
Game Master BloodWolven

Quest list

Arcanium Quests - New Beginnings

- Black Spire Boss room

Fight Map!

Elrich manor
level 2 Elricht Manor
level 3 Elricht Manor

Basement/Double Dungeon Elricht Manor

Arcanium Info. Random, Cursed, and Blessed Loot boxes. Green screen info. And so much more!

1,701 to 1,750 of 4,534 << first < prev | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | next > last >>

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

No problem. Zaidel's been wanting an excuse to use that ability for a while.
The caydenite cleric sits down in the grass after completing the Daily Quest. Zaidel keeps chugging Gatorade he turned from water in his tankard, making sure to offer it when other party members are done.
The satyr looks up into the sky and says, "Green Screen." The titular screen pops up in front of Zaidel and he inputs the +3 Boost card.
You have 3 points would you like to use any of them now? the screen reads. "No". The green screen pops out of existence once more.
What exactly does Status Recovery do?
Random Loot Box: 1d100 ⇒ 31

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

She gladly accepts the flavorful and helpful drink from Zaidel. She opens up her green screen as well then saves the points.

With the golden key with a compass in its handle She shows it to Zaidel, "This is what I got from the Loot Box, should we follow it?" She obviously does not recognize the compass and looks a bit bewildered by it.

Survival DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Actually I wanted to ask if you want to go on a relic hunt with me?" The satyr inquired, as he pulled out the relic map. "This map came from the Blessed Loot Box I choose from the Superior Dungeon. From what I'm able to read, it will lead to a caydenite relic. And it doesn't look to far away from here."
Zaidel isn't trying to be too quiet as he discusses the map with Mia. If the others want to rest at the inn, the cleric would not fault them.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He would enjoy the gateraid during his breaks and at the end of the training time. "Thanks Zaidel, that sure is a handy skill! Also thanks for the prestidigitation!"

As Mia shares the key with a compass with Zaidel he watches, only piping up if Zaidel doesn't. He instead pulls out his Random Loot Box and presses the button on top. A tall simple leather bag appears next to him and jingles with the clink of coins. The bag looks nearly 4 feet tall and 2 and a half feet wide. He unties the bow tie and sees a dove. He lets it go just like the last one. Then he pulls out some good quality minx fur gloves, a scroll, and a belt. He then asks, "Which of these items are magical." Then under his breath he whispers to himself, "I need to learn detect magic..."

Detect Magic:
The scroll and belt are magical.


Spellcraft DC 16:
The scroll is the 1st level spell summon horror. It would be worth about 50 gp.

Spellcraft DC 26:
It is Cursed: in fact it casts several spells at the same time: Mage armor, shield, and true strike.

This belt is constructed of flat pieces of slate connected with strong leather straps.

Spellcraft DC 26:
It is an elemental earth belt. The command words written on it are in terran.

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Slot belt; Price 24,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.


This belt grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and the wearer is immune to effects that would push, pull, or forcefully move the wearer. This offers no protection from teleportation effects. Furthermore, once per day on command, the wearer can take the form of a Large earth elemental, as though subject to the elemental body III spell.

Treat the enhancement bonus to Constitution as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Spellcraft DC 36:
The belt only functions if one of the two conditions is fulfilled:
In direct sunlight
Within 10 feet of a random creature type: dwarf or Terran subtype creature.

At the mention of a treasure map, he does pipe up, "Zaidel you want extra hands on the hunt?"

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

Daily Exercise Goals:

Since we start in the morning, I will be doing the break in between.

100 pushups Str DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

100 situps dex or Str DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

100 squats dex or str DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

100 jumping jacks con DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

100 jumping jacks con DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

100 jumping jacks con DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Run 5 K Con DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Apparently, dragons are not very good at jumping jacks, but I think it takes 4 hours to finish this with the breaks plus the time of actually doing the exercise.

Random Loot Box: 1d100 ⇒ 12

Jean is panting from his exercise and says, "I am willing to help find the artifact too. Or do we want to level and then go look for it?"

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

She suggests, "I think we should do the level up ritual which takes either 4 or 8 hours to do. We likely should be drunk and having a good old time in honor of Cayden! I will go see what incense I can find at the store. We can cut the cost by extending the ritual time. 8 hours = 1/2 cost. What do you think, we could take the 8 hours tonight and the sacrifice of ale and the armor should do us good?"

