Coldwater's Abomination Vaults

Game Master Quentin Coldwater

Loot sheet


[dice=Cherry Berry]1d20+15[/dice]

Cherry Berry 78/78
Fuìn 106/106
Kka 83/83
Kvit 48/48
Lough 92/92

3,951 to 3,992 of 3,992 << first < prev | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | next > last >>

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

Kvit sees an opportunity here, several actually. He'd been meaning to get the teleporters working, and while portals to hell weren't exactly the same thing, some of the principles applied.

For another, it shouldn't be too difficult to sabotage the portal ritual and it might even be possible to get it to open somewhere else, somewhere more problematic for these folks, like the celestial plane or the plane of water.

"Well I can see why they sent us. You two are screwing it big time already." He turns to his companions and says to them and with a wink, speaks loud enough for the creatures to hear. "Can you imagine how bad it'd be if they opened it to the wrong place?! Iyagian would flay us all."

knowledge checks:
arcana portal: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21
crafting magma: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

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Whoops, misspoke, the magma is a Crafting or Religion. I'll roll once more for Kka.

Religion Kka magma: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Kka knows several things.
First off, these creatures are Erinys, also known as fury devils. They're pretty good with their bows and can attack everyone in a 30-foot cone at the same time. Furthermore, like Boney before, they resist regular attacks, and only silver physical damage will truly hurt it.

Kka also knows that the magma is a conduit for the summoning circle. The energy coming from the magma could sustain a permanent portal to a different plane. The magic is already in place for that; the only way to shut it off is by getting rid of the magma.

I'll give you both a bonus because Kvit's hinting at it already.
Kvit and Kka both know that indeed, if you calibrate the altar correctly, you could open a gate to any plane. Maybe you could push the devils into a different plane, or call for divine backup...

Among the ritual items on the altar you see the final pentagram piece.

The erinys frowns at her sister at Kvit's comment. "Yeah, that's what I've been saying. She suggested just trying different planar arrangements and see what worked, but all we got so far was that we found the plane of Bunnies. Well, at least, we think it's the plane of Bunnies. A single bunny hopped out of the portal, fell into the magma, and died. Imagine what would happen if we opened a portal at the bottom of the ocean. We'd drown before we'd be able to fix it! And Iyagian's such a stickler for the rules, we'd have to submit our application to leave in triplicate before he'd let us through."

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka whispers what she's figured out to the rest of the group. "These two are also devils; Erinys to be precise. We're screwed if they staart shooting arrows at us. Oh, and yeah; we need to get rid of all the laava to shut down the portal. I'm guessing that's the only way we're going to take down this operation permaanently."

When the erinys mentions possibly opening a portal to the bottom of the ocean, Kka shudders. "That would certainly put out the lava, and might well fill all the Vaults to boot." She smiles at the thought of Belcorra having to swim for what's left of her life, but shakes off the idea. "Too bad it would also snuff us all out like candles."

The talk of flooding makes her look back up at the ceiling where the water is dripping in. She frowns in concentration. She superimposes her excellent memory of the floor above with this one and realizes that they were more or less directly below the flooded cavern where they had fought the hydras. "So that's where the water is coming from. eh?"

She nudges Kvit and jerks her head slightly towards the ceiling. "Any chance you caan redirect that portal to the caavern above us? Thaat should put out the laava without also killing us in the process."

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

Religion on creatures: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

Religion on Portal: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Religion on Magma: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

"It does seems like you are having trouble. Do you have any thoughts on what the issue could be?"

Cherry is going to try gathering info by being nice.

Vigilant Seal

CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | Backpack: Whispering Reeds
AC 25 or 27 shield (hard 9, break 38) | Fortitude (+14), Reflex (+13), Will (+13 or +14 vs mental; S > CS vs controlled) | Perception (+12) w/ Lowlight | Speed 20
♥️ 92 + 76 shield | ☘️ 19☑, 2□ | ✋ Spellguard Shield | Class DC 22 | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | ✝️ Moderate Healing Potion (□)

Lough turns to Kvit, whispers "Okay bub. You wanna cut out the fighting. Can you summon them away?"

