Mr Clint's Duchy of Ashlar

Game Master Mr Clint

Loot Tracker

Interactive Battle Map

Deities & Demigods

Marching Order:

? - ?
Helgar -?
Nempura - ?

Single Row: ? - ? - Helgar - ? - Nempura - ?

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

We faced the same wall in Languard when selling stuff. They were offering too cheap of a price at the location we went to and we had a time crunch. I couldn't shop around. This time, it seems like the price was too low and the person wouldn't deal, and then there was a time crunch too. Hopefully, we don't get these goods stolen.

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

Catching up on my games, and sorry for falling behind on this one. Having some painful issues with my gums, got treated over past two days and I'm kind of out of it. Will read up and post soon.

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Oh man! That sucks. Hope they feel better

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Oh man, dental stuff is the worst. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Also, with the game, hope no one is thinking I've forgotten about you. I wanted to give time for others to post before pressing on. Just incase you guys wanted to do any deals or buy a wand like Ivar asked about.

hey all. I apologize for the delay. With the snow and ice we've received the last two days the kids have been off school and my office has been closed. Needless to say, free time has been limited.

I will have a post up after lunch when the youngest is taking a nap.

Hey all! I am apologizing again. These last two weeks our family has been passing around a bug (not covid) that has really kicked out butts. Thankfully, we are all back on the side of the "healthy." Which also means me getting back to our games and regularly posting.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Eww. Hopefully, you guys get feeling better soon.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

If people are having trouble logging in, delete the paizo content in your web browser's history and relog in.

So, maybe a dumb question, why are we switching the horses?

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

I can see the wagon's horses for the caravan needing to be switched out to make time,, as they've been pulling heavy loads for a long time and can't rest, but our personal ones have had a light time of it. Also, our wagon is pretty light, so to have multiple horses pulling it is probably really easy for them. The load and our hasty travel might be the only reason to switch them out. It is possible that the traders have their own horses they own and switch our for various legs of trips. No one in their right mind would trade out a horse to a stranger for their horse without knowing its temperament or abilities.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Also had the problem logging in, but couldn't make it to the forums at all. Eventually asking the customer service helped to log back in.

RAW horses can only travel 8 hours in a day before gaining penalties and slowing down. If the party wants to continue onto Dulwich today then they need to be switched out.

ninja'd by Mr Clint:

Ah, I assumed it was a plot hook to let us learn about the city if we wanted to. I didn't realize we were going to be traveling longer than eight hours.

Since we're 'Riding' does that mean we don't have worry about being exhausted ourselves?

Sorry had horses growing up. I got bored and started over thinking it

It's all good.

So just to clarify on a few things:

- What ever you want to do, is cool with me. If you want to press on to Dulwich that's cool. If you don't want to switch out horses and spend the day here, that is also cool with me.

- As far as "objectives" go, there are two. 1) Caravan 2) Exploring the ruins to the south. 3) The child and the Ephod.

This is very much a sandbox kind of game, so whatever you want to do, I will help facilitate it. As of right now, there are no known deadlines for the second two. And you care currently doing the first one.

I am using Hank as a way to keep things rolling, but if you want to stop in a town and explore, he will wait and do train in town.

Cool, like I said, I was board and thinking about it from the idea of familiarity with the horses.

I'm happy to switch out and keep moving. As for the 'objectives' I tend to focus on 'one at a time' but happy to poke around doing other stuff if folks want to. It feels like Ivar would be 'task oriented' but this iteration of him is still new enough to me that he may change.

Nempura - I think we are saying the same thing. Regardless of what you do, the wagons are going across the bridge to continue their journey. Hank told you guys to go ahead and cross to get to the shop, I didn't say this in game but he would catch up to you. You would not be double backing unless you want to for whatever reason.

Now, from what the woman told you, there is a toll/tax booth at each end and they both collect for their respected leader. But that is at each far end. You are not taxed by both at each tower.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

So we'd do better to just take the wagon across now is what you're saying and then those who are eating can eat and catch up on foot while I park the wagon and sell stuff?

From what has happened so far, Ewan went in and got everyone sandwiches. I believe he was the only one who entered the tavern? I could be wrong, but I do remember he specifically went in to being out sandwiches.

So now that the horses are being switched out, You are free to continue on with the wagon and approach the first place that was brought to your attention.

Just to clarify a few things

Nempura Babblebrook wrote:
The fact she'd have to spend money to even cross the bridge again to go to the shop just pisses her off.

Wagons were the only things charged. The guard at the first tower was going to charge you because you were clearly carrying trade goods through the toll booth trying to circumvent the tax.

