Just to let everyone know, I’ll be advancing the story tonight (tomorrow morning at the latest). So if there’s anything you definitely want said in the introductions, pleas do it today!
I'm glad you think so Seffie, one of the pitfalls of doing this online is that it's hard to judge tone/pitch and what people are comfortable with. It's important we let each other know if we're not happy.
Just to reassure you all, Somonti is not going to be a grumpy b**ch the whole time. I think this is high tension moment for everyone, things are starting off and she feels she needs to come out swinging. She's a rather insecure lass (I don't know if that's apparent ;))
I’m glad to see that there can be some tension with the characters without being between the players. That will open up a lot of fun role-play!
I’ve put a link to Roll20 at the top of the page. It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so if you have any issues, just reach out. If you do get in with no problems, just check in with your character name in the chat. Then, I’ll know you’re in and I can get the tokens set up.
Female Human Oracle (Bones), 10/10 HP, AC 13, Touch 10, Flat 13, Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3, Init +0
Somonti wrote:
one of the pitfalls of doing this online is that it's hard to judge tone/pitch and what people are comfortable with
Yeah, that's exactly why I wanted to clarify in discussion. It'll be good for Seffie too. She has never really had to consider how her actions affect others directly before. Looking forward to them both growing as people.
Also sorry for the delay on my post, life bit me a little yesterday.
Don’t worry about the delayed post, Seffie. Life does that to all of use from time to time. I hope, for you sake, that’s it’s nothing major.
And this goes for everyone, I’m fine with some retroactive posting. So when you’re in a situation like this, feel free to be like, “And right before he said that, I …” Unless you using the information from the post to subvert something or if it’s combat related, it should be fine. I think that’s a nice thing about PbP.
Updated a few bits on Somonti's background. It's all you, Seffie, I'm afraid.
Updated Dramatis Personae (is was generic, now specific):
Seffie. To Somonti, Seffie represents everything that she is not. Fair, well liked, accepted. Despite the fact that the two share a common history. Any of this that is true has been magnified and snowballed in her mind. Somonti has grown to resent Seffie, without ever really interacting with her.
Key Memory:
The feeling in her chest when she first transformed, the look on Holgast's face. She recognised that he was scared, terrified. And Somonti drank in that fear.
Female Human Oracle (Bones), 10/10 HP, AC 13, Touch 10, Flat 13, Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3, Init +0
Aeric wrote:
How do people like "Cool Barbarian Dad Aeric" so far?
Very much so!
DM Ruin wrote:
Don’t worry about the delayed post, Seffie. Life does that to all of use from time to time. I hope, for you sake, that’s it’s nothing major
Thanks! I should be good now. I'm just kicking myself for not noticing that you slipped that plot advancement in while I was typing my post last night haha. And yeah, I try to make my retroactive posting clear, but please let me know if I make something unclear at any point.
Somonti wrote:
It's all you, Seffie, I'm afraid
Well now I'm scared... and considering rewriting you into my backstory a little. Although I kind of like the Seffie only vaguely knows who Somonto is angle? I'm not sure, will get back to you.
@Aeric. Your doing great! I think there's a real sense of social tension going on and we're all dealing with it in our own way.
@GM. I'm loving the character. Looking forward to moving away from being quite so one dimensional once we experience more together.
@Seffie. I've actually toned it down a bit from where it was. When I planned Somonti she had been actually wronged but the more we play the more I feel there's a lot of uncertainty there. Maybe she's right about people's resentment. But maybe it's more her insecurities.
I loved all of your “put the map together” role play!
The map that you put together is up on Roll20. If you haven’t yet, please check that out and be sure to send chat so I know who’s who.
Since we’re talking about maps, it brings up the chance for combat. To help me out with tracking things, copy the stat block below and fill out the details for your character. During each post of mine in combat, I’ll include these blocks in a spoiler along with any important conditions.
Name AC:xx(FF:xx/T:xx) CMD:xx HP:xx/xx Saves-FO:+x RE:+x WI:+x
M race class(archetype) - Defenses: any special defenses
Spells: 1st x/x or PP: xx/xx or Burn: xx/xx
Lastly, it’s ren faire season in Ohio, so my weekend posting will be infrequent for the next couple of months. I will post again in the gameplay on Tuesday (or possibly Sunday, if I get a chance).