Adding "If not, I'm going to go up, pretend to be friends, and crush 'em with Borbo!"

He stands by to allow the rat to work the portal...

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

Looks like my post never posted.

Kvit makes his way over to the portal preparation ritual items to inspect them more closely and figure out how he was going to manage this without twisting his own whiskers off.

With a closer look:

investigate the stuff:
arcana: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26

He clicks his tongue as if disappointed regardless. He turns to the nearest Erinys. "What else do you have? Anything from the plane? Anything important enough to be a proper focus. Like one of those bows, or something else suitable. Where was it made? Here? Or there?" He indicates the area where the portal would appear.

He waves his hand as if dismissing a question preemptively. "Don't worry, it won't be harmed. It just helps to focus the pathways. Like two halves of a magnet."

deception if needed:
deception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 Will use a hero point if crot failed

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Cherry Berry doesn't know anything the rest already knows.

One of the devils turns to Cherry Berry. "Like we said, we forgot the planar coordinates back home. We've been trying different configurations, but we haven't gotten far. We'll get there eventually, but it might take a while, and we might gate some tentacular horror through in the process. Better leave it to the experts, I say."

The other turns to Kvit. "Oh, great idea! We could approach the planar alignment through sympathetic resonance! This lock piece might work. It's part of the key that opens the door to Urevian's room. He's a big deal down there, so that might work. Or if that fails, maybe he can lend us one of his possessions, they have much stronger resonance than our weapons."

She hands Kvit the amulet piece to let him try and figure out how to work the portal.

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka whispers to Kvit. "Good job getting the laast of the amulet pieces there Kvit, but I don't think we caan just leave these guys here haappily trying to open a portal to hell. Any chaance you can shut this whole thing down permaanently by piping in a lot of water to snuff out the laavaa?"

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Whoops, missed the first part of Kvit's post.

Kvit examines the altar. Seems like by arranging the items in a specific order, and by adding or removing certain items, you can align the portal to different locations or planes. Right now the obvious arrangement is Hell, but by adding items associated with other planes, you could change the destination.

Attuning the altar would be a Religion, Arcana, or Occultism check, and multiple people can help. More successes means a better result.
Also a Deception check afterwards to hide your intent.

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka decides to help Kvit rearrange the items on the altar to realign the portal to someplace with enough water to put out the lava, but not so much water that they'll all drown.

Religion vs DC ??: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Probably not enough. Will use a Hero Point to reroll if it's a failure.

Religion vs DC ??: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

A little better.

Does Kvit roll one Deception check for the whole process, or do we each roll a Deception check separately?

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Kka Magwi wrote:
Does Kvit roll one Deception check for the whole process, or do we each roll a Deception check separately?

I'd like a single Deception check, but others can of course assist. Kvit has been doing the talking so far, but others can take over for him.

Everyone can make a single check, chosen from among Arcana, Occultism, or Religion to operate the altar.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

Kvit considers the options and what's available on the table. He causally takes a swig from his waterskin and sets it on the table inconspicuously. The obvious choice would be the plane of water, even a few moments of the portal being open might be enough to take care of the magma and prevent any useful reinforcements.

He waves his hand annoyed at the Erinys, "Stop crowding me, back up" He gestures vaguely towards the door... And where Lough is likely waiting showing most patience than he had in ages.

Arcana: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

Well that will not suffice

Arcana: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

... Though maybe...

"Well, it looks like we might not have enough resonance foci here."

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CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

As everyone works together to arrange the items on the altar and redirect the portal to a watery source, Kka keeps up a constant chatter of prevarication to try and keep the Erinys from suspecting what they're doing.

"Looks like they almost haad it right, but this shell thingy isn't quite in the right place. If we move it over here and take this blaack button and twist it 42 degrees clockwise, we'll hit Avernus pretty much baang on. Thaat might work out fine, but if instead we slide this chess piece three squares to the left and put it on its side, it'll better stabilize the planar coordinates and shift the portaal to Phlegethon, removing any chaance of accidently hitting the Maelstrom, the sewers of Dis, or watery Stygia..."

She occasionally glances over to the flying devils to see if they are buying what she's trying to sell them.