Hank asked if everyone was ready, if anyone wanted to go and purchase something from the shops you can do that. That's why I put the moving on info in a spoiler.

Nempura Babblebrook wrote:
I'm guessing it took forever to sell off the gear and not just the short deal we just roleplayed?

Everything was hand waved with the deal. The owner purchased the kukri, but everything else took time as it was the off duty mercenaries purchasing what they were interested in as they looked through it. Not quite the same as dropping everything off at a shops counter and they give you an offer.

Everything is still on track to arrive at your destination by the evening.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

And like I posted with her, she isn’t the type to make him wait if he’s outside and she knows he’s in a hurry. Buying clothes is what she’s wanted to do since getting off the ship but there just isn’t time so far to work out a good enough deal to get them. From my view, it’s just been nonstop go go go the past few in game days.

Nempura Babblebrook wrote:
From my view, it’s just been nonstop go go go the past few in game days.

I'm sorry about this. I want this to really have an open world feel to this campaign. I don't want you guys to feel like you are being railroaded or given no time. Honestly, if you/your character wants to do something please say so. I am here to facilitate.

Also, I apologize. Apparently I "posted" yesterday and I only hit preview. I'll have the post up here shortly.

Helgar Runetamer wrote:
In large part because pathfinder crafting rules are a dead end for most PCs

If you want to get into crafting we can make that happen.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

I appreciate that. Time to craft, time to shop, time to deal in deals that don't take up all of our time in a location we want to explore to see your open world would be appreciated.

I totally agree, that is why I always say 'what do you do?'

If anyone ever feels like I am rushing you through some, or even dragging things along, do not hesitate to say pump the breaks or hit the gas.

Curious conversation, I felt like Mr Clint was giving us a lot of information and plenty of time to investigate rumors and such in both towns. But I also felt like the 'character' Hank was moving the wagon train along at a reasonable pace. Which I thought was ok since we were hired to guard the wagon train and he's a merchant with someplace to be.

Maybe my perspective is more because Ivar is focused on getting where were going. Of course, that's how I travel, unless plans are made, so it's not completely fare to blame Ivar :)

Anyway, once we get to Dulwich we should have plenty of time to 'shop' before we head off to the old fort.

He does have the load of fish to think about... But you are correct. Once you all hit Dulwich you will technically be "off duty" and will have plenty of time to do whatever is needed. And Dulwich is kind of a large city, almost 5000 people. Languard is almost 8000 to put it into relative perspective, and Languard is the capital.

It's funny, I thought you might be giving us all the info on the towns cause you wanted to give us the option to explore if we decided to. I was like, come on we've got a fort to loot... Never thought about someone wanting to stay a while...

I do appreciate the open conversation, it let's us get a better feel for each others playing styles, which I think helps.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

Ewan would agree to Ivar's thinking of getting to the destination at hand as we are hired to guard said caravan. After that, we can explore to our heart's intent, though Ewan would like to see missions come to completion before setting sights on the next interesting part.

haha, yes I was giving it as options for you to explore now, or next time you came through. Or you never know what local characters will play important roles in the future.... *insert evil laugh*

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

I tend to agree with Ivar and Ewan, not to mention that this town gives Arren the heebie-jeebies

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

I just want to say that I think I'm not able to express what I'm trying to say well enough. This has more to do with Nempura's greed/hedonism and my wish to fulfill that more than my discontentment as a player. That's all I'll say as I can't seem to communicate what I want to. Don't feel I hate the game at all! :)

Nempura's greed/hedonism, Smooshie I love your commitment to your character!

Hey everyone! I wanted to reach out and see if we could recommit to our postings once a day. Even if it is something small, it helps keep the ball rolling.

Also, try to leave opportunities for "yes, and..." so that other players, and your beloved DM, opportunities to put themselves into the conversation/scene if need be.

Hmmm, I'm not opposed to posting once a day, I'm on the boards almost constantly from 8 am est to 4 pm est.

I generally try to respond to what's going on in game, either to conversations or characters and NPC's actions and generally try and start conversations.

Happy to discuss it more, would you rather do that here or in PM?

Edit:Would having discussion available on Discord help?

Are you talking about all of us or you and I? feel free to shoot me a PM if you'd like

Forgemaster Cleric (2) Wounds (0) HP (19) AC (18/11/17, +2 vs Undead) Saves (5/1/6, +2 Hardy, +2 vs Undead Spells/SLAs) CMD (13, +4 Stability) Initiative (+1) RF (0/4) AT (6/6)

For me, I thought that recovering from my surgery would mean more time, but I’m rarely at my computer. Mostly with phone while watching a baby. Will try to be active

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

@Ivar, not sure if that's a possibility, but Ewan might have met some of Ivar's kin or folk on the opposite sides of combat.

