
Ohimè S’adel's page

686 posts. Alias of snelss0.


App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |


Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 |

Strength 9
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 17

About Ohimè S’adel


Name: Ohimè S’adel (Oh-hee-may Shad-el)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Duettist Bard 10
Deity: Yig
Race: Vishkanya
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 26 yrs old (Maturity 15 yrs old)
Bodily Features: 5'10", 32C-23-34, 117 lbs
Appearance: Pale greyish pink skin, tiny scales cover her, but they are almost imperceivable. Forked pink tongue.
Attributes: Curious, Patient, Careful
Hair: Light Grey, long, tied back
Eyes: Golden with light pink
Vision: Low-Light


STATS 20ptbuy

DEX 18 (+2 Racial)(+2 Item)
CON 18 (+1 Level)(+2 Item)
INT 12
WIS 10 (-2 Racial)
CHA 17 (+2 Racial)(+1 Level)


HP: 93 (6+3+5+3+2+6+4+8+8+8+40con)
Initiative: +10 (+4dex+2trait+4Initiative)
Speed: 40ft
AC: 20 [4armor+1shield+4dex+0size+0NA+1Deflection+0Misc+10]
Touch: 15 Flat Footed: 15

Fort: +9 =3+4con+2item (+10HD vs poison)
Ref: +12 =6+4dex+2item
Will: +8 =6+0wis+2item (+2 vs fear)


BAB: +7/+2
CMB: +6 =7BAB-1Str+0Size
CMD: 20 =7BAB-1Str+4Dex+0Size+10

+1 Legbreaker Dagger | +6/+1 (-1str+6bab) | 19-20x2
P/S | - | - | 1d4-1 | +poison FortDC19

Ranged Touch
Spell | +11 (6bab+4dex) vs touchAC | x2

+2 Keen Light Crossbow | +14/+9 (+4dex+7bab+2enh+1pbs)(+1vsSR) | 17-20x2
B/P | - | - | 1d8+3 (+1pbs+2enh)(+1d6+1vsSR) | +poison FortDC19


SKILLS (Total = Stat + Ranks + Class + Modifiers)
Acrobatics (Dex)*
Appraise (Int)* 5 =1+1b+3
Bluff (Cha)* 18 = 18 Versatile Performance
Climb (Str)*
Craft Alchemy (Int)* 12 =1+7b+3+1tools
Diplomacy (Cha)* 21 =18 Versatile+3familiar
Disable Device (Dex)* 16 =4+7+3+2
Disguise (Cha)*
Escape Artist (Dex)* 27 =4+18 Versatile Performance+3+2 racial
Fly (Dex)
Handle Animal (Cha) 18 Versatile
Heal (Wis)
Intimidate (Cha)* 10 =3+4+3
Knowledge (arcana) (Int)* 10 =1+6+3
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)* 6 =1+2+3
Knowledge (engineering) (Int)* 10 =1+6b+3
Knowledge (geography) (Int)* 10 =1+6b+3
Knowledge (history) (Int)* 6 =1+2+3
Knowledge (local) (Int)* 10 =1+6+3
Knowledge (nature) (Int)* 10 =1+6+3
Knowledge (nobility) (Int)* 6 =1+2b+3
Knowledge (planes) (Int)* 10 =1+6+3
Knowledge (religion) (Int)* 6 =1+2+3
Linguistics (Int)* 5 =1+1+3
Perception (Wis)* 16 =0+9+3+2racial (+2 when familiar is in arm’s reach)
Perform Dance (Cha)* 18 =3+10+3+2tool
Perform Sing (Cha)* 18 =3+10+3+2tool
Perform Wind (Cha)* 18 =3+10+3+2tool
Profession Alchemist (Wis)*
Ride (Dex)
Sense Motive (Wis)* 20 =18 Versatile Performance (+2 when familiar is in arm’s reach)
Sleight of Hand (Dex)* 12 =4+1+3+4item
Spellcraft (Int)* 8 =1+4+3
Stealth (Dex)* 10 =4+1+3 (+2 racial)
Survival (Wis)
Swim (Str)
Use Magic Device (Cha)* 10 =3+4+3

