
Lough's page

717 posts. Organized Play character for rainzax.


AC 26 base, but 29 w/ initiative | ♥️ 96 + 68 shield | Saves (14**/12*/17***) | Perception (15**) w/ Lowlight | Class DC 23, Spell DC 21


☘️ 20☑, 2□ | ✋✋ Spellguard Shield + Chakram | ☀️ □ |⚕ none | Explore: Defend w/ Mirrored Aegis (+1 status AC self/allies w/in aura)


Lough, King of Mitflits, Cunning Bastard Child of Lamashtu, of Verse Unbroken | CG Changeling (Human) Fogfen Tale-Teller Exemplar / Witch / Sterling Dynamo 8 | ◆◇↺


Brother to Anri, Master to Shalinnis



Homepage URL


Strength 19
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Lough

"What's it to ya, bub?"

Perception (**) +14 or +15 w/ Gaze; low-light vision
Languages ➤ Common, Goblin, Jotun, plus one

AC 26, +1 Aegis (s), +2 vs ranged Gaze (s), +2 Shield (c)
Fortitude (**`) +14, Reflex (*`) +12, Will (***`) +17 w/ Unassailable Soul
Eye-Catching Spot (~) Enemy melee strikes -1 circumstance vs Lough
Mirrored Aegis (~) Lough and allies w/in 15-ft +1 status to AC
Gaze Sharp as Steel (~) Lough +2 status AC vs ranged attacks
Spellguard Shield (~) Apply shield bonus to targeted spells, which may be blocked
Shield Block (↺) w/ Hardness [9], HP [68], BT [34]
Reactive Strike (↺)

Exemplar Class DC 24, Occult Spellcasting DC 22
Simple and Martial Weapons (*) w/ Humble Strikes, Medium Armor (*)
Critical Specialization (~) Will @ Stupified 1 w/ any weapon
Speed 25

[dice=Slag Claw (cold iron slashing) vs Foe]1d20+17; 2d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Slag Claw (cold iron slashing) w/ Flowing Spirit Strike (-0/-2 MAP) w/ Spirit / Gleaming (+6 sonic or spirit) vs Foe]1d20+17-0; 1d20+17-2; 2d6+4+6; 2d6+4+6[/dice]
[dice=Automatic Power Driver (blunt silver) vs Foe]1d20+17; 2d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Entangling Barbs (piercing silver) vs Foe]1d20+17; 2d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Chakram of Returning (slashing, 20-ft) vs Foe]1d20+4; 2d8+4[/dice]
[dice=Telekinetic Projectile (B/P/S, 30-ft) vs Foe]1d20+12; 5d6[/dice]
[dice=Spirit Striking plus Gleaming Blade (bonus sonic or spirit damage)]2+4[/dice]
[dice=A Moment Unending (bonus precision damage)]1d6[/dice]
[dice=Stasian Smash (1d12/1d4/1d4 electricity) vs Foes (1/2/3)]1d12; 1d4; 1d4[/dice]

Eye-Catching Spot (left eye; copper)
Gaze Sharp as Steel (right eye; silver)
Gleaming Blade (slag claw)
Mirrored Aegis (golden shield)

Rules Text for Abilities:

Cunning (◇)
Why race a hare across a meadow, or a salmon up a waterfall? Why face a titan in a test of strength? Wouldn’t it be better to best your foes with a bit of creativity? After all, the stories that echo throughout history are always those where wits and trickery, rather than raw talent or power, win the day. You are trained in Deception. After you Spark Transcendence, you can Create a Diversion or Feint as a free action.

Energized Spark: Sonic
The energy of your spirit manifests as crackling lightning, the chill of winter, or the power of an element. Choose one of the following traits: air (slashing), cold, earth (bludgeoning), electricity, fire, metal (slashing), poison, sonic, vitality, void, water (bludgeoning), or wood (piercing). You can choose for any spirit damage dealt by your exemplar abilities to instead gain the trait and deal the corresponding damage type.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, choosing a different damage type each time.

Eye-Catching Spot
Usage: imbued on the face
A fetching beauty spot under an eye or a smile as warm as the sun distracts foes and captures hearts alike.
Immanence (mental, visual): Your beauty becomes supernaturally enhanced, distracting foes and imposing a –1 circumstance penalty to melee attack rolls against you.
Transcendence (◆◆) Captivating Charm (emotion, mental, visual): You focus your attention on a creature within 30 feet, overwhelming their senses. They must succeed at a Will save against your class DC or be fascinated by you until the start of your next turn. The condition ends if you use a hostile action against the target, but not if you use a hostile action against their allies.

Gaze Sharp as Steel
Usage: imbued in the eyes
Your eyes glint with an almost-tangible sharpness, letting you spot the tiniest dove on the horizon or the swiftest arrow in flight.