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

Jean nods and says, "I think that sounds great to me. Go for it."

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Matthew_Locke wrote:
"Which of these items are magical." Then under his breath he whispers to himself, "I need to learn detect magic..."

"Let me see, Matt", Zaidel grins as he walks over and casts detect magic on the items. After a few moments, the bardic cleric answers, "The scroll and the belt are magical."

Then satyr then begins to casts identify on the scroll and belt.
Spellcraft (scroll): 1d20 + 9 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 10 = 24
Spellcraft (belt): 1d20 + 9 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 10 = 39

"Okay. The scroll is the 1st level spell summon horror", Zaidel began. "Worth about 50 gp. I'm not familiar with that spell. And the belt.."
"It is an elemental earth belt, but the command words written on it are in terran, so I can't tell you what it is. But this belt grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and the wearer is immune to effects that would push, pull, or forcefully move the wearer, so that's cool. Sadly, this offers no protection from teleportation effects. And once per day on command, the wearer can take the form of a Large earth elemental, as though subject to the elemental body III spell. It's a temporary enhancement bonus to Constitution bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn."

"The belt only functions if one of the two conditions is fulfilled: it has to be in direct sunlight or within 10 feet of a random creature type: dwarf or Terran subtype creature."

"That's all I got."

Matthew Locke wrote:
At the mention of a treasure map, he does pipe up, "Zaidel you want extra hands on the hunt?"
Jean de Montes wrote:
artifact too. Or do we want to level and then go look for it?"[/b]

The satyr looked pleasantly surprised. "Why sure! Let's level up and relax. The go after the relic. I'm not sure it's an artifact."

Jean de Montes wrote:
Jean nods and says, "I think that sounds great to me. Go for it."

"MAG-nificent!" Zaidel hoots. "Praising Cayden's name among friends and leveling up! I can't wait!"

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

In a mocking tone with good humor behind it, he says, "That's all you got?! It sounds like you know the belt pretty good including the curse and its parameters. Excellent now who wants to be a dwarf or a Terran sub type creature? Maybe I can find a creature for sale in New Faces."

Later that night most likely talking with the group about the treasure hunt, he offers, "Shall we rest tonight and start the ritual in the morning? Thanks Mia for offering to find incense, I will go with you and pay for it."

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Matthew_Locke wrote:
Later that night most likely talking with the group about the treasure hunt, he offers, "Shall we rest tonight and start the ritual in the morning? Thanks Mia for offering to find incense, I will go with you and pay for it."

"I'd rather be 'evening-drunk' instead of 'morning-drunk'", Zaidel offers.

He gets in the inn late, likely your whole group is asleep by 10. He goes to Jean's room and tries the handle. If locked he lightly knocks. If no response he goes to talk with Lady Narisce after cleaning up in the general bathroom.

3 more boost points, since it will expire soon he uses Status Recovery, loot box...

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He pulls up his rewards for his daily quest and activates Status Recovery. Glowing magic sparkles around him with blue, white, green, and golden colors. "Ahhh! Now that is refreshing! Okay let's go get some incense and we can get this party started!"

Later he walks around town looking for incense with Mia and anyone else that tags along. With it being about 5 pm most stores should still be open.

As the attendants offer the different types of incense he asks for 10 bundles of the mint, he unties a small bag from his belt and puts the coins in stacks of 5 for easier counting. 50 gp for the 10 bundles he thanks them for the incense and returns to the inn.

Back at the inn he holds the bag of inscense in success offering, "We got mint incense! They also have myrrh and lavender in case we need more. Shall we adjourn to Zaidel's room?"

The general store is open and with two attendants likely a mother and son. The nearly adult boy helps first, "Greetings and welcome to Owl Port's General Store! How can I help you? Inscense? Hold on a moment I will ask my Mother." As he is not sure where incense would be he goes and asks his mother. She pulls some down from high shelves. In a small slender wooden box she offers lavender for 1 gp each stick, Max 20 sticks. Also in a glass container she has sticks of myrrh for 3 gp each, Max of 15 sticks. Last she opens up a chest behind the counter pulling out bundles of mint 7 in a bundle for 5 gp for each bundle, Max of 32.

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

She doesn't have the daily quest but sees the advantages of exercise so she follows along doing her best.

She would want to be apart of the party and ritual helping where she can.

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

Alia joins as well. She does not push herself and likely does half the amount of those with the daily quest.