* Class Skill
Languages: Common, Vishkanya
Bonus Languages: Sylvan


1st Bard: Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Countersong, Distraction, Familiar, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
Feats: Lingering Song
2nd Bard: Versatile Familiar, Versatile Performance (Wind)
3rd Bard: Inspire Competence +2
Feats: Point Blank Shot
4th Bard: Performing Familiar
5th Bard: Inspire Courage +2
Feats: Precise Shot
6th Bard: Suggestion, Versatile Performance (Sing)
7th Bard: Inspire Competence +3
Feats: Masterpiece (The Quickening Pulse)
8th Bard: Harmonizing Familiar
9th Bard: Inspire Greatness
Feats: Improved Initiative
10th Bard:


Poison Resistance: A vishkanya has a racial bonus on saving throws against poison equal to its Hit Dice.
Keen Senses: Vishkanya get a +2 to perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Vishkanyas can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Limber: Vishkanyas receive a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks.
Poison Use: Vishkanyas are skilled in the use of poison and never accidentally poison themselves when using or applying poison.
Toxic: A number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a vishkanya can envenom a weapon that she wields with her toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the vishkanya to be injured when she uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Vishkanya Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the vishkanya’s Hit Dice + the vishkanya’s Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
Weapon Familiarity: Vishkanyas are always proficient with blowguns, kukri, and shuriken.
Favored Class Bonus: 8 skills

Maestro of the Society
The skills of the greatest musicians are at your fingertips, thanks to the vast treasure trove of musical knowledge in the vaults you have access to.
You get an additional 3 rounds of bardic performance per day.

Reactionary (Combat)
You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly.
You gain a +2 trait bonus to initiative.


Bardic Performance
4+Charisma Mod+3trait+2/level after first (21)/day. Move action to start. Free action to maintain.

Class Songs
Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate (DC16 or 18 with familiar), Inspire Courage +4 (or +5 with familiar), Inspire Competence +4 (or +5 with familiar), Suggestion (DC16 or 18 with familiar), Inspire Greatness (+2HD)

Versatile Performance (Ex)
Perform checks can be rolled for certain skills. Dance (), Song (Bluff, Sense Motive), Wind (Diplomacy, Handle Animal)

Jack of All Trades (Ex): At 10th level, the bard can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires her to be trained. At 16th level, the bard considers all skills to be class skills. At 19th level, the bard can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed.

---Minuet of the Midnight Ivy (Dance)
Your winding, twisting dance is helpful in dodging obstacles and climbing.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 4 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: As ivy climbs walls and spills across even the rockiest and most uneven of terrain, so too does your dance propel you across broken stone and up walls. As long as you maintain the performance, whenever you move, you may move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain; this allows you to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain. As long as you move laterally at least 10 feet, you may climb as if you had a climb speed equal to your base speed. You may spend the first round of this performance demonstrating the dance to up to one creature per two bard levels; if these students succeed at a DC 15 Perform (dance) check, they also gain the benefits of this masterpiece as long as you maintain the performance.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 full round.

---Symphony of the Elysian Heart (Keyboard, Wind)
You spark notes of joy and freedom in your listeners.
Prerequisite: Perform (keyboard) or Perform (wind) 7 ranks.
Cost: 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: The complex arpeggios in this piece follow each other so quickly that the music can sound jumbled and disjointed at first. As the piece progresses, however, distinct phrases emerge, creating a wild but harmonious piece that inspires feelings of unfettered freedom. You and up to one ally per bard level within 30 feet who can hear you can move and attack normally for the duration of your performance, even if under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement. This effect is identical to that of freedom of movement, except that this masterpiece does not allow subjects to move and attack normally while underwater unless these creatures would already be able to do so, and only lasts as long as you continue the performance.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 round.

---The Quickening Pulse (Percussion, Wind)
Your driving notes cause unnatural heart rates in your opponents.
Prerequisite: Perform (percussion) 7 ranks or Perform (wind) 7 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: You create a musical tempo that first mirrors your enemies’ heartbeats, and then quickens them to dangerous levels. When you complete the performance, all enemies within 30 feet who can hear your performance must save or take 1d6 points of damage as their pounding heart causes them to sweat blood. Creatures that are immune to critical hits are unaffected by this ability.
Each round that you continue the performance adds another round to the bleed effect. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance (such as Lingering Performance) affect this masterpiece.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round of bleed.
Action: 1 standard action.

