GM Kiora's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Kiora Atua

Chosen heroes have arrived in Kenabres at the dawn of the Fifth Crusade. Will they be the ones to end a century long war?


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WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Beatrix's player appears inactive, I will move the round forwards and skip her turn.

Time passes: 1 round.

Unafe doesn’t respond. She swings, her fist striking the Templar’s helm with a sickening crack. The armored figure stumbles, dropping to the ground, unconscious.

A moment of silence hangs in the air, broken only by the faint buzzing of the locusts in the jar on the table. The templars draw their weapons. Then, Grillixbee’s voice hums once more through their minds, her tone almost… amused.

“I gave you an order, Templars. Stand down and do not interfere.” The demon’s gaze flicks back to Unafe, then to the rest of the group. “I would hate to lose such valuable guards over a… misunderstanding. What is your business in the Ivory Sanctum?”


Just then, a flicker of movement catches Sana's eye. One by one, the prisoners begin to appear in the washroom with her.

First is the Minkaian woman with the sharp features. She materializes silently, blinking in disorientation as her hazel eyes dart around the unfamiliar surroundings. Her gaze locks onto Sana, and for a moment, she stands frozen, her stance guarded, her eyes wide with suspicion. “What… where are we?” she whispers, voice tight with apprehension.

Before Sana can answer, the tall Kellid man appears next, his broad frame hunched and tense. His eyes sweep over the small space, his body coiling as if preparing to fight or flee. Then, recognition dawns on his face, and his shoulders sag slightly in relief. “You… you brought us here,” he breathes, glancing down at Sana. His eyes linger on Sana, gratitude warring with confusion. “I don’t know how you did it, but—thank you.”

The other Kellid follows close behind, their form shimmering into view with a soft hum. Their deep brown eyes, flecked with gold, scan the washroom, assessing the situation in a heartbeat. Their gaze settles on Sana, and they give a small nod, silent but acknowledging. “So, you kept your word,” they murmur, a note of respect threading through their voice.

The last to arrive is the young Taldan woman. She stumbles slightly as she appears, catching herself on the edge of the washroom’s stone sink. Her almond-shaped brown eyes are wide with a mixture of fear and hope, darting around the small, cramped space. She looks to the others, then back to Sana, her voice trembling. “We… we really made it? We’re… safe?”

The Kellid man steps forward, his face pale. “Please… you have to get my brother out of there. He’s just a kid. They’ve… they’ve been using him for something.” His voice cracks, and he clenches his fists, trying to hold himself together. “I can’t lose him. Not after everything else…”

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Swift to summon Amber. 7 Rounds of Haste remaining. She moves 60 feet while stealthed (taking a penalty for more than half speed). She spends two spellpoints as a standard action to activate a Totem. It has a 70 foot radius and has no effect through walls. The caster level is 8. It is a totem of Expulsion. The second spellpoint makes it last for 8 minutes. She'll leave Amber (where she's currently standing) on the totem as a free action. A totem allows for Spell Resistance, but Expulsion doesn't require a save. Grillixbee is not currently in the radius.

Totem of Expulsion:
You must spend a spell point to create a totem of expulsion. The totem creates a field of energy that applies interdimensional pressure to creatures that do not belong on your plane, and weakens them. All non-native outsiders (including allies) within are sickened (no save) while they remain inside the area of the totem. In addition, they receive a penalty to any damage reduction, energy resistance, and spell resistance they possess equal to your caster level. Energy immunity is also affected: treat immune creatures as having a resistance equal to twice their total Hit Dice, then subtract your caster level as you would with normal resistance, to a minimum of 0. You can only create this totem on your home plane.

Stealth (Good, Fast): 1d20 + 27 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 27 + 3 - 3 = 34
Perception (Good HOpe): 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 26 + 3 = 31

Sana's bouncing leg comes to a stop, accompanied by the other for just a moment. "Yessss..." she thinks, glowing with excitement at having gotten them at least somewhere better. "Saving people is what Bis-" she hesitates as she responds quietly, "-we do."

"Four in the bathroom." she whispers to the others via the message spell as she recalls Amber to her side.

"We're on the other side of the Temple. Empty barracks around the corner on the left, and just in the hall my companions are engaging one of the enemy leaders. A Vanity demon. Further south on the right, some of our enemies should be engaged with each other... in theory. No idea how Yui managed it, but she's got them at each other's throats. If you can't fight in your current state, just hunker down. Clean up while you can. There could be some left over gear in the barracks. Move quietly if you can and if you can't... just wait for a bit. Once we're done, I don't know how far we'll have to travel through the Worldwound."

She turns her attention to the Kellid man. "Of course. Aedric, you said? I'm Anna, not a great time for introductions, but what's your name, it should make everything easier when it comes to getting him out." she tilts her head, offering a kind smile, but feeling the need to move build up, starting to fidget. As soon as she gets a name she'll give a nod and take off, moving quickly and hopefully staying mostly out of sight. She focuses on Opal and her connection to both Mother Heartwood and Faith, conjuring a minor abjuration against outsiders, a tiny shimmer left fluttering alongside Amber as she darts into cover near the door her allies are standing outside of.

"If nothing crazy happens, I'm going for the fifth as soon as I can." she informs Rue. Things certainly seemed well at hand for now. Though Desna always did prefer things to be a bit more interesting in her experience.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Hoping to buy Unafe another few moments to close the distance with Grillixbee, Yui steps behind Unafe and dispels her illusion. She didn't need the templars to be confused, she just needed to convince Grillixbee that a discussion was taking place.

Bluff: 1d20 + 23 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 23 + 3 = 38

"Misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding that you tried to cover up that succubus pet of Jerribeth's selling out Vang to the crusaders? Have you been working with them all along? What were you hoping to gain?" She says with a scowl, her eyes showing rage and betrayal. "I knew your impartiality was a lie intended to lure Vang and our adepts into trusting you."

"Rue, tell Unafe to go straight for Grillix now while I am distracting him," she sends to her friend, hoping to spur the saurian shaman into acting quickly.

Std action: Dismiss disguise self. Reminder that currently Yui is in human form with no vulpine features at all.

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

As the heroes of the hour move up ahead of her, Beatrix follows behind, abandoning the pretense of 'sneaking' to jog up behind Rue and Hinagiku. Hearing but not seeing the demon up ahead, she scoffs at the thing's pretend gentlemanly attitude.

There is no angle, nor misunderstanding. They were there to kill all the Adepts and Templars, and to steal their secrets, and they were going to start with this disgusting bug-thing.

She calls out, "Lady Iomedae, bless us with valor, bless us with agility, bless us with power, and we will drive evil from this world!"

She calls a divine blessing of fervor on her nearby allies, transmuting them with a flexible boon.

Beatrix moves 30' and then casts blessing of fervor, lasting 9 rounds.
She is able to target herself, Rue, Ehren, Hinagiku, Yui, and Sana.
Each round, allies choose between:
- +2 to attacks, AC, and Reflex
- Stand up as a swift action with no AoOs
- Make an extra attack with a FRA
- Increase speed by 30 feet
- Add free Silent, Still, Enlarge, or Extend metamagic to a spell level 2 or less

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe leaps over the body of the unconscious templar and onto the table in front of the demon, landing with a crack and slamming into the vile thing and attempting to wrestle her into submission.