Immanence: Your vision sharpens and allows you to sense an enemy’s attack almost as soon as it begins, granting you a +1 status bonus to Perception checks and a +2 status bonus to your AC against ranged attacks.
Transcendence (◆) A Moment Unending (concentrate, prediction): You take in every moment around you, affording you unparallelled accuracy. Your next successful Strike against an enemy before the end of your next turn deals an additional 1d6 precision damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 10th level, and 3d6 at 18th level.[/i]

Gleaming Blade
Usage: a weapon in the sword or knife group, or a melee unarmed attack that deals slashing damage
Immanence: Your weapon ikon deals 2 additional spirit damage per weapon damage die to creatures it Strikes.
Transcendence (◆◆) Flowing Spirit Strike (spirit): Make two Strikes with your weapon ikon, each using your current multiple attack penalty. Both Strikes must have the same target. If the Strikes are made with a weapon that doesn’t have the agile trait, the second Strike takes a –2 penalty. If both attacks hit, you combine their damage, which is all dealt as spirit damage. You add any precision damage only once. Combine the damage from both Strikes and apply resistances and weaknesses only once. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty.

Mirrored Aegis
Usage: any shield
Immanence (aura): The mirrored aegis emits an aura in a 15-foot emanation that protects you and all allies in the aura from harm, granting a +1 status bonus to AC. If the mirrored aegis houses your divine spark for 10 uninterrupted minutes, it is restored to full Hit Points.
Trancendence (◆) Raise the Walls (force): You Raise the mirrored aegis, which summons ethereal shields that surround you and one ally of your choice within 15 feet in a tortoise formation. You and the ally gain a +1 status bonus to AC, Reflex saves, and any save against a force, spirit, vitality, or void effect for 1 minute.

Of Verse Unbroken (◇)
Though you are a warrior, you respect the power of song, oratory, and other arts, knowing it is these forces that make fights worth fighting. You gain the Energized Spark feat for your choice of sonic or vitality. When you critically succeed on a Strike, haunting melodies play around the target, making them stupified 1 unless they succeed on a Will save against your class DC.
When you Spark Transcendence, your divine spark releases a sublime song that harmonizes with your allies. Until the start of your next turn, any of your allies that starts their turn within 30 feet of you can hum to Sustain one of their effects that can be sustained. This is a free action triggered by the ally's turn beginning. Your song then ends, and that ally can't benefit from this ability again for 10 minutes. This is an auditory and mental effect.

Piston Punch (◆◆)

Shift Immanence (◆ or ◇)
Frequency: once per round
You shift the focus of your divinity, filling one of your ikons with your divine spark. That ikon softly glows with radiant light, emits subtle chimes as it moves, or is otherwise obviously empowered in a way that matches your growing divinity, granting the ikon the divine trait and granting you that ikon’s immanence effects for as long as your divine spark is empowering it. Your spark is indivisible, so it can empower only one ikon at a time. You can also Shift Immanence to return your spark to the depths of your soul, leaving none of your ikons empowered.
Special: In addition to the above usage, you can also Shift Immanence as a free action triggered when you roll initiative.

Spark Transcendence (◆ or ◆◆)
While your spark dwells within an ikon, you get that ikon's immanence effect continually. However, you can also Spark Trancendence in a mighty deed, channeling your divinity through the ikon - though when you Spark Trancendence, the force of the act temporarily casts your divine spark out of the ikon. Each ikon's transcendence action appears in it's stat block, and the transcendence trait is described in the Key Terms sidebar.

Stasian Smash (◆◆)

Life Boost (◆)
[Focus, Healing, Hex, Manipulate, Vitality, Witch]
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Duration 4 rounds
Force from your patron floods into the target, ensuring they can continue doing your patron's will for just a little longer. The target gains fast healing 2.
Heightened (+1): The fast healing increases by 2.

Reactive Strike (↺)
Trigger: A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.
You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.

Shield Block (↺)
Trigger: While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack.
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Spellguard Shield w/ Lesser Reinforcing Rune
This shield bears eldritch glyphs to guard against magic. While you have this steel shield (Hardness [9], HP [68], BT [34]) raised, you gain its circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells that target you (as well as to AC), and you can Shield Block spells that target you if you have that action.

Vow of Mortal Defiance (◆)
[Auditory, Concentrate, Linguistic, Mental]
Prerequisites: You are not sanctified with the holy or unholy trait.
Having seen the wreckage left by gods and their servitors as they play in their great war of good and evil, you've come to the only reasonable conclusion: they must all be cut from their silken thrones. You swear a vow to defeat one creature within 60 feet that has the holy or unholy trait. The first time each round that you deal damage to that creature, you deal an additional 1d6 spirit damage. You can't use Vow of Mortal Defiance again until you or the target is defeated, flees, or the encounter ends.
Special: If you take this feat, you can't become santified with the holy or unholy trait. Retraining out of this feat typically requires a major change of philosophy.