Well-Versed (Ex)
At 2nd level, the bard becomes resistant to the bardic performance of others, and to sonic effects in general. The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.


Familiar (Ex)
At 1st level, a duettist gains a familiar, treating his bard level as his effective wizard level for the purpose of this ability.

This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Versatile Familiar (Ex)
At 2nd level, a duettist’s familiar learns to use performance to supplement its skills. A duettist’s familiar benefits from its master’s versatile performance class feature.

This ability alters versatile performance.

Performing Familiar (Su)
At 4th level, a duettist’s familiar learns how to create supernatural effects with its performances, just like its master. The familiar can use any of its master’s bardic performances, but only the familiar or the duettist can have a performance active at any given time, not both. If one is performing and the other starts a performance, the previous performance immediately ends. Each round that the familiar performs consumes 2 rounds of the duettist’s bardic performance.

This ability replaces lore master.

Harmonizing Familiar (Su)
At 8th level, the duettist and his familiar have learned how to perform together in harmony. When a duettist and her familiar perform the same bardic performance simultaneously, its effects are enhanced. If the performance has a DC, the DC increases by 2. If the performance provides a competence bonus, the competence bonus increases by 1. Because both the duettist and the familiar are performing, each round performed consumes 3 rounds of bardic performance.

This ability replaces dirge of doom.


Thrush CR 1/3
HD 5 N Diminutive animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +4 size, +4NA)
hp 46
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee bite +8/+3 (1d2–5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +5; CMD 9
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Abilities Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Animals of its own Kind, Speak with Master
Skills Appraise +0, Bluff +17, Craft +5, Diplomacy +21, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +29, Fly +12, Handle Animal +18, Intimidate +1, KA KE KG KL KNa KP +5, KD KH KNo KR +1, Linguistics +0, Perception +12, Perform Dance +8, Perform Sing +8, Perform Wind +8, Sleight of Hand +3, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +3, Stealth +18, Use Magic Device -1
All thrushes are known for their beautiful songs, but thrush familiars are also capable of actual speech.
Linguistics Trained Languages Common (Taldane)
Familiar Bonus: Master gains a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks


Spells Per Day: 5+1bonus/4+1bonus/3+1 +2Unseen Servant (Used 1st: 1 | 2nd: 3/4 (Krokkin Delay Poison) | 3rd: 2 | 4th: 1 | Unseen Servant: 0)
Spells Known:
0-Level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Know Direction, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st-Level: Ear-Piercing Scream (DC14), Grease (DC14), Saving Finale, Tears to Wine
2nd-Level: Blistering Invective (DC15), Delay Poison, Gallant Inspiration, Glitterdust
3rd-Level: Good Hope, Haste, Pierce Disguise
4th-Level: Insect Scouts, Virtuoso Performance


Gold pp 306gp 6sp 6cp
Carrying Capacity: Light Load - 133 lbs.
Weight 77

Carried Items
Bolts, Durable Poisoned (20/20) 20gp 2 lbs. (Fort DC19)
Bolts, Silver Poisoned (20/20) (2gp) 2 lbs. (Fort DC19)
Bolts, Training Bludgeoning (20/20) 2gp 2 lbs.
Burdenstone (4/4) 4000gp
Citronella Bundles - -
Crafting Money 4500gp
Crossbow, +2 Keen Mage's 28335gp 4 lbs.
Crossbow, +1 Light 1335gp (2335gp) 4 lbs.
Custom Set Item: Bardic Band 1 lb.
Custom Set Item: Bardic Light Step 1 lb.
Custom Set Item: Bardic Sheet 1 lb.
Dagger, Cold Iron 4gp 1 lbs.
Dagger, +1 Silversheen Legbreaker 18752gp 1 lb.
Darkleaf Cloth Lamellar (Leather) Armor 810gp 10 lbs.
Dust of Dryness (3) 2550gp -
Gloves of Incredible Dexterity +2 4000gp 1 lb.
Mask, Half 1sp -
Masterwork Backpack 50gp 4lbs
Masterwork Buckler 150gp 5lbs
Masterwork Shakuhachi Flute 100gp 3lbs
Monster Part, Planar Creature Teeth (25) 5000gp -
Pocketed Scarf 4gp -
Poncho/Robe (worn down/light) 1sp -
Potion of Comprehend Languages x1
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 300gp -
Potion of Cure Serious x2 1500gp
Potion of Displacement 750gp
Potion of Enlarge Person
Potion of Haste 750gp (given to krokkin)
Potion of Levitate 300gp
Potion of Planeslayer's Call (evil)
Potion of Remove Fear
Potion of Shield of Faith x2
Potion of Unseen Servant x2
Outfit, Hot-Weather - 4lbs
Ring of Protection +1
Scroll Case 1gp 1/2 lbs.
Smokestick (20/20) (280gp) -
Spell Components Pouch
---Alchemical Grease - - +1 DC for grease spell
---Silver (20/20) 2gp +1 to illusion save DC
Thieves' Tools Masterwork 100gp (DC24)
Vial, Scourge (5/5)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 750gp - (48/50)
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (10/10) (2250gp)
Wand of Fireball (3/3) - (675gp)
Wand of Hold Person (2/2) - (180gp)

