GM Tarondor's Skandersvik - Traveller (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Player's Guide to Skandersvik

Trading Summary

Speculative Cargo List

Images and Maps for Skandersvik

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UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
-Rynar- wrote:

I took the Bobba Fett referrence to be an example of a ship hovering slightly in place to bring to bear ship board weapons to shoot targets horizontally at ground level. Don’t think that was a swipe at me. Frey was just piggy backing on my question…I think…

Otherwise, Rynar will have to blacken Frey’s eye!!!

My instincts say that Rynar blackened the doctor's eye at least once on Narsil ... the hospital itself was a war-zone more than once

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Hello, hello!

I’m working on a major trial tomorrow. I’ll be back online shortly after that.

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96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.
Freyjason wrote:

My instincts say that Rynar blackened the doctor's eye at least once on Narsil ... the hospital itself was a war-zone more than once

I’m reading that Sword Worlders are typically like 10 yr old boys. Get mad, beat up the offender, get up, shake hands…friends again!

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

For clarification, the ITG is now located at or near the underpass barricade…which is about 500 meters from the main starport gate? How far is that from the wounded pax pickup location (the fence line breach was near that sight).

Also, what happened to the security detail that accompanied the ITG (Grete)? She still with Cor?

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Posting this in all my games that have activity: won't be posting today because my right eye is swollen up so that I can only see a blur out of it, and even though I can still see and type, it's obnoxious and giving me a headache. Will be back when this goes away, hopefully tomorrow, and sincerely apologize for the absence.

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Ouch, heal up fast Zaeta! I hate eye injuries/issues - it's pretty much a phobia with me...

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

Dang Zaeta! Hope it clears quickly. Infection or scratched cornea? Latter is painful!!

Rynar Bodo wrote:

For clarification, the ITG is now located at or near the underpass barricade…which is about 500 meters from the main starport gate? How far is that from the wounded pax pickup location (the fence line breach was near that sight).

Also, what happened to the security detail that accompanied the ITG (Grete)? She still with Cor?

I don't know what ITG or pax means here.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Just allergies I think, but normal allergy medication wasn't working. The swelling is down enough that I can see out of it now, but I still mostly look like I was punched in the face. :)

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Zaeta wrote:
Just allergies I think, but normal allergy medication wasn't working. The swelling is down enough that I can see out of it now, but I still mostly look like I was punched in the face. :)

Hope you feel better soon!

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Traveller Referee Tarondor wrote:
Rynar Bodo wrote:

For clarification, the ITG is now located at or near the underpass barricade…which is about 500 meters from the main starport gate? How far is that from the wounded pax pickup location (the fence line breach was near that sight).

Also, what happened to the security detail that accompanied the ITG (Grete)? She still with Cor?

I don't know what ITG or pax means here.

Pretty sure ITG means Ground Car (Injection Time Gas)

PAX is an abbreviation used in transportation and hospitality for PASSANGERS

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

ITG = Independent Trade Group...your term for the Traveller group

Yes, Freyjason has PAX right...sorry for the lingo

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Moving into a new place, I'll be back online after this weekend, but then taking a short vacation. My posting will be spotty until Monday, 6/12. Going to try and post once or twice during that time, but if I go radio silent you'll know why - so feel free to bot me. Thanks folks!

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

How many armored vehicles do we have designated for this mission at the ship; and how many did we leave abandoned on the other side of the barricade? Worth picking up those vehicles we left behind and using them on this seige beak?

There are four armored cars total onboard Skandersvik.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor will have three cars come with us, the other one stays put.

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

Nice tactics roll, Crastor

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I’m off to a vacation tomorrow. I’ll be back after June 21st. I will not be checking my games.

If I am a player, please bot me. If I am the GM, I’ll see you soon!


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Hey folks! I’m back.

For our 35th anniversary, the wife and I took the kids to the Black Hills and Yellowstone National Park. Saw the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Cave, Devil’s Tower, the Bighorn Mountains, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. We saw bison, bears, bighorn sheep and elk up close (relatively) and even (supposedly, I’m not sure) a mountain lion at some distance. Despite our best efforts, we saw no wolves.

A came home with a bonus gift: COVID. So I’m taking things slowly, but I’m getting back to my games today.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

That sounds like an amazing trip! Except for the COVID part... take care, and glad you're back safe (even if not 100% healthy) and get well quick!

96B9C5 Comm/Sensor Operator Joyeuse (1123) 38yr Old Rynar Bodo.

Awesome. I once lived bed in Rapid City. Hope it was fun, and you’re back on your feet soon.

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Dear GMs and Players:

I apologize for my absence over the last 8-9 days. I have suffered a serious bout of COVID. That plus the stresses of business and family have really beaten me up, physically. I am now up and out of bed, but I continue to live life in the slow lane.

I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m not gone, but I do ask your patience.

If I am your GM, I will return soon. If I am your player, I will understand if you remove me from the game.

Best Regards
Scott / Tarondor

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Take care of yourself and your family first my friend, we'll be here whenever you're ready to take up the reins again. Hope you feel better soon!

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Hi. Life’s been unexpectedly rough for me since returning from vacation. I won’t bore you with the details. I will add that I’m about to have my third child in a few weeks, so I’ll have even less time available soon.

As a result, I’m going to curtail some of my gaming so that I can do a better job with the rest. This is one of the games I am cutting out of my line-up. This is not a judgment on you the players, just on my ability to go forward with so many games.

Thank you for the time you’ve invested in this game. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I will shut this campaign down after a few days.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Thanks for letting us know.

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Congrats on the kid and thanks for letting us know!

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