money. She dosnt have many skills that are helpful professional, but I'm sure clerical abilities are always in demand.

Djack Nymball wrote:

I don't remember that last time (with another DM) that there was downtime for crafting. So was considering multi-classing into Wizard or Sorcerer. Trying to find the smallest/fastest "dip" to get me there (Craft Wonderous).

Also, with the entropy storyline, figured Impossible Bloodline Sorcerer is plausible. Coming in contact, parts of his brain/psyche opening up...

If you want to get craft wondrous items you might be better off getting the master crafter feat rather than dipping into sorcerer. Some items have a caster level requirement to craft (though you can ignore this by increasing the craft DC by 5). Another option is to switch to the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype. Just something to think about.

If you don't get craft wondrous items, I might get it instead.

Scarab Sages

Flagbearer 30' Performance 12/14 NG Human Bard (argent voice) Init -1, Perc +5 AC 13 T 9 FF 13 +4 vs sonic F 3 R 3 W 5 HP 24/35

I've played a bunch of crafters recently and would prefer to avoid doing it, unless badly needed.

As for background:

Chaucair thinks of himself as an opera singer who moonlights as an adventurer. He was a child prodigy, but learned his mentor had only gained her talent through a deal with <insert devil thing here>. When the time came to collect, Chaucair fought to save her life, but failed.

Chaucair now hates beings of pure evil from beyond this world, and isn't too fond of it in this world. Chaucair is also quite good at weaving political rhetoric into his words. Most of the time though, those words are nigh on empty, as Chaucair is an iterant liar.

Chaucair loves to inspire his allies, in part because he loves to see blood and violence, and in part because he has no desire to get into the mix himself.

So now, the singer seeks others to band together with.

"I bring you opera! I bring you blood, love and rhetoric. Now, mind you, I can give you love and blood, without the rhetoric. I can give you blood, and rhetoric, without the love. But I absolutely, cannot give you love and rhetoric, without the blood."

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
Chinuye Tamakuda wrote:
Djack Nymball wrote:
Trying to find the smallest/fastest "dip" to get me there (Craft Wonderous)
If you don't get craft wondrous items, I might get it instead.

Go for it, it's really just a pipe dream. I wouldn't be eligible for another 3 levels, minimum.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
Chaucair wrote:
I've played a bunch of crafters recently and would prefer to avoid doing it, unless badly needed.

We definitely do NOT need it. DM is wonderful about having us find what we need.

Djack Nymball wrote:
Go for it, it's really just a pipe dream. I wouldn't be eligible for another 3 levels, minimum.

Sure thing.

@rando1000 Am I free to use my 6000gp on crafting wondrous items?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:

I don't remember that last time (with another DM) that there was downtime for crafting. So was considering multi-classing into Wizard or Sorcerer. Trying to find the smallest/fastest "dip" to get me there (Craft Wonderous).

Also, with the entropy storyline, figured Impossible Bloodline Sorcerer is plausible. Coming in contact, parts of his brain/psyche opening up...

Okay. I'll work something up. Let me add it to my notes.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Kevin Boyer 646 wrote:
I also forgot to bring up the possibility of Rocko ending up with the bird he used as the messenger as his animal companion. I'm thinking some magpie or raven type bird being what was there. Rocko is more inclined to befriending the clever, fun kind of bird than a predatory one.

Raven, Giant (or not)

Size Small (tiny); Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (average); Attack bite (1d4); Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7; Special Qualities low-light vision, scavenger.

Basically, if you don't like the idea of a "huge" (aka size small) raven, which I admit is kind of weird to me, I'll let you just reduce it to tiny and keep the same stats. Then you can just apply the 1st level Druid companion mods.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chaucair wrote:

As for background...

Very nice. I'll have to find ways to weave some of this into the storyline.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chinuye Tamakuda wrote:
@rando1000 Am I free to use my 6000gp on crafting wondrous items?


Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chinuye Tamakuda wrote:

Hey there everyone.

Do you have any other deities made up for the setting? I'm thinking Chinuye would probably worship someone similar Desna or maybe a god of magic/knowledge.

How does this sound?

Sognia (pronounced like So-niya) - Galloan deity of dreams and travel; Al: CG; followers NG CG CN


What’s the approximate tech level like? Is it medieval like standard Pathfinder or a little higher given the Western theming? Mostly wondering about firearm availability.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

It's less "western" and more "spanish conquest", so Approximately 1500 CE technology. So arquebus level or really early musket. I'd declined other player's requests to bring them in, preferring to keep it at bows and crossbows, but assuming your character is coming in from Espa as a representative of Marques Leon, he might be one of the first to wield such a weapon. Certainly there won't be a lot of support services for them, requiring him/her/them to be either very stingy with bullets or construct them himself.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Awesome downtime, is Djack's Minor Magic in place of/addition to the one I'd already taken?

A this point, do I end up with 1 Minor Magic (it's the limit) and should pick something else for his 4th level Talent (hadn't used it yet)?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:

Awesome downtime, is Djack's Minor Magic in place of/addition to the one I'd already taken?

A this point, do I end up with 1 Minor Magic (it's the limit) and should pick something else for his 4th level Talent (hadn't used it yet)?

Sorry, didn't notice you'd picked that. You can either take a second 0-level spell 3/day, or swap out the one you picked for a different talent, whichever you prefer.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

If I swap out the one I picked, does this one become at Will (that was a change with Unchained Rogue) - Minor Magic is at Will (not 3/day).

Not trying to be difficult, just want to make sure I only get what you want me to have.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:
If I swap out the one I picked, does this one become at Will (that was a change with Unchained Rogue) - Minor Magic is at Will (not 3/day).

Sorry, was referencing, they still have it as 3/day under Home >Classes >Core Classes >Rogue >Rogue Talents >Paizo, Inc. – Rogue Talents.

Go with the unchained rules is fine. one or a couple cantrips at will is not gonna unbalance anything.

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Nice summary of things.

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Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Got my spells all updated as they should be. I might pick up Lesser Animate at a later point, when presented with an opportunity to take in a guilt-free corpse. Likely an animal or monster, as the chance of getting permission from a humanoid is a touch slim. With that in mind, she'll maintain 400 GP in onyx gemstones, possibly looted from that old necromancers tomb.

Sognia (pronounced like So-niya) - Galloan goddess of exploration and invention; Al: CG; followers NG CG CN; Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Good, Knowledge and Travel
Formally most followers were of Galloan descent, though within the last two centuries, she has become more popular amongst Ricoan and Espen communities. She has become especially popular amongst young elites attending the prestigious Espen University, (insert name of capital city) la Academia.

How does that sound?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Chinuye Tamakuda wrote:

Sognia (pronounced like So-niya) - Galloan goddess of exploration and invention; Al: CG; followers NG CG CN; Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Good, Knowledge and Travel

Formally most followers were of Galloan descent...

Accepted and updated in the setting doc.

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Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 46/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

I think I'm going with the Green Tongue (Ex) <<< Link (if that's OK) for level up similar to reason below, with Minor Magic (Message) as the downtime bonus granted. He hasn't used it yet, but...

The contact with the entropoids (the big nasty ones) where he failed his Save... unlocked something in his mind.

Working and studying with the wizard helped shape it and bring understanding.

It's all mostly RP and in keeping with his "fairy tale," magic and whimsy persona.

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