In Backpack
Animal Feed, Bird (5) 2sp 5 cp 3 lb.
Bedroll 1sp 5lbs
Candlerods x5 - -
Canvas (3sq yards) 3sp 3lbs
Charcoal Pencil - -
Citrus and Sandalwood Soap 2cp
Coffee Beans 5cp -
Crafted Antitoxin x6 100gp (300gp) -
Flint and Steel 1gp
Kettle 5gp 2lbs
Portable Alchemist's Lab 75gp 20lbs
---Belladonna (5 doses) - Stops pain.
---Black Amaranth (1 doses) - Gentle Repose 3 days.
---Concentration Mixture: Goblin Vine (from DC10 to DC12)
---Nepenthe (1 doses) - Ends a mind-affecting effect.
---Titration Mixture: Belladonna+Leechwort Heals with negative energy instead of positive energy for duration. Poison Inhaled Fort DC14, duration 1d6 rounds, cure 2 saves.
---Titration Mixture: Dragonrose+Nepenthe: Weapon Blanch (Duration: 5 rounds or 1 hit). Poison Injury Fort DC15, 1d2Wis damage; frequency 1/round for 1d4minutes, cure 1 save.
Salt 1cp -
Sack 2sp 1/2 lb.
Signet Ring (Jade Falcon) - -
Starfish Draught x3 120gp (39gp 9sp 9cp)
Sugar 2cp -
Trail Rations (5 days) 2gp 5sp 5lbs
Twine 1cp 1/2lb
Vials x 10 10gp
Vinegar 2cp
Waterskin 1gp 4lbs

Ohime's Bardic Tribal Set
Item #1: Bardic Sheet
Description: The bands around her upper torso and chest now appear to be tan and marked with musical theory notations and hints at masterpieces. When an effect seems to harm her, the proper counter masterpiece/notation seems to spring to life to counter it.
Basic Ingredients: Muleback Cords + Cloak of Resistance +2 (Requires Bard and Perform 5 ranks) Muleback cords she already owned.
Math: Total Cost 4000gp+500gp from muleback x1.5=4500gp
Set Benefit: For each additional piece of this set worn, your strength is calculated +1 more in regards to carrying capacity and objects lifted.

Item #2: Bardic Halo
Description: While it may look like a simple headband, to the eyes of those enraptured by the bard, it looks a brilliant blue band of pure flaming energy. It illuminates the bard's face, showing a cold alluring beauty that is hard to pull from.
Basic Ingredients: Circlet of Persuasion 4500gp + Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 4000gpx1.5 (Requires Bard and Perform 5 ranks)
Math: Total Cost 10500gp
Set Benefit: For each additional piece of this set worn, you treat your caster level as one higher in regards to duration and range.

Item #3: Bardic Band
Description: The unique Meridian Belt pulls from the wearer and the rings to captivate foes. Strengthened by an additional harp cord woven into the belt, it produces a harmonic effect that enables the wearer to move faster as well.
Basic Ingredients: Meridian Belt + Belt of Constitution +2 (Requires Bard and Perform 5 ranks) 1200gp 1 lb.
Math: Meridian Cost 1000gpx1.5 = 1500gp. Added to found Incredible Con +2.
Total Cost: 1500gp
Set Benefit: While wearing all four pieces of this set, you can cast charm monster once per day.