As she does she snarls and says, Hallit: "Our business? Freeing Sarkoris from a demonic taint. If you want to help, hold still."

Round 2:

Free: -1 MP : gain slapper talent for 1 minute // so my Shove can use a weapon (handwraps), and thus counts as Good, Magic, and Adamantine
Free: -3T Fiery Offense : +3 competence to hit/damage for 1 round
Move: Shove (vs touch, bane, fiery): 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 21 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 48
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane, honk, fiery): 5 + 3 + 1d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ 5 + 3 + (6) + 6 + 3 = 23 +Battered (-2 CMD)
Enforcer: 1d20 + 31 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 31 + 3 = 45 // if that did damage
+ Mark of the Grinning Skull: shaken penalties are +2 more vs Unafe
+ Shaken Defense: add'l +4 penalty to CMD & combat maneuvers
Stnd: Grapple, bane, fiery: 1d20 + 25 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 25 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 44 // vs CMD -2 if battered & add'l -4 if shaken
Free: Sudden Attack, bane, fiery: 1d20 + 21 + 3 - 5 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 21 + 3 - 5 + 2 + 3 = 27
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane, fiery): 2d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 4) + 15 + 3 + (4) + 3 = 30

1) If relevant, I have Inescapable Grasp (BAB 10+)
. . "Whenever a creature attempts to magically escape a grapple with a teleportation or Warp effect, you may make a special combat maneuver check against their CMD as an immediate action. If successful, the escape fails and they provoke an attack of opportunity from you. At +10 base attack bonus, if you make a grapple attempt against a creature under the effect of a freedom of movement spell or similar effect, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the grapple."

2) If I'm NOT grappling Grillix, I'll let the first melee attack against me will auto succeed (Embracing Bear) and then use an AoO to Grapple. (If I AM grappling already, I won't let any attacks auto succeed. ;-)

35 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
32 CMB (35 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
5/7 Tension (5 -3 fiery offense, +1 hit, +1 move, +1 demoralize)
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP // -1 Talent: Slapper
7/11 Momentum //
2/2 martial focus // +1 shove
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.
2/3 Honk rounds remaining
9/10 Slapper rounds remaining

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit; 3 rounds)[b]
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
[b]All within my (currently 5') reach
have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Ehren does not dignify the vile creature's curiosity with a response, more than happy to let Unafe do the talking - and the smashing. As she makes a beeline for Grillixbee, he activates his force shield and barges into the room, directing his attention to the nearest Templar.

Free action to activate ring of force shield, bumping his AC up by +4. Swift action to assume Offensive Style. Move action to shove the adjacent Templar. Standard action to attack the Templar.

Shove (Touch Attack): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Shove inflicts 5 damage and the battered condition.
Unarmed Strike (Good Hope, Power Attack): 1d20 + 14 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 3 - 3 = 17
Damage (Good Hope, Power Attack): 1d4 + 6 + 3 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 3 + 6 = 18

+2 to those attack rolls from blessing of fervor if Beatrix is before Ehren's initiative.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


The tall Kellid man swallows, his throat bobbing as he nods jerkily. “Janos. Janos Haile.” His voice is thick with emotion, but he meets her gaze. “Please… bring him back safe. He’s just a boy.”

“Got it, stay safe,” Rue replies telepathically.

“Anna’s in position outside the door, and she’s ready to make her move for the fifth prisoner when the time is right. Everything’s clear so far, but let’s keep it that way,” Rue says telepathically to everyone.

“What are you talking about?” the fly demon’s telepathic voice buzzes, an edge of confusion and annoyance creeping into her tone.


Rue’s eyes widen as she receives Yui’s message, but she quickly nods and turns her focus on Unafe. “Unafe, now’s your chance—go for Grillixbee!” she whispers through their telepathic link. “Hit her while she’s distracted. Make it count.”

Unafe’s movements are swift and relentless. She shifts her weight and grabs onto the demon, her grip like iron. In one fluid motion, she twists her body and wraps an arm around Grillixbee’s torso, pulling her into a crushing vice-grip. The demon struggles, mandibles clacking together as she thrashes against Unafe’s hold, but there’s no escape. Unafe’s hands are infused with a strange, shimmering energy—making her grip nearly impossible to break.

The room erupts into a flurry of activity as the Templars at the table take a step back, their hands tightening on their glaives but unsure of what to do with Grillixbee now locked in a hold. The demon’s compound eyes dart around wildly, panic flickering in their multifaceted depths.


Grillixbee’s telepathic voice buzzes in your mind, tinged with pain and desperation. “Let go of me, you insolent—”

Unafe’s grip tightens, pulling her in closer, and then, with a sudden burst of strength, she slams her fist into Grillixbee’s side. Grillixbee gasps—an odd, gurgling sound that comes from somewhere deep in her insectoid throat. Her wings falter, twitching erratically. Her wings buzz frantically, the sound rising to a shrill, high-pitched whine as she struggles against Unafe’s ironclad grip. The demon’s body twists and contorts, limbs flailing as she attempts to wriggle free. For a brief moment, it seems like she might break loose—her strength fueled by desperation and rage—but Unafe’s hold only tightens, suppressing the fly-demon’s escape with a crushing force.

Ehren doesn’t wait for the Templars to make the first move. As soon as the force shield stabilizes, he shifts his stance, adopting a more aggressive posture—one that favors precision and power.

The nearest Templar barely has time to react before Ehren lunges forward. He raises both hands and shoves, his palms connecting squarely with the armored figure’s chest. The force of the impact sends the Templar staggering back a step, her boots scraping loudly against the stone floor. With a sharp exhale, Ehren swings his fist forward in a powerful punch, the force of his strike guided by the divine blessing that Beatrix has bestowed upon him. But even with the added power, his knuckles glance off the Templar’s shoulder armor, leaving only a shallow dent. The Templar grunts, twisting away just enough to avoid taking the full brunt of the blow.

Grillixbee is grappled, shaken, battered. Ehren grazes Templar 1 and batters her.

Ehren Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Unafe Init: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Yui Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Anna Init: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 = 21
Beatrix Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Rue Init: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Hinagiku Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8


3d20 ⇒ (14, 6, 4) = 24

Grillixbee struggle: 1d20 + 25 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 25 - 4 = 33

Round 1!

Unafe, Anna, Beatrix, and Yui are up!

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DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Beatrix CL v. Sana SR: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 = 24 Whomp :(
Maneuver Gained: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Sana gains access to fluctuation movement. Illumination 1. Add 1 acid damage to allied attacks within 15' of Amber, Move action to teleport adjacent to Anna. Swift action to become incorporeal, 6 rounds of haste and 5 rounds of incorporeal remaining. She double-moves while flying with stealth.
Stealth: 1d20 + 27 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (10) + 27 + 3 - 3 = 37
Perception: 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 26 + 3 = 43

Sana feels the ripples of Beatrix's magic flickering along her form, but then feels something inside of her reach out and attempt to snuff the magic. "Nammit, Yui. This is why we can't have nice things." she thinks, chastising her inner shadow demon for attempting to break the magic before it could touch her. Ultimately the spell settles on and throughout her form. A lot of it overlapped with her inherent speed... but some would be quite effective if she could leverage it.