Male Aeric AC:17(FF:15/T:12)/ if raging CMD:17 if rage HP:8/11 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+2 WI:-1 Skald 2 (fated champion)
Done, my willsave is kind of complicated, on account of stacking conditional boni.
Aerics base will is -1. Vs charm or compulsions (which are a lot of the nasty ones) he uses his cha instead of his wis, resulting in a +3 increase.
History of terrors grants him a racial +2 vs mind affecting effects, which increases to +4 vs fear related ones. This fully stacks with the bonus vs charm and compulsion.
Spoiler: It will get more complex once he levels :).
Female Human Oracle (Bones), 10/10 HP, AC 13, Touch 10, Flat 13, Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3, Init +0
Here's mine:
Seffie AC:13(FF:13/T:10) CMD:9 HP:10/10 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+0 WI:+3 F human oracle - Defenses: Takes damage from positive energy and heals from negative energy Spells: 1st 4/4
Male Aeric AC:17(FF:15/T:12)/ if raging CMD:17 if rage HP:8/11 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+2 WI:-1 Skald 2 (fated champion)
Oh boy, Aeric is going to have some words about that. Hopefully they still charge him, Somonti stepping between him and the Orcs means his AoOs wont go off if they charge somonti instead, only his readied action.
I was going to ask if you wanted to go into initiative.
I kinda like the way things turned out. As soon as initiative is rolled you know fists are going to fly, but letting us react first (with combat actions or otherwise) allows for misunderstandings and the possibility of eviscerating helpful NPC's, love that!
(Ps. Initiative or not, Somonti's action would have been the same. Sorry Aeric :p )
So, are you guys continuing to look for the source of the illusions, continue on to the Crypt, or something else? I’d like to have a consensus of three people to continue.
Still here, just waiting to hear from others. Somonti wants to try and get to the bottom of the illusionary orcs. But I, as a player, feel that moving on with the quest may be more prudent.
It looks like we may have lost Jobu and Seffie. I’m going to run their characters for a bit until a convenient point for them to leave (or they come back). This way we can get thing moving again. As such, they will volunteer for first watch. Sound okay?
To update everyone, I haven't heard from Seffie or Jobu. I'll be adding two more players soon; they'll be joining the discussion thread. I'll continue to play Seffie and Jobu minorly until I make a reasonable place for them to exit. Let me know if you guys have any questions.
Each autumn, the village of Kassen sends a group to the Crypt of the Everflame to light a lantern from the magical fire. This lantern is preserved all winter representing the town’s resilience.
I’m recruiting 5ish players for the Price of Immortality Trilogy (Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God, and City of Golden Death).
Posting Rate: 1/day on weekdays and 1 on the weekends; I’m flexible with this as long as things keep moving. And let me know if you’ll be out for a period of time so that I can bot your character if needed.
Combat: I’ll be using Roll20 for battle maps. I’ll be using block initiative so that multiple people can post their actions. If a character’s action no longer make sense, I’ll adjust as closely as I can. This is all to keep things moving during combat, which is notorious for slowing down games.
Balance: I like a good balance of RP to combat, and so I’ll be picking player’s with interesting backgrounds and themes over optimization.
Standard Races, Orc, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Undine, Catfolk, Ratfolk, Tengu, Kitsune, Vanara.
Elan and Xeph from Dreamscarred Press are fine, but you’d have to sell me on using any of the other psionic races.
Also, this 3pp half-dwarf.
Alignment: No evil.
HP: Max first level; otherwise, half die size
Traits: 2, no drawbacks for more.
Firearms: Emerging Background Skills: Yes Elephant in the Room: No Spheres: No Multiclassing: Yes Variant Multiclassing: Yes
Starting Wealth: In the beginning of the adventure, the PCs are given supplies. Therefore, you only need to pick weapons, armor, and class specific things like a holy symbol.
Pick either a dagger, short spear, or club. This is a simple backup weapon for you.
Pick 1 melee weapon (or two for dual wielding) of 50gp or less.
Pick 1 ranged weapon of 50gp or less, and add regular ammunition.
Pick 1 armor 50 gp or less, and a shield. Alternatively, you may instead choose a 1st level potion in place of a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or shield.
A note on psionics. Transparency will be on. This means that magic and psionics interact in the same way. For example, detect magic will detect magic and psionics.