Ivar has been with sea raiders in his background, did that include attacks on ships?

Ewan Scribner wrote:

@Ivar, not sure if that's a possibility, but Ewan might have met some of Ivar's kin or folk on the opposite sides of combat.

Ivar has been with sea raiders in his background, did that include attacks on ships?

It's probably possible.

When I originally built him he was from the "Land of the Linnorm Kings" on Golarion. Which has a history of raiders.

In this setting the GM recommended he be from Skallhaft which is mostly industrial and fishing. I don't know if it has a history of raiding or not. But I had Ivar leave because he didn't want to fish all his life.


Ruler: Svaad Ruun
Government: Dynasty
Alignments: LN, N
Population: 187 (187 humans)
Notable Folk: Gremheks (Vaydmar’s Light), The Alchemist (Wayhouse), The Poacher (Wayhouse), The Wizard (Wayhouse)
Languages: Common
Resources & Industry: Alchemical good, rare creature parts
Skaalhaft is a whaling village, where the quarry are drakes, kraken and other magical aquatic beasts as well as more mundane prey. Each kill provides food and alchemical supplies for weeks, both for use in the viillage and for profitable export. Whaling crews leave for days at a time, returning with a kill or empty handed (or sometimes not at all). These warriors use specialized tools and techniques to take on creatures that would slay far greater warriors.

Back in Skaalhaft, women and children work in a miasmic processing mill. Stone faced and silent, they separate valuable scales, blood and bone from worthless refuse. The bay is thick with mutated sharks from the runoff of such arcane waste.

The citizens of Skaalhaft are strong, sombre and scarred, some marked with glowing tattoos, carved scrimshaw necklaces or strange magic gifts from the alchemically charged meals they consume. While the village’s mood usually matches the stormy grey skies, a valuable kill is marked by raucous celebrations which can last many days.

Appearance: The villagers are large, muscular, heavily tattooed and acid scarred. Their skin is pale, almost blue, but thick without any sign of veins. Both men and women either tie their dark hair in braids, or cut it off completely.

Dress: Here in the cold, there is little difference between the dress of men and women. Villagers wear leather and furs crafted from both land and sea creatures alike. Many wear white and black scrimshaw necklaces from familial kills.

Nomenclature: male Gunvor, Hakron, Magnor, Olvar, Ranghide, Torhyld; female Fridys, Hyldys, Sigryd, Trygvin, Yngryd; family Baas, Frys, Gurs, Mys, Ruun, Lyne, Ulf, Vyn.

Skaalhaft is sombre and its folk hard-working, without time or desire for the frivolities of play or art. Large men and women walk in silence, work in silence and largely socialize in silence. At night, the sounds of warm laughter sometimes emanate from the closed shutters of houses, but these displays of affection are deeply personal and not for outsiders or even other villagers.

Trade & Industry
Villagers hunt and process rare aquatic creatures, then sells the results to alchemically minded patrons around the realm. The entire village pursues this industry with single-minded enthusiasm. Almost half of all men are hunters, while the other half trawl the waters for fish or perform various odd jobs. Hunting is deeply engrained in Skaalhaft’s culture and closely tied to success and virility.

Law & Order
Skaalhaft’s chief, Svaad Ruun, has total governance over the village. He issues all decrees, adjudicates all major decisions and passes down judgement when necessary.

In reality, Svaad makes very few real choices. The traditions of Skaalhaft are deep-seated and clear to all villagers. Respect for one another is paramount. Physical affection outside the home is discouraged. Remain quiet unless you have something important to say. Split proceeds from the hunt evenly between all villagers. While there are the occasional rule-breakers, a strong work ethic combined with harsh punishments ensure there are few major problems.

Customs & Traditions
Skaalhaft’s citizens seem neither a religious nor celebratory lot. However, their lives burst with small rituals and customs nearly robbed of purpose by time. Scrimshaw takes on traditional significance, embodying the spirits of great kills of the past. Many villagers carry a lucky piece of scrimshaw, or make sure to touch the various whale bones embedded in the village’s buildings as they pass by.

Seasonal monster migrations are marked by short ceremonies, usually at sunrise and only involving the chief and the captains. Births and deaths are marked by small rituals confined to the immediate family, chief and lighthouse keeper alone. If there is disaster at sea, the entire village mourns for as many days as the number of sailors lost. By sharing the load, the mourning period is minimized and those affected may quickly return to work. Public weeping is always discouraged, even in the case of close loss.