She once more sinks into the floor and heads towards the torture room, peeking her head up in the prison. If the coast appears clear, she'll finish ascending into the room. It would be best if she entered the room from the south... that was likely her best chance at buying the time necessary to get the child out without the torturer being near enough to prevent his egress...

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

Lieutenant Medici follows up closer to the next room, trying to get a better look around the walls and her compatriots. Knowing that Unafe was more than tough enough to handle whatever Beatrix threw at her, the Lieutenant silently gestures her spell components and summons a sudden blast of concussive sound into the center of the next room. She hoped to briefly knock the Templars out of the equation so that they could focus on the demon and quickly end the encounter.

Spell Penetration vs. Coloxus: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 = 12
Sonic Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1

Beatrix casts silent sound burst (using the boon from blessing of fervor), targeting the space two squares to the right of templar 1. The sound burst hits Unafe, all three templars, and the coloxus demon.

All three templars make a DC 17 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round.

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Seeing Beatrix getting ready to cast, Yui waits a moment before rushing in. Summoning and donning her vulpine mask, she moves gracefully into the room, ducking by Ehren and preparing to assault the templar on her right. As she closes she thrusts Kurushimi at the templar, its wicked blade suddenly engulfed in black flames. The naginata's blade connects with the armor and seems to slice through it effortlessly as she gives the weapon a twist and slashes downwards once it's made contact.

Free Act: Summon Nosoi Mask; Mv Act: Move into room; Std Act: Kill the mook!
Attack - Good Hope, Blessing of Fervor: 1d20 + 17 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 3 + 2 = 32
Damage - Good Hope, Vital Strike, Reaping Strike, Bloodied Strike, Fatal Thrust, Sneak Attack, War Honk: 2d8 + 3d6 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 7) + (5, 6, 6) + (1, 4) + (1) + 6 + 6 + 3 = 50
If it matters, the damage is 17 neg energy, 6 precision
Also deals 3 Bleed Damage

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe gives a guttural honk as the demon squirms in her arms, and then pours everything she's got into smashing her face and body, while gripping her tight in her feathered arms.

Round 1(3):

Fort: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

Free: -3T Fiery Offense : +3 competence to hit/damage for 1 round
Move: Grapple (damage), GH, bane, -move, maintain: 1d20 + 25 + 3 + 2 - 2 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 25 + 3 + 2 - 2 + 5 = 42
Damage (GH, bane, honk, fiery): 2d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 15 + 3 + (6) + 6 + 3 = 36
Stnd: Brutal Strike, GH bane, fiery: 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 21 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 33
Damage (GH, bane, fiery, -MF): 4d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 3 + 22 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 4) + 15 + 3 + (3) + 3 + 22 = 57
Free: Sudden Attack, GH, bane, fiery: 1d20 + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 39
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane, fiery): 2d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3) + 15 + 3 + (4) + 3 = 33
Swft: Rapid Pummel, GH, bane, fiery: 1d20 + 21 - 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 21 - 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 36
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane, fiery): 2d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2) + 15 + 3 + (6) + 3 = 30

35 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
32 CMB (35 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
0/7 Tension (5 -3 fiery, +1 hit, -3 rapid pummel)
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP //
7/11 Momentum //
1/2 martial focus // -1 brutal
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.
1/3 Honk rounds remaining
8/10 Slapper rounds remaining

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit; 2/3 rounds)
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
All within my (currently 5') reach have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

With a sudden, explosive burst of power, Unafe drives her feathered fists into Grillixbee’s grotesque fly-like face.


The sound echoes through the room as Unafe’s fist connects solidly with Grillixbee’s chitinous head. The force of the blow rattles the demon’s entire body, sending a spray of dark ichor splattering across the table and the scattered papers. Grillixbee lets out a choked gasp, her mandibles clattering in pain and confusion as her head snaps back, her vision blurring from the impact.

But Unafe doesn’t stop. She draws back and strikes again, her knuckles crackling with energy that scorches the demon’s already-damaged exoskeleton. Another vicious punch lands with bone-crushing force, and Grillixbee’s wings falter, their buzzing turning into a faint, erratic hum.

Unafe can feel the demon weakening, her struggles growing more and more feeble with each punishing blow. She shifts her grip, pinning Grillixbee’s struggling body tighter against her own as she drives her knee up into the demon’s midsection. There’s a sickening crunch as her ribs crack and buckle under the onslaught, and Grillixbee’s telepathic voice lets out a strangled cry.

The demon’s body shudders violently, her limbs twitching as she tries—and fails—to muster the strength to escape. Dark ichor drips from her battered form, her once-opulent robes torn and stained. With a final, thunderous blow, Unafe slams her fist into Grillixbee’s chest, driving the demon back onto the table with a force that sends papers and scrolls flying. The coloxus demon lies broken and bleeding in Unafe’s grasp.

Rue, positioned at the edge of the fray, sees the chaos unfolding. Her focus narrows to the Templar standing in front of Ehren—a momentary opening, a target too perfect to pass up. Her starbow hums with energy as she draws back the string, her eyes locking onto the Templar. With a sharp breath, she releases the first arrow. The celestial magic of the bow channels through the shot, the arrow streaking across the room like a shooting star.

The arrow strikes the Templar dead-on, sinking into a weak point in her armor with a sickening thud. The impact is devastating—the Templar’s body jerks as the force of the blow knocks her off balance, her glaive slipping from her grasp. She stumbles. Rue draws back the bowstring again, aiming for the same target. Her second arrow flies true, embedding itself into the Templar’s chest with another powerful impact. The Templar gasps, her knees buckling under the weight of her injuries as she falls to the ground.

Then, the air around the center of the room shimmers and vibrates as the shockwave of sound explodes from the spell’s point of origin. The blast reverberates off the stone walls, creating a brief but powerful shockwave that sweeps through the room. The demon remains unaffected by the sonic burst beyond the faint shock of the noise. The Templars, however, already wavering after witnessing the brutal beatdown of their leader, are caught squarely in the center of the blast. Their armor rattles under the sonic shockwave, and the force of the spell causes two of them to stagger and stumble.

One of the templars, still reeling from the concussive blast of Beatrix’s sound burst, doesn’t even have time to react as Yui strikes. The stunned Templar's body hits the floor with a heavy thud, blood pooling beneath him as the deep wound begins to bleed profusely. The Templar is out cold.

One of the remaining Templars, her eyes wide with desperation, realizes the situation is slipping from their control. Grillixbee is battered, three of her fellow Templars are incapacitated, and the battle is clearly turning in favor of the intruders.

Her gauntleted hand reaches out and grabs the jar from the table. With a snarl, she raises the jar over her head and smashes it against the stone floor.


The glass shatters with a sharp, echoing sound, shards scattering across the floor like glittering stars. For a moment, there is silence. Then, a low, droning buzz rises from the broken jar. It starts as a faint hum, but within seconds, it swells into an ominous, overwhelming roar as a swarm of locusts bursts from the shards of glass.

