Explorations of the New

Game Master Herkymr the Silly

Current initiative order


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Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

"Hide it, and quick, get back into hiding!" she whispers toward Krokkin. She points to a bush nearby that he can fling the body. Hopefully, they can catch this Succubus unaware. She readies to cast a spell on the succubus if seen and she begins to use an ability.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek recasts his spell as another feathered fowl envelops him from their sight once more.

He then moves a little away under a shade where the rain won't reveal his presence.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin shrinks the dagger and puts it away, then grabs the beast and drags it over behind and somewhat under the bush, before moving back over to where he was before he originally spotted the beast. He hunkers down and whispers back to Ohime, Good enough.

[i]I dont know how much more of this insanity we can handle before fraying at the seams. I must protect them so that they do not tire with all these waves of enemies.[i/]

Krokkin begins scanning the area again trying to spot any danger.

perception check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

There is no movement and suddenly there is no noise either. Nothing is specifically wrong or standing out other than there is no noise even with the rain falling. The smell of rot is stronger now and the sense of being watched increases.

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Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime will summon an unseen servant and will instruct it to run on all fours in the distance of the meadow. In her mind, if the Succubus has arrived, she will see the invisible figure of the "dog" running in the distance, but it will be out of any detection abilities she would have to discern whether it was her dog or not. It is Ohime's best attempt to safely lure the abyssal woman out of hiding.

I'm not sure if the succubus can see invisibility, but it typically has a range. Same with truesight. If she has either of these, the unseen servant will be a significant distance away to be outside of these ranges "hopefully" and all she would be able to see is the rain being disturbed as she would expect from her "pet".

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Just as the group scrambles back into cover to get out of sight, Sorogar sees the strange, black and goo-like substance that passed for the previous demons' blood. The explosion must have scattered it, and she sees it drip, with the plants it touched withering away, and cracking the earth beneath as if corroding it further by the second.

She bares her fangs against this desecration of nature, and attempts to channel energy to destroy these remnants.

channel: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 5) = 16

Everyone would get healed for a bit, but it's mostly flavor.

Yet, the blood doesn't seem to respond, and in that moment she knew what had to be done. She took the tome of necromantic energy they previously got from Prisssterica, and recited one of the spells. It comes easily, readily, fueled by rage, and a black ray of white energy reduces the black smear to ash!

A primal instict surged, roaring in triumph over vanquishing such a foe, of utterly destroying even it's lingering remains as a warning, and trophy to who would be her enemies. She would only have to reach out, and claim this destructive power to use...

Then she blinks, quickly closes the tome, and falls back further into the foilage, after the others.

Sorogar gets Evil Eye and Power Attack at this level. I'll play it as starting to accept her more savage orc nature and more dubious magical means to win, what with the stakes being the entire world now.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek feels it.

His blood was burning stronger and what miasma still remains in him of guilt, despair and sorrow being purified. Slowly burnt away as black air emanates from him mostly unseen to the others signifying the cleansing he's undergoing.

He feels his blood reaching a block that he would need time to resolve but the power behind it beckons him as he feels some insights being revealed to him.

However, that would have to wait as he focus on the situation on hand. They still had additional foes to worry about.

Sorogar's and Ohime's actions doesn't escape him and for a moment the briefest tinge of regret strikes him and he wonders briefly if he was the cause of their darkness. Had he tainted them somehow?

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

As the sounds of nature's creatures cease, Krokkin's hackles begin to raise. He had to fight to keep from being overtaken in a rage. There is nothing to attack, I must direct my rage or I will be wasting my energy and not be able to protect the others. the thoughts run thru his head as he scans the area.

It looks like whatever we must fight will offend our noise as well as our other senses. If it smells this bad it must be an ugly grotesque, misshapen, monstrosity, he growls.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

"I think it may well be the opposite..." she whispers back.

There is a sudden rush of feet as 3 of what you assume are hellhounds rush past at the Ohime dog. They are only seen by the drip of the rain on them.
Brek can see them of course

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Time to go to work, tiichiul ir! Krokkin roars as he leaves his hiding place and rushes to the forms.