"... Still, there's a danger that Beliaal won't like us popping open a portal in his baackyard, but I've always found that asking for absolution is easier than pleading for permission, if you know what I mean, <Ark!, ark!>"

Activity: Lie with Ventriloquist's Ring vs Erinys

Deception (Lie): 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 1 = 29

Vigilant Seal

CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | Backpack: Whispering Reeds
AC 25 or 27 shield (hard 9, break 38) | Fortitude (+14), Reflex (+13), Will (+13 or +14 vs mental; S > CS vs controlled) | Perception (+12) w/ Lowlight | Speed 20
♥️ 92 + 76 shield | ☘️ 19☑, 2□ | ✋ Spellguard Shield | Class DC 22 | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | ✝️ Moderate Healing Potion (□)

Lough has no patience.

He gets in there.

Occultism (Expert): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Sticks Borbo in the hole, and wriggles his fingers in tandem with his eyebrows and beard.

"See? You study so much. Sometimes you gotta go with your gut..."

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The Erinys nod along with Kka's technobabble. They're clearly out of their depth and trust you know what you're doing, but act as if what Kka is saying makes total sense.

The portal warbles and waves as its destination shifts to a more precise location.

Waiting on a response from Cherry Berry before I reveal the results. Spoilers: it's looking good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Cherry subtly makes a correction to Kvit's correction.

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Cherry Berry adjusts the final few pieces on the altar and the portal opens up. It's quiet for a few seconds as the gateway is established, then the roar of rushing water emerges from the portal, flooding the room. When the water hits the magma, it immediately evaporates into blisteringly hot steam. You quickly retreat back down the stairs as the Erinyes stay and try to close the portal before you're either boiled alive or drown.

After a minute, the steam dissipates and you think it's safe to go back in. The portal is once again closed, and the magma has formed into a thick rocky crust. In front of the altar, two sopping wet Erinyes lie on the ground, completely covered in blisters. Despite their fire resistance, it seems like they took quite some damage from the superheated air.

"What the heavens did you guys do?" one croaks. "I thought you knew what you were doing. This is exactly what we were trying not to do."

They look in no shape to fight.

Finally figured out why the Bestiary keeps alternating between the words Erinys and Erinyes. "Erinys" is singular, "Erinyes" is plural. Did not know that.

Vigilant Seal

CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | Backpack: Whispering Reeds
AC 25 or 27 shield (hard 9, break 38) | Fortitude (+14), Reflex (+13), Will (+13 or +14 vs mental; S > CS vs controlled) | Perception (+12) w/ Lowlight | Speed 20
♥️ 92 + 76 shield | ☘️ 19☑, 2□ | ✋ Spellguard Shield | Class DC 22 | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | ✝️ Moderate Healing Potion (□)

"Stay on the ground, she-devil" Lough taunts "Our little wizard still has work to do"

He volunteers to watch the Erinyes while the party sorts what to do with the transformed contraption.

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka waits just long enough to see the water start blasting through the portal ("Uh, oh. Run!") before taking off down the stairs. When they return to the now sodden room with its hardened lava covered in the wreckage that was the altar, she puts on a disappointed face and makes a tut-tutting noise with her tongue.

She continues to put up a front for the erinyes. "Awww maaan! See Kvit? I said '42' degrees clockwise, but noooo! You just haad to add a couple more degrees 'just to make sure'. Looks to me like we hit a river in Stygia after all. What baad luck, eh?"

Kka turns to the now sodden and dispirited erinyes. "Sorry about thaat, but this portal realignment stuff can be tricky business at the best of times; you win some and you lose some. On the bright side, ol' Iyaagian took off when he realized the project was a totaal loss and told us to tell you guys that you're off the hook as well."

She turns away from the erineys to face the group and winks surreptitiously, then loudly adds, "I guess we better go break the baad news to Ureviaan and take whaatever punishment is coming our way." She turns back to the Erinyes. "Um... unless you two would prefer to that for us. Up to you."

She grips her swords a little tighter in case the Erinyes decide to call her bluff...