Outside the room, from the far corner of the hallway, an enormous figure lumbers into view—a minotaur, its massive frame barely fitting within the stone corridor. The creature is a monstrous sight to behold: its hulking, muscular body adorned with thick, dark fur, while large, bat-like wings unfurl menacingly from its back. Its bull-like head is crowned with sharp, jagged horns, and its wide mouth opens to reveal rows of fanged teeth, dripping with saliva. Red, glowing eyes lock onto the chaos unfolding in the strategy room, and the beast lets out a thunderous roar of challenge, the sound vibrating through the air like a war horn.

As the enormous fiendish minotaur charges into the hallway, its bellowing roar shaking the walls, Hinagiku reacts instinctively, her keen senses attuned to the sudden shift in the battlefield. The moment the minotaur crosses into her range, she springs into action. Her lithe frame shifts as she pivots on her heel, her movements fluid and precise, and in one swift motion, she strikes. Her open palm lashes out toward the minotaur’s thick, furred hide, targeting a vulnerable point just under its ribcage.

Her palm connects solidly with the fiend’s side, and despite its towering form and thick, armored flesh, the strike lands with stunning force. The impact sends a ripple through the minotaur’s body, and it lets out a deep, snarling grunt of pain as it staggers slightly to the side.

Unafe leaves Grillixbee in critical condition and grappled. Templar 1 and 3 are stunned. Yui KOs templar 3. Rue KOs templar 1. Hinagiku AoOs minotuar 1 and wounds it.

Yui needs to save vs sound burst.

Blessing of Fervor: Rue chooses - +2 to attacks, AC, and Reflex


Sana moves silently, her form slipping through the solid stone of the floor as she becomes incorporeal. The air in the prison is thick with tension, every inch of the place reeking of misery and decay, but as she reappears in the corner of the room, she finds it eerily empty.

However, her keen eyes are immediately drawn to one of the doors, wide open and revealing something much worse beyond it.

The smell hits her first—the sickly sweet stench of blood and rot. Inside, the sight is far more grotesque than anything she anticipated.

The octagonal chamber is nightmarish, filled with the foul air of death and torture. To her left and right, two stone slabs dominate the room. One bears a cadaver, the body sliced open in a grisly state of dissection, the lifeless flesh peeled away as if some twisted mind was studying its every layer. But it's the second slab that makes her breath catch—a teenaged Kellid boy, shackled and screaming in agony, thrashing as much as the chains allow.

Hovering over him is a crab-like monstrosity. Its twisted form moves with unnerving calm, its lamprey-like mouth lined with writhing tentacles that grasp surgical tools. The creature's twitching legs bear grotesque, bulbous eyes, each one darting around its own limb in an unsettling rhythm. On its back, blisters swell grotesquely, each one holding what can only be human brains, pulsing within their sacs like hideous trophies.

For the moment, the nightmare creature seems utterly focused on its grisly work, its tentacles grasping a scalpel, ready to continue its cruel dissection of the poor boy writhing on the slab. His screams echo in the chamber, raw and full of terror.

Sana's eyes quickly scan the room, noting the black runes and symbols covering the northwest wall—strange and ancient, they thrum with dark energy, though their purpose is unclear to her in this brief moment.

Beyond the boy, another room lies hidden behind a curtain of strange, fibrous material—tangles of webs or fungal filaments—that cling to the walls, their shapes shifting unnervingly, as though alive. This cavernous space beyond seems to stretch further, but Sana’s focus remains on the immediate danger before her.

The creature hasn't noticed her, its attention fully consumed by the boy's screams and the cruel work it is about to perform. Time is running out. If Sana is going to act, it has to be now.

Sana Only, K.Arcana DC 18:

This is a brain collector: a nightmarish aberration that originates from beyond the stars. These creatures are infamous for their grotesque habit of collecting humanoid brains, which they store in large blisters along their backs. They use these brains to enhance their knowledge and magical powers. Brain collectors are highly dangerous not only because of their physical prowess—boasting sharp claws and a toxic bite—but also because they possess powerful spellcasting abilities, including spells like lightning bolt and hold person.

Sana Only, K.Arcana DC 23:

Brain Collectors are intelligent alien aberrations that possess considerable magical abilities. They use brains not for sustenance, but to increase their magical capabilities and improve their defenses. The more brains a brain collector collects, the stronger it becomes. If it loses any brains, it loses power and magic. Brain collectors can use their bite to inject a deadly poison that can stagger their victims and drain their strength.

Sana Only, K.Arcana DC 28:

Brain Collectors call themselves Neh-Thalggu. The Neh-Thalggu is an extra-dimensional being that travels the stars aboard living ships, which rot away upon landing, leaving the Neh-Thalggu stranded on new worlds. These creatures do not consume brains for nourishment but use them to increase their mental prowess and magical power, granting them enhanced intellect and access to arcane knowledge. Scholars speculate that these brain collections may serve a darker purpose in their home dimension, possibly as a currency or a ritualistic step toward a greater form.

This is sufficient to be aware of the Neh-Thalggu statblock on d20pfsrd.

Templar 1 Fort Save: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 8 - 2 - 1 = 6
Templar 2 Fort Save: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 = 18
Templar 3 Fort Save: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 - 2 = 16
Locust Swarm Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Rue vs Templar 1: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 12 + 2 = 27
Rue vs Templar 1: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 12 + 2 = 24
hinagiku vs minotaur AoO attack...(unarm.enhance,precogn): 1d20 + 13 + 4 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 13 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 25
Hinagiku dmg (unarm.enhance,precogn): 2d6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5) + 5 + 4 + 3 + (2, 2, 3, 4) + 3 = 35
Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35

Sana may take a surprise round action.

Sana, Hinagiku and Ehren are up!

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Fort Save: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 3 = 35

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Reminder: Ehren has repel vermin up, if relevant.

Ehren chooses the extra attack from blessing of fervor.

Upon hearing the sound of shattering glass and seeing what the remaining Templar has unleashed, he looks at them contemptuously. In a blur, as he steps over one of the defeated cultists the druid becomes an earth elemental once more. Despite being much smaller than his last, he nonetheless towers over the armored Templar. Blessed with alacrity by Beatrix's spell, he hammers down on the cultist with his solid fists.

Slam vs. Templar 2 (Good Hope): 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 18 + 3 = 32
Damage (Good Hope): 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 3 = 18
Slam vs. Templar 2 (Good Hope): 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 18 + 3 = 38
Damage (Good Hope): 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 3 = 21

Ehren casts elemental body III as a swift action and becomes a Medium earth elemental (will update header shortly). He takes a 5-foot step and full attacks Templar 2.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

K(Arcana) (Good): 1d20 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 3 = 17
Maneuver Gained: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Perception (Good Hope): 1d20 + 26 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 26 + 3 = 31

Bluff(Good Hope, Crit): 1d20 + 13 + 3 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 13 + 3 + 10 = 46

Sana gains access to Carnival Swap. Illumination rises to 2. 2 Acid Damage added to allied attacks within 15 feet of Amber. Allies may spend a move action to teleport adjacent to Sana. She spends a swift action to bring Amber to herself and then sends it into the room to hover above the child as a free action. Sana selects the +2 AC/Reflex/Init bonuses from Fervor. Ideally, Aedric winds up south of her if he moves into the light... and is cognizant enough to do so.

Sana's very being recoils at the sight of what's before her. She instinctively pulls the arm with Opal on it away as she pauses for a moment, unable to breathe. Her grip on her shortbow tightens for a moment as her eyes dart about for a solution. She focuses on her toes, tensing them, then every muscle she can think of on the way up, releasing them as she goes, finally allowing herself to breathe once more.