Skaalhaft rests on a blustery spit of northern land. It is a week’s ride to the nearest major town, far enough to feel secluded but close enough that traders may reach it without extensive travel. The trails are not well-maintained, but the caravans make do. For the unique products that Skaalhaft offers, the trip is worth it.

If the village had an inn, however, the trek might be far more enjoyable. Instead, visitors must set up their own camps among the black boulders littering the landscape. The reception visitors receive is as frosty as the trail they have travelled.

It is cold, up here in the north. Most of the year, freezing sea mist, fog and rain cover the land. For a few weeks every summer, the land becomes stifling hot and still, without even a breeze to provide respite. For a few weeks every winter, the village endures a blizzard (though the snow does not survive long on the salted earth). Regardless of the season, however, the sea is always bitterly cold, hovering just a few degrees above freezing. It is not uncommon to see detached icebergs floating by in the distance.

The terrain around Skaalhaft is volcanic in origin, though no volcano has erupted here in millennia. Rocks are black and jagged, whipped into unnatural sharp shapes by wind, salt and time. Instead of earth, the ground comprises black gravel for several days travel in any direction. The few plants growing here are highly sought after by the herds of elk migrating through this bleak land.

Up and down the coast, cliffs and razor-sharp boulders make sailing difficult. A crew seeking respite from a gale must find one of the few black sand beaches piercing the cliffs, then pull their boat high out of the water to avoid the rough surf. Skaalhaft sailors are specially trained to navigate such harsh waters without smashing their boats to bits.

Many sea creatures revel in these conditions. Drakes, kraken, whales and dire sharks all travel and feed in abundance along the coast and in deeper waters. The rich seawater draws a range of prey and predator alike, including great colonies of seals and orcas along with the fiercer beasts. While most sailors avoid the region at all costs, those in Skaalhaft use secret techniques to bring down such valuable quarry.

In short, the area around Skaalhaft is not unlike the villagers themselves. In the cold and quiet, the land might seem lifeless and inhospitable to foreigners. However, great energy and strength and lie hidden just beneath the surface.

Human uRogue 1/Wizard 1 | HP 14/18 | |AC 17/T17/FF14 | F+2/R+4/W+3 | CMB -1/CMD 11 | init + 3 | Perc + 11 |

Apologies, I know I'm one that has fallen off. Things keep being crazy with work and home both. I'll try to do better.

HP: 12/20; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0; Init +4; Perception +0
Fighter(Lore Warden/Learned Duelist)/2

I noticed Skaalhaft as more of a fisher's and hunter's type of settlement, so that's why I was asking if the raider's type background was still applicable to you. Perhaps we both know a crewmate or leader from your time there.

@GM, any thoughts about if there are any sea raiders active in this (part of the) world?

Arren Velmas, CG Human Sanguine Sorcerer [Tatooed Sorcerer] |HP:14/14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3(-2 vs evil spell)|AC:12(16) T:12 FF:10(14)|Init:+8|
Resources Used:
two 1st

You're not the only one Merion, I've also been falling off. Don't think it's just you, I also need to be trying harder.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

We pulled into the east gate (which it to the top of the image) and Hanath's wagon turned back that way, so I take it we are continuing on further into the city? So where is the caravan stopping? What is the closest inn?

I asked in game where they were parking the wagon, I think Hank said he was staying at the eastern gate, Nope though I haven't looked at the map yet.

Mr Clint wrote:
“Your duty is done, you are free to go. If you wish to keep the horses and wagon all you need to do is check in with Sakari here in Dulwich or Aina in languard for jobs guarding their caravans. If that isn’t something you’re interested in, I will stable the horses and I wish you luck.”

I thought the horses and wagons were ours to use until we returned to Languard?

Also, Ivar waited until Hanath left, and was speaking to Nempura about the alchemical silver. I only point that out so she will respond to him :)

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson wrote:

I thought the horses and wagons were ours to use until we returned to Languard?

Yes. They were. But if we sign up now, or upon our return to Dulwich after our forest exploration, we can just keep them anyway.

When Hank said "If that isn't something you're interested in, I will stable the horses and wish you luck." it sounded to me like he was taking the horses from us.

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

He may have been trying to, but she corrected him. ;)

Hummm... I very well could be remembering wrong. I thought it was to use to get this way. Time to look back in previous pages.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

The plan was to use the horses and cart w/2 horses to gather the contents of the estate within the forest. We wouldn't have made a deal to return them earlier. If it was made, which I don't believe that it was in that fashion, it was misunderstood.

This is where I see the deal but I don't see anything about bringing them back. I might have overlooked it, but it is also why I made the deal to have you all on retainer, so to speak. Then they are all yours. It might have been a miscommunication/misunderstanding, but something that is easily fixed.

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