She seems less stressed and nervous being in town. Though she sticks to Matthew's side like glue until he talks about shopping. She stays with those not shopping at the inn.

When Matthew gets back she obviously resists the urge to get up from her seat.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Before, Mia leaves with Mathew for the general store, Zaidel takes the sorcerous paladin aside. The satyr is not trying to be super quiet, so others may listen in.

"Mia. One moment please? You can have the room to yourself if you wish tonight. Since the ritual will happen tomorrow, I'm gonna try and visit with Lady Lorcise. I haven't had much exposure to fellow fey, and it's a good learning opportunity, assuming she's amiable. If I can't find shelter at The Mayor's manor, I think I'll try sleeping out under the stars. It took me awhile to realize why I felt so at ease here in Owl Port: It's surrounded by temperate forest; the natural habitat of satyrs. So don't be worried if I don't come to bed tonight. Who knows. You may find a handsome lad to share the room with tonight. I will see you in the morning." Zaidel gives Mai a kiss on top of her head as she leaves for the general store.

Before Zaidel leaves the inn, the cleric purchases a local vintage of wine, and makes his way to Lady Larcise's Manor.

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

She was about ready to use her Status Recovery but stops and asks, "I thought we changed to do the ritual tonight?" But she nods with understanding at Zaidel's words.

She giggles after the kiss from Zaidel, she returns the kiss to his cheek.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Mia Thornrose wrote:

She was about ready to use her Status Recovery but stops and asks, "I thought we changed to do the ritual tonight?" But she nods with understanding at Zaidel's words.

She giggles after the kiss from Zaidel, she returns the kiss to his cheek.

"Wait! We can totally do the ritual tonight?! I thought majority wanted it in the morning?! If we are good to go tonight, let's party and level up!"

If we do the ritual tonight, Zaidel does not buy the wine and instead gets ready for the drinking to come.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He quickly interjects to explain his previous thinking, "With status recovery we can easily do the ritual. Without it I don't think we could have lasted 8 hours. Especially since this was the first day of your training. We got the incense so now we just need a place and Zaidel with the unending alcohol!"

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

Mia does use status recovery and stands tall as she exclaims, "To our room everyone!"

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

Jean will pull out the armor and wait for the others to begin the ritual.

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

She is a bit tired but obviously wants to drink with the group, "Just let me know how I can help. Should we order food to be delivered too?"

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

She quietly adds, "I can help too, just let us know what."

With the group collected you head to Zaidel's and Mia's room. There Mia and Matthew begin clearing the center of the room.

Ritual of Leveling for Cayden Cailean:
First draw the holy symbol, a mug with foam, inside of a circle on the outside and inside of the doors to the room.
Place the censure or just incense sticks around the room.
Drink and be merry with your group doing the ritual.
The first one out cold from being drunk will need to be stripped down.
You may play a game of chance which includes drinking if you fail to win each round, aka drinking game.
Each game played will give you a small bonus.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He asks the group, "Anyone have some chalk? Zaidel do you know the ritual for Cayden, I know it for my previous God and a few others. They were all different."

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Oh boy! This is gonna be great!" Zaidel beams. "And it will bring us all closer together as an adventuring party!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32

"Oh boy! Are we gonna have some fun!" The satyr rubs his hands together gleefully. "Let's get some chalk!"

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

Matthew hurrahs in response to Zaidel's first declaration. Then he stops and thinks out loud, "Cayden is all about drinking, adventuring, and freedom... hmmm. So we need chalk, the armor check, anything else? I could just buy it from the blue screen store but is there anything else we need for the ritual?"

Druid’s Kit:

Price 14 gp; Weight 44 lbs.

This includes animal feed (5 days), a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, holly, mistletoe, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Zaidel goes to his backpack and takes out his cellphone and puts it in his pocket. For no reason.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

Matthew leaves the group behind to go buy some chalk, a kit for Alia, and anything else that is needed. Once back he offers the chalk to Zaidel and watches how he makes the symbol if he is needed to replicate it somewhere else. He also hands Alia a backpack that is full, saying, "You needed some equipment." Then he winks at her.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

The satyr draws the holy symbol, a mug with foam, inside of a circle on the outside and inside of the doors to the bedroom room. Then, with Mia's help, light and place the incense all around the room.

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

She smiled at the gift and before looking through it gave Matthew a kiss on his cheek. Then she went and sat on one of the beds to see what is in her new pack.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

At Alia's unexpected kiss he blushes in embarrassment.

After he collects himself, with the symbols drawn and the incense lit, he asks, "Shall we call out Cayden Cailean's name, offer up a strong drink and begin? Zaidel if you would do the honors!"

He holds out his soup cup from his mess kit for the first round.

Drinking rules, etc., and drunkeness!:

First off what are you serving to the group first?

Ale, mead, whiskey, scotch, gin, vodka, tequila, Dwarven ale, wine, eleven wine?

If we go with the ale, most of the other drinks follow the same lines just at a higher DC:
1st hour 1 drink Fort DC 8, 2 drinks Fort DC 10, 3 drinks DC 12
2nd hour 1 drink Fort DC 10, 2 drinks Fort DC 12, 3 drinks DC 14

Thus if you only drink 3 ales in each hour, the DC drops by 2 for the next hour.

Knowing the rules of the ritual this is going to get heavy fast. I expect several of you to be drunk in the first hour.

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

Seeing Matthew get his cup, she pulls out her mess kit and brings the cup forward smiling.

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

She follows suite pulling her soup cup from her mess kit and joins the circle.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Matthew_Locke wrote:
After he collects himself, with the symbols drawn and the incense lit, he asks, "Shall we call out Cayden Cailean's name, offer up a strong drink and begin? Zaidel if you would do the honors!"

Zaidel holds his tankard and fills it with water from casting create water, then turns it to ale using his enhance water ability. The satyr holds his tankard high and speaks.

"Cayden Cailean. Former human sellsword. Who, through a series of impossible events, became an Accidental God. We come together this evening to honor you and ask for your blessing. May this evening serve as the first of many nights we share fellowship in your name, drawing us closer together as a family. The hard work needed to rid this world of Dark Souls lay before us. Keep our spirits light and bubbly, like the ale we will consume, in the face of impossible odds. We raise our glasses and mugs and glasses to you, Cayden Cailean, and thank you. Cheers."
Zaidel then takes his tankard and drink it's contents down.

Zaidel will slowly increase the potency of the alcohol throughout the night.
First hour - Ale.
Second hour - Mead.
Third Hour - Wine
Fourth Hour - Elven Wine
Fifth Hour - Scotch
Sixth Hour - Vodka
Seventh Hour - Tequila
Eight Hour - Dwarven Ale

The time goes by in a fanciful blur. You are welcome to drink at your own pace but Zaidel likely pours three drinks an hour. What do you do?

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Zaidel casts summon instrument and begins to take requests for songs to sing, while occasionally stopping to serve drinks. Whenever the satyr notices Matthew and Alia getting close, Zaidel changes to some love songs, to be the Ultimate Wingman!
Throughout the night, the caydenite cleric also flirts with Angelica and Mia, as their alcohol tolerance is tested..
Perform (sing): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Perform (string): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

First hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (11, 15, 6) = 32 +4

She is tipsie at the end of the first hour. She enjoys the songs and companionship.

Second hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (17, 18, 1) = 36 +4

She is drunk at the end of the second hour.

Third Hour - Wine. Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (9, 12, 14) = 35 +4

She is very drunk.

Fourth Hour - Elven Wine Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (13, 20, 14) = 47 +4

She holds her liquor still.

Fifth Hour - Scotch Fort DC 20, 22, 24: 3d20 ⇒ (17, 1, 9) = 27 +4

She passes out after the second Scotch.

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

First hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (2, 19, 15) = 36 +4

She is tipsie after the first drink. She is enjoying the freedom and access to the drink.

Second hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (8, 12, 5) = 25 +4

She is drunk at the end of the second hour. She starts to take noticeable actions to touch.

Third Hour - Wine. Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (20, 10, 17) = 47 +4

She is very drunk and rests her head on Matthew's shoulder.

Fourth Hour - Elven Wine Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (8, 14, 6) = 28 +4

She passes out at the end of the hour, even with her natural resistance to the Elven wine. She curls up next to Matthew.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

To make it fair he drops his poison immunity and switches it out for diamond skin.

First hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6 +7

He is very drunk by the end of the first hour. He thinks to himself, 'Maybe I should have let the immunity for the first few hours, oh well, time to ride the tide!'

Second hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (16, 7, 10) = 33 +7

He doesn't get more drunk and sways to the music.

