Explorations of the New

Game Master Herkymr the Silly

Current initiative order


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Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek has no objection with the plan so far but he does have a few questions and so he asks them.

"I see not much demerit in this plan but I would like to know if we'll be gathering the camp to make such an announcement. If so With the usage of that scroll, I could make for an early detection as I explain the 'Plan' for bridges and boats. I'm not a talent for subterfuge though I'll try my best." he pauses

"Most important though, how long is the effect of such a scroll? I could also see invisible creatures if there's any lurking among the crowd given time to cast it."

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

If it works the way I think it does, you could use it to scan the crowd somewhere from the side and get the exact number of enemies before we start sifting through them, though I've usually head it rules that it's too inaccurate to pinpoint the actual targets.

Alternatively, we could use the scroll the first time Krokkin identifies a Rakshasha to be sure? Problem is that if the Rakshasha is aware before walking into the trap, he can mentally warn all the others and the trap fails.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Oh, oops. I seemingly posted the OOC discussion post in the gameplay thread, my apologies.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

A low growl is all the reply that Krokkin gives to Ohime. he listens to the shapeshifter working to conceal his relief at not having to actually figure out what to do with the stuff that he asked for.

bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 8

He follows at Sorogars request to the clearing and listens as she lays out the plan.

He finally responds after a few moments.

So I have to stand in one spot, smell each dirty unwashed thing here, and if I find one of the shifters, I have to let someone else have the glory of dispatching them. I guess this means that I will have to smell all of the animals as well.

He does not try to hide his disappointment.

He turns away as the grumbles. Fine, at least I caught the first one, this sucks.

The commander is amenable to the plan and soon as it organized to your qualifications. The main tent is set for the "sorting" and the camp is called to line up to come through. They are told simply that there will need to be barges, bridges, and guards. Your team has been assigned the task of deciding who goes where and he will observe.
Grendel has the Trollovs outside the second entrance waiting for you cue.

Is anyone using the scroll? If so whom?

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Seeing Krokkin dissatisfied with the plan and his role in it, Sorogar tries to hide her disappointment and amend things to better apply to his lust for glory. Even though, in her own estimation, he was the most important player. Before he can leave, she calls out to him.

"Krokkin. You can stab them too, if you want, and go along with Mosely. It would probably increase the chances of success of the plan. Two stabs to the back are better than one, after all," Sorogar says to him. "However, you need to wait until they are outside. Can you restrain yourself long enough for that? Personally, I trust you and believe that you can. But if my estimation is off and you don't, or if you give yourself away on the way there, they get their mental message through and the entire trap fails. So the question is: do you trust yourself to show restraint when it matters most and not strike until the exact moment you need to? The safety of the entire caravan depends on it."

Sorogar holds Krokkin's gaze and wait for his answer.

I originally wrote for both Krokkin and Mosely to go out and stab the things in the back together along with the Trollov ambush. I removed Krokkin from the original stabbing plan purely to give every party member a single unique function that Sorogar estimates is to their strengths. However, it does make sense for him to go as well, if he believes he can show restraint as noted above. Please don't take it personally? :)


Mosely returns from looking for some herbs for Sorogar and says, "So what'd I miss?"

This went really, really fast while I was at work.

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Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek is ready as the one to redirect attention....

The beginning to misdirection, Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Greeting each one, the bookish unassuming man begins.

"As you all know we have need to build bridges and barges in order to facilitate our travels and this is where we come in. My companions have noted whom among you is best suited for each job and have called you in here to allocate the roles to each of you. Once everything is done we will commence. I trust that you have no objection since this is an order from the commander as well. I hope that you'll all cooperate."

He then finishes his speech and beckons each participant forward and checks the nominal name roll before waiting for their allocation from Sorogar or his other companions as pre determined before.

There a bit of truth and lies mixed in along with suitable name dropping.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

@Mosely, short version of events:

Sorogar waited for you IC to discuss things so you know everything that happened. Basically, everyone interrogated the prisoner Rakshasha succesfully through a combination of diplomacy, minor torture, intimidation, and a charm monster wand. We learned that the prisoner thinks there are three more Rakshasha in the camp, but estimations put them between 20 and 30 from the earlier attack. So I'm not sure what that means. He said the three were from his tribe, so the others might be from other tribes? Or the numbers were inflated for some other reason. They can sense polymorphed beings and reach out to eachother telepathically, which is how they communicate.

The Rakshasha have also lived and controlled the ogre tribes to the north in secret for a very long time.

Based on this, I/Sorogar made a plan to catch the remaining rakshasha one by one in a trap. I can't abbreviate this rather elborate plan so I'd suggest reading the wall of text post here that goes through everything. I don't know how to link individual posts, but you can't miss it. It's the second one from the bottom at page 8 and significantly longer than the others. The preparation and camp announcement were just done by the camp and brek above, so we're at the very start of putting it into action.

