GM Sphen Rise of the Runelords: (Clever Subtitle)

Game Master Sphen86


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Female NG Human Skald (Urban Skald) 7 | HP:59/59 | AC: 19 (13 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 8, CMD: 21 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +6;| Init: +2 | Perc: +3, Sense Motive: +14 (via Versatile Performance), Performance: +14 | Speed 30ft |

"I'm with you, Tarphrex," she whispers.

Estella skulks along with Tarphrex, making sure to stay out of sight as good as she can.

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20


@Ceven: Shalelu looks at the cat, which is looking at her, then to Ceven. "No." She does not elaborate.

@Tarprhrex and Estella: You move silently around the clearing to get nearer the barn. There is very little space between the barn and the tree trunks, and you are quickly able to close the distance. The only door you've seen is on the side facing the house. A large barn door (obviously) below a hayloft door, both closed.

Human CG KIN7 | 94/94hp | AC20 (T13 F17) | CMB +3 | CMD 16 | FRW 10/8/3 | I+3 Perc +10 | Conditions: FORCE WARD
Estella Vale wrote:

"I'm with you, Tarphrex," she whispers.

Estella skulks along with Tarphrex, making sure to stay out of sight as good as she can.


"Me too, well, above you ..." -- just like before, Ceven fades from sight, and then follows about 15' above the other adventurers

Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

Tarphrex whispers to Estella, "Tarphrex and Estella listen now."

He looks for any gaps in the wall and moves up to one and listens, preferably without casting a shadow on the gap (which would be obvious to anyone inside).

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22


@Tarphrex: With a 22, you don't hear anything...
Probablity: 1d100 ⇒ 36
...the hole is just big enough to see some of the interior. The barn appears empty. Lots of dust and dirt, but no animals (or bones of), no farm implements, just lots of cobwebs.

Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

Waits to see if Estella hears anything before whispering, ”Tarphrex peek through hole, empty barn.”

Female NG Human Skald (Urban Skald) 7 | HP:59/59 | AC: 19 (13 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 8, CMD: 21 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +6;| Init: +2 | Perc: +3, Sense Motive: +14 (via Versatile Performance), Performance: +14 | Speed 30ft |

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 No more than you, sadly.

"If everyone's in position, we could start carefully moving in... I don't trust this, though. Stay on guard."

Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

Tarphrex whispers, "Tarphrex nervous about not see or hear people."

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NG F Half-Elf Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1 / Empiricist Investigator 5 / Evangelist of Zohls 1 | HP 54/54 | AC 21 (15 tch, 17 ff) | CMB +3, CMD +18 | F +6, R +13, W +8 | Init +6 | Perc +17, SM +15 | Immune: magic sleep effects | Resistances: +2 racial vs. enchantment, +6 vs. illusions (+2 insight +4 sacred), +2 resistance vs. poison | Panache 5/5 | Inspiration 4/7 | Effects: heroism, heightened awareness, reduce person, haste, Dex mutagen, Studied Combat

I'm going to assume that my buffs, other than haste, are still active. GM, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Elisani follows Tarphrex and Estella, watching their backs as the three attempt a stealthy approach.

Stealth + heroism + reduce person size Small: 1d20 + 17 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 2 + 4 = 35

Once Estella is done looking, the detective gives it a try.

Perception + heroism + heightened awareness + Inspiration + FCB: 1d20 + 17 + 2 + 2 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 17 + 2 + 2 + (4) + 1 = 45


Peeking throug the hole, you don't see anything of note, but you can barely see anthing. However, you hear a faint groan of pain, barely above a whisper. There is something alive in there, and it is hurt.

(I know that was a high roll, but what a Perception.)

NG F Half-Elf Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1 / Empiricist Investigator 5 / Evangelist of Zohls 1 | HP 54/54 | AC 21 (15 tch, 17 ff) | CMB +3, CMD +18 | F +6, R +13, W +8 | Init +6 | Perc +17, SM +15 | Immune: magic sleep effects | Resistances: +2 racial vs. enchantment, +6 vs. illusions (+2 insight +4 sacred), +2 resistance vs. poison | Panache 5/5 | Inspiration 4/7 | Effects: heroism, heightened awareness, reduce person, haste, Dex mutagen, Studied Combat

Elisani's eyes widen. The sound is faint, barely audible even to her alchemically enhanced hearing, but it's there. "There's someone in there, and they're hurt. A person or an animal, I'm not sure."

Human CG KIN7 | 94/94hp | AC20 (T13 F17) | CMB +3 | CMD 16 | FRW 10/8/3 | I+3 Perc +10 | Conditions: FORCE WARD
Elisani Dascalu wrote:
Elisani's eyes widen. The sound is faint, barely audible even to her alchemically enhanced hearing, but it's there. "There's someone in there, and they're hurt. A person or an animal, I'm not sure."

"Then let's make haste so that we can help."

There's a dorway, right? A barn door? How does it open?

Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

It's on the side facing the house. That's why we hadn't headed in yet.

Human CG KIN7 | 94/94hp | AC20 (T13 F17) | CMB +3 | CMD 16 | FRW 10/8/3 | I+3 Perc +10 | Conditions: FORCE WARD
Tarphrex the Magnificent wrote:
It's on the side facing the house. That's why we hadn't headed in yet.

Got it. LMK when we're ready.


There are two entrances.
The regular barn doors; two large doors that swing out, appropriate for moving large things in and out (cattle, bales of hay, etc).
The hay loft. Smaller (read: one creature at a time), also swings out, and is 15 feet in the air.
Both face the house.

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Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

Tarphrex' scaly brow furrows for a moment. He looks upward, seeking their flying ally. He motions downward, not wanting to speak loudly. If Ceven descends, the tiny sorcerer whispers to him.

"Can flying friend go to watch house, see if people watch barn? Then other friends try to sneak into barn?"

Thinking that we are unlikely to sneak into the barn door successfully if anyone is watching, but if we can have a spotter watching their spotter, we will at least have warning that we've been spotted.

Alternatively, perhaps our spotter can ambush anyone trying to leave the house in pursuit of the rest of the team. In either case, Ceven seems the most likely spotter with his abilities, but don't let me volunteer you for something you don't feel comfortable with.

Human CG KIN7 | 94/94hp | AC20 (T13 F17) | CMB +3 | CMD 16 | FRW 10/8/3 | I+3 Perc +10 | Conditions: FORCE WARD
Tarphrex the Magnificent wrote:

Tarphrex' scaly brow furrows for a moment. He looks upward, seeking their flying ally. He motions downward, not wanting to speak loudly. If Ceven descends, the tiny sorcerer whispers to him.

"Can flying friend go to watch house, see if people watch barn? Then other friends try to sneak into barn?"

Thinking that we are unlikely to sneak into the barn door successfully if anyone is watching, but if we can have a spotter watching their spotter, we will at least have warning that we've been spotted.

Alternatively, perhaps our spotter can ambush anyone trying to leave the house in pursuit of the rest of the team. In either case, Ceven seems the most likely spotter with his abilities, but don't let me volunteer you for something you don't feel comfortable with.

This is EXACTLY what Cev is suggesting: he can either put himself between the rescue and the unknown, or he can lift people up to the hay loft door, the first of which is probably wisest. Only saying that because while entering from above in a normal situation is often advantageous, this is not that. We are already aware of a lot of webs in the barn, so it is quite likely that anything spidery could get to the loft with zero problem.

Female NG Human Skald (Urban Skald) 7 | HP:59/59 | AC: 19 (13 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 8, CMD: 21 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +6;| Init: +2 | Perc: +3, Sense Motive: +14 (via Versatile Performance), Performance: +14 | Speed 30ft |

This sounds like an excellent plan to me. I vote we do it!

Male N Human Oracle 7 | HP:78/78 | AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl)| CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: +1 Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Touch of madness 8/8 |Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 5/5 | Active conditions:

I'll just follow you guys... Sherman is not sneaky or perceptive, nor the one who should go first through the door :)

Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

Let's do it. Give Ceven a few minutes for invisible aerial recon to find the position he wants to observe from, then Tarphrex, Estella, Elisani, and Sherman slink around the left side of the barn to the front to see what they see and slip inside. Moving carefully and avoiding traps might be more important at this point, which Elisani's crazy perception and Tarphrex's knack for traps would probably dictate that they lead.

Human CG KIN7 | 94/94hp | AC20 (T13 F17) | CMB +3 | CMD 16 | FRW 10/8/3 | I+3 Perc +10 | Conditions: FORCE WARD
Tarphrex the Magnificent wrote:
Let's do it. Give Ceven a few minutes for invisible aerial recon to find the position he wants to observe from, then Tarphrex, Estella, Elisani, and Sherman slink around the left side of the barn to the front to see what they see and slip inside. Moving carefully and avoiding traps might be more important at this point, which Elisani's crazy perception and Tarphrex's knack for traps would probably dictate that they lead.

As the go ahead is given, Cev resets his effects and they can feel the air shift as he takes off. They have agreed that the moment there are sounds of hostility, he will appear, hopefully as a distraction; while there is silence, he will remain unseen. He also indicates to his comrades that if they appear with an injured person or animal, they should pause as they exit so that he can join them and bear the burden for carrying purposes.

Male Azata blooded Aasimar |Crossblooded Phoenix Solar Sorcerer 1 / Oracle 6| 44/44| AC: 21/ T: 14 / FF: 17 / Resist: A. C. Ele. : 5, Fire: 10, immune: Dazzled |Fort: +4, Ref: +7 Will: +7 | CMD: 17| Init: +4 Perception: +15, Dark vision, Low light | spells: lvl1 7 /7 lvl2 6/6 lvl3 4/4

Ain ain't a sneaky sneak either, he's following and observing. He's the point and cause mass destruction sort

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