About Moon AkechiMoon Akechi
CG Medium humanoid (elf/human - Tian-Min)
Init +3 (+5 in forests); Senses low-light vision; Perception +12 --------------------
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5 +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs some Endurance checks/saves Immune sleep --------------------
Special Attacks Combat style (two-handed weapon), Favored Enemy (Undead +2 HIT, +2 DAM) Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
BAB +4; CMB +8; CMD 22/18 Feats Cleave (Ranger 2nd), Endurance (Ranger 3rd), Combat Expertise (EitR), Deadly Aim (EitR), Dodge (1st), Power Attack (EitR), Diehard (3rd) Traits armor expert, rich parents Skills
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception Languages Common, Elven, Minkaian, Goblin SQ elf blood, favored terrain (forest +2), hero points, hunter’s bond (Histya), track +2, wild empathy +4 Gear
MW Darkwood Composite Longbow (STR +3)
MW Backpack
Belt Pouch
CI Gear (Break in case of emergency)
I owe 20 GP to pay for 2 Goods. Encumbrance: LIGHT Special Abilities:
~ EitR ~
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack. Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage. Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls. Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. ~ Ranger ~
~ Ranger (Animal Companion) ~
~ Feats/Traits ~
~ Racial ~
~ Other ~
Personality & Appearance:
5'11" ; 160 lbs ; Age: 22
Eyes: Brown ; Hair: Black ; Skin: Pale Moon is graceful, tall, athletic, and lean with whipcord muscles. Personality-wise she is quiet and thoughtful, rarely using ten words when five will do. She is also something of a fish perpetually out of water… she spends only half her time in Kassen so she always feels like a visitor to some extent. To her father (the proud Tian-Min), she is too Avistani and maybe a little too elven. To her peers, she isn’t Avistani enough, and maybe a little too elven. She isn’t unfriendly but she always feels a distance between herself and others because she is so… in between. She finds it far easier to keep to herself and spend as much time in the woods as she can. Inspiration Background:
Moon has lived in Kassen with her father for half of her life. The other half of her life has been spent in a distant elven enclave with her mother. Among her mother’s people, she is the half-blood daughter of an elven aristocrat. She is a child of privilege. In Kassen, she is the daughter of the town curmudgeon, a man so inveterately proud of his Tian-Min heritage and culture that he finds it nearly impossible to compliment any aspect of Avistani culture. Her father’s attitude has made making friends in town more difficult. Her mother’s wealth and the extraordinary equipment gifted to her also sets her apart from her peers… also increasing the difficulty of her ‘fitting in’. Just about her only friend in town is Arnama Lastrid, her mentor and something of a balm when the townsfolk become ‘too much’ for her. Arnama and Moon share an equal love of silence and quiet.
Recently, Moon was selected to join the Quest of the Everflame in no small part because Arnama advocated for her, touted her woodsmen skills, and the tall half-elf is easily one of the most athletic ‘girls’ in town. Kassen Friends:
Arnama Lastrid (Moon's mentor and something of a friend) questionnaire:
1. What time zone are you in?
Mountain Time, I’m in Colorado. 2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? I needed a calculator to figure that out… 46 years, give or take. 3. What’s your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? Oooh, tough question. I like a good battle but it’s the collaborative storytelling that keeps me playing. 4. What do you expect from this game? I’ve started this adventure a couple times and never gotten very far. So, I don’t have expectations about the game per se. As this is one of the first adventures for Pathfinder, I’m curious to see how it was built – warts and all. 5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? Hopefully, we all have a good time, fun banter (both IC & OOC), interesting character interactions, and teamwork. 6. What do you expect out of me? I already know how you DM but to answer the question… I’d like to see a good story, collaborative play, and consistent rulings. I don’t mind hard fights and unfair odds, as long as the deck isn’t stacked by the DM. 7. Redlines? There aren’t too many redlines for me… No sexual violence, and no condoning or accepting of slavery. Other than that – anything goes. Language Conventions:
Goblin = Maltese
Elven = Welsh House of the Moon:
Resources Goods 21 Influence 0 Labor 12 Magic 0 Completed
Family Stuff:
ex-Father: Akechi Temue Mother: Ellianna House: Dallion Location: a’Shaeyel Magic Items Wishlist:
Hunter’s Band (11k) Pearl of Power 1st (1k) Scabbard of Vigor (1.8K) Cloak of Elvenkind (2.5k) Hunter’s Cloak (7.5k) Comfort’s Cloak (15.6k) High Elven Bracers (30.2k) Dire Collar, Greater (14k) Boots of Striding and Springing (5.5k) Elven Chainmail (5.1k) Darkwood Comp Longbow ADD 'Adaptive' (+1k) or STR +4 (+100) Elven curve blade possible additions: