Mystery (Nature) Each oracle draws upon a divine mystery to grant her spells and powers. This mystery also grants additional class skills and other special abilities.
Oracle's Curse (Elemental Imbalance-Earth)You wield an element’s might, but you are vulnerable to its opposite. If you select earth, you gain vulnerability to electricity, cannot benefit from any electricity resistance or immunity, and cannot cast spells with the air or electricity descriptors.
Bonded Mount You gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal mount. The creature must be one that you are capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence score of at least 6.
Natural Divination You can read the entrails of a freshly killed animal or humanoid to gain an insight bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on one saving throw. Alternatively, by observing and interpreting the flights of birds, you may apply a +10 competence bonus on any one skill check. Finally, by charting marks in dirt or stone, or observing the behavior of sand when thrown into the wind, you gain a +4 insight bonus on one initiative check. These bonuses must be used during the next 24 hours and you must declare you are using the bonus before the check or save is made. Making a natural divination takes 10 minutes. You may use natural divination (in any combination) once per day plus one additional time per day for every four oracle levels you have attained.
Nature's Whispers You have become so attuned to the whispers of the natural world, from the croaking of frogs to the groaning of great boulders, that your surroundings constantly keep you preternaturally aware of danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.
Speak with Animals (fox, falcon) Choose a specific kind of animal (eagle, fox, dog, and so on). You gain the ability to converse with that type of animal as if you were under the effects of speak with animal. You gain the ability to communicate with an additional kind of animal for every 3 oracle levels you have attained.
Ferretal (Daredevil)
Stats Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Armor)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
CMD 17 (21 vs trip)
Defensive Abilities Evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d6+2)(Trip)
CMB +7 (+8 with bite attack);
Link (Su) You can handle your animal companion as a free action or push it as a move action. Gain +4 circumstance bonus to Handle Animal checks made regarding your animal companion.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Artful Acrobat Gain half HD as a competence bonus on Acrobatics.