Item #4: Bardic Light Step
Description: These laced boots bear the markings of the many languages of the world. Each word describes a certain terrain and hazard that when the magic is activated within the boots, lift the wearer high from such possible terrains and into the air for a short time. If you are adjacent to the wearer of the boots when they leap into the air, you can hear soft whispers spoken as it repels them from the ground.
Basic Ingredients: Sandals of the Lightest Step (Requires Bard and Perform 5 ranks) 5000gp 1 lb.
Math: Total Cost 5000gp
Set Benefit: For every additional piece of this set you wear, your speed for the round increases by 10 only when activating your air step.

Paired Set Benefits:
Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing at least two pieces of this set, you can cast Unseen Servant twice per day using your level to cast the spell.
Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing at least three pieces of this set, the circumstance bonus on your inspire bardic songs increases by 1.
Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, your knowledge checks gain a +2 insight bonus and you can cast legend lore once per day and without paying material or focus costs.


WANTS (for GM purposes)
Amulet of Nat Armor +3
Ring of Protection +3
Corset of the Vishkanya
Runestone of Power I x5
Runestone of Power II x5
Runestone of Power III x5
Belt of Stoneskin
Kimono, Otherwordly
Robe of the Resplendent Thespian
Robe of the Archmagi
Vest of Escape
Eye Patch, Pirate’s
Spectacles of Understanding
Goggles, Treasure Hunter’s
Monocle, Inquisitor’s
Goggles of Elvenkind
Eyes of Charming
Boots of Levitation
Boots of Escape
Gloves of Arrow Snaring
Gloves of Arcane Striking
Circlet of Persuasion
Headband of Ponderous Recollection
Headband of Seduction
Ruff, Mummer’s
Cape, Highwayman’s
Bracers of Falcon’s Aim
Bracers of the Glib Entertainer
Bracelet, Seducer’s Bane
Bracelet of Bargaining
Pipes of the Sewers
Apple of Eternal Sleep
Bag of Tricks
Harp of Charming
Harp of Shattering
Harp, Doomharp
Pipes of Pain
Book of the Loremaster
Horn of Blasting
Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad
Ring of Spell Storing, Minor
Decoy Ring
Ring of Wizardry
Ring of Arcane Signets
Scholar’s Ring
Ring of the Sophisticate
Chain Vest of Dawn
Sky Knight Dress Uniform


Character Image

Ohime used to be called "Old Hag" due to the fact she covered herself with a horrid old black robe. Such was her hunch from her heavy alchemical goods on her back, that many mistook her for a bent-over, hunchbacked old lady. Things have changed. A fireball cleansed her of her ratty old robe and now the world can see the glory that is Ohime.

She is a tall woman of inner strength. Her slitted serpentine eyes show confidence that was not there before. That confidence is supported by the bones of past enemies she has killed. Some are borne with her in her heart, and some on her shoulders in the forms of their skulls or a notable body part that can't be mistaken. Although not immediately apparent, each of these skulls doubles as a mask, especially fitting to her face. These give her a very strong "tribal" look in combination with her multi-banded leather equipment, looking like she just came from the wilds and the animals she's skinned.

Upon her hip is a blue-green dagger with a ruby in the hilt. It is clearly made of cold iron, but its beauty is nothing compared to the uniqueness of her crossbow. The beautiful weapon has reliefs of lizardfolk fighting trolls down the side of it all with gold filigree. Matching it, on her arm, is a magnificent gold-etched steel buckler. These are the only weapons it seems she bears.

Ohime wears a unique outfit of mostly tied ribbons and bands that form a sort of courtesan outfit. It would easily be considered seductive if it were not for her gear. One of these covering elements sits around her neck. It is a scarf that seems to half cover her pronounced chest by resting over the ever protective darkleaf leather lamellar armor she bears.

Her hips would show much more skin than they do if it were not for her belt and the gear upon it. Many hooks, almost like a torture implement decorate this belt, and hanging off of them are numerous potions, a bound poncho, component pouches, and a beautiful jade and cherrywood shakuhachi flute.

Her sexy, long legs might seem more sensual were it not for her long laced boots. These bear the unique words of each language of the world etched magically into them on each strap and are a greyed leather make. When she steps off into the air, utilizing the magical qualities of these, these magical words can be heard being spoken.