I am not sure how far they are but I am going to play that their movement and my movement will put me in melee range with them. If I am wrong then we can say that the attacks are me showing off skill like in movies prior to the actual fight commencing. I am also assuming that I am still under Ohimes bard song, haste potion, and Sorogar's bull strength

Krokkin strikes out at the lead shape trying to imagine the opponent and striking toward the center of the gap in rain.

Great Sword attacks (bullstrength, Hasted, Bard song (+5)):

Attack1: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24
damage1: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (4, 2) + 15 = 21
Attack2: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33
damage2: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (5, 1) + 15 = 21
Hasted Attack: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26
damage1: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (6, 6) + 15 = 27

percentage 50: 1d100 ⇒ 61

percentage high 25: 1d100 ⇒ 80

Krokkin's attacks sink into another hellhound which reappears as it dies. The others continue to run not even pausing to mourn or eat their dead.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime keeps her eyes focused on the surrounding area for this woman. Why the hellhounds are invisible, she just assumes it's an item. There is no reason for this succubus to suspect this random group of adventurers have thwarted her plans. As Ohime waits, she can hear the bloodbath of Krokkin in the small distance.

She does say a few words to her bird that is singing.

Special Language:
"After he finishes these Hellhounds, no more singing for a while. I want you to make sounds like those hellhounds."

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek stays very silent as he picks up a tree and begins looking to see if there's other points he could ambush their incoming enemies from.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Sorogar grips her weapon tightly, and tries to remain near Brek and Ohime while Krokkin eviscerated the hounds. Her magical enhanced sight allowed her to see their invisible forms just as Brek could, and she readied herself to fight back the moment any more serious demon threats revealed themselves.

Sorogar casts communal protection from evil on herself, Brek and Ohime, and Krokkin too should he be back by then, the moment she sees a different demon than the hounds. Like Brek, she currently has See Invisibility active.

perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

Meanwhile, Brujah silently flies around the trees surrounding the party, attempting to detect anything unseen with echolocation...

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Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime casts a silent look to Sorogar just briefly as she comes near. Yes, in her mind she too is worried where this desire to use that book and her primal roar came from, but the glance is short and she goes back to looking forward. A discerning orc might think the look one of concern. It appears that the bard did not slip her notice of this occurrence, but has been more focused ahead for what would come. The same going for Krokkin. While in the corner of her eye, she can see him decimate something, she is on edge for the succubus and ready to cast. Brujah is her guide on where to look, but she also scans elsewhere.

The hounds continue on until the unseen dog until it runs out of range. Then they begin sniffing the ground looking for the elusive prey and not paying attention to Krokkin. Their invisibility dissipates as well. These hounds are bigger than the other two standing the size of small horses. They have cartilage created protuberances piercing their hides in a variety of places. They obviously know Krokkin is there but seem unperturbed by his presence.

Brujah senses 3 other creatures some distance back the way the hounds came. They are proceeding cautiously.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Confused Krokkin stands for a moment drinking in large breaths preparing his body for more action.

Why is my prey ignoring me? Abruptly he turns in a full circle scanning the rest of the meadow realizing that he is out of position, alone out in the open. Worse he left a gap between those he must protect realizing they could be attacked before he can respond to them.

Only one thing to do, I must protect the others

I grow tired of your games, come face me. Everything that has come at me here has been no match for my power. Maybe you are afraid now, if you are that is right, you should be. You only hasten your demise, I will track you thru your fear, cut down your minions and creations until you stand alone, cowering before my blade. Show yourself and lets begin.

Krokkin speaks loudly and clearly while slowly turning in another circle ending with the hounds on his right so he can see where they are and also back the direction they came from. He mutters the word and transforms the sword to a dagger knowing that conservation of strength before battle is essential. He continues breathing slow deep breaths priming his muscles for war.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

"There's three of them," Sorogar mutters, translating Brujah's screeches. "Behind the invisible dogs, in front of Krokkin. They're approaching cautiously. It won't be long now. Are you ready?" she asks her fellow casters, as the barbarian courageously and openly taunts the demons and their hounds out in the open.