Liking Ohime's suggestion, Sorogar uses the detect shapeshifting scroll somewhere out of vision range when the announcement begins, then walks into view of the gathered camp members while under the effects. She attemps to get an idea of how many shapeshifters are actually among the crowd while the minute lasts. After it's done, she leaves the open field and enters the screening tent from the normal/bridge back exit in an effort to lower suspicion.

the scroll s successful. YOu have about 10 minutes from its cast til it dies.Tell us what you initially see.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime will serve the contents of her mixture, putting people at ease, making them feel good. Her conversation at the onset is shy, but as people take their food and seem to enjoy it, some will even strike up conversation with her, thanking her for it.

"You're welcome. Enjoy. There is plenty more once we get you all sorted. Eat to your heart's content."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

The following is assuming I understand the post in the discussion thread correctly and the scroll effect lasts ten minutes. Is it up to me to determine how many Rakshasha I see and thus, how many are hidden, then? I don't understand how their number was estimated to be 20 to 30 in the main attack while our prisoner says 3. There's a factor of 10x difference. I guess I'll compromise? The effect of the scroll also varies on how many Hit Dies the targets have. I'll assume their highest/strongest one has least 5 but below 10 HD.

Sorogar waits for Krokkin's response and the team alters the final stage of the idea to where he and Mosely both go with the identified Rakshasha and both attack them alongside the Trollovs. Assuming he can compromise on acting as a team to take them down more quickly, of course.

Then, as Brek is doing the announcement, she waits for final confirmation from Ohime on the Cauldron being ready, reads the scroll and walks out.
In her hands, she holds a piece of parchment and an ink quill. Upon seeing the crowd, she stands still and concentrates. She makes vague counting handgestures to the crowd and pretents to count them and note the results on the paper as she does, which would hopefully not stand out too much from a distance.

At first, there was only a sensation of confirmation. A certainty that there were, in fact, shapeshifters in the crowd. But where? And how many? It was all so vague and slipping. There were too many people! How was she supposed to make sense of-

'No! Focus! You know how to do it. You have the instruction. The preparations are already made. All that's left is the execution! That you haven't done this before is just an excuse to give up and fail.'

Right. Her teacher was right. This was no different from any other task in basic training. It was no different from forcing positive energies from the spirit realm to heal wounds. You just has to bend it to your will...

She shook her head and narrowed her eyes. Vague red mist over the crowd. Similar, but different. How many?

She started walking, pretending to take notes. Focussing harder! One, two, three. Standing right next to eachother at the front, seemingly not alarmed. Two more near the center. A woman with a large spear and a man in a dress.

At least five then. So there was either at least one more tribe of Rakshasha in the camp or a second group of unknown shapeshifters among the crowd. Well wouldn't that complicate things...

It was too late either way. This second group would be dealt with just at the first. It was clear their intentions couldn't be good.

Six, seven, eight. Lumberjacks to the side, barely paying attention to brek.

Nine, ten. Two people looking at a map and talking to the person she recognized at the main engineer. So they were close to the man who would design and lead the construction of the bridge. If they weren't caught, many people would fall to their deaths.

Eleven. One of the other healers who seemed to be sharing some joke with the human warrior whose teeth she'd set back in a few days prior. They waved at her, and she waved back.

And then... one person to the side, near the cages. A hunter with a large bow. He was different. His aura wasn't just red, but vibrant blood-red, the colour only known for when blood squirted from a severed artery. Even looking at him was painfull to her sight. He turned to look at her, and she quickly turned away. Only at least half a minute later, she walked from the square without checking if anyone was watching her.

Re-entering the tent, she waits until the present screened person is away before briefly reporting to everyone inside. "There's twelve of them, I think, of varying strengths. One was different, wildly powerful. Dressed as a hunter with a large bow. Even looking at him made my head burst. The rest... they're all dressed as commoners, I couldn't get good looks at most of them in the crowd. Not without drawing attention. So... I guess it's up to you to pick them out, Krokkin."

Tired and anxious as to whether everything would work, she sits herself down on a chair to the side and waited. She did the best she could and it was mostly out of her hands now - unless it went wrong and a fight of some kind still broke out.

Detect Undead/Shapeshifter would require Sorogar to make a willsave to avoid being stunned if the target had too many HD's. I sort of played this up a bit in the description.

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World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin starts to enlarge himself at the indignence of the question Sorogar presents. He opens his mouth to speak and then a moment later seemingly deflates without saying a word. after another moment he answers her in a low strained voice

I suppose that if there are many enemies I may get exhausted with the rolling of the waves, riding the high to do the work and then the low that is to follow. As he continues you can see he is talking himself into his role. I will be the line of defense if Mosely fails, we cant have them come back thru the tent and into the crowd.