Her brain flickers amongst different plans... it had been silly to assume it would be something so terribly mundane as an adept being in charge of the work. The proximity to the brain collectors hadn't been lost on her... but the probability that brains might be what they were gaining in their little cultural exchange had been. At first, she's unable to remember much of anything about them at all but then she casts her mind back.

It wasn't a common enemy, but Ary had fought it before. She briefly envisioned herself turning away its blows from her allies as Ary would have... but as she recognizes she's alone, the vision shifts to Yui, with herself and the collector replacing the woman and the retriever from memory. She remembered how Ary had said Unafe had pinned the creature while Myrna had violently exorcised it... but none of these were things that she could do. She fights to quell the frustration in her heart, focusing past the cries and listening for any movement from the next room.

Finally, she decides on the only path forward that doesn't end in certain death. "Oi." she calls, trying not to sound nervous. "Vang says playtime is up for today. The crusaders have shown up and it's time to go. Adepts have already taken the other prisoners, and he wants to see the progress you've made with the boy, so I'll be taking him." she says, raising her voice slightly with an air of authority. "Vang's orders."

She sends the little mote of light to float above the boy's head. "Aedric Haile, mae eich brawd Janos yn gofyn ichi symud i'r golau."

"Aedric Haile, your brother Janos asks that you move into the light."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


The Kellid boy, writhing on the slab, looks up at the light as his eyes widen in recognition. His breath comes in short, panicked gasps, but there’s a flicker of hope in his expression. He seems to understand the message, and despite his weakened state, his eyes lock onto the soft glow of Amber, as if it were a lifeline.

The brain collector, momentarily distracted by Sana’s commanding voice, pauses in its grisly work. Its lamprey-like mouth twitches, the tentacles retracting slightly from the surgical tools hovering above the screaming boy. For a tense moment, the creature seems to weigh Sana's words, its bulging eyes twitching on its legs as it considers the situation.

It hisses softly, its voice not a spoken one, but a low, rasping telepathic intrusion into Sana's mind, filled with a strange, alien rhythm. "Vang's orders...?" it repeats, its tone laced with suspicion and curiosity. The creature shifts, its body lowering slightly as if in thought. "He did not speak of this to us, little one. And we were promised... time... more time with the flesh."

The creature's focus briefly shifts to the boy beneath it, the tentacles around its mouth twitching with faint irritation. "We have made progress, yes... The boy is resilient. He resists, but he will break." The monster's thoughts bubble with something akin to anticipation, as if it relishes the slow torment of its subject.

But it isn’t entirely dismissive of Sana’s words, either. Its telepathic voice probes deeper. "You say the others have been moved... why were we not informed sooner?" The creature’s tone grows darker, the twitching of its legs quickening as if reflecting the agitation brewing within.

Its lamprey mouth curls into something resembling a smile, though grotesque and alien, and the weight of its gaze seems to settle fully on Sana. "If Vang desires this one... we will comply, but only because we are not yet done here. There is... more work." A disturbing eagerness slips into its telepathic voice, and Sana feels a brief flicker of its alien thoughts, hungering for the knowledge that the boy’s mind might yield.

The creature then shifts its many legs, moving its bulk slightly away from the boy, but not without lingering for a moment longer. "But understand, our patience has its limits. He *promised* us more... far more." There is a warning in its voice, the implication clear—should this be a deception, there would be consequences.

The boy, still gasping in pain and fear, glances toward the light that Sana sent above him, but he remains motionless, his body wracked by the torturous process he’s endured. Sana can sense his confusion, the faint hope that flickers through him as he tries to focus on the light despite the horrors around him.

The brain collector remains in place, but its attention is now on Sana, its telepathic voice growing cold and sharp. "Take the boy, if you must... but be swift, or I will have him again." The creature’s tentacles curl once more around its surgical tools, as if ready to resume the dissection should anything about this situation seem amiss. Further away, Sana can see another of the loathsome creatures moving towards them.

Brain Collector Sense Motive: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32
Aedric Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

The first blow strikes true, Ehren’s heavy, earthy fist slamming into the Templar’s side. The impact is thunderous, the sheer force of it sending cracks through the Templar’s armor. The Templar stumbles, gasping as the wind is knocked from her, but she barely manages to stay on her feet.

Without giving the cultist a moment to recover, Ehren follows up with another strike. His second fist comes down even harder, crashing into the Templar’s chest. The blow shatters her armor, the metallic pieces scattering across the floor as the cultist crumples under the sheer force.

As Unafe’s crushing grip begins to slip, Grillixbee thrashes violently, buzzing her insect wings with desperation. She manages to tear herself free from the shaman's hold, her slender, fly-like body trembling from the effort. Immediately after her escape, Grillixbee flutters backward, her wings creating a furious hum that fills the room. With no time to waste, she reaches deep into her reserves of magic, her form shimmering as she begins to channel her innate teleportation spell.

But in her desperation, Grillixbee falters. The pain from her wounds, the pressure of the battle, and the fierce attacks from Unafe and the others have taken their toll. Her focus wavers just as the magic begins to manifest. A critical error.

With a strained gasp, the arcane energy she was gathering shatters. The shimmer surrounding her body fades abruptly, leaving her in the same spot. The teleportation spell fails. Her compound eyes widen in a mix of fury and desperation as she realizes she’s still trapped in the room with the very enemies she sought to flee. She flutters back just a few feet, trying to maintain some distance.

Grillixbee struggle: 1d20 + 25 - 4 - 3 ⇒ (20) + 25 - 4 - 3 = 38
Conc check: 1d20 + 18 - 3 ⇒ (5) + 18 - 3 = 20

Ehren leaves Templar 2 critical.

Hinagiku uses a swift to use Enhancer and then sets up an Assist Zone.

Grillixbee escapes grapple, 5 ft steps, teleports.

Round 2!

Unafe & Sana are up!

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Bookkeeping - 5 rounds last turn of haste, 4 rounds this turn. She moves 20 feet towards Aedric and begins removing his shackles. She recalls Amber to her side. She spends a swift action to increase her illumination by two. She gains her final maneuver - Breath of the Moon. Her illumination rises to 5.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 21 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 21 + 3 = 36
Bluff: 1d20 + 13 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 3 = 34

"Understood." Sana says and begins moving across the room to approach the boy, keeping her eyes on the creature as she does, her eyes moving to the second, and then finally settling on the sarkorian child. He couldn't be much larger than Fenton. Was Fenton older when Ary had saved him? Had she been older when Fen'wen had saved her? Would she die like this world's Li'an when she attempted to save him? Her heart beats still faster.

She tilts her head, stretching her neck uncomfortably at the thought, switching hands with her bow as she flicks her wrist, multiple devices extending from her gauntlet as she approaches the restraints. She is surprised when she sees she has no need of the tools, and simply reaches to remove them and grab the child unceremoniously, commanding Amber to follow her once more. "The Adepts are intelligent enough to fear you, but they are not blessed to act despite that fear."

"Byddwch yn dda. Os byddwn yn cael ein gwahanu, bydd eich hun i mewn i'r golau, a byddwch yn dychwelyd i fy ochr." she continues, looking to the child, maintaining the commanding tone.

