About Ewan ScribnerEwan Scribner:
Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden/Learned Duelist) LN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +4; Senses: Perception +0, --------------------
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 . . (+4 Dex +4 Armor +1 Dodge)
Speed 30 ft. (Light Armour)
Str 10, Dex 18(16+2), Con 12, Int 14 , Wis 10, Cha 8
Cautious Warrior: Benefit(s): You gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class while you fight defensively or use the total defense action.
Self-doubting: Effect The first time each day that you fail a Will saving throw or skill check, you take a –2 penalty on the next Will saving throw or skill check of that kind. Skills: 8 per level (2 from class 2 from class for int skills, +2 Int, +1 FCB, +1 Human)
FCB: +2 HP, +2 Skill +2 to CMD vs Grapple and Disarm --------------------
Feat and Skill Racial Traits Class Abilities Scholastic (Ex)
Duelist Stance (Ex)
Ewan has aspired to become a mage or wizard, wanting to be able to study in the famed academy of the Black Tower and be granted access to the wizard's guild: The Sagacious Masters of the Eldritch Nexus. An high honour to be sure. It is something Ewan and his parents, Linus and Keera Scribner, have worked towards all of his life.
Ewan had always been a promising student, achieving good grades and praise from his teachers for his letters, numbers and able to grasp many a subject like geography, engineering and botany. As a son of two scribes, these talents were not too surprising. Even basic wizardry he grasped pretty quickly. Alas, Ewan was born with a bad case of stuttering that pops up when he feels under pressure or stressed. What happens to be, in his case, almost every moment as his stutter has made him very aware of himself. During his entrance test, Ewan passed the initial tests to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the average. He could have made one of the best students of his year, though when the basic spell trial was held, to demonstrate the initial grasp of easy to use spells. Ewan easily picked up the words and gestures, but knowing and pronouncing the words were two very different things. A simple attack spell fizzled, a message spell came in like almost a different language, A light spell didn't produce even the faintest of candle light. Ever since, in his eyes, this failure, Ewan had after a year or two, taken his study to be more economically focused. Working as an accountant first and then eventually wanting to leave Languard and Ashlar behind him for a while. He had chosen to work as an apprentice purser upon several merchant vessels that had docked in Languard and were sea-bound shortly thereafter.
It is now after several years that Ewan finds himself back in the port of Languard, having just completed his most recent trip. Personality:
Ewan is a soft-spoken individual, not necessarily unsocial or quiet, but trying to be careful in speaking his mind before he knows what to say. His stutter isn't helping him in that regard as it hinders him in social gatherings. He's actually quite social when he lets new people inside his inner circle.
He is quite self-aware of himself and what he's able to and what he can't do. New things and situations do give him trouble though, as he's unfamiliar as to what to do.
Lyria has called Ewan, 'Little Inkhand' as a nickname for him, due to most of the time he could be found with his nose in the ledgers and books. She has been the only one who has called him that.
Ewan's training session:
Ewan was going through the motions of the previous sessions, practising the motions, the steps, the bladework. Lyria was sitting on a barrel of salted fish looking at her new pupil, sharpening her own blade again. Step out, dodge, lean sideways, parry, parry, lunge His thoughts raced through his mind. ”You're doing well enough for only having three lessons so far.” His auburn-haired mentor called out from her perch.
Lyria pointed her blade towards the black-bearded man and leered over her blade. ”Ah so you think you could best me is that it?” The man quickly held up his hands shaking his head. ”Meant no disrespec' to yus, Lyria. Tha boy is a liability though.” Ewan had stopped practising for a moment as the shouts kept him unfocused.
Lyria jumped off from her seat at the barrel, still pointing at the bearded man. ”If it is proper fighting they want to see and proper words let's give em that. Ewan? Just follow my lead. Speak your mind as you go through the motions. Follow the steps and let your voice guide you.” She stood next to him and the pair of tutor en pupil followed the same set. The words becoming louder and louder as they both shouted the moves.