He takes the potion that Sorogar made and readys himself in the tent. As he hears Brek start speaking he downs the potion and begins to gag. The more of it that he swallowed the more he could begin to smell the scents of the people around him. A moment after he finishes the potion his mind shifts in a way that has only happened once before so long ago that he thought it a dream. His sense of smell was so heightened that his brain in order to compensate for the extra data begins processing the extra load with his eyes and mouth. He begins to see a rainbow of colors vaguely in front of him like a fine mist. His tongue starts to register tastes from sweet to salty, to sour and spicy as the waves of color pass over him.

His heart starts to beat faster as he feels the rise of panic. He closes his eyes and forces himself to breath in slow and measured breaths. He pulls the fur piece out of his pack and brings it to his nose. The scent that hits him smells of a mixture of mountain breeze, ogre's breath, campfire smoke, marjoram, and blood. He mentally removes the blood from the mix to form the scent profile in his head. As he breaths in again his tongue tastes of a bob white pheasant dropped in the dirt halfway thru cooking and then put back on the fire a little bit long. He opens his eyes and sees a deep royal purple mist eminating from the fur swatch.

His shock at the heightend scent quickly normalizes as Brek finishes speaking. He puts the flask away and stands beside a small table in the middle of the room.

It is time to start sending them in one at a time. he calls out to Brek

As the first person enters the tent and the canvas falls to cover the entrance Krokkin walks up making a show of checking the person over. Asking simple questions like the following,

Are you scared of high places?
Can you swim?
what tools are you proficient with?
Can you tie a clove hitch?
How about a Square or figure 8 lashing?

Trying his best to actually evaluate each person for their work detail. Then he asks for their name, writes it on a piece of paper he has at the desk and beside them places a B, R, or an Ra.

To those with a B or an R he directs them to his left to the waiting area for those he has passed as non shifters. To those with an Ra, I direct them out the other entrance where the trollov and Mosely are waiting. between each person Krokkin will a little bit of time so that it is not obvious that there is a larger gap between regular people and the shifter detections.

Scent1: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 8 = 20
Scent2: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 8 = 20
Scent3: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 8 = 30
Scent4: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 8 = 23
Scent5: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 8 = 22
Scent6: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 8 = 30
Scent7: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 8 = 37
Scent8: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 8 = 21
Scent9: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 8 = 24
Scent10: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 8 = 38
Scent11: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 8 = 28
Scent12: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 8 = 27
Scent13: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 8 = 35
Scent14: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 8 = 19
Scent15: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 8 = 22
Scent16: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 8 = 20
Scent17: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 8 = 33
Scent18: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 8 = 22
Scent19: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 8 = 33
Scent20: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 8 = 26
Scent21: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 8 = 29
Scent22: 1d20 + 10 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 8 = 32

Sorry this one is going to be a bit rough. I wrote the informational part of the post. In an order to try to be fair I have written down twice the number of scent rolls than people that Sorogar detected in her post. My thought was that each even numbered post would work for the shifters and the odd number posts would be for the regular people. I could not think of another way to build this in. I am not sure how else to play this out.

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As directed, Mosely waits for his vic- er, visitors.

Make a attack and damage role. DC 16

The groups is separated with no apparent issue. However when your group assembles outside with the "shifter" crew there are 2 missing. The others have been bound and gagged. Grendel states with some pride,DOn't worry about their telepathy, I have taken care to block it with a tincture of things us fey have used for such purposes. They can't talk mentally any more than they can physically right now. Unfortunately there some shifted and escaped before we could subdue them. How many did you say we should have in total?

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Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

In reconvening, she will seem saddened for a moment that their plan ultimately failed.

"We said twelve, but that is fine," she will respond to Grendel as she recovers from her despair. "They won't be infiltrating us anymore. Now that we have everyone's name and which team they were on, we are going to establish a secret sign with those who are still alive; as well as do roll call every morning. Anyone not on this roll call will be under heavy suspicion. Anyone under heavy suspicion will be required to give their sign, and if they fail, well..."

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

What do you mean escaped, back into the camp or out, Krokkin growls.

Krokkin cant help but be somewhat annoyed at the two escaping. With all that work he did but he doesn't say anything.

Instead he turns to the group in response to Ohime, I did my best to sort them for who was best suited for each crew. There are a few more than needed on the raft crew that we might want to move over to the bridge crew as we will need more workers there.

Grendel winces at the tone of Krokkin I am not sure where they are now. I do know they did not go back into camp during the time we tried to engage them. One of these she motions to the captured managed to say Bremilkan before another could bolt. Maybe that is their meeting place or some sort of code. I don't know it could be anything really but it seemed important or they wouldn't have said it. Her body language says that she is rather hurt by krokkin's comment.



Mithral shortsword attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Mithral shortsword damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

"So... two remain. That's good, I suppose."