She herself begins weaving arcane symbols in the air, whispering the incantation along, and her feat lift off the ground as she floats slightly above the surface, still watching ahead.

Unless the fight starts in three rounds/imminently, she activates the flight hex, casts shield and mirror image and waits. They're all minute/level buffs.

mirror images: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Current buffs: Align weapon: good (2 minutes?), Bear's strength (2 minutes?), shield (8 min), barskin (28 minutes?), Mirror image (8 min), see invisibility (79 min), slight hex (8 min), communal protection from evil (2 min). > AC 26/ff26/t 12, att = +11 vs ac, 2d4+7, 18-20/x2.

The dogs turn and a sharp keening is heard in the air. They look at Krokkin before loping off and once again becoming invisible. The rain stops yet the cloud cover does not break.

perception dc 30:
The hounds turn once they get to the edge of the circle Krokkin "made with his turning" and fan out skirting around the edges as if trying to get behind you.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime continues to wait and watch on the defensive. Her eyes are mostly focused where Brujah has indicated their enemy is but she keeps attentive to what is going on. "Why they are approaching so cautiously is a curiosity to me, particularly after they've been taunted now twice." From where she hides, she wonders if this demoness doesn't have a foolish wounded pride like her brethren demons or if she's just waiting until every dog is in position to close in on her two revealed companions.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

perception check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek considers what their foes have just done.

Is that their innate ability or is someone casting that spell on them? he wonders.

Brujah senses and relays that the forms in the rain that are just out of reach are slowing their approach to the circle. They will move forward , then stop, and move forward again a moment or two later.
This seems odd to Brujah but he is also certain he hasn't been seen yet.

About 10 min pass and then the keening at the edge of the circle begins again. This time it is answered by baying behind you. You are certain that there is more than just those earlier answering the call.

Need a perception from Brek and Sorogar still. They have see invis so the dc is only 20. if successful read t he perception spoiler above.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Can't meet the Perception DC.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

Sorogar floats upward and peers into the dark forests ahead. It was faint, but the barest disturbances in the foilage were just *barely* visible from her vantage point.

"They're trying to circle us! Let's fall back, and move to meet these wolves head-on. Would be much preferable to being flanked by then while the demons come from the front!"

The sound of baying is drawing ever closer as Sorogar realizes their tactics.

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World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin moves back to Sorogar and the group and moves with her in the indicated direction.

Let's thin the herd Krokkin states to Sorogar as he smiles showing his teeth.

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Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

With a frustrated sigh, Ohime will give up her position of hiding and will move to intercept the wolves. Her hands and feet hurt, her body has bruises and her hair is twisted in ways that will take oil and a brush to get out. She's soaking wet and she just wants the fighting to stop; to have a good rest. The vishkanya can't even imagine how Krokkin or Sorogar feel with how many injuries their bodies have been put through on this day.

She rushes out to meet the coming forces of wolves from their flank, but before she does, she creates a silent image of a sentinel of herself up in a tree in the far distance of the clearing (can be up to 490ft away but is likely going to be around 30-100ft away). There is no doubt the enemy will see it. They may even cast spells at it, as true sight has a range, and even with the ability to see through illusions, they may not be able to do so from a far distance. The image would be of Ohime with her crossbow, aimed in the direction of the incoming demoness. Hopefully, whatever powerful spells or enchantments she would attempt to cast upon Ohime's group, she will try to do so on the silent image first.

Silent Image:
A silent image is a figment, meaning it cannot be saved against unless interacted with. The figment is on the far side of the clearing, so any sight that may pierce through the illusion that has a range won't see through it. Even if immune to mind-affecting, the succubus may still believe it is real until interacted with in some way. How that interaction takes place, I'll leave up to you. My hope is that if the succubus or her followers have some serious spells/day effects, she/they will waste them on the image. Will Disbelief: DC 15 (again, only if interacted with), SR: No

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

"Let's," Sorogar grins to Krokkin - which turns to a grimace. There *was* quite a lot of blood on her from the previous fights, and she was getting quite tired. A bath would do, if they could find one, and then a nice and very well-deserved rest.