"Be good. If we get separated, will yourself into the light, and you will return to my side.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Beatrix and Yui are up!

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

Now threatened by a minotaur, and seeing more demonic abominations coming in from the next room, Beatrix chooses to protect herself. She couldn't do anyone any good if she was cut to ribbons. She cries out, "More enemies coming!" followed by, "Unafe, keep fighting, here!"

Then, with a brief prayer to Iomedae for protection, Beatrix shrouds herself in a shield of darkness. Where the tiefling priestess once apparently stood becomes an amorphous shroud of magical darkness, masking her exact location and making it more difficult to attack her.

FA: 5' step
SA: Cast shield of darkness, which grants Beatrix total concealment using magical darkness for 9 rounds. It does not allow her to utilize stealth unless she is surrounded by darkness.
MA: Refocus Unafe
From blessing of fervor, Beatrix chooses +2 atk/AC/Reflex, increasing her AC to 24.

Suggest Yui kill Grillix and then PCs migrate back out this way. Which way is the altar?

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 3 + 2 = 34
Damage - Vital Strike, Reaping Strike, Bloodied Strike, Good Hope, War Honk: 2d8 + 3d6 + 6 + 3 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + (5, 3, 3) + 6 + 3 + 6 = 31

Stepping over the cultist she'd left bleeding out, Yui closes on the fly demon to take advantage of it stepping back from Unafe. She puts her weight into a downward slice aimed at Grillixbee's shoulder, the blood-drenched blade biting into the creature's now shattered exoskeleton.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe continues to fight with everything she can, emboldened by Beatrix's support.

Round 2(a):

Free: 5’ step

IF Yui just killed Grillixbee, both attacks are vs the swarm
IF Grillz is still up, focus on her, then switch to the swarm for my Move
IF the swarm and Grillz are both dead before I Shove, I’ll shove the Templar (and make it nonlethal to trigger Enforcer)

Stnd: Brutal Strike, GH bane: 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 21 + 3 + 2 = 38
Damage (GH, bane, honk, -MF): 4d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 + 6 + 22 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 5) + 15 + 3 + (1) + 6 + 22 = 59
Swft: Honk again

Move: Shove (vs touch, GH): 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 21 + 3 + 2 = 40
Damage (GH, bane): 9 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ 9 + 3 + (2) = 14
Enforcer, GH: 1d20 + 31 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 31 + 3 = 48 // only if vs Templar

35 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
32 CMB (35 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
0/7 Tension (1 hit)
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP //
7/11 Momentum //
1/2 martial focus // +1 beatrix, -1 brutal strike
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.
3/3 Honk rounds remaining
7/10 Slapper rounds remaining

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit)
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
All within my (currently 5') reach have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Unafe's first strike is devastating. With a mighty roar, Unafe drives her fist forward, aiming directly for the demon's weakened form. The impact of her strike lands squarely in Grillixbee’s side. The demon lets out a high-pitched, insectoid shriek as the blow sends her sprawling. She crumples under Unafe’s second blow. Her grotesque fly-like body collapses, her wings twitching one last time before going still. Her compound eyes flicker and then dim, fading as her body falls limp on the bloodstained floor.

As Beatrix’s form melds into the shadowy darkness, Rue's voice rings out once more in the telepathic link, reaching the others. "We should move! The altar is in the direction that minotaur came from."

Rue wastes no time and nocks another arrow. She releases, the string vibrating as the arrow streaks across the room. The arrow embeds itself deep in the minotaur’s shoulder, its wings faltering as it stumbles forward.

Just then, Arueshalae steps in to finish the job. Her bow hums with energy as she draws back an arrow and releases it. The projectile flies true, striking the minotaur directly in the throat. The creature’s roar dies in its throat as it chokes on its own blood, its wings spasming wildly. The hulking minotaur collapses to the ground with a thunderous crash.


The alien twitches, its bulbous eyes darting from Sana to Aedric, and then back again. Sana can tell it’s calculating, weighing her actions carefully. Though intelligent, the creature seems to accept her explanation for now, its desire for further experimentation tempered by Sana’s apparent authority and composure. For the moment, it remains passive, allowing her to remove Aedric from its clutches.

The boy slowly gets to his feet, his body trembling from exhaustion and the trauma of his captivity. His dark eyes flicker with fear, but there’s a faint spark of hope as Sana frees him. He hesitates for only a moment before instinctively moving behind her, positioning her between himself and the monster.

Just as Sana finishes unlocking the final shackle, she feels a shift in the air. From the shadows of the next room, two more brain collectors emerge, their grotesque bodies shifting into view. They hover just out of immediate range, their blisters of collected brains pulsing ominously. They don’t advance, but their presence is a looming threat, their gazes locked onto Sana and Aedric with silent, calculating interest.

"Yes... the Adepts," it rasps, the tentacles around its mouth flexing and twitching. "They fear us, as they should. But they are small creatures, scurrying in the shadows of beings far greater than they could ever comprehend." The creature shifts slightly, as if preening under the compliment. Its gaze flickers between Sana and Aedric, lingering on the boy with a hunger that is barely restrained. "Fear is their only use... fear, and perhaps the occasional sacrifice."

Rue vs Minotaur 1: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 3 = 21
Rue vs Minotaur 1: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 25
Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 3 = 20

Unafe KOs Grillixbee. Rue KOs Minotaur 1

Rue takes the extra attack on FRA from blessing of fervor.

Yui's submitted action is no longer valid.

Yui, Hinagiku and Ehren are up!

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 3 + 2 = 34[ooc]
[ooc]Damage - Vital Strike, Reaping Strike, Bloodied Strike, Good Hope, War Honk: 2d8 + 3d6 + 6 + 3 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + (5, 3, 3) + 6 + 3 + 6 = 31

With Grillixbee dead, Yui turns her attention to the remaining templar, sweeping her naginata in a wide arc, aiming at their midsection.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Yui’s attack strikes cleanly, the sharp edge of her naginata slicing across the templar's midsection. The armor crumples under the sheer force of the blow, and with a final gasp, the templar collapses to the ground, her glaive slipping from her hands as blood pools beneath her. She watches as the locust swarm, which had been unleashed earlier, begins to shirk away from Ehren's protective aura. The insects buzz frantically, pressing themselves into the far corner of the room, unwilling to come any closer to the druid’s repel vermin spell.

Yui kills Templar 2.

Hinagiku and Ehren are up!

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Blessing of Fervor: +2 to attack rolls/AC/Reflex saves.

"Finish them, Unafe!" Ehren rumbles encouragingly, before turning to head back out into the hallway. With Grillixbee and the Templars neutralized, they could move on to the temple.

Move action to restore Unafe's martial focus and another to move into the hallway.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----


The brain collector’s telepathic voice seeps into Sana’s mind, but now it is sharper, edged with agitation.

"The sanctum is under attack... Crusaders," it hisses, its tentacles squirming with renewed intensity. "So this is the true nature of your intrusion, little one. You have deceived me."

The creature shifts, its gaze narrowing on Sana and the boy, now standing free. Its earlier amusement fades, replaced by cold malice. The two brain collectors observing from the distance now drift closer, their eyes fixed on Sana with predatory interest.