All character submissions should include the following:
A full alias isn’t required for submissions, but please include the character name, race, class, deity, if any, and alignment. Also include a brief background, a personally of at least three descriptive words, 2 quirks, 1 flaw, and 1 distinctive physical feature.
With this being open for psionics, are you planning to 'psionicify' the adventure? That is, are you comfortable telling us if the townsfolk are comfortable with psionics? Should we expect to face psionic foes? (I'm assuming with starting level 4 you've made some ajustments...
Aeric "Screamer" Thorleiffson
True Neutral Human Bloodrager/Fractured mind
Once a simple mercenery in service in Mendev, facing the horrors of the worldwound has left him a changed man. He has faced things far beyond his abilities, and somehow survived, with his mind fractured from the experience. After attracting Inquisitorial attention, due to the crime of surviving, while spontaneously picking up fluent court-Abyssal, he faked his death (fairly easy to do in the worldwound), removed himself from the crusade and sought less dangerous terrain.
A sleepy place like Kassen, far from anything of importance, and even further from the worldwound, is just perfect. Just for some... peace.
But why was that weird inner voice he picked up on that memory deleted night, in favor of him doing this?
Quick question, we are starting at level 4 but with <50 gp weaponry?
I may be optimizing my mostly martial character to a greater degree then I normally would.
Oh dang! Starting 1st level. I can’t believe I made that mistake.
Regarding psionics, the townsfolk are comfortable with it, at least as much as they are comfortable with magic. (You know those wizards are always up to no good.) This would be because your mentor has been living in town, and there an understanding there. Outside of the village, people may be less so, but you’ve rarely (if ever) been out of the village long enough to find out.
Would it be possible to reflavor gaining levels as getting memories/abilities back, with no mechanical difference whatsorever?
I have written up his background, having him as a serious mercenary, who survived things he should not have, but him surviving these things at level one would venture from the "implausible" into the "impossible".
Would it be possible to reflavor gaining levels as getting memories/abilities back, with no mechanical difference whatsorever?
I have written up his background, having him as a serious mercenary, who survived things he should not have, but him surviving these things at level one would venture from the "implausible" into the "impossible".
I’m totally on board for this, especially with fractured mind. I really like the concept. This guy has some serious trauma to work through. How many levels of Bloodrager do you plan to take before multiclassing? Just curious.
I’m totally on board for this, especially with fractured mind. I really like the concept. This guy has some serious trauma to work through. How many levels of Bloodrager do you plan to take before multiclassing? Just curious.
Uncertain, Fractured mind is a really strong Dip for a Bloodrager, and at a cost of one feat, the Phantom would even be useful for scouting in a pinch. The good thing is that Bloodragers can get by with pretty few feats (Combat reflexes, Power attack), meaning I could totally burn a feat on the boon companion equivalent of phantom, and then burn another feat for mad magic (casts spells while Blooraging), and probably be an Urban Bloodrager anyway (No sudden Barbarian death syndrome because they typically dont get a Con Bonus from rage).
So, he would start as a Bloodrager, the Dip would be fairly early (level 3 or level 5.
Here is my submission. This sounds like a lot of fun!
Name: Sumak Wildheart
NG Half Orc Wilder
Sumak is a half-orc who grew up in the area. His father was an adventurer who settled down in the area when he married Sumak's mother. He grew up on a small farm on the outskirts of town where his parents had him work the land. Sumak tended to spend a lot of time on his own working the small fields, although he desired to get out and see more of the world. In the empty fields he discovered that he could do strange things with his mind and has been practicing his powers without telling anyone about them yet.. His parents brought him into town to take part in the coming of age ceremony.
Descriptors: Stubborn, Heroic, Inquisitive.
Quirks: Talks to himself, Hates turnips that he grows.
Flaws: Sumak can get self-righteous at times as he has little experience but believes he knows how the world should work.
The aforemention Kellid-ex-merc with serious memory problems.
--Oh hej, all you Kellids are that big?
--A valued possession is a cold Iron nailclipper, which he needs to cut his fingernails, he is rather attached to it
--Has a fairly reasonable singing voice
Flaws: Rather Paranoid, with a serious serving of self doubt
Suprising good thing: Extremely non judgemental of others backgrounds and abilities.
Marius Draga is a chaotic neutral human fighter who worships Gorum. Having honed his fighting skills with armor and shields since his youth, Marius can use them for defense and to hurt his opponents. He imagines himself becoming a legend like Ekat Kassen. He keeps his blonde hair cut short, so enemies can't pull it and it doesn't obstruct his vision, and his face and hands are covered with small scars from sparring injuries. A bit of a bully and nearly 6' tall, he's used to getting what he wants, yet considers himself to be a noble warrior. He distrusts magic, believing true warriors rely on their skills alone.
Character details:
Marius Draga
Male human fighter 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception -2
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 14 (1d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will -2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee battleaxe +2 (1d8+3/×3) or
. . club +4 (1d6+3) or
. . heavy shield bash +3 (1d4+1)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (shield, heavy)
Traits armor expert, shield-trained
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Climb +2, Craft (armor) +3, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Survival +2
Languages Common, Dwarven
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, arrows (20), battleaxe, club, shortbow
Special Abilities
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Presenting Somonti for consideration. True Neutral Elan Dread of no fixed religion.
Three descriptive words: Feisty, Determined, Self-Sufficient.
She would be a little younger than the other 'aspirants' and, where they are coached and sponsored by the townsfolk she has unexpectedly put herself forwards at the last minute. She is being sent away and wants to complete the traditional quest first to honour her family.
10 Minute Character Outline:
Five concept capturing points
1) Grew ‘up’ in Kassen with her family, typical life. Father was a woodsman, mother did odd jobs around the town. A few years ago the whole family died in a coaching accident, returning from visiting an unwell aunt in Tamran. There was a storm that night but no-one really knows what happened, the burnt remains of the coach (and what was left of the family) were found at the bottom of steep escarpment beside the track.
2) Somonti, now an Elan, unexpectedly returned to Kassen a few months later, in the company of a stranger. Details were scarce but she was apparently ‘found’ in the forest. She now lives with the Silvers in the tavern. She has regular lessons with Holgast who is trying to unlock her memories and help her control her new powers but he is somewhat out of his depth. The town do not know she is an Elan, though some may have heard tales and suspect.
3) Once popular with the other children in the village, something has changed since she returned, the other youths now just tend to stay clear. Nothing cruel, but she unnerves them. Somonti is fiercely competitive and even combative, whether this is a trait of her new nature or a result of her social isolation is unclear.
4) Though undeniably the same person, Somonti’s appearance changed when she returned. She is a more concentrated version of herself, eyes more intense and different colours, hair more starkly black etc.
5) She is being sent to ‘the city’ to ‘further her studies’ the truth is that Holgast cannot help her and is concerned about a new development, when she is angry she seems to morph into something… other, something awful. Though she is younger than the other aspirants she is determined to see her family right and complete the quest before she is sent away.
Two character goals
1) (Known to Character) To complete the Everflame quest and honour her family’s history in Kassen. She feels that what she sees as a lack of compassion shown to her is a slur on the good work her parents did in the town.
2) (Unknown to Character) To find somewhere to belong, to understand who the Elans are and to find others.
Two secrets
1) (Known to Character) Her control on her power is a lot stronger than she has shown Holgast. He thinks she is losing her temper but she is really just playing with him.
2) (Unknown to Character) She was not the only member of her family that was ‘returned’ from death, though she was the only one to return to the village.
Dramatis Personae
1) Asina Silvers. Asina is the only friend that Somonti has in the village. When Somonti returned, Asina showed patience and the two would spend hours talking after the bar was closed. Asina seems to see through and past Somonti’s more anti-social traits.
2) Lady Iron. This is the name that Somonti has given the stranger that returned her to the village. She remembers very little about her, and what she does remember is all muddled with her later dreams and fancies. The woman had flame hair, a strong grip and an impenetrable mind.
3) (Younger sibling of another PC). -name- was cruel to Somonti when she first reurned. Somonti has held a grudge. Whether this cruelty was intended or long lasting we can sort together.
Three key memories
1) The grip of Lady Iron’s hand on hers as they walked into the village. Firm but not cold, a deeply caring and protective feeling.
2) The feeling in her chest when she was confronted by -name- neither hot rage nor cold pain. Something other, darkness. She recognised that what -name- was was scared, terrified. And Somonti drank in that fear.