Deception (Lie): 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 14 + 1 = 34

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

When the portal opens, Kvit is already heading towards the door, still feigning ignorance **"Ah! The one river in hell and we hit it dead on!

As the portal opens, Kvit is secretly as pleased as a young apprentice casting his first spell, though he keeps it mostly to himself. His first portal! He had a little help, sure, but he'd never done something like this regardless. This was, a treat.

The sopping wet Erinyes on the floor just add to his better mood.

"Next time get better foci. Garbage in garbage out."

He collects anything interesting left on the table and leaves with the others.

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The two Erinyes nod in agreement. "Yeah, go ahead and tell Urevian there's been a change of plans. We'll come as well as soon as we feel Better. Ugh."

With that , her head fall back to the ground and it's clear she considers the matter over.

There is not much of value to loot in the room, except the final pendant piece and the feeling of a job well done.

Congrats! You have a full pentagram pendant!

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With all the amulet pieces in your possession, you go back to the big stone door. You slot the completed pendant in the slot, and a fiery ring erupts around the big pentagram, then shrinks down towards the pendant. Once it hit the pendant, it snuffs out and the door slowly opens.

A large chamber of natural stone runs north to south with an enormous stone double door as its only exit. Lit braziers cast strange shadows on the walls and bathe the room in a sinister light. Bookshelves and a sturdy desk, accompanied by neatly rolled-up scrolls and stacks of parchment, fill an alcove to the north.

Two barbazu devils immediately jump forward and start threatening you with their glaives, but behind them a handsome devil steps away from his desk and waves them away.

As a ruggedly handsome devil steps forward, the long rolls of parchment hanging from his horns curl up, then unroll again. “Friends, friends! Weapons away. Truly, I am happy to see you.” The devil turns to the two bearded devil bodyguards, their glaives raised. “Stand down, you two. I doubt they are arrogant enough to fight us.

“I am Urevian, phistophilus and contracted agent of Belcorra, but I assure you I am no enemy of yours. You seek to vanquish her? Put an end to her murderous spirit, the threat she poses to mortal life, et cetera, et cetera? Then perhaps we can broker a deal—one that greatly benefits both of us with a minimal number of precious lives lost.

“Simply put, you are the third-party agents I need to get out of this dreadful place and return home. You see, there is something I want but am not allowed to go and get myself, nor can I employ any infernal agents to retrieve it. No, the hands of a mortal foe of Belcorra must deliver me my prize. My devils are valueless in this regard, as are my fleshwarp soldiers.

“I require the soul of Carman Rajani. In his living body, if possible, though I can make do should he... perish. You see, I owe the soul of a Rajani to someone much more powerful than myself. It would be... unwise for me to leave the Material Plane without it. Carman is the last descendant of Vol Rajani.

“Some of you might have qualms about handing over someone to me; you might claim it is 'evil.' But is it? I say it is a lesser evil to turn over the soul of one corrupted individual than to allow an entire town’s destruction. Far less bloodshed on all sides. I do not want to raze Otari, and I don’t want to kill you. However, the contract I have with Belcorra requires that as long as I remain within her employ, I must pursue the domination of the surface world and the destruction of her enemies. Once my contract ends, so does my obligation to her. All I need is the soul of Carman Rajani to fulfill the contract.

"And finally, you might wonder what you get out of this deal. That's simple: Peace for Otari. I will leave, taking all of my devils with me. And when I go, the barrier preventing you from getting to the lower level will disappear. If you would like, I can direct my fleshwarp minions to clear away the blocked staircase, giving you a second way down. I can even broker further agreements between you my devils.

"I'm sure you've killed a fair deal of my soldiers to get to me, and you might tell me that my offer is worthless. But I can assure you, I can conscript more if you reject my offer. The inconvenience is, at best, temporary."

Urevian stands there, arms wide as if inviting you for a hug. He seems completely at ease, absolutely confident in his deal.

Vigilant Seal

CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | Backpack: Whispering Reeds
AC 25 or 27 shield (hard 9, break 38) | Fortitude (+14), Reflex (+13), Will (+13 or +14 vs mental; S > CS vs controlled) | Perception (+12) w/ Lowlight | Speed 20
♥️ 92 + 76 shield | ☘️ 19☑, 2□ | ✋ Spellguard Shield | Class DC 22 | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | ✝️ Moderate Healing Potion (□)

"No way, bub" Lough makes fists and prepares to advance with a hot-head on the trio of devils.