But first... three more hounds and their masters.

The baying goes quiet suddenly as the keening pitch cuts off. Then you see 5 of these large wolves appear at the edge of the circle. One speaks in abyssal, [spoiler=abyssal]What have you done to our protals? That was our way home and to freedom. You shall suffer as we have to on this world.


initiative players: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 2 = 21
initiative creatures: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

The leader rushes Krokkin the lead of your group. attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 he snaps at the legs and misses.

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
The other's rush in attempting to take down the barbarian. Each in its hurry forgets the tactics of the pack. In turn each hellhound misses the legs of the catman.

Whoever of you posts goes first then we will continue that way for rest of combat.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin's grin widen's as he hears the Wolves howl and snap. Even though he does not know what they said he imagines them taunting him weakly.

As the pack attackes him, he dances out of the way almost nonchalantly. Realizing that he is standing in the middle of the group he growls in triumph, I will make quick work of you so I can kill your master!

He transforms the dagger leaping at the beast to his right focusing his attack on one.

whittle their numbers down one at a time. I don't even need to get angry for this fight and I should save it for their master.

Greatsword Attacks (Regular):

Attack1: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
damage1: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 2) + 8 = 11
Attack2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
damage2: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (4, 1) + 8 = 13

Krokkin swings but in his delight at being in battle, he misses with his sword. He takes another swing and misses by a larger margin than the previous swing.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek pauses as the wolves speaks in abyssal, a tongue he recently learnt.

"Stuck here and freedom? Where were you when we were dealing with the others in closing the portals." Brek calls out from the safety of his tree.

"We still can send you home if interested."

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Round 1

Ohime remains in the bushes hidden, awaiting the arrival of this succubus woman. Her Birdy continues its song in support of the combatants, allowing the vocals to linger before chirping out the next line from hiding.

Birdy Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

Ohime isn't going to be doing too much until the arrival of this succubus as she doesn't want her casting on Krokkin. She's just holding her action with a readied spell.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Floating above and watching the fight unfold, Sorogar narrows her eyes. Another group of enemies? Wolves? This was a really bad time for them to show up... "Movah. Can you talk to them?"

Meanwhile, Sorogar casts her final spell to prepare for the second fight againt the demons. Divine favor.

The spirit wolf materializes near Krokkin and calmly watches the fight. "You four, pups. My brood. Stop being fools, or die! The cat will rip each of you apart. Now LIE DOWN and speak. What pack do you belong to? How did you suffer? What keeps you trapped? And why fight alongside demons?" he asks, the last bit more growl than language.

The leader pulls back slightly and begins to speak with Movah, We conspire with demons so we can be returned to our home in the outer realms of hell. The portals we came through have now been destroyed and we cannot get back. We suffer in your place. It is to cold and bleak.
The other three hellhounds/wolves continue to circle Krokkkin.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek hearing the conversation sighs.

Shuffling forward, he moves towards Sorogar.......

"Got any more of that magic you could use to send them home?"

Round 2
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

trip attempt: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

The first sinks his teeth into Krokkin and jerks his head back ripping the leg out from under the barbarian.
The second lunges but misses as Krokkin falls.
The other two move in and bite Krokkin. They take chunks from his legs and arms with their teeth.
The "leader" stays back still watching but focused more on Movah and Sorogar.

delays action

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Not sure what damage was taken in those attacks

Krokkin howls as he falls, as the last two attacks are finishing he shrinks the Great sword and rolls into a crouching position and springs forward at the wolf that he thinks tripped him. He attempts to bury the dagger in the wolf but the creature dances to the side causing him to miss and bury the dagger in the ground

Great Sword attack (Regular) Skrinking stab expansion.


Attack1: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
damage2: 2d6 + 8 + 1d12 ⇒ (2, 6) + 8 + (9) = 25

Since the attack fails to hit he would not expand the sword

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.
Herkymr the Silly wrote:

The leader pulls back slightly and begins to speak with Movah, We conspire with demons so we can be returned to our home in the outer realms of hell. The portals we came through have now been destroyed and we cannot get back. We suffer in your place. It is to cold and bleak.