3) Hearing Holgast in discussion with Trelvar Silversa about sending Somonti away. The feeling of the rough wooden door on her cheek as she listened. The way the sound of the fire in the hearth seemed to grow and assault her, was that screaming mixed in. The overpowering smell of burning.
Hopefully these points cover the specifics you were after GM, if you would like more (or less) detail, let me know.
I'll be writing some backstory bits and pieces to flesh out the concept over the next few days, as well as details on her appearance.
Quest Spoilers:
I am aware that some of the early quest involves the undead, Somonti is not. I look forward to finding out how she responds to foes that are immune to her powers if selected.
I'd like to submit Kazzar, a Lawful Good Half-orc Inquisitor of Erastil, with the Sacred Huntsmaster/Green Faith Marshall archetypes.
Kazzar was left as a child at a temple of Erastil, where he was found by the local priest, who took him in and raised him.
Unsurprisingly, Kazzar became a devout follower of Erastil himself, and is fiercely loyal to his foster parent and the community he chose to serve, although his people skills are somewhat lacking - He is a kind person, but is always afraid that his appearance will be intimidating to those who don't know him, and usually tends to avoid social interactions, prefering to be with Greywind, his wolf companion and Razorwing, his hawk familiar.
Personality: Kind, loyal, devoted to his deity's teachings
Flaw: Too self-conscious about his appearance, making him shy away from people he is not close to.
Quirks: Enjoys drawing, usually carrying a sketchbook; Loves animals and can sometimes be found talking with them.
Notable Physical Features: His tusks are unusually huge for a half-orc, and he has some intricately designed tatoos on his upper arms - one depicting a running wolf, and the other a hawk in flight. He also has one of the holy symbol of Erastil on the back of his left hand.
Kazzar Stat Block:
Half-Orc Inquisitor 1 (Sacred Huntsmaster/Green Faith Marshall) Lawful Good Medium Init:+1 Senses: Darkvision; Perception +6
AC: 16 Touch: 11 Flat-Footed: 15
HP: 11
Fort: 5 Ref: 2 Will: 5
Speed: 20ft
Melee: Greataxe +4 (1d12+6 /x3) + Bite -1 (1d4+4), Bite +4 (1d4+6), Club +4 (1d6+4 ),
Ranged: Sling +1 (1d4+4)
Inquisitor spells known (CL 1; concentration +3) 1st (2/day)- Bless (DC 13), Cure Light Wounds (DC 13),
0th (at will)- Create Water (DC 12), Daze (DC 12), Guidance (DC 12), Stabilize (DC 12),
Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 7
Base Atk: 0 CMB +4 CMD 15
Skills: Artistry (drawing) +5; Craft (tattoo) +5; Handle Animal +3; Intimidate +4; Knowledge (nature) +7; Knowledge (religion) +5; Perception +6; Stealth +5; Survival +6;
Traits: Beast Bond (Handle Animal); Tusked
Equipment: Bullets x10; Club; Greataxa; Scale Mail; Sling; Potion of Cure light wounds;
Feats: Dirty Fighting;
Specials: Animal Companion; Hawkeye; Power of Nature; Wild Lore; Domains: Eagle; Familiar: Hawk: +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in bright light
Alternate Racil Traits: Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Greywind (Animal Companion) Stat Block:
HD: 2
Medium animal (Wolf) Init 2; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
hp 17
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee Bite +2 (1d6+1 + Trip);
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6,
Base Atk +1; CMB 2; CMD 14
Thinking of an orc investigator. Rough background idea: Found as a baby by local investigator/alchemist, and raised as their own. Has a temper, but does mental exercises to help control it.
I'd like to apply with Seffie Layle for your consideration. She a neutral good human oracle of bones, who worships Pharasma.
Seffie died once. She was 8 at the time, the child of a pair of beloved and respected citizens of Kassen. In a bizarre tragedy, a plague swept through her home and no one else's. Over the next few days Seffie, her parents, and all 4 of her older siblings perished. A sad, unpreventable tragedy. But life goes on as normal for everyone else. At least it did, until the next day when Seffie wandered out of the graveyard the perfect picture of health.