Resting over her back, protecting her from the elements, and keeping her warm is a cloak (if you want to call it that) that binds about her shoulders and almost seems magically to bind within her scaled skin. The pattern of this grey robe is that of millions of musical notes. To the more musically inclined, they could pick out small sections of this robe and find fully playable sheet music for numerous instruments. When under attack, it seems that these very notes will arrange in such a way as to protect her from the harmful things of the world.

Ohime is not your typical Vishkanya. She does not bear a vast array of multicolored scales. She is essentially an albino of her race, and her light-colored scales bear a faint pink to them. From a distance, she could easily be mistaken for a human tribal woman, but that would be very far off.

It is unknown to most where Ohime comes from as for most of her young life she was either in her distant homeland as a slave, or once purchased, was brought to the local town and kept in seclusion. Her master, a man who took pity on her and thought it a crime to imprison such beauty, took it upon himself to free the little girl and raise her as his own. It is from him she learned the ways of military methods and combat, as he was a commander in his youth.

As she grew, whether by innate behavior of vishkanya separating from their parents, or by being focused so much on her own path, she left the care of her father to seek her own way in the world. This led her into paths of adventures and dangers at the mere age of a teenager. When she grew older, she settled into occupation rather than face bandits every day (as that was the only mission she ever seemed to get).

Ohime began to sell trinkets on the outskirts of the city, as selling inside the city was far too expensive. There, she made a living and provided for herself. For the most part, she was very well liked. Troubles only rose for her when she met her now passed mentor of alchemy.

She had met the woman on the road, and the two seemed to often travel together into nature on foraging expeditions. Treva Hotch was her name, and she was leader of the alchemist’s guild inside the city. She desired that the ambitious vishkanya would one day learn the craft and join the guild, and taught her many things, but things turned for the worse.

Her mentor passed away, and she began to apply what she had been taught to sell goods outside the city. Like a sudden wave of assault, horrible rumors amassed about Ohime to discredit her. The rumors began to become so bad that she couldn’t show her face anymore without people worrying about what damage it would do to their business to sell to her. She was starving, and so she concealed herself. Guild members from within the city then began to verbally accost her. Eventually, thugs began to come by, asking her to stop selling.

Without submitting, things began to escalate more and more until one day, the robed alchemist vanished without a trace. Some guess she must have set off with the adventurers to the Anderian jungles.

1) While aspiring for the best might be some people's goals, Ohime believes there are alchemical remedies out there even in the simplest of things that can heal the world. She seeks to find these out.
2) Ohime has found solace in those few she knows and who like her, but she still can not be herself around them. Not without others butting in or bullying them for speaking with her. The general hatred for Ohime propagated by those who've come to hate her in her life is a strong negative force. It's been hard for those who care about her. It is her goal to have that happen no more.
3) Some people have lifelong goals. Ohime's is to live from one day to the next. She isn't concerned with lofty sights and rich mansions. She just wants to help as many people as she can before she passes. She knows what it feels like to be without.
4) It is Ohime's desire to speak like those of affluence. She is very shy and although she has made friends, they are a small number who have come to know her. She would love to be able to speak openly without fear.
5) It is Ohime's passion to further understand the magic surrounding the music she was trained in as a youth. So far, she has used it to cause many unique effects.
6) It is Ohime's goals for communities to work together to help those without. It is her goal to establish means of checking in on people to make sure they are okay. It takes good people with good souls to do this. Her life has made it hard to do this though, as most don't want her near them.

1) Most of the information people have heard concerning her is negatively spread rumors and not firsthand accounts. What started as a slander grew and grew. Now, she hides herself to keep out of the ire of people's mind. In recent years, this has worked and in recent times she has been seen as nothing more than a creepy old lady, which is an improvement over the vile hatred that had grown for her in the past decade.
2) For many days all she could eat was scraps. She found nature was her best option for good food. Learning the ways of the wild helped her live when nothing else would. Few know this about her.
3) Alchemy is not a pretty occupation. Ohime is not grossed out by things. She's seen much in her time of harvesting..
4) Helping poor people is paramount.
5) She loves the feeling of biting into flesh. There is just something primal about it that reminds her of what she is. She has only done this once with a ruffian who bothered her and was shocked to see him become poisoned. This was about when she was 13 years old.
6) Like a serpent to music, the power music has over her is intoxicating.
7) There were two times Ohime was captured and put into bondage for her unique looks. The second time, one of her friends helped her and rescued her. The first time, Ohime was not so lucky. She was only 4 at the time. For days she was locked up awaiting to be sold off for the highest price. Although she was branded, it was not by man but by her god. Still, for the sellers, they claimed the birthmark upon her collarbone was their house symbol and were able to sell her legally. A younger man was passing by the auction house and saw her crying in a cage. He sold his home and most all he had so he could buy her freedom. The story made it into the papers and the man became famous, was offered a commission and Ohime had a nice life growing up because of it.