Sorogar holds up her hand. "Peace, Krokkin. Grendel and her friends did great work. Everyone did. We managed to identify and then catch ten out of the twelve powerful shapeshifters, who had mental communication, without them noticing or losing anyone on our side in the process. That alone is an incredible achievement. Whatever fault there is for the remaining two escaping lies with me as the one who made the plan."

She then slowly sits herself down on the ground, heavily leaning on her rat-skull quarterstaff for support. "Maybe it will work out for the better this way... For now, the camp is safe. Ohime's suggestion to screen for their return is also a good one, and if they flee and tell their tribe, perhaps they will fear us and stay away. Grendel, thanks for your inassistance. You and your friends were invaluable..."

Even though Sorogar means what she says, it's clear from her body language and slightly slower and fainter method of speaking that the stress of making and executing this plan took a lot out of her. She's exhausted.

"What should we do with these prisoners, now that we have them...?" she still asks everyone.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

"I mirror Sorogar's sentiment. You all helped us immensely."

Ohime, sensing her new companion's stresses, rubs Sorogar's back with a gentle robed hand. As she does, she whispers her magical energies into the half-orc. In one hand, she produces a small lump of wax from a bag, which dissipates upon casting. From the robed hand that lightly massages her back, comes a mosaic of beautiful snakelike scales that, at first, seem almost like they would have been flower petals if not for their scale-like shimmer in the sun. Bare earthen tones, pretty pinks, and vivid blues spread over Sorogar's back like a stained-glass window. It seems to cover about a foot in every direction of where Ohime rubs on Sorogar's back and then fades as the spell finishes.

Although no-one else can likely hear it, there are the soft sounds of the sea in the ears of Sorogar. They are akin to that of the soft lapping of a river or like that of on a very relaxing beach. The sounds of waves are very soft. Sorogar is still able to hear everything everyone says, but hopefully, it puts her at peace as it would Ohime.
Casting Ghost Sound

"I imagine many of these are slaves, forced to fight us. I say let them go, as long as they never return to the tribe they were captured into. They may have been looking for freedom anyway. If they are particularly willing to leave the service of others, we could offer them amnesty under certain conditions. As for the others...I'm not sure."

"I am wondering if one of them who escaped was the one who bore the bow? He seemed strong to you?"

She wonders what her companions think of the others. Ohime would rather not kill them, but they might not have a choice.

"We should find out from them who or what this, "Bremilkan" is, or from him before we do anything" she will say as she gestures back toward the direction they are keeping the remaining prisoner in the cage.

Mosely Terrahap:
You are able to hit one as it begins to shift.It finishes the shift as it runs rapidly escapes. You see blood on about 6 inches of your sword. You are clearly able to see a Snake like head on the one who now carries your token of appreciation.

The two we don't see are the healer and the bowman.One of the trollovs whistles softly. There was one who attempted to change but couldn't because of our interference. He is here and his form is that of a shark.[/b] As you turn to the speaker you also notice Grendel holding a syringe spear.

She sees your gaze and smiles How else could I get our silencer in them so fast.We injected each as it came out of the tent. This was whether we knew they were shifters or not. Just a precaution we figured we could help with.Maybe one of the concoction makers could make a potion specific to the blood of these? we do have plenty of blood available after all.

She waits a brief moment to see if you respond and then turns to the trollovs and begins to speak in a musically soft sylvan

We did what was asked now we should leave. We have a means to track them now should they attempt the same of us. I just wish we had caught the one
mosely hit is said in common and then the conversation returns to
That one may have been the leader with how fast it shifted and how quick it was to resist our serum. Should we teach the comrades here our formula for silencing the mind? It isn't a closely held secret and they have shown great service.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek is pleases at the night's work but is also keen to start speaking to these prisoners.

His grasp of the language spoken by Grendel allows hims to hear her words but knowing that this was their secret, he doesn't interrupt. Letting them to a decision was better.

With a gesture he calls forth a swarm of fireflies that flickers and disappears off his hands as he looks at the assembled prisoners.
Cast Spark.
Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

"I hope your Evening would be pleasant so do Cooperate with us all of you. We have some questions." he smiles. That smile does not reach his eyes.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

"I could perhaps make something specific to their blood. What would you wish me to make?" "I hope they do not ask me to make a concoction that destroys these various species."

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Lulled by the calming sensations of the Ohime's spell and all too aware that it had been a long and trying day, Sorogar's nods along with the conversation slowly decrease in number, and she eventually falls asleep leaning against her quarterstaff. Even Brujah lets out a loud yawn of his own.

A few moments later, there are soft noises of half-orc snoring irregularly disturbing the conversation of what to do with the prisoners.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin moves to stand by Brek as the silent enforcer listening to the different conversations and watching the prisoners to make sure that none of them are working thru their bonds in secret. The shark form one has been rocking slightly from right to left. Out of nowhere Krokkin lunges over and drags him forward onto his stomach and checks his bonds. He ties a new set of ropes around the arms and then inspects the ground where he was sitting. He finds that there was a rock edge that the prisoner was using to try to help cut the bonds.

