5E Adventure's in Midgard – South (Survivors of the Delightful Rose) (Inactive)

Game Master Tareth

You are sailing north aboard the Delightful Rose, an old but dependable merchant trader on its way up the Corsair Coast to Mhalmet. The journey so far has been pleasant and the crew friendly and professional. Now storm clouds brew to the east and the captain and crew all wear looks of worry and even outright fear upon their weather worn faces.

Total XP Per PC: 3000

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Liberty's Edge

Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2|
Toki Sigurdson wrote:

Hold them off, Toki tells his companions as he moves to the crack in the cave wall and peeks through.

If it is clear outside, Toki gestures to the first of the refugees, Hurry, let us get you through!

DM - Tareth wrote:
Finally, he leads you to a narrow tunnel. A worn, eroded stairway leads down about fifty feet before the east wall give way to a massive fissure. Nothing but darkness can be seen as it appears the great crack drops all the way down into the bowels of the earth itself. Somewhere in the distance you can hear the roar of the falls dropping into the great chasm.

Wait, Toki, I think there may be some confusion about the scene.

It seems, to me, that we are in a long, narrow stairway that keeps going down. Except, at some point, one of the walls is gone, revealing only a big huge giant drop. So I don't think it something you can look through.

I'm all for having the prisoners move along to get ahead of us so they can be safe, I'm just not sure how safe that maneuver is going to be since it's so narrow.

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

Oh, I thought that the crack was leading out to the waterfall! I don't know why, that was just the image in my head! :p

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Wounds (4) HP (50) AC (21) Initiative (-1) LoH (25/25) Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2 (2/2) CD (1/1) Insp (1/1) HD (5/5) [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Paladin (5) Passive Perception: 12; Passive Investigation: 12; Passive Insight: 10

Can't wait until lvl 6 when Rilkus gets aura of protection. Having -1 Ref is really dicey!

M High Elf Rouge (Arcane Trickster) 5 AC 15 HP 23 /31 Passive Perception +17 Saves: S +0, D +7, Co +0, I +5, W +2, Ch +0 Hit Dice: 5/5 d8

Sorry for not posting, I could not log on to this site. I had to open a new incognito window just to log in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wounds (4) HP (50) AC (21) Initiative (-1) LoH (25/25) Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2 (2/2) CD (1/1) Insp (1/1) HD (5/5) [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Paladin (5) Passive Perception: 12; Passive Investigation: 12; Passive Insight: 10

Two crits! I’d be angry, but the excellent turn posts make up for it.

Liberty's Edge

Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2|

Hey DM, can I please change my Enchantment spell from the Fey Touched?

It seems that Bless is just untenable in PbP. While at table, it's easy enough to just place a d4 in front of everyone who is Blessed. In PbP, there's no way to remind someone of it, and when it's cast, after 24 hours of life happening, it's easy to forget about it.

I'm saying this since I also have forgotten about it.

I've never really liked Command as a spell, but it at least seems easier to use in PbP.

Wounds (4) HP (50) AC (21) Initiative (-1) LoH (25/25) Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2 (2/2) CD (1/1) Insp (1/1) HD (5/5) [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Paladin (5) Passive Perception: 12; Passive Investigation: 12; Passive Insight: 10

*Ashamed face at having forgotten it*

I feel the pain of buffing others. In other games I write down my buffs in my tag line and will start doing it here as well

Male Male CG Grizzlehide Barbarian 5 AC 15 HP51/60 Exaustion 0 Passive Perception 12 Init +2 Proficency Bonus + 3 Beordt

Beordt facepalms . . . what do you mean I am blessed?

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

Sorry, was on vacation! Will try to catch up!

Liberty's Edge

Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2|
Gauis Marcus Arvitus wrote:

Hey DM, can I please change my Enchantment spell from the Fey Touched?

It seems that Bless is just untenable in PbP. While at table, it's easy enough to just place a d4 in front of everyone who is Blessed. In PbP, there's no way to remind someone of it, and when it's cast, after 24 hours of life happening, it's easy to forget about it.

I'm saying this since I also have forgotten about it.

I've never really liked Command as a spell, but it at least seems easier to use in PbP.

Dm? Do I take your stunned silence as an enthusiastic YES! on this one?

I mean, I've forgotten about it, we all have, so I can only blame the medium of PbP. At table I can stare balefully at all my friends as they make their attack, my pressing eyes making sure that a d4 is rolled along with the d20. But in PbP, someone reads someone else's post and no one thinks that 24 hours later you'll remember some arcane line about a general buff.

Oh man, the number of bard Inspiration dice that I've seen just wasted on these boards.... (I mean, I've lost a lot at table too. It's gotten so that on the person's very next round I start yelling at them to just use the frickin' dice and not worry about it. That seems to work better. =)

Gauis: Sorry totally thought I had replied to this request. Yes. Absolutely fine to make the change.

For those who don't recall the last meeting with this particular tiefling: https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivlki/gameplay&page=20#970]

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CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

Ah, okay... I had completely forgotten about her... :p Unlike Toki to forget a pretty face! XD

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2|

You nailed it, guys. Having a rope is better than having gold. ^_^

Hey all. That pretty much wraps up this campaign. Thanks to everyone for all of your great RP and sticking with it. I had a great time and I hope you all enjoyed this little sojourn through the wild south of Midgard.

Hope to see everyone elsewhere on the boards. Cheers!

Wounds (4) HP (50) AC (21) Initiative (-1) LoH (25/25) Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2 (2/2) CD (1/1) Insp (1/1) HD (5/5) [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Paladin (5) Passive Perception: 12; Passive Investigation: 12; Passive Insight: 10

We did it! Many thanks to DM-Tareth for running this and for everyone who played for making this so enjoyable.

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

Woo hoo! Now Toki wants to find those gods! Maybe I will have a chance to play him again!

Male Male CG Grizzlehide Barbarian 5 AC 15 HP51/60 Exaustion 0 Passive Perception 12 Init +2 Proficency Bonus + 3 Beordt

I don't want to stop. However I do also feel a sense of accomplishment because we actually finished. I have a PBP kingmaker that is over 10 years old. Still in book 3

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2|

I too don't want to stop, and since I came in late I am jealous of every day I wasn't here! As the man once said:

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

M High Elf Rouge (Arcane Trickster) 5 AC 15 HP 23 /31 Passive Perception +17 Saves: S +0, D +7, Co +0, I +5, W +2, Ch +0 Hit Dice: 5/5 d8

Thank you for running the game. I had a great time and if the game continues please let me know.

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