1) Commander Bellan of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment was a man who helped the young Vishkanya get on her feet. She was an especially cute child and if anyone was like a father, he became one. He still holds a command, but rarely sees Ohime anymore. Like her parents in regard to Ohime, familial ties just don't seem to last. In her mind, however, she knows that he cares about her, and that is what she carries with her wherever she goes. He may very well be on the mission she is on and she would not know it.
2) There was a woman named Ginger Reale who was a halfling. Her husband had assaulted her one drunken night and Ohime helped shelter the little woman from him for a time until his drunkenness has passed. Ohime was about sixteen at this point in time. She did not know much of the world except some of its evil. She had learned not to trust people. A mean city boy was commonly spreading rumors about her and she began to isolate herself. As she did, one day, slavers took notice of her exotic form and waited. As she separated herself, she found herself captured. It was Ginger Reale who saw her last being carried away, and because of what Ohime had done for her, she followed the slavers and freed Ohime just in time.
3) It is not abnormal for a Vishkanya to not know her parents. She was born and left to fend for herself. Having grown and learned more of nature, Ohime finds it interesting that snakes seem to have this same mentality. She may have never known her parents well, but from a young age she can recall their affection and touch. She too experienced this at one point. It was not her own child, but one on the streets that she took care of. The little girl had lost her parents and was starving, sick with some kind of disease, and wanted help. It was hard to see how little she could help. The priests wouldn't go down to where she lived, but for a while there, Ohime felt like her parent. A few months later the little one disappeared. Where to, she doesn't know, but Ohime doesn't think she died there.
4) As a young girl, she was set upon by a Vishkanya elder. The old hag grabbed her by the shoulders and identified herself as the Mother of Snakes. Servant of Yig. Her poisoned eye seemed to search out Ohime and settled on a small birthmark on the little girl's shoulder. The Mother of Snakes warned Ohime that she would one day kill her own mother and drive her father insane because of the deeds and evil they have done in their lives against Yig. She also told her that the dull coloration within Ohime is a curse, not a blessing (as she is not as vibrant as other vishkanya). It is a warning not to cross Yig, as is the crescent mark upon her collarbone. From time to time as she grew older, the Mother of Snakes would appear to give her more and more news of how she is a curse and a bane upon the existence of the world. Ohime dreads and loathes her approach.
5) Sybil is a merchant who sometimes sits closer to the gates than Ohime. At times, some men will come out of the city to confront Ohime. Oftentimes they get downright abusive in their words and actions. She has learned that it is the local city guilds sending their lackeys out to bother her for selling alchemical goods for a cheaper price. Sybil will often send up a warning after they pass her booth and it will let Ohime know they are coming. The two girls are very close and Sybil was one of those who encouraged Ohime to go on her current expedition.
6) Ohime has been all over the world in her teenager days. She has experienced a lot of things, and the memories gained from that still reside within her.
7) There was a woman named Treva Hotch. She was a guild master of the Mortaries Alchemy and Mage guild inside the city. Ohime would often take walks in nature, and on more than one occasion would see this woman gathering things. Naturally, the two met and forged a friendship. Treva trained Ohime in many skills concerned with alchemy and pushed her to be more than just a bauble saleswoman. Treva began to grow weary and sick, and before her short death, she gave her portable alchemist kit to Ohime and told her to continue on. Rumors abound later on that she had died of poison. It was shortly after that the guilds began to remove any who practiced alchemy who were not affiliated in the city. Later, in Ohime's case, they even bothered her outside the city.