He checks another spot a few feet over and drags the prisoner over and puts it back in a sitting position.

Not all of them may be slaves, I am do not belive any of them are slaves. Whatever we do we need to keep them together and under constant guard until we can deal with them in a permanent way.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Krokkin moves to stand by Brek as the silent enforcer listening to the different conversations and watching the prisoners to make sure that none of them are working thru their bonds in secret. The shark form one has been rocking slightly from right to left. Out of nowhere Krokkin lunges over and drags him forward onto his stomach and checks his bonds. He ties a new set of ropes around the arms and then inspects the ground where he was sitting. He finds that there was a rock edge that the prisoner was using to try to help cut the bonds.

He checks another spot a few feet over and drags the prisoner over and puts it back in a sitting position.

Not all of them may be slaves, I am do not believe any of them are slaves. Whatever we do we need to keep them together and under constant guard until we can deal with them in a permanent way.

At that moment, Sorogar's translucent wolf companion stands up from besides her sleeping form and walks forward.

He then grins, displaying an impressive array of razor-sharp teeth. Well, probably - he was a ghost after all, and not quite as solidly formed as Brujah.

"Allow me to interfere for a moment, because I couldn't handle any more blatant ignorance in front of me. You see, there seems to be a large misconcenption you are all under," he says, striding over to the bound Rakshasha. "You should be honored. After all, I have no reason to help you unless my bound shaman asks me to do something, but I grant that this entire plot was amusing and that your teamwork resembled that of a pack. For a moment, anyway. But it was a start."

The wolf sits down in front of the Rakshasha Krokkin was just holding and calmly holds his glare. "See, there are no slaves among Rakshasha. There never have been, and there never will be. They operate by infiltrating a 'lesser tribe of creatures' and enslaving them to their will. Usually unknowingly. They can't all have a kitty's nose, after all. But I digress. A Rakshasha is always out to dominate all those not of their kind. It is in their nature. They are too proud to allow themselves to be submissive. It is true that there exist different forms of Rakshasha as you see before you, but they don't enslave eachother. That they are here means each has come of their own free will, seeking a chance to bind you to their bidding."

Having 'lectured' the group, he nods, probably to himself, and lazily walks back to his initial spot. "So now you know that there is no reason to grant any of them the benefit of doubt over 'being a slave'. Want my advice? Kill them. All of them. It's the only way to protect your pack. Taking all of them prisoner to trade them is too dangerous. They are insidious and inherently evil beings. If you set up a sign signal to keep them out, the more powerful ones will use magic to drain this knowledge from their victims or their corpses. Or torture it out of them. This only has to happen once for all of them to be sprung from their prison. Think anything would be left of your camp? Most of you together could barely beat one . How about thirteen at the same time?"

He lets the question hang in the air for a moment. "Unless you can plant your entire camp full of these Trollovs, you have no option. If you don't kill them, you will never be safe."

Above knowledge on 'Rakshasha slaves' was confirmed by Hark in the OOC thread. They don't exist and there seems to be a misconception about this topic. All these guys are pure Rakshasha and supposedly here of their own will. Figured I'd have some entity with this knowledge step in for a moment.

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime watches as Sorogar is so eased she falls asleep. "I am not intending this to happen. First with Krokkin, and second with her. I am not even utilizing sleeping venom..."

She lets her rest there and watches as Movah moves forward. To the Vishkanya, spirit beings are to be revered. His words, even if incorrect, are taken by her as proof positive that these should die.

"Very well," she will whisper to those nearby. She will not ask others to kill for her and will set out to work on doing the deed herself and any who would do so with her.

Grendel motions to Ohime..I have something that I think you will find useful. you realize that she has been writing while the discussion has went on. She hands Ohime a paper written in Sylvan. Sorry that I could not write this in the common tongue but here is the "recipe" used to create the mindblock. Mind you it is only for one dose and only lasts about an hour, which reminds me.. the potion will wear off these within a little less than an hour as well. Whatever you decide needs to take that into account. Grendel turns and in a strange sing song voice says something to the trollovs. They will help to take these to holding "cells" if you desire but it will need to be done quickly for we have business elsewhere this day as well or would you prefer they be killed and be done with?

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

"Although your dialect is unique, I can understand this written language."

Folding the paper up, she tucks it inside her robe.

"I feel we should follow the advice of the Spirit Wolf."

She, however, will wake Sorogar from her slumber. She is required to make this decision herself, as it was her plan.

"Wake up," she will call out to her. If she doesn't wake up, Ohime will utilize the same Ghost Sound spell to conform into a strange alarm sound to wake her up--similar to a clashing gong, but not so loud so as to truly frighten her or be oppressive. It just wouldn't be the calming sound of waves any longer. A moment later, she will explain the situation and let her decide as well.

IF there are no further questions or means of us assisting you then we will be on our way. YOu have crossed the majority of our lands and should be able to journey through the rest to the battlegrounds without complication from the fey. I have sent word a head as well about your travels. Grendel says rapidly. one of the trollovs speaks up in a rather high voice. IF you come back this way find us. We would have interest in knowing what you do and possibly trading. We are always on the lookout for Noqual and ironwood. Darkwood we have and can produce to some extent but not iron wood.


Mosely leaps to give chase, knowing that it's probably unwise to do so but that's what the plan calls for. (Note that Mosely has an alternative halfling trait that gives him a speed of 30'.) With his practiced tracking skills, following a fresh blood trail in the jungle is second nature.

You chase expecting to follow it into the jungle but instead it rounds the main tent and the blood trail disappears inside. You enter a few moments behind the snake rakshasa but upon entering are unable to find it. The Commander and 2-3 guards and the elvin advisor from previous engagements are the only ones in the tent. The blood trail disappears inside the door before passing one of the privacy curtains.

Krokkin @ the trap:
Krokkin, you see Mosley just as he leaves the vicinity of the trap running. He disappears around the corner of the tent.


Mosely follows the blood trail behind the privacy curtain, asking loudly, "Did anyone just come in here?"

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

Where is the little guy going in such a hurry?

Brek, we don't have time for questions, the plan was to kill them. That is what we need to do. They are contained, I will be back shortly.


With that he moves out of the trap area and begins to follow Mosely. Trying to stay about 20 feet behind him but close to things he can hide behind.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 (I am not sure if the other bonus is still active but if it is then add 8 to the roll)

stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Wait, the bit with Mosely and Krokkin is in the past, right, during the screening process? To see how their chase would go and if they'd learn anything chasing one of the targets who got away? Or am I mistaken?

Sorogar's dream is one of her earlier days as a shaman, where she just had to watch over the warrens and set the occasional tusk or tooth back in when the Growlings got into yet another fight. But it was good training in keeping order and getting people to listen to you.

The next moment, the arguing and fighting young orcs and half-orcs are replaced with Krokkins.

Then, the Krokkins all turn into Rakshasha who turn to look at her as one, an evil glint in their eyes.

She wakes with a gasp and a sense of urgency only to see Ohime, and listens to her explain everything. She throws a glare at her spirit wolf at the end.

"I... can't find a fault in his logic. It's distasteful, but I believe we don't have a choice. If you want to try interrogating any of them, Brek, be my guest. Otherwise, they're all yours, Krokkin. Or whoever wants to take this on themselves. Just try and make it quick."

I'm fine with fast forwarding the interrogation of some of these prisoners to move to their executions and the aftermath - the reactions of the camp and such. We've already had quite a few posts interrogating our previous prisoner and I don't think a repeat would add much, plus it would slow down the story.

Agreed. I will post some new info shortly that was achieved by interrogation and then about the execution.

You slow a bit after Mosely rounds the corner moving stealthily as you approach it so as to not give away your position. YOu come around the corner just in time to see Mosley step into the main tent. You can smell the scent of blood, Mosely, and a metallic something. They seem to blend and yet remain independent of each other. The blood seems a bit lesser in freshness than the other two.

Mosely and Krokkin:
No one that we saw specifically but we just had several camp aides leave as well so we weren't looking for anyone either. the guards state.

THe elvin advisor speaks up, I think there was an extra aide leave. SHe looked odd doubled over with a bundle on her back but I didn't have much time to ponder on it as we were in discussion as to how to handle the captured Rakshasas. He motions to the commander.

I think the best option is to hold a public execution. Maybe it will intimidate the remaining few to stay away or leave us alone. If we are all agreed, we will hold it at dusk. Tell the others whom are with the captives and bring cages and manacles for them.the weak voice of the commander says with some resignation.

Unless krokkin or mosely wants to do something more I will go ahead and fast forward us to the execution and information gathered

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• The mountains are about 2 weeks journey north west.
• There are 6 tribes of Rakshashas and most have a different head to separate tribes..ie: all shark head, jackal head etc.
• The tribes are beginning to gather ore and especially mithril to make weapons and armor.
• Many of the indigenous orcs have been forced into slavery.
• A small number of giants have allied themselves with the Rakshashas
• Rumored that several of the giants know that the rakshashas aren’t really ogres.
• Roughly 35 Genchtilians have been trained as mounts among the ogres.
• The “ogres’ are starting to breed the Genchtilians.

The camp gathers at dusk all realizing that this is something out of the ordinary when the commander requires all but those on guard duty to gather. Word has spread like wildfire about the capture of several of the camp followers whom are being held, rumor has it atleast, in cages in a tent.
Once the crowd has assembled each of the cages are brought forth.