...if only someone in the party would hold him back...

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

Cherry has a very deep frown, but puts one frond on Lough to give the others a chance to say their peace before a fight breaks out.

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka looks over Urevian and his minions. Clearly, if it came to blows (which she fully expected it would), it was going to be a hard fight. She shrugs inwardly, unconcerned. "Wouldn't be the first; and if it's the last, then so be it." She listens to Urevian's long monologue, seeing if there was some way to get what they wanted without having to fight it out with this bunch.

"Caarman Raajani? Thaat loser? Thaat's who we haave to haand over to you to make you go away?" She frowns in confusion. "Who is this someone much more powerful thaan you and why on Golaarion would they want Caarman Raajani's soul of all people? What has he done to piss them off?"

Generally speaking, Kka had no particular qualms about handing someone like Carman Rajani over to Urevian if it made her life easier. But, as depraved and nasty an individual as was the blacksmith, he was unfortunately still a citizen of Otari. Kka was not about to let Urevian take the town blacksmith without a fight. After all, who else would buy their loot? Still, she was interested in why old Carman was in such high demand by these devils.

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A slight crack appears in Urevian's facade of geniality as he remembers to whom he owes a soul.

"Let's just say that I stand to gain a lot of prestige in Hell should this contract be completed, but I would lose even more should I fail. My intended deal was with Vol Rajani's soul, the one of the Roseguard. That soul has passed on long ago, but luckily I found a legal loophole that allows any soul of the Rajani line to fulfill the requirements of my deal. Seeing as Carman is the last living descendant of Vol Rajani's lineage, that is my only option.

"And honestly, who is going to miss Carman Rajani? His soul is already damned for lying, cheating, theft, vandalism, destruction of property, arson, abuse of power, blackmail - even a murder. It is quite clear where he shall go in the afterlife. You would simply cut out the bureacracy by giving him to me directly.

"And do not bother with any of that 'redemption' nonsense. Just recently he burned a library and stole a historical relic in some misguided ploy to win a political office, which he would just use to further abuse his power and increase his wealth. Frankly, if I did not need his soul for this specific purpose, I would hire him."

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka puffs air out of her beak in bemusement. "So, Caarman is on the hook for whaat one of his ancestors did way baack in the day? Before he waas even born? Thaat's a bit of a rough deal." She begins to wonder if anything one of her ancestors did in the past will one day come back and bite her on her feathery behind. "That'd be just like my luck."

She sighs, knowing that violence was imminent. She glances over to Lough and sees that he's all gung-ho to take on the devils. She then looks over to Kvit and Cherry. "Whaat do you guys think? Should we take the deal and draag Caarman's butt down here to feed him to the devils?" She's pretty sure what the answer will be and prepares to launch herself at the enemy.

Vigilant Seal

CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | Backpack: Whispering Reeds
AC 25 or 27 shield (hard 9, break 38) | Fortitude (+14), Reflex (+13), Will (+13 or +14 vs mental; S > CS vs controlled) | Perception (+12) w/ Lowlight | Speed 20
♥️ 92 + 76 shield | ☘️ 19☑, 2□ | ✋ Spellguard Shield | Class DC 22 | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | ✝️ Moderate Healing Potion (□)

"Screw this guy" Lough points to Urevian "Just because some stupid thief happens to have cursed blood, is no reason to sign his soul over" he lowers Cherry's frond "You have gotten soft, all of you. Even considering this deal makes you vile" and whirls back on the devil.

"Alright bub, I'm giving you to the count of three to step out of my way"

Lough intends to smack him on "one", but pretends he has enough patience to count to "three"...

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka rolls her eyes at Lough's uncouth outburst. "Don't worry big maan; I haad no intention of haanding Carmaan over to these soul suckers. I waas just interested in why he waas such a hot commodity for these fiends." Knowing that Lough's grasp of the integers was rather limited in these situations, she prepares to launch herself at the devils on his count of "one".

