
Somonti's page

171 posts. Alias of Louxman.

Full Name






Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Somonti

Elan () Female Dread (Fear in Flesh) 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Aberrant)
Init +1; Perception +4;
AC 14, TAC 11, FAC 13,
(+3 Armour, +1 Dex)
HP 12/12 (1 HD)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Base Atk 0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Abilities: Str 16(+3), Dex 12(+1), Con 10(0), Int 12(+1), Wis 10(0), Cha 16(+3)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Daily Uses:
Power Points: 5/5 Class(1) + Ability(1) + Feat(2) + FCB(1)

(Rank + Ability + Class + Other)
Acrobatics +5 (1+1+3)
Autohypnosis +4 (1+0+3)
Bluff +9 (1+3+3+2*) Smooth Talker
Intimidate +11 (1+3+3+4*) Smooth Talker, Fearsome Insight, Omen
Perception +4 (1+0+3)
Stealth +5 (1+1+3)
Swim +7 (1+3+3)

Appraise +2 (1+1+0)
Lore(Fang Wood) +5 (1+1+3)

ACP: -1
Languages: Common, Elven,

Extraordinary and Supernatural Abilities and Traits:

Fear Made Flesh (SU):
Somonti can spend 1 hour in meditation, preparing her body for a physical transformation into a frightening creature. Once Somonti has finished her meditation, she can activate the transformation at any time as a standard action. Once activated, the Somonti is under the effects of bite of the wolf and claws of the beast, with a manifester level equal to her class level. This effect lasts 10 minutes per class level. Once the effect ends, Somonti must spend another hour in meditation before she can transform again.

Fearsome Insight):
Somonti gains an insight bonus to Intimidate equal to half her class level (minimum +1).

Reconstruction (SU):
Somonti may spend 1 or more pp as a swift action to gain Fast Healing 2 for a number of rounds equal to the number of pp spent; this can be used even when unconscious. Somonti also gains a +1 bonus to her manifester level when manifesting powers of the Healing subdiscipline.

Smooth Talker:
Somonti gains a +2 racial bonus to Charisma-based skill checks against non-mindless creatures.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.

Whenever another creature within 30 feet attempts a skill check and you attempt a check with the same skill before the start of that creature’s next turn, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your check (this includes attempting an opposed skill check against the creature.


ML 1
Concentration +4



Dagger 1lb
Spear 6lbs
Sling -
Ioun Stone (Dull Grey)
Handful of roundish stones
Studded Leather Armour 20lbs

27lbs Carried Light

History and Appearance:


Three descriptive words: Feisty. Determined. Self-Sufficient.
Two quirks: Loves birds, especially birdsong. Has a cheeky giggle that belies her occasionally dreadful nature.
One flaw: Competitive in all things.
One distinctive physical feature: As an Elan she is very distinct in her looks; jet black hair accompanied by white, almost silver, skin. Her most distinctive feature however are her two tone eyes, one violet-blue and one almost lime-green.


10 Minute Character:

Five concept capturing points
1) Grew ‘up’ in Kassen with her family, typical life. Father was a woodsman, mother did odd jobs around the town. A few years ago the whole family died in a coaching accident, returning from visiting an unwell aunt in Tamran. There was a storm that night but no-one really knows what happened, the burnt remains of the coach (and what was left of the family) were found at the bottom of steep escarpment beside the track.
2) Somonti, now an Elan, unexpectedly returned to Kassen a few months later, in the company of a stranger. Details were scarce but she was apparently ‘found’ in the forest. She now lives with the Silvers in the tavern. She has regular lessons with Holgast who is trying to unlock her memories and help her control her new powers but he is somewhat out of his depth. The town do not know she is an Elan, though some may have heard tales and suspect.
3) Once popular with the other children in the village, something has changed since she returned, the other youths now just tend to stay clear. Nothing cruel, but she unnerves them. Somonti is fiercely competitive and even combative, whether this is a trait of her new nature or a result of her social isolation is unclear.
4) Though undeniably the same person, Somonti’s appearance changed when she returned. She is a more concentrated version of herself, eyes more intense and different colours, hair more starkly black etc.
5) She is being sent to ‘the city’ to ‘further her studies’ the truth is that Holgast cannot help her and is concerned about a new development, when she is angry she seems to morph into something… other, something awful. Though she is younger than the other aspirants she is determined to see her family right and complete the quest before she is sent away.

Two character goals
1) (Known to Character) To complete the Everflame quest and honour her family’s history in Kassen. She feels that what she sees as a lack of compassion shown to her is a slur on the good work her parents did in the town.
2) (Unknown to Character) To find somewhere to belong, to understand who the Elans are and to find others.

Two secrets
1) (Known to Character) Her control on her power is a lot stronger than she has shown Holgast. He thinks she is losing her temper but she is really just playing with him.
2) (Unknown to Character) She was not the only member of her family that was ‘returned’ from death, though she was the only one to return to the village.

Dramatis Personae
1) Asina Silvers. Asina is the only friend that Somonti has in the village. When Somonti returned, Asina showed patience and the two would spend hours talking after the bar was closed. Asina seems to see through and past Somonti’s more anti-social traits.
2) Lady Iron. This is the name that Somonti has given the stranger that returned her to the village. She remembers very little about her, and what she does remember is all muddled with her later dreams and fancies. The woman had flame hair, a strong grip and an impenetrable mind.
3) Seffie. To Somonti, Seffie represents everything that she is not. Fair, well liked, accepted. Despite the fact that the two share a common history. Any of this that is true has been magnified and snowballed in her mind. Somonti has grown to resent Seffie, without ever really interacting with her.

Three key memories
1) The grip of Lady Iron’s hand on hers as they walked into the village. Firm but not cold, a deeply caring and protective feeling.
2) The feeling in her chest when she first transformed, the look on Holgast's face. She recognised that he was scared, terrified. And Somonti drank in that fear.
3) Hearing Holgast in discussion with Trelvar Silversa about sending Somonti away. The feeling of the rough wooden door on her cheek as she listened. The way the sound of the fire in the hearth seemed to grow and assault her, was that screaming mixed in. The overpowering smell of burning.