By order if the commander, you have been sentenced to death for insubordination, espionage, and attempt to commit murder. Some of you were also implicit on the attack on the command structure of the camp and the attempt to free your fellow rakshasa. Execution will be carried out via beheading. the peal of the commanding officer reading the charges brings silence and then an almost audible intake of breath from the crowds.

Each of the creatures is brought forward and one by one they have their heads cut off. The crowd watches some with horror, some with looks of enjoyment, and many with nods of understanding. The carcasses are then dragged to a pile to the side of the encampment where they are set magically on fire to burn under the watchful eyes of a few of the camp wizards.

As the executions draw to a close, the party receives word that the captain would like to talk with them in the morning after all have rested.

Reporting to the command tent, you find the commander sitting up looking much better than the day before. Well done yesterday. I am impressed with how well our plan worked. I would like to give a small token of our thanks for your service. Each of you may choose a couple of things from amidst the gear the creatures left behind.
see discussion tab

I would like you to choose a small contingency of men to build a boat and explore the other side of the ravine while our engineers work on the option of a bridge. the commander continues. Would you be willing to take this task?

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

With Sorogar and all remaining party members weighing in, it seems they are of one mind. Ohime is still saddened that she cannot do anything to change them, but being realistic, she comes to terms with what must be done.

The remaining group of separated soldiers and people of the camp are all loyal to them, and now will receive her blessings as promised. Into the evening, they are free to have as much food as they wish. The pain of days on end of rations and the discomfort of the stomach is eased once and for all, and what wounds were upon them seem to fade as they proceed into the evening hours.

By that time, Ohime will listen to the executions, but will not watch them. Although she is nearby, she will be on her own with her head hung. It is impossible to know what she is feeling to those trying to observe her. That night, she goes to bed early and there is no celebration from her. Ohime will toss and turn, will sleep for a time, and then wake up. This will seem to repeat until the sun rises.

That morning, Ohime will seek her solitude and will bathe, brush her hair, and clean her clothing with magic before donning her robe once more. She will be ready to report before the commander on time.

"More than willing," she will respond, "Is your camp going to remain here in the meantime?"

We will travel northward to the place you have mentioned meets the battlegrounds. There we will set up a base til we can get things situated to cross.

Assuming no one has any objections to taking the task, we will move on.

It takes you about three weeks to get the bridge built even with the aid of magic. The simple actions of a moving camp now at rest are visible and the basics of life not accountable for in movement will now resume.

F F Half-Orc Life Shaman 9/L. Oracle 1. HP: 103/103. AC: 20, FF 20, T 12. Att: +9 vs ac (/w PA), 2d4+10(CI /magic, 18-20/x2). CMB: +11, CMD: 22. Saves: F+11, R+7, W+17. Perc. + 17, heal +27/31, init -1, Darkvision 60 ft. Buffs not included.

Sorogar watches the creatures die one by one and says a prayer to the soilmother and skyfather to take their remains. She was at least partially responsible for their deaths, but such was reality. Perfect solutions often didn't exist, and hard decisions had to be taken. That was what it meant to show leadership, her teacher would say.

She has no objections to the new assignment; in fact, she more or less expected it to be a direct order to their group anyway.

When the loot is distributed, she picks a mithral shortsword and a magical longbow that seems well-suited for someone with great strength. Almost immediately afterwards, she gifts the sword to Mosely and the bow to Krokkin. "Take these as a gift from me for your good work. I don't think anyone else of us can use them well, and neither can I. I'd rest easier knowing they were put to good use."

When the group leaves camp, she pauses briefly to see the decapitated heads of the rakshashas displayed on pikes at the exit. A grim reminder for anyone not to mess with the caravan. Unsure how she should feel, she looks away after a moment and heads for the river bank, where they'd cross over by boat.

Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

The interrogation and removal of foes.:

Brek had always shown himself to be an erudite scholar. A genial and soft spoken man.
However he did mention to his companions that he had being trained in less then savory ways in the orphanage he grew up in. The skills and methods he had learnt and hidden from the wide world above.

He showed it now.

He had the usage of flames at his fingertips. His flames could harm but they could also heal. He had no compunction in using those flames to gain the greatest amount of information from the prisoners. Having requested for the use of a couple of trollovs, Brek's method was simple having discovered that the Rakshashas were proud and thus he broke their pride.

He displayed how helpess they were by having the trollovs aid him in breaking the bones of a prisoner as he asked his questions. Slowly.
Then he healed them.
And rebroke their bones once more.
Repeated twice more and then selected another.

It didn't take long for such a brutal method to break the weaker willed of them into revealing the information.
He mocked them for staying in their disguised forms and still proclaimed their superiority. He pointed out their flaws in their plans and let them absorb it cleanly as he explained their end fates.