While many towns might react with fear and hostility to such blatant witchcraft, her unchanged charm quickly won the town over despite her budding magical powers The local gravekeeper took her in and helped her tame her abilities to channel them for good. Upon learning about Pharasma, Seffie concluded that Pharasma had blessed and spared her. Despite her young age, she actively helps deal with the dead, preaching at funerals and putting spirits to rest. She strongly believes in Pharasmas's teachings, especially about the undead, although she has a lot of sympathy for naturally formed undead, and would much rather gently talk a ghost into accepting it's place in the universe than smiting it for existing. She's eager to finally come of age and be seen as an adult.
Personality: Seffie is generally upbeat, optimistic and social, enjoying meeting people. She's very grounded about death, fate, and the cycle of life, and respectful both of the dead and those mourning. Her confidence about her place in the universe gives her calmness.
Quirks: Seffie carries poetry books wherever she goes and likes reading them aloud to others. Her favourites are love poems. Seffie loves birds and almost always tries to take the time to watch them or feed them. Secretly she hopes to fly too someday.
Flaw: While she is likeable and can be convincing, Seffie is over-trusting and bad at reading other people, brought on from spending more time walking graves than playing with other kids.
Distinctive trait: Her hair and eyes are both a lifeless grey. Staring into her eyes can sometimes give the creepy impression of staring at a corpse.
What Seffie has not realized is that her powers did not come from Pharasma, but from the far darker source of Urgathoa. Despite preaching against the undead and believing in the sanctity of the mortal coil, she has a natural affinity for them. In fact, she is slowly transforming into that which she hates (represented through the Lich curse). Her death disturbed the very cycle she seeks to protect, and she has yet to realize it. To be clear, I'm not trying to use some kind of workaround to get an evil character in. I'm specifically interested in an oracle who would fight against the deity that blessed them and whose abilities are anathema to her own religious beliefs. If you were interested and the campaign goes in a way where it would fit, I would be interested in her finding a way to switch her curse and or mystery as she rejects her powers.
I'm working on and almost done a character sheet, just missing a couple spells and a revelation. I wanted to ask about that (if you were willing to share) whether we would be encountering any undead? If so, the command undead ability of a bones oracle would be thematic, but I wouldn't want to take it if it'll never come up.
@DM Ruin How long are you planning on leaving recruitment open?
I’m going to leave recruitment open until 11:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, 19-Aug. As there’s been some additional interest the past few days, I’d like to see if anyone more come in over the next few day. Plus, it give me a little extra planning time.
This is stormraven offering Moon. Her character sheet is in her profile but to sum up…
Moon Akechi, Human (Tian-Dan), uMonk (will multiclass a bit in uRogue), LN, worshipper of Irori
Brief Background:
Moon is the only daughter - and only apprentice - of Temue Akechi, a shadow warrior who fled the Dragon Empire when he broke oath with his Order (the Yǐngzi Shǒu - 影子手). Since that day, he has had something to prove… and he has trained his daughter relentlessly in his order’s techniques to prove it. He settled in Kessen because he believes the Yingzi Shou are unlikely to find them in this sleepy little town, if they are still pursuing him.
Moon is conflicted. Her father considers the Dragon Empire superior and resents his exile in this foreign land. Moon has inherited her father’s reverence for the Dragon Empire but in many ways, she is a child of this continent. So, she feels she isn’t Tian enough for her father and isn’t Inner Sea enough for her friends and neighbors.
Three Descriptive Words
Thoughtful, pragmatic, determined
Two Quirks
She has an odd sense of humor.
She is attracted to and excited by exotic hats.
One Flaw
She admires subtlety… probably because she is rarely capable of it. She is honest to a fault and generally says exactly what’s on her mind. Bluffing is not in her nature.
One Distinctive Physical Feature
Moon has numerous scars from sparring with real weapons, particularly on her arms, chest, abdomen, and back.
I'm happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have.
Male Human Kineticist 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short spear +0 (1d6)
Ranged cold blast +2 touch (1d6+2 cold)
Kineticist Talents Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
Infusion: extended range
Wild Talents: basic hydrokinesis
Element water
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (heal)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +4, Profession (fisher) +4, Swim +3
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ burn, elemental focus (water), gather power
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of endure elements; Other Gear short spear, studded leather armor, backpack
Jobu was a son of a fisher family working the shoals of Lake Encarthan in Nirmathas. While he was initially set to follow in his father's wake, his talent for healing made itself known, and he split his time - mornings on the lake, evenings with the village herbalist. One morning, a rogue sturgeon knocked his boat over; a near-drowning experience awoke his latent psionic powers, allowing him to manipulate the lake waters around him and save both himself and his boat!