The other three hellhounds/wolves continue to circle Krokkkin.

Wait. So... these are the same invisible hellhounds? I thought they were another group/a pack of wolves?

Sorogar, seeing Krokkin go gown, grimaces and calls to the hounds herself. "I can still send you back. This I can promise, though it will take me a day to prepare. I have already done so once today, for someone else in your position. What I ask in return, is that you aid us against the demons hiding behind you."

After speaking, she flies nearer to Krokkin and channels healing energy over him and herself. She also heals any now injured hellhound on the ground about 20 feet below her. "A gift of healing, to show my sincerity. Now, stop fighting us, if you wish to return home!"

Sorogar would have taken the 15 damage Krokkin during the fight by now, so he heals for 15. She then channel heals him, herself and the hounds for...

channel energy: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 1) = 9

9. Not that much, but it's something, and might get them off our back.

Krokkin wrote:

Not sure what damage was taken in those attacks

Krokkin howls as he falls, as the last two attacks are finishing he shrinks the Great sword and rolls into a crouching position and springs forward at the wolf that he thinks tripped him. He attempts to bury the dagger in the wolf but the creature dances to the side causing him to miss and bury the dagger in the ground

Great Sword attack (Regular) Skrinking stab expansion.
** spoiler omitted **

Since the attack fails to hit he would not expand the sword

oops thought I rolled damage as well.

damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

We will not help but we will not hinder either. If you win you send us back or we fight to your death next time.The sitting hound states casually.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Quietly, from the bushes, Ohime whispers toward Sorogar.

"If we are going to let them live, then at least I believe them. These are hellhounds. They are bound to hell, not the abyss. Abyssal creatures are ruled by passions and their sins. It is what they are made of...sin. A succubus is a being of pure lust. Beings of Hell are bound by law instead. If they promise something, I'm more likely to believe their word than a succubus any day but I'd advise against any alliance, even short-lived. However, these are probably only with this succubus out of necessity and have little desire for world domination. She's the one we should worry about as demons only seek to consume and destroy. Her want with the portal is most definitely to bring others here, whereas these probably just want to return home. Whatever you do, don't anyone give any of them your name."

There is a clear animosity in her tone. It was a lesson taught to her by a wandering demonologist. His body was wracked with terrible scars from his studies of them, and every word he told her she has taken to heart. From what she's seen and heard, this succubus may even be internally injured from a rejection of her lustful advances. That is how connected they are to their sin. Despite this, in Ohime's mind, devils are just as bad, since they willingly seek out to act in sin and bind others to hell for evil. She'd rather them all die.

Seeing combat cease, her birdy will stop its singing, and once again, the meadow is quiet.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

"Their terms sounds better. We're drained somewhat from our last few battles." Brek pointed out.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin feels the healing pass thru his body as he pulls the dagger out of the ground, but is confused momentarily to see the prey was also healed. He prepares to launch again as he hears Sorogar from above him.

Krokkin stumbles as he looks up and sees her floating in the air.

wait, you can fly he says slowly. And you can talk to these beasts. You are full of surprises. He grins twirling the dagger and affects a nonchalant pose seemingly at ease in the middle of what to this point has been an effective kill circle.

After Brek finishes speaking Krokkin turns to the sitting hound.
You know, we are really your best bet for returning home right? A little well timed help might just guarantee your safe passage home. Seems that if you really want to go home you would do anything in your power to get there.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Stay in initiative.

The hellhounds pull back to the edges of the circle and begin to circle your party. They intentionally ignore where Ohime is knowing that she is the shadow one.

They come! the leader finally says after about 20 min.

You see the succubus come into the area riding a magnificent horse. By her side is a Nalfeshnee
walking next to her. It stands almost as tall as she does on a horse. When they see Krokkin, they draw up in their advance.

SHe whispers something to the bodyguard on her left. The Nalfeshnee grunts in disappointment and sits heavily where it is. The Succubus starts her horse forward again with her hands set in a gesture of peace.

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