Aaaand we're off to the races!

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

Handing over one definitely-not-innocent criminal to save a lot of trouble, and maybe even make some useful deal, seemed like a good trade to Kvit. Plus they wouldn't have to fight two barbuza devils and an even more powerful devil.

Though he keeps quiet. He knew even before the devil finished talking none of the others would even consider it. And at least one of them- well actually he seemed to be showing considerable restraint. Perhaps the talk did some good. In any case it probably wouldn't do any good to argue in front of the devil no less.

Kvit sighs

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"Before you do something you might regret," Urevian looks at Lough, not with concern, but more like a parent who knows their infant will do something stupid but has to learn the lesson the hard way, "I'd just like you to know that even if you manage to beat me, I will just reform in Hell. Nothing changes about my deal with Belcorra. I will simply have to rethink my approach. Unless you give me Carman Rajani's soul, Otari is doomed. You will just have delayed the inevitable by about a hundred, maybe two hundred years."

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka shrugs at Urevian's latest efforts to convince them to hand over Carman. "A hundred years or two? Fine by me. I'll be dead by then and it'll be someone else's problem. But whaat if we maanage to send Belcorra to The Boneyaard in the mean time? Will thaat get you off the hook with the old girl?"

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 2

Kvit sees an opening, "Good point Kka, There must be other ways to invalidate the contract. Personally, I'd rather work this out. I'll be dead a lot sooner than Kka, so I'd rather use my remaining years on a permanent solution instead of wasting my life postponing the destruction."

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

Cherry remains quite. As a cleric of the god of community, they have really mixed feelings about this.

Sacrificing one for the community is a benefit to the community, but the one being sacrificed would be of the community...

On the other hand, devils are notorious liars....

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Urevian chuckles. "I like the way you think. But sadly there is no 'until death' clause in my contract. And believe me, I've looked. I want out of this deal as much as you do, but the only loophole I've found is if I've been paid early. My contract stipulates that once I have Rajani's soul in my possession, my contract is considered fulfilled. Problem is, I cannot get him myself or send my underlings to do it for me, nor can any ally of Belcorra. The intent was that only Belcorra could hand me my prize as payment. Which, of course, she will not until I have given her the full measure of service my contract requires. However, a very technical reading means any of her foes can also provide it - and you have thus far concusively demonstrated that you oppose her."

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

"I don't suppose you could let us read the contract could you?" Cherry asks with reluctance. "It's possible another set of eyes could find another loophole that allow us both to achieve our desires."

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka sighs exasperatedly."Look, bub. We're trying to find a way out of sending you and your friends here all the way baack to Hell for a loooong while, so work with us here, okay? We're slowly making our way down through these vaults and I'm guessing we'll eventually run into whaat's left of Belcorra. The plaan is to send her paacking over to The Boneyaard for a long-awaited visit with Phaaraasma. What happens to you and your vaunted contact with the old girl then? You off the hook or do you just keep at it regaardless?"

She then tilts her head questioningly "Because if thaat lets you off the hook, then maybe we caan convince you to slow things down here for a while. You know; buy us some time to find your boss and finish her off? We've already trashed your portal to Hell, so if Belcorra comes checking on progress, you'll haave an excuse for why you're draagging your feet."

Kka then snaps her head straight and glares threateningly at Urevian with her beady red eyes. "Cause the bottom line is thaat we're not haanding Caarman over to you and we're not going to let you threaten Otaari any longer, so either you find a way to saatisfy us here or we send you paacking off back to Hell and figure out the rest later. You hearing whaat I'm saying here... bub?"

No Diplomacy for Kka; it's Intimidation or nothin'. Unfortunately, I expect that Will is Urevian's strongest save, so maybe we can get this fight on the road once and for all.

Action: Coerce with Demon Mask vs Urevian

Intimidation (Coerce): 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 14 + 1 = 33 vs Urevian Will DC

1 person marked this as a favorite.
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You lucky motherfluffer. You barely beat his Will DC.