"You’ve played your part well," the brain collector continues, its telepathic voice a poisonous whisper. "But your efforts will be in vain. We are not so easily undone by your kind. We have survived for centuries in the void, and we will survive this, too."

The alien begins to pulse with dark energy, clearly preparing to act, its attention now focused on the broader threat of the Crusaders attacking the sanctum. However, the creature doesn't attack immediately. Instead, it seems to weigh its options, eyeing Sana as though considering whether it has time to deal with her and Aedric, or whether it should flee to preserve its own survival. The other brain collectors begin to subtly position themselves, prepared to intervene if needed.

The brain collector locks its many eyes on Sana one final time.

"Leave, now," it rasps telepathically. "Take the boy and flee, while you still can. But if you remain, you will die like the others." The creature's voice oozes with confidence, but the underlying message is clear: it no longer views Sana as a priority and is prepared to focus on the larger battle threatening the sanctum.

Just as Ehren rounds the corner, the heavy clomp of hooves and a low, guttural growl announce the arrival of new enemies.

Another fiendish minotaur—larger and more vicious-looking than the last—steps through an open door, its red eyes glowing with demonic fury. The creature’s massive, clawed hands grip a brutal-looking greataxe, and its bat-like wings stretch wide as it bellows a challenge. Behind the minotaur, a crab-like monstrosity skitters into view, its body covered in twitching eyes and grotesque, bulbous blisters filled with humanoid brains.

The other heroes can attempt the K.Arcana checks in this post


1d20 ⇒ 16

Hinagiku uses Blessing of Fervor: +2 to attack rolls/AC/Reflex saves. Sets up assist zone.

Round 3!

Unafe and Anna are up!

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

K. Arcana (grazed): 1d20 + 14 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 14 - 1 = 21

Beatrix recognizes the brain collector behind the fiendish minotaur, recoils a bit, and prepares to unleash holy retribution on the creature for its sins of stealing brains and using them to fuel its own magical strength.

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

Free action to Leave Amber. Sana uses a swift action to become incorporeal and withdraws 195 feet as a full round action, the first 5 feet into the ground, heading back to the bathroom. Illumination rises to 6, +2 AC/Reflex from Fervor. 3 Rounds of haste remain. 4 rounds of incorporeal remain.

Sana's brow furrows at the understanding that the creature was... letting her go? Was it respect? Fear? She knew so little of the creature it had always been a gamble to even approach it diplomatically to begin with. "Understood. Thank you." she says, still clearly confused.

"Dw i'n mynd i deithio o dan y llawr at dy frawd. Rhowch ychydig eiliadau i mi, yna symudwch eich hun i olau Amber." she says to the boy as she sinks into the ground, before rushing directly to the bathroom once more. She was more worried for the child than if her ruse had lasted a few moments longer...

Along the way, Sana sends word to Rue.

"I'm going to move through the ground to your brother. Give me a few seconds, then move yourself into Amber's light."

"It's possible the kid winds up separated from me. I'll let you know if he shows up here, keep an eye out for him for me."

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Hearing the commotion in the hall, Unafe lets the saurian spirits surge through her and she swells to her full size.

Spotting a fiendish minotaur from her new position, she bounds past Yui into the hall. With a nod to Beatrix and Ehren, she silently coordinates to share their space as she slams her fist into the minotaur's shoulder, and then grabs attempts to grab and restrain them (and keep them blocking the door).

Round 3:

Swft: embiggen (pink square #1 shows my position as I grow).
Move: Shove (vs touch, GH, bane): 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 21 + 3 + 2 = 34
Damage (GH, bane, nonlethal, honk): 11 + 3 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ 11 + 3 + (5) + 6 = 25 // + Battered
Enforcer, GH: 1d20 + 31 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 31 + 3 = 42

Stnd: Grapple (damage), GH, bane: 1d20 + 29 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 29 + 3 + 2 = 38 // vs CMD -2 (if battered), -4 (if shaken)
Free: Sudden Attack, GH, bane: 1d20 + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 = 31
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane): 2d6 + 15 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 15 + 3 + (2) = 27

33 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
34 CMB (37 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
4/7 Tension (1 +1 move +1 hit +1 intimidate)
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP //
7/11 Momentum //
2/2 martial focus // +1 shove
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.
2/3 Honk rounds remaining
6/10 Slapper rounds remaining

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit)
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
All within my (currently 15') reach have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Arueshalae speaks to the others, her voice calm despite the chaos around them, "Anna's making a run for it with a kid, but there's a chance they could get separated. Keep an eye out for him—he may appear here soon."

Unafe seizes the minotaur's moment of weakness, swiftly grabbing and locking the hulking beast into a powerful grapple. With a sharp twist, she follows up with a crushing strike, her fist slamming into the creature’s body. Blood trickles from its mouth as it struggles, but Unafe’s grip remains unbreakable, her strength clearly overpowering the fiend. However, as Unafe continues her assault, she feels an unsettling mental pressure invade her mind. One of the brain collectors moves past her while she is distracted by the minotaur.

Rue narrows her focus on the fiendish minotaur still struggling in Unafe's grip. Her hands move swiftly, drawing back her starbow and releasing. The first arrow strikes true, embedding itself deep in the creature’s torso, causing it to stagger under the impact. The second arrow flies just after. The minotaur stumbles, its strength fading rapidly. With a final grunt of pain, the minotaur collapses under the weight of its injuries, its massive form crashing to the ground. Rue lowers her bow, exhaling sharply as the fiend lies motionless. With one quick movement, Rue turns and aims at the second minotaur and fires, the arrow finding its mark. The shot pierces through the minotaur’s shoulder, sending blood spurting from the wound. Though still standing, the creature is visibly weakened.

Now that Ehren has left the strategy room, the locust swarm, surges forward. With a loud, incessant buzz, the swarm descends upon Yui, their tiny, gnawing mandibles biting at her exposed skin. The cloud of insects swarms over the large table at the center of the room, where maps and documents are meticulously spread out.

The locusts devour the maps and papers with alarming speed, shredding the carefully laid-out strategies and battle plans into scraps. What was once a trove of vital information is quickly reduced to dust, the swarm feasting relentlessly on the documents as the room fills with the sound of wings and chewing.

Unafe grapples and grazes and shakens Minotaur 2.

Unafe must make 2 DC 16 will saves or become confused.

Rue vs Minotaur 2: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 3 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 3 + 8 = 29
Rue vs Minotaur 2: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 3 = 18
Rue vs Minotaur 3: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 18
Rue vs Minotaur 3 fumble?: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 31
Rue vs Minotaur 3: 1d20 + 13 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 13 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 27
Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 3 = 18
Rue vs Minotaur 3: 1d20 + 8 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 - 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 = 9

Rue KOs Minotaur 2 and grazes Minotaur 3

Yui takes 1d6 ⇒ 2 swarm damage and must make a DC 12 fort save or become nauseated.

Beatrix and Yui are up!