Witch Spellcasting:

Occult DC 22
Cantrips (□□) @ Telekinetic Projectile, Figment

Athletics (*) +14 or +16 to grapple w/ Entangling Barbs, Titan Wrestler, Slag May
Crafting (*) +12
Deception (***) +16 w/ Confabulator, Doublespeak, Lengthy Diversion; +18 to Create a Diversion w/ Figment
Intimidation (*) +12
Lore: Swamp (*) +12
Occultism (*) +12
Performance (**) +14 w/ Distracting Performance
Religion (*) +12
Stealth (*) +11
Untrained Improvisation (~) +8 plus mod to all skills untrained


Worn (3.1) @ Resilient Breastplate (BB), Ordinary Clothes; Thrower's Bandolier (L), Chakram x10 (B), Holy Text of Nhimboleth, Scroll of Worm's Repast

Held (1.0) @ Reinforced Spellguard Shield

Stowed (1.0) @ Adventurer's Pack (B)

The Whispering Reeds:

Provides several abilities, but you can't activate any of them while you are stupefied unless you are a follower of Nhimbaloth.

Activate 10 minutes (Investigate); Effect You gain a +2 item bonus to skill checks to Recall Knowledge about Nhimbaloth, her faith, or creatures associated with her (such as incorporeal undead, vampiric mists, wisps, and other incorporeal creatures associated with death). Each time you use this ability after the first in a 24-hour period, you are exposed to the Empty Death.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per hour; Effect You read aloud a phrase from the book and target a single incorporeal undead creature within 30 feet. That undead creature takes 5d6 positive damage (DC 27 basic Will save) as portions of their incorporeal being are consumed in patches of seven equally spaced holes. Each time you use this ability after the first in a 24-hour period, you are exposed to the Empty Death.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You invoke a tale from The Whispering Reeds that parallels the situation, environment, or creatures nearby. Eerie mists and indistinct whispers rise in a 20-foot emanation around you, and clusters of seven perfectly spaced divots manifest in the ground, vegetation, and flesh of creatures in the emanation other than yourself and up to three creatures you designate at the time of activation. Creatures afflicted with these divots suffer from agonizing mental anguish in the form of crippling despair and take 4d6 mental damage (DC 27 basic Will save). The mists, whispers, and strange divots fade away at the end of the round, but any creature that takes mental damage from the effect also takes a –1 penalty to saving throws against effects with the emotion trait for 1 minute. You are exposed to the Empty Death each time you use this ability.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency three times per day; Effect You cast one of the following spells at the lowest level possible (unless otherwise specified): crushing despair (one target within 30 feet only), fear (3rd), paranoia, or phantasmal killer. You are exposed to the Empty Death each time you use this ability.

Empty Death (curse, necromancy, occult) Saving Throw DC 27 Will; Effect If you activate The Whispering Reeds and are not a worshipper of Nhimbaloth, you become stupefied 2 for 24 hours as your thoughts fill with paranoia that something is watching you from the other side of death. If you die while affected by the Empty Death, you immediately become a chaotic evil ghost. Every 7 days that pass after you become a ghost, you must succeed at a DC 2 flat check— failure indicates that you are consumed by Nhimbaloth. A creature whose ghost is consumed in this way does not travel to the River of Souls and is utterly annihilated; this creature can only be restored to life via a 10th-level spell effect or ritual like wish.

Destruction Copies of The Whispering Reeds have no special protections and can be destroyed like any regular book, but doing so exposes the one who destroyed the book to the Empty Death.


Ancestry and General
1: Human Changeling ➤ Slag May
3: Canny Acumen ➤ Perception
5: Cunning Hair
7: Untrained Improvisation

Background and Skills
1: Titan Wrestler
2: Lengthy Diversion
3: Deception ➤ Expert
4: Confabulator
5: Performance ➤ Expert
6: Distracting Performance
7: Deception ➤ Master
8: Doublespeak

Ikons ➤ Gaze Sharp as Steel, Eye-Catching Spot, Gleaming Blade, Mirrored Aegis
1: Divine Spark and Ikons, Humble Strikes, Shield Block; Vow of Mortal Defiance
2: Witch Dedication
3: Root Epithet ➤ Cunning
4: Basic WitchcraftBasic LessonLesson of LifeLife Boost
5: Weapon Expertise
6: Reactive Strike
7: Spirit Striking, Unassailable Soul; Dominion Epithet ➤ Of Verse Unbroken ➤ Energized Spark ➤ Sonic
8: Additional Ikon

Free Archetype
2: Sterling Dynamo
4: Modular Dynamo
6: Piston Punch
8: Stasian Smash

2: Handwraps of Mighty Blows
4: Striking Rune
5: Armor Potency Rune
6: Spellguard Shield
7: Lesser Reinforcing Rune
8: Resilient Rune


Hit Points (96/96) Shield (68/68)
Battery (24 hours)
Focus (□☑)

Divine Spark Immanence:
□☑) Eye Catching Spot (Enemies -1 status melee attacks vs Lough)
□☑) Gaze Sharp as Steel (Lough +1 status to Perception, +2 status AC vs ranged attacks)
□☑) Gleaming Blade (Lough's blade inflicts +2 spirit damage per die)

Verse Unbroken:
□☑) Cherry
□☑) Kvit