Third Hour - Wine. Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (8, 17, 11) = 36 +4

As Zaidel has conked out after the 2nd hour he attempts to pick up Zaidel's and sees if it will make water and make it into wine with just a touch...

He holds his own and keeps up with the drinking. He lets Alia flirt and touch him, he flirts back barely touching her compared to her soon the be overt actions.

Fourth Hour - Elven Wine Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (17, 12, 10) = 39 +4

He passes out at the same time as Alia.

4 failed saves and you pass out. Here are Jon's rolls.

First hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (5, 5, 15) = 25 +4

He is drunk at the end of the first hour.

Second hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (10, 12, 20) = 42 +4

He is still drunk at the end of the second hour.

Third Hour - Wine. Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (10, 10, 17) = 37 +4

He is very drunk.

Fourth Hour - Elven Wine Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (16, 5, 17) = 38 +4

He passes out right before Alia and Matthew.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

First Hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (13, 7, 13) = 33 +4

Zaidel is slightly tipsy, but still the life of the party.

Second Hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (4, 1, 7) = 12 + 4

"You know, guyz", Zaidel said through slurred words. "There's one little thing I forgot to mention. Who ever passes lout drunk must be stripped of clothing. CAYDEN DEMANDS FLESH!! And the sacrifice of your dig-diginty."

With those words, the caydenite cleric passes out drunk.

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

First hour - Ale. Fort DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (14, 16, 20) = 50 +4

She is not even tipsy by the end of the hour.

Second hour - Mead. Fort DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (7, 17, 20) = 44 +4

She dances to the music as she starts to get tipsy.

Third Hour - Wine. Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (16, 13, 3) = 32 +4

She starts to get drunk but offers to go down and get more wine if needed.

Fourth Hour - Elven Wine Fort DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (10, 17, 7) = 34 +4

She gets very drunk but continues drinking.

Fifth Hour - Scotch Fort DC 20, 22, 24: 3d20 ⇒ (7, 6, 5) = 18 +4
She passes out after the first Scotch.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

Jean sticks to mead for the first hour but turns to elven wines in the second and then Ale in the third and dwarven brews in the final hours.

Fort Hour 1 DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (6, 14, 2) = 22 12, 20, 8

Fort Hour 2 DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (3, 14, 12) = 29 9, 20, 18

Fort Hour 3 DC 10, 12, 14: 3d20 ⇒ (11, 18, 3) = 32 17, 24, 9

Fort Hour 4 DC 12, 14, 16: 3d20 ⇒ (5, 8, 17) = 30 11, 14, 23

Fort Hour 5 DC 14, 16, 18: 3d20 ⇒ (19, 2, 10) = 31 [/ooc]25, 8, 16[/ooc]

Jean did not drink much in his previous life and it shows at times early in the drinking.

Two failed saves in a row in the first two hours. Ackers.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

Since Zaidel was the first to pass out he asks Mia, "Do you want to have the honors or should I? To strip him that is."

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

Mia offers, "Yee, I will. Then I will go down to the bar to get something more to drink. What do you want wine, ale, or mead?"

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

Jean wobbles a bit and says, "I think I need some ale..." He then belches loudly but manages not to throw up.

After Mia returns with several bottles of wine and two pints of ale. Then goes back down for another 4 pints. She thinks that should be and the rest of you drink until you passout.

The armor that was put in the center for sacrifice is gone and most of you wake up with hangovers. If you passed out from drinking it is a Fort DC 20 check to not be hung over. But you know the ritual was a success and you can all level up. You might want to find a remedy for your hangovers.

Whisper is still not with your group as he was exercising well past the beginning of the ritual.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

Fort DC 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

He wakes up and needs to pee. He makes a quick pit stop at the chamber pot in the corner. He then grabs a wine bottle and takes a quick drink to get rid of his dry cotton mouth. Looking around seeing everyone still out cold he goes to get Alia's new equipment and drops it off in their room. If she is still asleep he pulls her up into his arms and takes her to her bed. Locking the door he returns and if no one is still awake he wakes up the cleric to make sure the door is locked beyond him. Then he returns to his room to get a few more hours of sleep. He also switches out Diamond Skin for Poison Adrenaline, hoping it will help him detox.

We started the ritual at about 8 pm, so he passes out cold about midnight. So he sleeps until 4, wakes up uncomfortable, takes care of Alia and himself. Then sleeps for another 4 hours. Waking up at 8.

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