Female Nogitsune ROG 1/ARC 5/MOU 5//Stranger/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 121/121 | Init +8 Percpt +27 | AC 28/27/22 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +11 MP 3/11 AP 3/10 BP 3/5 LP 0/2 4LC 2/3 CS 1/2 Cf 1/3
Arc (CL 11; cn +16) 1st 6/6 2nd 3/5 3rd 2/5 4th 3/5 5th 1/3
Acro +20 Appr +19 Bluff +23 DDev +22 Dis +7 K(Arc,Rel,Pln|Any) +19/+9 S Motive +23 SHand +20 Splcrft +19 Stealth +25 UMD +9

Fort Save: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 3 = 22

Yui fights off the locust swarm and heads out of the room to join the others. As she rounds the corner, she spots a horde of hideous crab monsters heading down the hall.

Knowledge(Arcana): 1d20 + 19 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 19 + 3 = 41

"These creatures are Neh-Thalggu, Brain Collectors. They are magic users, and their strength comes from the brains they've stored in their sacs. Allow them to come towards us, I can keep them from being able to cast on us for the time being."

Weaving conjuration magic, an explosion of ash and cinders floods the hall, coating everything with a thick layer and making it impossible for the Neh-Thalggu to see down the hall.

Mv Act: Move out of room; Std Act: Cast ash storm

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe feels the crab-like monstrosity try to meddle with her mind, but between the bright hope Myrna had passed on to her allies and Goryon's own tough resistance, she easily resists it.

Will, GH: 1d20 + 16 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 3 = 35 Will, GH: 1d20 + 16 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 3 = 33
Will, GH: 1d20 + 16 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 16 + 3 = 22 Will, GH: 1d20 + 16 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 16 + 3 = 24

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 95(+6)/126 (grazed) | AC 22, touch 12, ff 20, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 0/4, holy lance 1/1

The Lieutenant claps the Archdruid on his rocky shoulder, imparting some of Iomedae's grace, wisdom, and strength onto him. Then, she proceeds down the hallway towards the dead minotaurs and the leaders' rooms. "There are many neh-thalggu and minotaurs that way," she calls. "Are we sure we want to go that way?"

SA: Use Touch of Good on Ehren, granting him +4 sacred to attacks, skills, saves, and ability checks
MA: Move to next to the dead minotaurs.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

The remaining visible minotaur roars and lashes out at Unafe, but its attacks are clumsy and desperate. The bite misses entirely, and the minotaur stumbles from the force of its own failure, biting down hard on nothing but air. The self-inflicted shock leaves the creature reeling, its next bites weakened by the mishap. The minotaur shakes its head, dazed, as the battle continues to rage around it.

Meanwhile, the large room to the south fills with templars, demons, and adepts, their hurried footsteps echoing off the ivory floors. Though their numbers swell, most of the templars are only half-armored, their helmets still in hand or their breastplates unsecured.

Minotaur 3 attack vs Unafe: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Minotaur 3 attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Minotaur 3 bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Minotaur 3 bite fumble?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 1d6 ⇒ 6 NL damage and a -2 penalty on attack rolls with the bite attack for 1d4 ⇒ 3 rounds

Hinagiku, Ehren, Unafe and Anna are up!

DR 5/Magic SR 22 Res A/C/E/F 10 Female EC 1 TS 1 OS 0 CS 1 FM 1 Formless Dance Human Arm 10/Mys 1 HP (148/148)
AC/Tou/Flat/CMD 31/26/23/28 | F/R/W +14/18/15 | Init +08
MP 09/11 C 3/3 hLP 2/2 LP 2/2 SP 15/17 MF 2/2 An 1 Ill 1
+27: Stealth +26: Perc +25: Acro +24: DD +21: AutoH, SM +18: L(Heroes), Spellcraft, K(Planes, Rel), C(Sketching) +16: P(Dance) +15: UMD, Athl +13: Bluff +12: Diplo, Surv +9: Ling +8: K(Geo, His, Loc, Arc, Dun)

I'll delay until Yui/Beatrix

"Aedric should be right behind me." Sana says, looking towards Janos as her discomfort grows once more, as time passes bit by bit, feeling too long by half.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 108/137 | AC 35, T 19, FF 28 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 (+3 from good hope) | CMD 29 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 7/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 6/11 | SP 1/10

Ehren sets his jaw as the enemy assembles in the south, forming quite the formidable group. The druid's earthen body surges with power as he taps into the nearby ley line, setting his gemstone eyes ablaze. Drawing on his mythic nature, he weaves another devastating fire spell, evoking a column of holy flame amid the hapless Templars.

Ehren uses place magic and spends 1 MP to cast empowered flame strike at CL 13th.

Caster Level vs. Brain Collector SR: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 2 = 19 Will legendary surge as an immediate action if necessary.
Fire/Divine Damage: 13d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 4, 2, 5, 6, 4, 6, 5) = 53*1.5 = 79
Reflex Save DC 22 to halve the damage.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

The Brain Collector barely has time to react as the searing light descends, scorching its twisted, crab-like body. It attempts to scuttle out of the way, but the divine fire still consumes it, leaving it badly burned.

The templars fare even worse. Though two manage to leap aside at the last moment, the others are not so fortunate. Two templars are instantly incinerated, their screams cut short as the holy flames consume them, while the others are left barely standing, their armor charred and barely clinging to life.

Neh Thalggu Reflex: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 - 2 = 20
Templar 4 reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Templar 5 reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Templar 6 reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Templar 7 reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Ehren leaves Brain collector 1, templars 4 and 5 all in critical condition and kills templars 6 and 7.

Unafe is up!

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe's fists rip into the minotaur with saurian ferocity.

Round 4:

// I misclicked in Roll20 and somehow got my token stuck in a wall, but Unafe will attack the nearest Minotaur, and then (if they fall) whatever foe is next in reach (or within a 5' step), with a preference for clearing the hall toward the temple.

Move: Shove (vs touch, GH, bane): 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 21 + 3 + 2 = 35
Damage (GH, bane, nonlethal, honk): 11 + 3 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ 11 + 3 + (5) + 6 = 25 // + Battered
Enforcer, GH: 1d20 + 31 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 31 + 3 = 38

Stnd: Brutal Strike, GH, bane: 1d20 + 21 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 21 + 3 + 2 = 33
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane, -MF): 6d6 + 17 + 3 + 1d6 + 22 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 2, 5, 3) + 17 + 3 + (2) + 22 = 62

Free: Sudden Attack, GH, bane: 1d20 + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 21 - 5 + 3 + 2 = 29
Damage (nonlethal, GH, bane): 3d6 + 17 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) + 17 + 3 + (3) = 35

33 AC +2 vs evil outsiders
34 CMB (37 vs Grapple) +2 vs evil outsiders
147/147 HP
24 THP // 13 guardian, 11 giant fortitude
0 Nonlethal //
6/7 Tension (4 +1 hit +1 intimidate)
9/9 AP //
10/11 MP //
7/11 Momentum //
2/2 martial focus // +1 shove
5/22 SP //
1/3 stone shapes remaining //
2/3 stone to flesh remaining //
DR 2/- vs evil outsiders.
1/3 Honk rounds remaining
5/10 Slapper rounds remaining

. . War Honk (aka Fierce Shout) on all allies (ONLY if my first strike hit)
1) get +6 dam to first attack per round,
2) can spend a Move to refocus Unafe
All within my (currently 15') reach have the benefits of the following aegises:
Inner Peace (aegis)
Mystic Shell (aegis)
Fateless (aegis)
Deathless (aegis)

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