I don't think it's just you Squirrel Ninja. At least I've found that when there is a new posting, so many people apply that there is high competition. In every case I've seen so far since I've applied for a game, the winner of the recruitment is typically someone who's been playing a long time and knows how to build a character to be the most efficient. I am an amateur who has mostly played in Homebrew games, and I'm probably an intermediately skilled character builder. I have never been in a high level actual campaign that wasn't homebrew, so the likelihood of me knowing how to build a great character for some of these games is slim, and thus are my chances of getting picked so I can improve on this site. I've been soaking up information though, and in the meantime I am paying attention to those mentioned boards and hopefully soon I'll get to get in on one. As for other locations of PbP or Pathfinder 1st ed games, I have not seen other places that appealed to me that are active, sorry. I wouldn't mind trying Discord. Isn't that a chat engine?
Thanks for the input guys. So here is how I see it working well. Naturally in a party you will have a spotter, or a mage scouting out the dungeon with magic eye spells/divination spells. Mark where enemies are and where they are not likely to be. Then from there, perform your ceremony before delving into the dungeon. When your time limit is up, you can always retreat to a safe spot that has been cleared out and have another ceremony. That is how I see it working in regards to combat. While people are looting bodies, you can be setting up tea on that altar to Asmodeus and using it as a table (do this at your own risk). In regards to skill challenges, that's a completely different story. If you are going to be going through a gauntlet and need some crazy skill checks all in a row and the bard can't follow...ceremony. As for saves, it is somewhat useful, but only in the case where you know what lies ahead of you. If you are summoning a planar beast and need to resist its temptations, have a ceremony and chat away. Again, having a spotter or magical diviner know there is a basilisk ahead can prep the fight beforehand. It seems useful to me for what little you give up. While bardic knowledge is powerful, I've rarely had need of the bonus you get from it when playing a bard. I usually just have someone make me a Saliharion and use my monster Charisma to know all. The armor is a hit, but I prefer miss chance anyway. You may be getting hit at lower levels, but typically I phase out armor completely on dex builds when it gets obscene anyways.
As Chell stated, your file doesn't exist, or isn't open to the public. If by AC, you mean, purely armor class, Chell's options are good.
Snake Style: Boost your Sense Motive!
Level 5:
Minimum 24AC (1rolled+23)
Maximum 43AC (20rolled+23) [+2 snake style + 5 ranks + 6 wisdom + 3 class bonus + 3 skill focus + 2 alertness + 2 suspicious trait + Roll] Uncanny Dodge or One Mind (Teamwork) feats help keep your readiness. Good perception and high Initiative also helps. A familiar, depending on the class can give you both alertness and a +4 initiative. As I stated, I'm not able to view it so that's the best advice I can give atm.
I know people have asked these things before or assumed much, but I can't seem to find much in way to answer my questions. Geisha Bard states:
Question 1::
This supernatural ceremony does not state what must happen during it, who must be there, or where it has to be in relevance to those people. Everything such as "Your party must be there" is assumption, correct?
Therefore, this ceremony could be done on behalf of the party by a hired geisha while they adventure as long as she considers them her allies? or The point of Bardic performance is to put forth some sound/inspiring word to cause an effect in regards to the world, yourself or people around you. Therefore, I would think the ceremony would naturally have to affect those who can hear/see the ceremony. I haven't found a masterpiece/song that works otherwise, and frankly, it makes sense given the flavor of the archetype. Question 2::
I have heard this supernatural ability read as the character or NPC having to put forth 4 rounds of bardic performance per person, or 4 rounds of bardic performance for each creature she considers her allies to be affected. Meaning 4 rounds total. I would lean more toward the later having seen some of the masterpieces and what they affect for 1 or 2 rounds of bardic performance. Question 3::
I am reading this Tea Ceremony as something that doesn't replace anything. Nor is there a level requirement. You do the Tea Ceremony, you get the benefits of one of these 4 performances for your group. Nowhere does it say that you must be X level to use the ceremony and have it affect someone with inspire competence or heroics. It is simply a ceremony and it adds strange bonuses.
or Is there some errata somewhere or some information that I'm missing? If it is the above version, it can be quite useful despite its 10minute cast time. It almost makes it worth it for the 4 rounds of bardic performance. What are your thoughts? Any advice or can you direct me to some good authentic information?
The Barbarian rage power states:
Spirit Totem, Lesser:
While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian. This slam attack is made using the barbarian’s full base attack bonus, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier. If I were to multiclass primarily into another class, does this power -only- take the BAB from Barbarian levels, or does it just include your BAB total and is saying "Barbarian" in generality?
I am confused by this spell. It says that it allows you to take the form of a fey, either small or medium in size. Despite this, every guide I see regarding the spell, lists out possible best choices, and then mentions getting attacks of these powerful fey. To me, it just seems like you get a +2 bonus to various stats dependent on the form you choose, you get the listed abilities if the creature has them, and then the listed weaknesses of the fey you chose.
If I were to begin play as a 1st level wizard, and lets say I pick up magic missile as one of my starting spells. If I happen to survive till level 2 and become a magus for instance, as a magus I get magic missile as well. So then would I have the potential for 1 level 1 magic missile spells + bonus spells for each class? If so, what is the effective caster level on Magic missile? Is it 2 or 1?
This is an old thread but I felt like weighing in. Instead of Rumple I decided to make a Mr. Gold. My opinion on this is that you do 1st level Lore Oracle with the Lame Curse and have him use a cane to get around. I made him Human with two Extra Revelation feats at 1st. This means at first he had Automatic Writing, Focused Trance, and Sidestep Secret. I will be multiclassing him with a dual blooded sorcerer with the Psionic Bloodline/Psychic Bloodline which are published by Paizo Fans Unlimited and Spes Magna Games, which are third party, so make sure you ask your GM if it's okay. PFS is of course out of the picture. The spells you get in your bloodlines fit very well with Mr. Gold and especially with the psychic bloodline your powers like precognition would be good. I focused on skills like diplomacy for gathering information and knowledge skills. The bloodlines can be found here.
I put as high of charisma as I could spare as well as intelligence with a minor in constitution. I didn't focus too much on dex or str as I didn't see him as much of a combatant. He more will be able to help them discern the weaknesses of creatures and cast spells from the back. I was considering eventually sending him in for mystic theurge. Also to ensure people take his deals he must have the knowledge that they need it as well the reputation for being able to get the job done. At higher levels he will have lesser geas/quest as well as it's higher leveled brother; but i would consider you make a spell from scratch called Contract. Contract
Those who break a contract on them by any means that would negate a curse, take 1d6 points of damage +1 / caster level and it is known by the caster. However he does not have the ability to know the location of the creature.
Quote: The spell isn't doing damage though. The spell conjures a dagger and the dagger is doing the damage in the same way that a Summon Monster spell doesn't do damage, but rather the creature it summons does damage. So you can't do persistent metamagic summon monster and have all the spell-like abilities of the creature be modified by the persistent metamagic. I would have to concur. Good point. |