At Cherry Berry's comment, Urevian's smile broadens. "That's what I like to see. Jolly cooperation at last. I'm sure we can figure this out together." He snaps his fingers and a contract appears in his hands. He holds it out for you to read. It's a long and complicated contract, but the gist of it is this:
- Urevian is to amass his forces all the way to Absalom and conquer it (Otari wasn't founded by this point, so technically Otari is safe, but is on the path to Absalom).
- Urevian's reward will be "The Rajani soul." Upon receiving his reward, his duty is considered fulfilled and he is free to go.
- It does not stipulate that Belcorra has to hand him the soul, but none of his minions, or anyone allied with Belcorra is supposed to hand him the reward.

You could try a Legal Lore, Devil Lore, Religion or Society lore to maybe find a loophole, or come up with something yourself.

Then Kka opens her beak and intimidates a freaking devil into cooperating. You see his demeanour genuinely drop from feigned hospitality to slight unease.

"I've considered the death angle, yes. But alas, if you were to permanently lay Belcorra's soul to rest, I simply have no one to relieve me of my duty. I'll be forced to attempt to conquer this island until the end of times.

"This was supposed to take a few decades at most, but due to some setbacks I've been at it for more than five hundred years. And believe me, I wish I could get out of this contract as much as you do, maybe even more. I've already looked for any loopholes I can find, but so far I've come up empty. I barely even want the soul anymore, but pride compels me to try. Sunk cost and all that."

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka sighs. "Looks like there's no way out of this situation then. How unfortunate... mainly for you. By the time you return to try again, and fail again, at conquering Absaalom, we'll all be as dead as the Roseguaard are now..." A thought then occurs to her. "...and so will Caarmaan, the laast of the Raajaani line. Tell me; whaat happens to you and your contraact if there are no Raajaani souls left for you to be paid off in?"

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Urevian puts a finger to the side of his head and thinks aloud. "That's an interesting idea. I have a method of fishing someone out of the River of Souls, although it's not my preferred option. But if I were absent in the meanwhile and the soul passes on..."

He grabs the contract and reads through it once more.

"There is no non-payment clause in here, which is a silly omission, but also highly unlikely to happen. But if the Rajani line were to die out, or his soul become unreachable, payment becomes impossible and the contract would be void. Problem is, I'd have to be in Hell for that to happen, which means I'd have to die. And this section over here," he taps the contract, "states that I do have to defend myself if the mission or my life is threatened. It doesn't state that I have to use all my powers to do so, but as long as there's a chance of me getting that soul, I'm not giving up easy, I'm afraid."

I was about to shut that idea down and say if payment is impossible, he's on the job forever. But I realised "yes and"-ing leads to a much more interesting situation. Doesn't mean I'm gonna make it easy for you, though. :P

Also, I have a possible solution (several even, some more feasible than others) if you can't come up with one yourselves, but I'd rather see what you come up with. :)

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 1/3 2: 3/3 3: 2/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 1/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

Cherry, meanwhile, is examining the contract, calling Kvit and Lough over to look.

Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Hero pointing that
Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Wounding Silver Shortsword, +1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword | Status:

Kka runs out of sighs, and so shrugs instead. "Welp, I guess thaat's it then. I'm out of ideas. Not sure how we would go about getting you a Raajaani soul without us haaving to haand Caarmaan over to you against his will?" She pauses in thought a second, then turns to the others. "You guys think we could convince Caarmaan to go willingly to Hell with this guy a little ahead of schedule? Maybe appeal to his sense of community? You know... for the good of Otaari and all thaat?" She laughs at the thought and makes a funny raspberry sound with her beak. "<Ark, ark!> Tttthpbt! I don't see the Caarmaan I know going for thaat idea... Stiiiiill, it might be worth a try."

She then thinks of Carman and all the troubles he's caused Otari and is likely to cause it in the future. She wonders if maybe handing him over would kill two birds with one stone as far as benefitting Otari goes. Could she live with herself afterwards? Could she face the almost certainly disappointed Wrin and the icy glares of the other disapproving townsfolk after effectively sending one of their own to Hell forever? Ugh! Her head hurt from all this moral quandrying. An uncomplicated battle ending in a clean death was sounding better and better to her by the minute.

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