"You have killed and claimed yourself superior. Did you not expect that to kill and not have to suffer the consequences your destiny? You are wrong. You may make your uprising and dreams of conquest but for all of you.......it ends here. There is no going back. No succor or threats. Just an End."

With the distasteful job done, he submits all the information he has gotten and makes sure to heal most of the damage inflicted. With all that is done, he leaves.

Leaving them to ponder their impending doom.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Brek does not attend the Execution and when he rejoins the others, it seems that the gentle scholar is once more back. Receiving he orders, he doesn't say anything more except to nod towards Grendal.

"I am ready to continue our exploration."

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

Ohime will be slightly disturbed at the behavior of Brek's methods, but at the same time, their resistance and intent force that such methods are needed. Her own silvery tongue would be no use against them as they are in congress with each other. If she could isolate them, such as with the initial capture, she could perhaps work them to reveal more, but as it is, she lets him work.

Instead, she will focus on making some bolts and arrows laced with the poison that their fae friends gave her.

Alchemy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20


The group sets out on their expedition, and Ohime has packed for the trip. She is preceded by her bird, which scouts the region from above for obvious signs of dangers such as massive beasts, large groups of potential smaller threats, and unique hazards that Ohime and others may be heading towards (such as quicksand or a breeding area of snakes).

Taking 3 weeks to get the bridge built will offer them some time to scan the surrounding lands if they can get a boat built in a faster time. The engineers who are with them will be talked to openly by her, but only if they strike up the conversation. Most of the time, she will walk with the others who she has already begun to trust more.

World Map Male catfolk barbarian 10 || AC/Touch/FF 23/13/21 || hp 101/101 (10d12+32) || Damage Reduction 2 || Init +5 || STR/DEX/CON 20(+5)/16(+3)/14(+2) || Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 || Perception +14 || Acrobatics +3 || Stealth +8 || Rage Used Counter 0/24

I will relay the following information to Sorogar when I get back to the group and move on.


No one that we saw specifically but we just had several camp aides leave as well so we weren't looking for anyone either. the guards state.
THe elvin advisor speaks up, I think there was an extra aide leave. SHe looked odd doubled over with a bundle on her back but I didn't have much time to ponder on it as we were in discussion as to how to handle the captured Rakshasas. He motions to the commander.

I think the best option is to hold a public execution. Maybe it will intimidate the remaining few to stay away or leave us alone. If we are all agreed, we will hold it at dusk. Tell the others whom are with the captives and bring cages and manacles for them.the weak voice of the commander says with some resignation.

Krokkin grabs a set of chainmail and a bull strength potion. As he is on his way back to the tent Sorogar stops him and hands him the bow.

He stares at the bow for a couple of seconds before he can respond.

Thank you, I am honored that you would give me a gift when you were the one who worked so hard to protect us all.

He bows to her and then leaves.

Returning to the tent he places his Kikko Armor and shortbow back on the pile.

Commander, all of these spoils go to upgrade and outfit the camp should we need to defend ourselves further. In appreciation for allowing me to take items that would otherwise be used to defend us I donate my short bow and previous armor which are both in good repair.

With that he sets the items in the pile bows, and retreats from the tent after hearing the commanders response.

Krokkin quickly prepares himself and is ready to leave when the group does.

So I understand correctly, are we skipping the exploration that we do with the small group after building the boat? From what I understood the main group would build the bridge but we were to go on ahead and build a boat to cross and then explore? sorry getting a little confused as to what we are supposed to be doing now.

So I understand correctly, are we skipping the exploration that we do with the small group after building the boat? From what I understood the main group would build the bridge but we were to go on ahead and build a boat to cross and then explore? sorry...

Correct nothing going on with the exploration untilthe bridge gets built. You are welcome to write about the exploration during the three weeks but not necessary.

I'll post later today as well

Vishkanya Female HP: 93/93 | AC: 20 (T: 15, FF: 15) | Perc +18, Low-light | Init: +10 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (add +9 vs poison, add +2 vs fear) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft | Bardic Rounds 23/23 | Poison 4/4 | App +5 | Bl +18 | Crft +12 | Dipl +21 | D.D +16 | E.A +27 | H.A +18 | In +10 | KA, KE, KG, KL, KNa, KP +10 | KD, KH, KNo, KR +6 | Ling +5 | Perf +18 | SM +20 |SoH +12 | Spcft +8 | Stealth +10| UMD +10 |

If that is the case, Herk, Ohime will also do this:

During the time that the additional group is together, she will try to make friends with those engineers who had joined them. She will remain robed and masked unless prodded by those in the group. Subtly, she will try to ascertain as to whether any of them are from her hometown and would likely hate her if they knew who she was. If so, she hopes to change their mind so that one day she could be free of the robes, at least among them (although she doesn't make this desire evident). Ohime would seek to become great friends with them.

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
Diplomacy (Influence Attitude): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33 We may have some Ohime fanatics here...

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