Memories, Mannerisms, or Quirks:
1) In her early teens, she actually was formally trained in combat and tactics. She thought she would be capable of being a warrior like some in the vishkanya tribes, but much to her adoptive father’s disappointment, she was too weakened by Yig's curse and could not keep up with the rigorous training needed. She did learn some things though.
2) A painful memory of hers was that of Gerard, the boy who said he loved her. He was a human who was fascinated with her. She spurned his advances though. In his rage, he spread many rumors about her. Her current afflictions are his fault. Over time, and the more reputable the name of Gerard grew, the more Ohime seemed to randomly begin to be mistreated by the city folk. She was so noticeable by her skin and beauty that it was hard for her to even shop for food. The people had stopped selling to her for fear that the next bad rumor about her would spread to their store. She was starving, and that was when she began to wear a robe over the top of her at all times and a mask.
3) On the road into the city, one hears tales of all sorts of events. Over time, Ohime once gathered information on a secret hiding place of an item. One that Sybil, a local merchant friend of hers, was looking for. It turned out that Sybil's rival had found it years earlier and was keeping it for himself to keep it from Ohime's friend. Ohime asked for some money for scrolls of charm person from Sybil, and when she had managed to secure a friendship with her friend's rival, she convinced him to give it to her through magic. Once the magic wore off, he didn't seem to mind her having it as long as Sybil didn't have it. The two went their separate ways. Ohime gave it in private to her friend.
4) When Ohime first began to experience the strange sensations of magic, she recalls that she worked hard to earn money to buy books to better understand what she was going through. There, she learned of a whole new world concerning the arcane weave, strange monsters, and spells from the simple to godlike. As her powers surged as she grew older, she began to focus less on what to learn and more on how to control the forces within her.
5) There was a night inside of an inn where she went to stay for a while. The city was not her own but was near some swamps that she wanted to harvest from. That night, they were having a music competition and were going to pay 100 gold. Ohime decided she wanted to win. That morning, she sought out a local bard to teach her how to play, and he stated he'd do it until that evening, as he had somewhere to be. Ohime assumed he was going to enter in the competition too. For the whole of the day, she purchased alcohol for him while he taught her more and more of his tips and tricks. By the time of the competition, the bard had become so drunk, he didn't even show up. She ended up winning and paid for all of her expenses on that trip.
6) Ever since the rumors about her spread, she has always like the victim. Then she met another vishkanya merchant who was nothing like her. She showed Ohime how to be strong of mind and heart, and to not let people walk all over her. Before her, it was Ohime's mentality that it was okay that it happened to her, but meeting the woman whose name she can't even recall, changed her life. She began to grow stronger, more stubborn, and able to hold her own when challenges arose. That vishkanya inspired her to travel again and adventure once more.
7) A traveler wanted to do some trades of goods for her alchemical supplies. One was a stick that he said was magical. She could detect that he was right, but she couldn't get it to work. As a hobby, she took it upon herself to learn about the details of magic and the ins and outs of why certain arcane and divine magic activated in some ways and not other ways. This led to her not only acquiring a series of wands for cheaply made alchemical supplies but also helped her progress in the understanding of the raw powers consuming her.
8) It became a custom of hers to walk in the meadows and forests nearby the city to look for supplies. There, she would always see a hawk following her above. In time, she came to understand that as she was walking through the forest, she was not silent, and she would force many animals out of hiding. Ultimately, they would be snatched up by the hawk. When Ohime grew powerful enough to secure a connection to it, the two were bonded. She now calls him Parell the Hawk, like a pet, but still considers him wild.
9) Being on the streets, there were people willing to teach you anything for some coin, and without anyone selling her anything, Ohime had to resort to stealing. She paid a thief to teach her how to break into places and steal. It ended up saving her life, and the thief, being street smart, also gave her the insight to wear a disguise.
10) A wild ruffian was being rude to a guard nearby--trying to provoke him into action. He made the mistake of reaching out and smacking his armor, which according to the city's laws was assault. This caused the guard to spring into action finally and attempt to restrain the villain. He was too strong for the poor guard though. As the struggle persisted, the shrouded Ohime approached the guard when he was about to be choked out. She began to reach out with her magic and felt that it would be enhanced through her musical instrument. Through the soundwaves it produced, she harnessed the arcane weave and it managed to cause an effect. That effect gave the guard a leg up and he won the fight. Not many people know, but she actually received a commendation for the behavior.
11) As a quirk, sometimes Ohime will smell the air with her tongue. It gets stifling behind a mask for so long, and sometimes she just wants to remember who and what she is.