About Lough"What's it to ya, bub?" Senses
[dice=Slag Claw (cold iron slashing) vs Foe]1d20+17; 2d6+4[/dice]
Rules Text for Abilities:
Cunning (◇) Why race a hare across a meadow, or a salmon up a waterfall? Why face a titan in a test of strength? Wouldn’t it be better to best your foes with a bit of creativity? After all, the stories that echo throughout history are always those where wits and trickery, rather than raw talent or power, win the day. You are trained in Deception. After you Spark Transcendence, you can Create a Diversion or Feint as a free action. Energized Spark: Sonic
Eye-Catching Spot
Gaze Sharp as Steel
Gleaming Blade
Mirrored Aegis
Of Verse Unbroken (◇)
Piston Punch (◆◆) Shift Immanence (◆ or ◇)
Spark Transcendence (◆ or ◆◆)
Stasian Smash (◆◆) Life Boost (◆)
Reactive Strike (↺)
Shield Block (↺)
Spellguard Shield w/ Lesser Reinforcing Rune
Vow of Mortal Defiance (◆)
Witch Spellcasting:
Occult DC 22 Cantrips (□□) @ Telekinetic Projectile, Figment Skills
Worn (3.1) @ Resilient Breastplate (BB), Ordinary Clothes; Thrower's Bandolier (L), Chakram x10 (B), Holy Text of Nhimboleth, Scroll of Worm's Repast Held (1.0) @ Reinforced Spellguard Shield Stowed (1.0) @ Adventurer's Pack (B)
The Whispering Reeds:
Provides several abilities, but you can't activate any of them while you are stupefied unless you are a follower of Nhimbaloth. Activate 10 minutes (Investigate); Effect You gain a +2 item bonus to skill checks to Recall Knowledge about Nhimbaloth, her faith, or creatures associated with her (such as incorporeal undead, vampiric mists, wisps, and other incorporeal creatures associated with death). Each time you use this ability after the first in a 24-hour period, you are exposed to the Empty Death. Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per hour; Effect You read aloud a phrase from the book and target a single incorporeal undead creature within 30 feet. That undead creature takes 5d6 positive damage (DC 27 basic Will save) as portions of their incorporeal being are consumed in patches of seven equally spaced holes. Each time you use this ability after the first in a 24-hour period, you are exposed to the Empty Death. Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You invoke a tale from The Whispering Reeds that parallels the situation, environment, or creatures nearby. Eerie mists and indistinct whispers rise in a 20-foot emanation around you, and clusters of seven perfectly spaced divots manifest in the ground, vegetation, and flesh of creatures in the emanation other than yourself and up to three creatures you designate at the time of activation. Creatures afflicted with these divots suffer from agonizing mental anguish in the form of crippling despair and take 4d6 mental damage (DC 27 basic Will save). The mists, whispers, and strange divots fade away at the end of the round, but any creature that takes mental damage from the effect also takes a –1 penalty to saving throws against effects with the emotion trait for 1 minute. You are exposed to the Empty Death each time you use this ability. Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency three times per day; Effect You cast one of the following spells at the lowest level possible (unless otherwise specified): crushing despair (one target within 30 feet only), fear (3rd), paranoia, or phantasmal killer. You are exposed to the Empty Death each time you use this ability. Empty Death (curse, necromancy, occult) Saving Throw DC 27 Will; Effect If you activate The Whispering Reeds and are not a worshipper of Nhimbaloth, you become stupefied 2 for 24 hours as your thoughts fill with paranoia that something is watching you from the other side of death. If you die while affected by the Empty Death, you immediately become a chaotic evil ghost. Every 7 days that pass after you become a ghost, you must succeed at a DC 2 flat check— failure indicates that you are consumed by Nhimbaloth. A creature whose ghost is consumed in this way does not travel to the River of Souls and is utterly annihilated; this creature can only be restored to life via a 10th-level spell effect or ritual like wish. Destruction Copies of The Whispering Reeds have no special protections and can be destroyed like any regular book, but doing so exposes the one who destroyed the book to the Empty Death.
Ancestry and General 1: Human Changeling ➤ Slag May 3: Canny Acumen ➤ Perception 5: Cunning Hair 7: Untrained Improvisation Background and Skills
Free Archetype
Old Quotes:
Hit Points (96/96) Shield (68/68) Battery (24 hours) Focus (□☑) Divine Spark Immanence:
Verse Unbroken: