Gameday XII SFS 1-12 Ashes of Discovery

Game Master Qstor

Gameday game



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Second Seekers (Sarmak)

Hologram Technomancer - 2 | F1 R3 W3 | E13 K13 | sp:12/12 hp:14/14 rp:5/5 | s/d 1:3/3 | SS(S) | 124312-725

archaeologist: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11


Female android priest mystic 1 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 3/3 per day| Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +6 | Initiative +1 |Perception +8 | Sense Motive +2
Computers +6 (1 ranks), Culture +6, Engineering +6 (1 ranks), Intimidate +3, Life Science +6, Medicine +6, Mysticism +9 (duce the DCs of Culture and Mysticism checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about certain religious inf)


Not yet. But she is interested in them.
Thanks for the tip!

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

"I believe there was some mention of 'green spots'? Were these legions? Pustules?" Mech-Ro-Nancy appears again excited.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Mech-Ro-Nancy wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

"I believe there was some mention of 'green spots'? Were these legions? Pustules?" Mech-Ro-Nancy appears again excited.

"Yes" says one of the aliens turning. "You help? We mostly better!"

Mech Ro:
you can use Medicine as Diplomcy and get a circumstance bonus as a mystic

botting Little

Physical Science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

One of the aliens turn to Little and Lufti. "Old settlement shoots fire at people that go. And haunted. Maybe old people live there but ghosts now"


Female android priest mystic 1 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 3/3 per day| Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +6 | Initiative +1 |Perception +8 | Sense Motive +2
Computers +6 (1 ranks), Culture +6, Engineering +6 (1 ranks), Intimidate +3, Life Science +6, Medicine +6, Mysticism +9 (duce the DCs of Culture and Mysticism checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about certain religious inf)
GM Qstor wrote:

"Yes" says one of the aliens turning. "You help? We mostly better!"

Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

"I can fix that." The android replies.

When she overhears a discussion of haunting and ghosts, Mech-Ro-Nancy becomes more intrigued.

Second Seekers (Sarmak)

Hologram Technomancer - 2 | F1 R3 W3 | E13 K13 | sp:12/12 hp:14/14 rp:5/5 | s/d 1:3/3 | SS(S) | 124312-725

Could be an automatic defense system and a rogue AI


NA Raxilite Envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | Speed 30ft
"We mostly better!"

"Oh no. You were suffering from some sort of disease? That's terrible. I hope everyone's feeling better." Lufti says, which putting on their helmet and enabling the suit's environmental protections.

Twilight Glimmer wrote:
Could be an automatic defense system and a rogue AI

"Hmm. Yes, I suppose that makes the most sense. I'm not going to rule out a dragon, but I'm preparing myself for disappointment."

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

using campaign coin for Mech Ro

reroll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

The aliens seem very impressed by Mech Ro.

"You healer very good. What's your name?"

The aliens all turn back towards the party.

lufti_lilium wrote:
"Oh no. You were suffering from some sort of disease? That's terrible. I hope everyone's feeling better."

"We better but fire dweller in ruins might be sick. They don't come around here. They know how to fix fire to make it burn! They almost worship big thing in the sky as god. Please if you go find old place don't make enemy of fire dwellers!"


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 2 || Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5 SM +0 || EAC 14; KAC 16 SP 16/16 HP 16/16 RP 4/4 Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0

Back and catching up.

Little watches the interchanges with interest. First contact scenarios are not his expertise. Had it been long lost computers or mechs he'd have been right at it.

The natives don't seem hostile; friendly, even. He leans his rifle against a wall, then leans himself against it too.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

what do you guys do?"

"If you look don't bother fire dwellers. Their magic is strong!" says one of the aliens.


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 2 || Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5 SM +0 || EAC 14; KAC 16 SP 16/16 HP 16/16 RP 4/4 Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0

Little nods at the aliens and asks the more socially adept members of the team, "When they say firedwellers, do they mean someone who actually lives in fire?"


NA Raxilite Envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 | Speed 30ft

"I'm not sure. But whether or not it's got anything to do with the mission, I'm too curious to stay away."

Can we get directions to the firedwellers? Even if we have to phrase it as wanting to know the place that we should stay away from.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
lufti_lilium wrote:

"I'm not sure. But whether or not it's got anything to do with the mission, I'm too curious to stay away."

Can we get directions to the firedwellers? Even if we have to phrase it as wanting to know the place that we should stay away from.

you guys botched one of the rolls. Did someone want to use a reroll :) my campaign doesn't count. you get vague directions as of NOW but can get better directions with a new roll from someone that rolled low. I think Lufti made it and Mech Ro

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