3 descriptive words - placid, fishy, short
2 quirks - he wears a woven reed hat, on which he hangs his fishing hooks (and sometimes, his bait); the spear he carries came from his capsized boat
1 flaw - Jobu can be slow to act; he sometimes takes patience to the extreme. (He also smells like fish.)
1 distinctive physical feature - Jobu has patches of vitiligo on his limbs. (He also smells like fish.)
Working on her but should be done before the deadline
Name: Mary Anne Kerrelia
Class: Tattooed Sorcerer (Naga Blood)
Race: Half Elf
Deity: None (Atheist)
Alignment: CN
Three Words:
Narcissistic, jubilant, and snakey
Fond of the color purple, typically wearing items of apparel with the color; Is always either found reading a book or writing in her journal.
Mary can come off as abrasive to others. At other times a narcissist if she was proven right on something.
Distinctive Physical trait:
Distinctive yellow eyes, almost slitted like pupil. This in addition to the strange tattoo pattern along her body.
Brought over from Absalom, Mary was sent to live in town from a young age to harness her strange latent magical powers with one of the local wizards. Given up by her parents to be studied and helped from what they saw as a potential danger to her other siblings. From that time, Mary had been living in Kassen ever since, slowly adapting over the last ten years to living in the village and harnessing competently her strange magical abilities. Although such time living there has been to the dismay of some.
I don't envy your choices here GM, so many great characters, good luck!
Some updates on Somonti:
Three descriptive words: Feisty. Determined. Self-Sufficient.
Two quirks: Loves birds, especially birdsong. Has a cheeky giggle that belies her occasionally dreadful nature.
One flaw: Competitive in all things.
One distinctive physical feature: As an Elan she is very distinct in her looks; jet black hair accompanied by white, almost silver, skin. Her most distinctive feature however are her two tone eyes, one violet-blue and almost lime-green.
And here is the finished version.
Aeric has a serious Amnesia problem.
Three descriptive words: Big, haunted, conflicted
--Needs cold Iron to cut his nails
--writes a diary to deal with his amnesia
--Learned writing late in his life, but was surprisingly adept at it
--Very easy time picking up new languages
--His primary language switches to Abyssal when he bloodrages, although he can still speak common, although with an Abyssal accent.
--Memory loss,
--self doubt
One distinctive physical feature:
--His long blond hair regrows to its current size in one day if cut.
Descriptors: Deliberate in his words/actions; Curious; Reserved around strangers.
Quirks: Teetotaller; ducks whenever he goes through a doorway (even if there's no need)
Flaw: Gets destructive when he does lose his temper.
Distinctive Feature: Alchemically scarred forearms
Background and Appearance:
Andrezei was orphaned as a baby during skirmishes with orcish tribes. Unwilling to kill an innocent, his father Petru decided to take the baby home and raise it as his own. Andrezei had as normal childhood as could be expected for an orc raised by humans - although he had a bad temper and had trouble learning how to control it. Eventually his mother taught him mental exercises to help him stay calm and focused - even now he uses them to keep his mind focused and to aid him in what he's trying to do. As he grew up (and up, by 10 he was already towering over his parents) - he started to learn his father's trade in potion making. Now 18, he is keen to get out in the world.
Appearance: Andrezei in unmistakably an orc - he stands 6ft 10 tall with broad shoulders and prominent tusks. He has long black hair which he keeps tied back and normally wears a wide-brimmed hat to help shield his eyes from the sun. He normally wears makeshift pants and a plain white shirt with the sleeves generally rolled up. His forearms are scarred from various alchemical mishaps that's he's experienced while learning what not to do.
Descriptors: Deliberate in his words/actions; Curious; Reserved around strangers.
Quirks: Teetotaller; ducks whenever he goes through a doorway (even if there's no need)
Flaw: Gets destructive when he does lose his temper.
Distinctive Feature: Alchemically scarred forearms
Skills Acrobatics: 1 = +1 DEX
Appraise: 2 = +2 INT
Bluff: -1 = -1 CHA
Climb: 3 = +3 STR
Craft (Alchemy): 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Diplomacy: -1 = -1 CHA
Disable Device: 6 = +1 rank; +1 DEX; Misc: (+1) Trapfinding, (+3) Class Skill
Disguise: -1 = -1 CHA
Escape Artist: 1 = +1 DEX
Fly: 1 = +1 DEX
Heal: 0 = +0 WIS
Intimidate: -1 = -1 CHA
Knowledge (arcana): 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (history): 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (planes): 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Linguistics: 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Perception: 4 = +1 rank; +0 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Ride: 1 = +1 DEX
Sense Motive: 5 = +1 rank; +0 WIS; Trait: (+1) Hardly a Fool; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Spellcraft: 6 = +1 rank; +2 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Stealth: 5 = +1 rank; +1 DEX; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Survival: 0 = +0 WIS
Swim: 3 = +3 STR
Race Features Type (ARG 139): You are a humanoid with the orc subtype.
Ferocity (ARG 139): You remain conscious and continue fighting even if your hit point totals fall below 0. You are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal.
Weapon Familiarity (ARG 139): You are always proficient with greataxes* and falchions*, and treat any orcish weapon as a martial weapon.*
Darkvision (ARG 139): You can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.*
Light Sensitivity (ARG 139): You are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Class Features Armor Proficiency: You are proficient in Light Armor. *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons. Additionally you are proficient with the following weapons: Crossbow, hand; Falchion; Greataxe; Rapier; Sap; Shortbow; Sword, short; Sword cane
Alchemy (Su) (ACG 30): When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, you gain a +1 competence bonus. You can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. You can cast spells like an alchemist.
Inspiration (Ex) (ACG 31) (5 /day): You begin each day with 5 inspiration points in your pool. You can expend one use of inspiration to add 1d6 to the result of an ability or skill check (including taking 10 or 20). This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. You can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided you are trained in the skill. You can also use inspiration on saving throws (as an immediate instead of free action) and attack rolls, but doing so expends two uses of inspiration from your pool.
Trapfinding (ACG 31): You add +1 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks. You can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.
Traits Anatomist (APG 327): You know where to aim your blows to strike vital organs and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Hardly a Fool (CoP 11): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks* and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against illusion effects.
Feats Extra Inspiration (ACG 147): You gain three extra uses of inspiration per day.*
Leather, Greataxe, Dagger, Shortbow, 10 x Arrows, Alchemy crafting kit, Thieves' tools, Formula Book
Jobu was a son of a fisher family working the shoals of Lake Encarthan in Nirmathas. While he was initially set to follow in his father's wake, his talent for healing made itself known, and he split his time - mornings on the lake, evenings with the village herbalist. One morning, a rogue sturgeon knocked his boat over; a near-drowning experience awoke his latent psionic powers, allowing him to manipulate the lake waters around him and save both himself and his boat!
3 descriptive words - placid, fishy, short
2 quirks - he wears a woven reed hat, on which he hangs his fishing hooks (and sometimes, his bait); the spear he carries came from his capsized boat
1 flaw - Jobu can be slow to act; he sometimes takes patience to the extreme. (He also smells like fish.)
1 distinctive physical feature - Jobu has patches of vitiligo on his limbs. (He also smells like fish.)
Quirks: always wears a smile or sly grin to the point he looks sinister or evil, he has a strange Fascination with people and will people watch.
I personally like the concept of Fatal flaws so thats what went with
Flaws:Tactless: Mizuchi doesnt lie, he feels he has no need too...As such, he tends to state things to people directly. Not always realizing he's making people angry or otherwise emotional
Descriptors : Quiet, Confident, Remorseless
Distinctive features: Mizuchi lets some of his furred features stand out, ears and tail, he doesnt bother to hide his heritage. Also his fur is Stark white.
Mizuchi lives with his family near the town in the forest, where they hide their gifted son, white fur being a sign of something unusual, at least in Kitsune. This hasnt stopped him from turning into a fox and sneaking out to town to people watch. He hasnt experienced much in the way of hardship in his life quite yet, he's closer to the inexperienced prodigy than the hardworker self made man.
he was born with his magic and has a few other normal hobbies, worshipping Pulura and stargazing being one, as he a passion for studying the higher planes.
He is basically just a semi unusual pretty boy in town, nothing has quite driven him to adventure, he simply chooses to out of desire to see the world.